Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Apr 1919, p. 8

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p 8 - t | | i 1 | | CLASSIFIED ADS | Rates for classified THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS | { advertising in 10c per line first insertion in any paper. Scper line for eachsucceeding insertion | 16¢ per line first insertion in any two papers. 7 1-2¢ per line for each suc- | ceeding insertion. 20c per line first | insertion in three papers. 10c per line | Por each succeeding insertion. Mini- mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake Shore News must be at our office by Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly Talis and Glencoe News by Thursday n. @OUSEHOLD GOODS BEFORE BUYING AN ELECTRIC] vacuum cleaner see the three best vacuum cleaners made--Hoover, $47.50; Royal, $45; Eureka, $37.50; | try one; try all; easy payments. Pat- | terson Bros. 1522 Sherman avenue, | Evanston. LTG18-tfc TRADE IN YOUR OLD PIANO IF NOT | in use on a talking machine, sewing machine, eleetric washing machine, vacuum cleaner or cash. We give the best allowance. Patterson Bros. | 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston. LTG21-tfe FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE; ~ 60 inch round top; § feet extension; Jacobean oak; dark; in condition; $50.00. Mrs. Henry Mor- | ris, 7256 Bluff street, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 694. LTG-1te SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, | books and other household effects. | F. S. Capron, 314 Ridge avenue, Win- netka, Saturday. April 26, afternoon and evening, and Monday P. M. { Ls T6-1tc | FOR SALBE--HOUSEHOLD FURNIT- ure and piano; china and kitchen ware: must sell at once. 1012 Linden avenue. Phone Wil. 274. LTG24-1te FOR SALE--BROWN REED BABY bugzy; extra storm hood; $7.00. 916 Lin len avenue, Hubbard Woods. T6-1tc SALE--STEINWAY MAHOGANY piano. large living room chair, Wal- | nut chiffonier and Oak book case. W. MM. Wright, 545 Vernon avenue. Phone Glencoe 192. Gl4-1te | FOR SALE--HOT POINT PORTABLE electric sewing machine; has never | been used. Phone Winnetka 723. | el T6-1te | FOR SALE--CHEAP; A SMALL GAS] range; can be seen at 812 Ash street. excellent | FOR Phone Win. 825. - T6-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE FOR SIX rooms; cheap; will separate. 964 Wil- low street, Winnetka. T6-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DRESSER; 4-foot mahogany bed; 1 white ivory bed. 746 Foxdale avenue, Phone Win. 1184. Via T61te FOR SALE--FURNITURE; CEDAR chest, mirror, chairs, ete. 833 Cherry _Street. Phone Win. 514-R. Té-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE.855 SPRUCE street. Winnetka. Té6-1te AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE--1918 FORD SEDAN; IN excellent condition; demountable rims; electric starter, bumper, oilers, Dome light speedometer, tire rack, and extra tire, new rug and radiator; now in storage. R. D. Cunningham, Ford agent. Evanston. _LTGZ4-1tp WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--SMITH MOTOR Wheel; any cendition; must be cheap. Phone Wilmette 1940. L.23-2tc WANTED TO PURCHASE BABY CAR- riage; please state price and condi- tion. Mrs. Margaret M. Taylor, 6137 Kenwood avenue, Chicago. Ta-1tp] WANTED TO RENT l WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR lady, in vicinity of Ridge avenue. Address Talk C-149. T6-1tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR elderly woman; Winnetka preferred. Phone Win. 243. T6-1tc FOR RENT FOR sSRENT--NICELY FURN. ROOMS. 964 Willow street. T3-tfe FOR RENT--ONE LARGE FURNISH. | room. 932 Oak street. Phone Win. | 318. a T6-tfe | FOR RENT--SMALILL FLAT WITH bath and porch, $15. Call Win, 611. T6-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS; can be used for light housekeeping. Fhone Win. 513-W. Té-1tc FOR RENT---UNFURNISHED HOUSE, 783 Foxdale avenue, 8 year's lease, E porch; rent $50 rooms and sleeping per month. Apply to N. H. Blatchford Jr., at above address. T6-1te FOR RENT--FIRST FLAT; 6 ROOMS; hot water heat; 2 baths. Phone Win, 1 i224 Chicago avenue, Evanston, | ceased had slept through Evanston, | Thoughtlessly he 9 T6-1tc i HELP WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTED TO help with housework and take care of children. 145 Bertling lane; one block north of Indian Hill station. Phone Win. 1091. Té-1te WANTED--AN EXPER. OPERATOR in a beauty shop: also an apprent- ice. Apply at Wilmette Beauty Shop, 1200 Central avenue. LTG24-1tp WANTED--BOYS FOR LIGHT MANU- | | | | { 3 | facturing; must be over 16 years; | wages $10 to $12 per week: time and half for overtime. Apply, The | 721 Custer avenue, Ev- LTG24-1te BI-MONTH- Toy Tinkers, anston. WANTED--LAUNDRESS; ly; 2 in family. Address Winnetka | Talk B-112. T6-1tp WANTED--RELIABLE MAN TWO | days in week as houseman and for ontside work. 830 Mt. Pleasant | court. Phone Win. 39. 3 Té-1tc | SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE | aged woman as companion to elderly lady or to do upstairs work; good references. Phone Wilmette 733-M. LT24-1tp | LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR| dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. 'T29-tfc FOR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST | class positions call Winnetka Employ- | ment Agency 545 Provident avenue | Mrs. O. Spegel, Winnetka 1475. | Taoue MISCELLANEOUS | WE RI'Y ALI, KINDS OF JUNK, AND we pay the best prices. Papers, rags. iron, votues and all kinds of junk: LnlaA ran c. Alathae and shoes I. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Wil- mette. Telephone Wilmette 1150. LTG22-tfc CAPT. TAYLOR, CITED HERO, FALLS FROM TRAIN; COMING TO FORT SHERIDAN DIES IN AMBULANCE Captain Thorne Clarkson Taylor | has arrived in New York from over- 3 | seas and is in the Lafayette Red] William E. Merriman, 38 years ol fess Ad 2 he giayeats Red " ) ; died | to be sent to Fort Sheridan before Saturday evening in an ambulance | receiving his discharge. He is con- on the way to the Evanston hospital, { yalescing nicely and i in good "Oli after being fatally injured while] dition, Captain Taylor was with the getting off a moving train at Indian | gq Squadron, 1st Pursuit | Hill station. Group, and was Flight Commander. At the inquest held Monday at|He was with the Army of Occupation Hebblethwaite's undertaking rooms.fin Gerniany for a few weeks: when the testimony 'of "brakeman" Charles fie was taken ilt and sent to a Red Ray was to the effect that the de-| Cross hospital in France. Captain Taylor was cited for bravery when he brought down*his plane while in! flames, 3000 feet in the air, and won | the Croix de Guerre with palm. 43% INTEREST Aero where he intended to-leave the train and that he awoke just as the train was leaving the Indian Hill station. ran for the rear door of the rear coach. Ran From Train Lack of Training The brakeman and the conductor, = TLL LLLILS ILS IS SILLS S SS ALIS LSSLSLS SSIS SASS AL SASF SILLS A SSIS SSL SIAL SIS SAS SAIS SS LAA SSS SAHA LLL? . WITH UNSHEATHED SWCRD and the Liberty Loan 'her shield, Miss Columbia defies her foe. That good sword, never drawn except in the cause of freedom, justice and righte- ousness and never yet defeated, will not again be sheathed until right has triumphed. The Lib- erty Loan is your way of help- ing. Subscribe to a Liberty Bond to-day. Ask us about it. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 We close at 12:30 on Saturdays | | | saw the man fall as they boarded the Katherine's parents are trying to { | | ; ; i 5 train S23 immedigiely Signoiled he) teach her politeness, although she is | Te TN penn 2 8 y opped,. | iii A Tush- only four years old. As a result she |[ ' ed back to his. assistance .he. was) tohec Lies io Conse tl it : : . { watches opportunities to use *"'Scuse ||| Ww D ' A k Y D 0 Ww k found. uacoinsclovs Iving SEEst the me" and "Please." The other day she ||| €é von t $ ou fo 0 ur or Sracis: Ee yay " fen gi 1¢ WINZ| watched mother as she rocked her | i ar esnn aan ae on ih ihe care of | year-old brother. Finally the little | | We run a Real Market--a Service Market----where you get Quality. i a eT Called inl brother hiccoughed. Katherine wait- | | . . : phy ni q Wil i A «€VICK | ed expectantly but in vain. Finally [| We maintain a Good Delivery System. een ordered a am a 110.30 she could stand it no longer. "Mud- |} : \ rele cn Injury pt TS ous 12 der," she s%aid, indignantly, "Bub Our Telephone 1S always open to you. O ClOCK anf e. «1e S 4 Tore - A ar * o'clock while in the ambulance. He ought go he. sense enbughito. say Telephone your order and save your time. Cy a : . 2 f>cuse me. was suffering from severe scalp Sa RE aS i | . . : | ~ . . | wounds and it is thought he died| Tet us find joy in our work rather || WINNE i KA MARKE I A ES OR trom SA ol LR | than in the prospect of applause. |} 1.4 wenty Years ith oa | nh . Mr. Merriman had been. employed | . | 734 Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 920--921 for the past twenty years by the] Lo RT dS BA a PE RR ST TE RA J Chicago and Northwestern railroad | and recently had been promoted to! assistant chief clerk at the ticket| auditor's offices in Ravenswood. Dur- ; ing the afternoon he had been shop-! ping with Miss Agnes Airth, at whose | home he boarded. The evening of his death he had arranged to meet Philip Larkin, a fellow employe, at | the railroad station. Merriman was | a member of the Klks and was well know on the north shore where he lived all of his life. Three brothers and four sisters survive him. They are Clem, Thom- asfi and George Merriman of High- land Park; Mrs. Emory Shaft of Mil- 615 Davis St., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 & 9 Friday April 25 MARGUERITE CLARK in '"'Lets Elope" waukee., Mrs. Emma Fuerer, Racine, 7 Wis. Mrs. Julia White, Chicago, Kit Saturday April 26 | Mrs. Thomas Duffy, Deerfield. BRYANT WASHBURN 433% INTEREST * | -- # in "Something to Do" NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY NEXT WEEK Mon: and Tues, April 28 and 29 JB ELSIE FERGUSON| n "Eyes of the Soul" Adult On becoming an American, Bridges. European theories of the drama, Clark. Wednesday April 30 | | HOYBURRE AN AUTHORIZED AUTOMOBILE LOCK FREE The insurance companies are adding the price of a lock to your premium if you do not have one. Drive in now and save this money. We supply and install the best theft-proof lock for $16.39. Let us show you the latest Willys-knight and [Overland models. A Wh dm hefD alt aBiackNorthei Depot re til lS al! (TN Poems, essays, and letters, Kilmer: | i MARY MILES MINTER | in "The Intrusion of Isabel" x! And the Last Episode of Houdini And the First Episode of "The Carter Case" a Craig Kennedy Serial yes of Asia, Kipling. | Navigation, Jacoby. Studies in gardening, Brock. The garden bluebook, Holland. The well-considered garden, King. American and France, Palmer. Anthology of magazine verse for 1918. Braithwaite. With the help of God and a few marines, Catlin. Best short stories of 1918, O'Brien. The secret city, Walpole. Esmeralda, Putnam. The tin soldier, Bailey. The avalanche, Atherton. 1 The three strings, Lincoln. ! Richard Baldlock, Marshall. I's a B\ The light above the cross roads. ||| Rickard: Clutton Thursday May 1 DOROTHY DALTON in "The Home Breaker" Juvenile i Th e world book. O"Shae. 8 | The wonders of the jungle, Gosh. Philip Kent in the upper school, |} Hare. | The ransome of Red Chief and|} other O'Henry stories for boys, - O'Henry. | Stories of the Pilgrims, Pumphrey. Cinderalla's granddaughter, Gil- christ. Lafayette, we come! Holland. f Limpy-toes attic home, Leonard. The Spartan twins, Perkins. i | The boy's life of Theodore Roose- : velt, Hagedorn. . Ln, ames dg We offer a select line Artistic Judge of late model cars that : LE J are guaranteed. You A St. Louis judge has decided thot g a man's costume is not "unbecoming" ||, can save the first de- for a woman. That judge evidently preciation and purchase | a car practically new. has an artistic eye.--Detroit Free Press. Searchlight Strength . . g z Come in and inspect | There are some searchlights on the "our stock, or telephone | | British battleships that throw out a |} : light so strong and brilliant that a us and we will call for person 18 miles away could see per- you. fectly well to read the paper by it. | * Doctrine without deed is a withered || formula. Deed without doctrine is a ||| an F.S. JOHNSTON &CO. BUY--SECOND HAND 524 Davis street. VANTED TO clothes. Horsman, Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop postal | T.TG24-tfe || DEALER IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- | ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, |} Evanston, telephone Evanston 103 |] =! 514 Davis St., Evanston and 5512. LTG13-1Tte | | | | | | WANTED--PRIVATE INSTRUCTION ||| | in duties of 'socia) secretary, prefer- |}! Tele phone5712 | L ably from lady who is or has bee secretary to busy society woman. || ) J T6-1tp « Replies confidential. Address Talk B-110. Make your family .2 proud of their home i Your wife and children cannot ya % "take a pride in their home if ¢ the house is faded and weather- beaten. That means no-paint. And, for mansion or cottage, the best paint is The Guaranteed D EVOL Lead and Zinc Paint Fewer Gallons-- Wears Longer = ZA, We guarantee Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint to be absolutely pure. When you paint with Devoe you save paint-money--fewer gallons to buy; you save labor- money---fewergallonstospread; you get a better looking paint- job--pure paint; and it will be a longer time before you need another paint-job. Why have a shabby house any longer? It will cost you more to paint next year. Paint with Devoe mow and insure your home against decay. Stop, in to-day and let us give you a Devoe color card and a practical booklet-- 'Keep Ap- pearances Up and Expenses Down." E. B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware WINNETKA, ILLINOIS PAINT DEVOE PAINT

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