Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 May 1919, p. 4

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¥ a Yr Winnetka Weekly Talk| = 7 will be an evidence of good will be- tween the countries that will tell the | special needs. The meeting will ad- story of the new relation between the |iourn to an informal tea. Everyone 4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919 BC ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, IIL Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1921 Bditorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1920 Winnetka Office Telephone. Winn. 388 ) SUBSCRIPTION......... $1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, Ill Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless return postage is enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, llinois, as mail matter of the second elass. under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919 Beginning A New Era Plans are already well under way for the joint celebration of the land- ing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts, by the United States | and England, the British committee, under the chairmanship of the Duke The Cemetery Beautiful LANTED amidst nature's own beauty, man has created a beautiful park ceme- tery. The sunken gardens, the winding paths, and the imposing chapel makes this x spot a vision of beauty. It is indeed a fit- ting final resting place for our beloved ones. MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY and ANNEX @Qross Point Road and Harrison St., V5 Mile West of Evanston We want you to visit this cemetery. You will find it interesting and attractive. You should reserve for yourself a family lot--all lots in Memorial Park are FOR SALE--BARGAIN IN VACANT 5) fozt lot Scott Ave., Hubbard Woceds, north front, only $500.00. All improvements in street, sidewalk, etc. See us at once. WINNETKA RESIDENCE BARGAIN Well built, modern stucco home, 4 lovely bedrooms, hot water heat, best section of town. Owner must leave town. Price reduced for auick sale. Might consider renting on long term lease at $100.00 HILL & STONE WINNETKA 524 LINDEN ST. . JUST WEST OF DEPOT TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1544 sold with full perpetual care guaranteed. Suitable easy payments--no interest. Don't miss this opportunity. YOU ARE INVITED to call or write to the main office, 703 Mar ruette Bldg. ; and make appointment to have one of our representa- tives call for you in an automobile to take you to and from the cemetery. No obligation. Investigate NOW 1 Central Cemetery Company 703 Marquette Building, Dept. 8615 Chicago Our perpetual care funds are on deposit with the Trust Department of the Central Trust of Tilinois. of Connaught, being more active even red] than the American committee. Under the program being worked out there will be appropriate ceremonies at every place concerned with the com- ing of the Pilgrims to the stern and Parent-Teacher Activities | | : . . [an agtive part in helping to promote | and organize the library. rockbound shore of New England, including Leyden, Holland. Motion era of our early history will be shown, a portion of the program that would be amazing to the men and the | be elected afternoon, women who actually made that bit | Will be voted upon in articles IV and VII in the by-laws. After a short business meeting Mr. Charles W. € Washburne, the new superintendent come to America to take part in the| of Winnetka public schools, will celebration, and representative Am- | greet the association and then Miss of American and British history. Representative Englishmen will Garretson ericans will go to England. There} "0h The annual meeting of the Parent-| on Tuesday evening, May 20. . . . ~ . A . . . . pictures depicting the events of this Teacher association will be held in the Horace Mann school on Monday The officers for the coming year will children, emphasizing some of the The I'riendship Circle will give a aincing party at Community House n May 12, at 3:30 oclock Hl N. J. FELLOWS and two slight changes i REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested. | Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired will present the question work among our school Phone Room 3 two great members of the Anglo- Saxon race, a wonderful promise of the harmony that will mark the new era about to begin. is invited to attend this interesting Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. meeting. BIG TIRE SALE CONTINUES In spite of heavy sales made in the past week we still have tires of all sizes at remarkably low prices. We made a large purchase direct from the manufacturers, and are quoting figures much lower than you will find them anywhere else. ALL CF THE POPULAR SIZES AND MANY OUD SIZES WHICH YOU CAN BUY NO- WHERE ELSE ON THE NORTH SHORE Here Are a Few Prices Picked at Random: Wx 3 anaes $1250 32 x 31%, $1650 and....$17.50 3x4. eas 21.50 32x 4, 21.50 and.... 22.59 34 x 4, $23.50 and ...... $24.50 And All Other Sizes at Proportionately Low Prices If you are not in the market for a new tire, have your old tires retreaded by our "Live-Rubber," DRI-KURE process. J guaranteed for 3,577 miles. EVANSTON TIRE TREADING CO. The Tire Merchanls_of the North Store Phone Evanston 6537. 1613-1615 Sherman Ave., Evanston OPPOSITE CITY HALL Free Air Service by Double-Phase Automatic Pump The Parent-Teacher association 4 co-operating with other Village of- : : ficers in observing Health Promo-| When America ; and the Mother tion Week ~ which has' been set Country can unite in celebration of | throughout Illinois for the week be- those events that developed because | ginning May 11. On May 12 Mis: . : A 3 Roan thet hs, of the oppression which the govern-| Garretson will fim Fae geivan 2 : question of the school children : men f England wished to impose] 3 ; ; : tent of Eng : 2? : Po the meeting of the P. T. A. On Tues- upon the colonists in America, wel day morning, May 13, Mrs. Ira Couaci see, not how far America has pro-| Wood, (child welfare chairman), w gressed towards a complete forget- [address all of the school children. fulness of injury sustained at the rb ia poe ; : : The Parent-Teacher association ii hand of the oppressor, but how far conjunction with the Board of Edu- England has traveled on the road|cation, the Winnetka Woman's club, that leads to a purely democratic |and Community House gave a de Pte (3s ichtf sception. at . rr system of government.. No English- lightiul reception at _ Community ; ) House Wednesday, May 7, for Super- man of today intendent and Mrs. Charles W. Wash- il blames the early C colonists for rebellion against thelburne. tyranny of the English crown. They -- = ' ret There 1 Fe another "Canisitinis and we are much too nearly relate The e will be anotuer "Cominunity : | Fil ok Sing" at the Greeley school Monday a ¢ erty now make : J in a love ot liberty r WwW to evening, May 19. possible any such consideration: Be We may yet live to see a joint 'the children of the Fourth grade the Greeley school wil give thei American and British' celebration of aT y SC W 21V ¢ y, "The Wishing Well," in the Independence Day. Much stranger : Za) 3 ;reeley school hall on yednesuay things have happened in the last five May 14, at 3 o'clock and on Thurs lay, May 15, at 4 o'clock. The tickets years. cents for children and 10 cent Physician Resumes Practice for adults. iheiproceeds will got ---- the Jolly Tar. STEPHENS "42° Major Blatchford has been honor- is ably discharged from the army and The Children's Reference and Loan has returned to his home in Winnet- [library at the Skokie school is pro- ka and resumed his medical practice. | yi essing. ithe mothers are taking ET LL 2 ld Rd ed dd 2 2 Zari Zr The Policy of the "Uncluttered Shelf" "There's a satisfaction in dealing with a grocer who has eliminated the "doubtful" brands from his store. 2 ELLs 3 a You can pick up your phone and say "Send me up a can of vegetable That is salient which soup and a can of peas," and then { ret it. -You know that ®they'll be ingly manifest or just what you want. We don't carry anything we can't recommend. v h catches the atten- : pe Our service consists, among ot * things, in testing thoroughly the tion at once." --Webster various food products on the 1 et, old and new alike, and then selecting only what we are will Take the case of RYZON. The fect Baking Powder. Knowing the General Chemical Company, we knew that any baking powder they would market must be of unusual qualits, so we tried it and the RYZON baking Book too. to use ourselves. We found we could do things with b could be done. Could make boiled dumplir that you'd never knoy were boiled; make batter one day and use it the next--in fact we found RYZON to be thoroughly economical, always uniform and the RYZON recipes of untold value. r powder we never knew RRYZON is 40c per pound and worth more--the RYZON Baking Book of 200 tested recipes is 30c. Ask us about them when you call. ROAST OF BEEF, Ib. . . . 38¢ POT ROAST, Ib. v=... . . 30c Winnetka Co-Operative Co. 722 Elm Street, Winnetka Telephones 51 and 52 77 Ez 2 ra aE Lz iad, \ a di addr Zr iad Zaddiiiiiddddadddddd ded dd ddd ddd ddd ddd dd dd dd ddd ddd da ddl dd ide Vee <a -- I - Immediate delivery Guaranteed. Your present car taken in ¢ trade at liberal allowance. Demonstration at your convenience GENERAL MOTORS of ILLINOIS wcorroraten 1019 Davis St, Evanston. Telephones Evanston 578--579 PASSING glance reveals the quc'ities that have established this car at the fore-front of automobile favor--style, finish and per- formance. Style: Its lines are boldly original, yet tempered by a conservatism that makes it ideal as a family conveyance. Finish is apparent in the mirror like perfection of the painting and every detail of the fitments, all of which proclaim care and attention to the utmost degree. : The perfected over-head valve engine insures high operating economy, with maximum power an flexibility. The Stephens engine is especially con- structed to burn low grades of gasoline, heating sad drying the gas before passing it to the firing chambers. Numerous other refinements and im- provements endow it with a performance that is a real revelation" in regard to smoothness, silence, . lack of vibration, speed, power and economy. : | You will profit by owning a Stephens Salient Six. We gladly give a convincing demonstration &t your pleasure. = EE AREER ERERRERERARTAMAD DA ARARLE -- SEARLE LR ERRRLERRAR -- BE a ed

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