| ¥ $ nah. Sabu ot rt WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1921 Editorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 192 Winnetka Office Telephone. . Winn. 388 SUBSCRIPTION......... $1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance on a i -- Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, IIL Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless return postage is. enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, Nlinois, as mail matter of the second elass. under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAY 16, Mothers' Day 1919 Sunday was Mothers' Day. The little posy for the buttonhole soared in price; there was a disposition to consider for a moment the debt that grown man or woman should ac- knowledge to the mother who watch- ed over the early childhood days, who sacrificed and loved and had that faith in achievement that helped to bring success. By evening the posy had withered, the thought had turned again from the Mother, who in the morning was honored, and today the world wags on without any particular considera- tion of mothers, individually or in general. We are no more interested than we were last week in making the working world a place where a] mother may earn a living for her-| self and her children when that nec- | essity confronts her, without so im- | pairing her health and strength that | she is unfit for the tasks incidental to the proper rearing of her child- | ren. We are acknowledging today, | in a tacit but eloquent way, that' there was little behind the senti-, ment of Mothers' Day more than the | falling in with a that is] easier to follow than to oppose. Mothers' Day might and should be made to stand for more than it does. | It could be made a day in which the | attention of the general public should be directed to the motherhood among those to whom it | has not been made easy by fortunate! circumstances. We might upon that one day of the year permit ourselves, to deal honestly with the matter of , motherhood, free ourselves from that | easy sentimentality that is satisfied with a carnation in the buttonhole, | perhaps a letter written after a long interval of silence and a little pious expression of appreciation of one' Mother in particular,in behalf of that great army of Mothers who by the most persistent sort of struggle only! are able to keep together the children of the family and provide for them the bare necessities for life. We shall have no true Mothers' Day so long as it remains an occasion of display instead bf activity. Who- ever is not seeking, in whatever way it is within his power to serve, the establishment of a condition in which children everywhere may enjoy the care that a proper Mother gives her custom difficulties of | i family, free from the strain of in- dustrial demands because of the necessity for her te be both mother and breadwinner, is not generally convinced of the sacredness of Motherhood. The Future of English and American Speech We have all met, and smiled at, the young man returning after a sojourn | of a few months in England or of | Moves to Benton Harbor -- Mrs. William LL. Adams left this week for Benton Harbor, Michigan, where she will make her future home. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Glore, 187 Ridge avenue, moved to 654 Cherry street, May 1. The A. M. Redfield family of 564 Maple avenue, have moved to 696 Pine street. association with English men in the | who embellishes his native | American speech with colloquialisms | and even, to some extent, with the | accent of the Briton. We consider it | an affectation which can safely be] service, left to his future associates for cure. But from this evidence of a recog- | | nition of the difference in the English tongue as spoken by | the Englishman and ' by the | American there has arisen con- | siderable discussion as to the future of the language. Are Briton and | American finally to speak different | languages or are the English to adopt | our manner of speech or we theirs? | There are in England those who fear | one eventuality or the other, and | those in America who look, but with | equanimity, to a future in which an interpreter will be necessary between the American and the Englishman. Both groups are, unless the present signs fail, unduly disturbed by these minor differences of idiom and ac- cent, for they are failing to take into | account the greatest factor in the matter. They forget that the develop- | ment of the interest be- tween America and England through a common danger, now happily pass- ed, has brought about a new under- standing between us and our cousins common across the water which will certain- | ly develop into a closer intercourse | and a fuller acquaintance in the fut-| More quent meetings and closer ure of the two nations. fre- | business | association will tend to keep us and - them developing along the same line. We will be brought closer and closer 7 Perl WILMETTE Mon. and Tues., May 19 and 20 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 Tuesday, Matinee 3:30 ENID BENNETT in "The Law of Men" EXTRA--...... PATHE NEWS EXTRA--CHRISTIE COMEDY Wed. and Thurs., May 21 and 22 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 "The Better Ole" Captain Bruce Bairnsfather's Famous Comedy EXTRA--LATEST HAROLD' LLOYD SCREAM EXTRA -- ......i.... TRAVEL Fri. and Sat, May 23 and 24 Evenings 7:00. 8:20 and 9:30 Saturday, Matinee 3:30 Charles Ray 1 i i in "Greased Lightning' SPEEDY HIT EXTRA -- ....PATHE NEWS ' together, not only in language but in The ten- | now on, there | should be some great new influence | brought to bear upon the "relations | between the two nations, will be to- | wards closer union and greater sim- | We truth, to speak one tongue, and that free national ideals and policies. dency from unless learn 1 ilarity. shall, in from those differences which are now | so conspicuous a part of our like- nesses. DR. JAY L. McCORMICK NOW WILMETTE RESIDENT | | | | | | | Dr. and Mrs. Jay L. McCormick of Chicago have occupied the residence at 1119 Lake avenue and will make their permanent home in Wilmette. Dr. McCormick is a widely known dentist of the north shore. His offices are located in Evanston, where he has practiced for several years. He is a graduate of the Northwestern . University Dental College. Neighborhood Club Dance The Neighborhood club of Win- netka will give a dance on Tuesday evening, May 20, at Community House. A nominal admission will be charged. Good music by the Triangle orchestra is promised. All residents are welcome.. : 7 Do: you have to take valuable We make it our business to re With our experience it is easy test it. RYZON is an example of this. After testing it we knew. baking. You know beforehand jus cake, flaky pastry, delicious, digest pound interested in. al cost was $1.00 Leg of Lamb, Wb. ............ Roast Beef, 1b, 0.000. oo Winnetka Co- 722 Elm Street, Winnetka LLL LLL LLL LLL TTT 7 PET Td ZT dd dd ZZ dd ZZ Zr 2772 72, & iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiit dd rr + Are You Serving Your Grocer : or is he serving you? 'market, yourself or can you rely upon your grocer to see that you get .100% satisfaction in merchandise and service? some details connected with the purchasing of groceries. products the market affords--the most economical and efficient. We know just why we recommend each thing we sell because we personally as "The Perfect Baking Powder'--we RYZON introduced a new baking era. and the RYZON Baking Book is something you'll be more than It contain 200 tested recipes--edited by Marion Harris Neil. ask how to get one for 30c. MEATS TALIS IIS LIL ISS LIS SIS SILL SSIS LSS S LILI SIS S SILLS SSL SLI SSIS S ILLIA IASI ALA SIAL FS HAS AA A AA AAA AA AAA AAA ) i time and considerable trouble to lieve our customers of all trouble- for us to select the purest food When RYZON first became known determined to find out why. It took the "guess" out of t what your results will be--light ible hot breads! RYZON is 40c per Origin- Operative Co. Telephones 51 and 52 ALLIS LL LS LALLA LSS ISIS SS SLL S SSSI LISSA SSIS SSIS SSL SAS SSSA SSSI LSS SSIS SILLS SS LASS S LISS SSIS SIS 1S 117 "Our Boss" the satisfied customer We are always anxious ta save money for our customers by showing them how to get more years of wear from their paint jobs. That's why we always recommend The Guaranteed DEVOE Lead and Zinc Paint Fewer Gallons--Wears Longer It contains no whiting, silica, china clay or other such stuff. It is made of the same pure ingredients that the old-time paintes used: Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Pure Linseed Oil, and nothing else. Devoe is mixed by machinery, 1000 gallons at a time. That makes it absolutely uniform in strength, color and covering capacity--always takes fewer gallons, too. Let us show you the real economy of paing ing Devoe paint. Will be glad to send you copy of the practical booklet--*'Keep Appearances Up and Expenses Do .>° E.B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware LINOIS WINNETKA, STEPHENS Sais STATES "That is salient which is strikingly nanifest or which catches the atten- tion at once." Webster Moline Piow Co. Stephen: Moior Works Moline, illinois il UJ fill 7] GEZNZRAL MDOTORS OF ILLINOIS (N»st Inzorosratzd) 1019 Davis Street, Evanston VT 0 Se RRS UE to its perfected over-head valve engine, the Stephens Salient Six occupies a unique position among fine cars with respect to operating economy. Using the same fuel, it shows a substantial increase in mileage, and in addition it runs perfectly on grades of gasoline that would choke the ordinary engine. The intake manifold of the engine is above the firing chambers, where it is constantly surrounded by heat. In addition the exhaust from the two central cylinders against the wall of the manifold forms a hot spot directly in the path of the in-rushing gases. The gas strikes the hot spot, becoming completely vaporized, and courses through the heat surrounded manifold in the form of a dry gas that is totally burned, without waste. Perfect balance of chassis and light weight further contribute to operating economy -- which means more miles per gallon of gas and reduced wear on tires. For superior performance and economy the Stephens is supreme. Proof at your pleasure. SCARCE ARITA Telephones, Evanston 578-579 ~ cn --NT e TF - . " pr ------] A ee