i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1919 Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, Jr, announce the birth of a son on May 6. They have recently moved into their new home on Auburn street. ee tf ee Mrs. Frederick Copeland, 665 Pros- pect avenue, left Wednesday even- ing for a fortnight's visit in New York. 3nocial Happening 2h on \ (the . North Shore J | Hill road, will return today from a | by Ruth Risley : week's visit in New York. CHARITY BRIDGE PARTY will be held next Tuesday, May ee 27, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Douglas Smith in IMPORTANT NOTICE Don't Forget | The oi fashioned Food and Garden Sale All Day | Saturday, May 31st, on the Rectory Lawn, Oak | and Linden Streets, Winnetka. | Delicious Food ) Cakes made from real butter, real eggs, real flour. Bread { and Rolls. Ice Cream Cones and Candies. Delicious Cooked Meats. Jelly, Jam and Pickles. Garden and potted Plants. send their names and addresses to Don't Forget the Date and Place the father, Waiter E. Shcemaker, 188 p Myrtle avenue, Winnetka, Tllinois. | Ady. T-C. ; 1 RA A, Mrs. John Nash Ott of 4 Indian | a Hubbard Woods. The proceeds will go towards the purchase of a building of the North avenue Day Nursery in Chicago. . Tables for bridge may be reserved by phoning Winnetka 59. Tea without bridge will be served. Everyone is welcome. The pat- ronesses include Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. Hermon Butler, Mrs. Fred- «erick Scott, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. Aydes Boal, Mrs. Arthur Cable, Mrs. Francis Butler, Mrs. Donald McPherson, Mrs. Edward Ellis and Mrs. James Houghteling. HE, OPENING DAY for Women's Events at the Indian Hill Golf club will occur on next Wednesday, May 28. Plans for an excellent day are in the making, including a foursome, in Will the two ladies or any other persons who saw Everett Shoemaker, a little boy run over by an automo. bile truck at Wilson avenue and | Sunset road, Winnetka, the after-| noon of November 9, 1917, about 4:30, | Be Ready I am whispering in your ear. for the morning, followed by luncheon at 1 o'clock, and cards in the afternoon. All members of the club are urged to participate in this opening day of events. Mrs. Hathaway Watson, and her commit- tee, including Mrs. Charles A. Klotz, Mrs. Howard O'Brien, Mrs. F.C. Lett, Jr., and Mrs. Grant Ridgeway, are in charge of the sports and pastimes events for the season. Miss Josephine Landon is chairman of the committee on cards. HE WOMAN'S GUILD of Christ church will hold an old- T fashioned food and garden sale all day Saturday, May 31, on the rectory lawn, corner of Oak and Linden streets. ' Mrs. Frank Fulton is general chairman of the affair and will be assisted by Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Lawrence Howe, Mrs. E. A. Ger- hardt, Mrs. Percy Davis, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. E. N. Weart, Mrs. H. H. Barnum, Miss Harriot Houghteling; Mrs. J. Eager Lloyd, Mrs. Richard Walsh, Mrs. John Warmington, Mrs. James Prindi- ville, and Mrs. Paul Williams. @- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 988 Elm street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Evaline, to Mr. Edward A. Biery of Wheeling, West Virginia. Miss Lieber is a graduate of the University of Illinois in the class of 1918, and a member of the Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Biery recently received his discharge from the army, where he served as a first lieutenant at Camp Sherman, 'Ohio. No definite date has been set for the wedding, although it will probably take place in the fall. & Vv Announcement is made of the marriage, Wednesday, May 14, of Miss Dorothy Wornall Rowntree, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowntree of Kenilworth, to Duncan Arthur Talbot of Ev- anston. The wedding took place at the residence of the bride's par- ents, the Reverend James M. Stifler of the Evanston Baptist church | officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot will reside in Rahway, NT: The East Willow street Circle met| The Woman's Christian Temper- with Mrs. William Forrest on Tues-| ance Union met with Mrs. W. §S. day with an attendance of 35 mem-| Hamm of Hubbard Woods on Mon- bers. A reception was given to four | day. Reports were given mothers, representing. seven sons "from this small section: Mrs. Harry | avenue Methodist church on April the spring is here--as Madame Nat- ure to yourself be sure--hefore you make a summer tour: take care of your coiffure--its important--I can curl your hair $o it stays permanent. Satisfaction guaranteed at moderate price. Delebecque, 747 Fim street; Winnetka. Telephone' Winnetka 822. WHEN IN THE LOOP Why not take Luncheon or at the GINGHAM TEA SHOP 110 South Wabash Avenue 2nd Floor Near Monroe STRICTLY HOME COOKING Table d'Hote Supper 350c¢ Klecie H. Brooks Mabel H. Kennedy Supper J LO ETT TTT - Beautiful Petunias !! Rosy Morn, Ruffled Giants, fringed and'double. Also fine Vinca, Cobea, and other vines. V| All kinds of Geraniums,Dais- ! | ies, fine bushy Sawias. Hardy plants and many others at reasonable prices. LIER RELL TU TTR HTH EER ERR PETER MER TD REARS RE of the! Spring Institute.held in the Western | I. Orwig, whose son, Raymond, was present, gave an interesting account of his experiences at the front; Douglas Orwig has not yet returned; Mrs. Abbie Bohnen, whose sons, Os- wald and Harold, have returned, ex- hibited German helmets, bullets, shells and gas masks. Mrs. Herman Meyers, whose son, Forrest, has re- turned, also, and Mrs. Charles N. Strotz, whose sons, Sidney and Har- old, have returned. Beautiful bas- kets of flowers and candy were pre- sented to the mothers by Mary and Margaret, Helen and Allen Stults. / Jean Forrest, Betty Jane Gates and! "The 'children sang "The Rolling of Caisson." Mrs. Guy Windes rendered several solos and all joined in the, Flags were, singing of "America." : displayed last week on East Willow 23, by Mrs. J. .C.. Drake and Mrs. G. C. Hughes. Five delegates represent- ed the union. Committee reported progress on plans for a June lunch- eon and food sale ip aid of the great temperance drive now on. A reception to "Mothers of Heroes" in the union was given and congratulations that no fatalities occurred in this group. Mrs. Isabel G. Moody's sons, William and Eugene, Mrs. Ira Sipes' sons, William and Elvin, and Mrs. Hup- ton's son George, are still retained in the service, bnt are expected home soon. A box of candy and flowers were presented to each mother. tf Madame Eda Goedecke will present her pupils in recital at the Wilmette Woman's club next Tuesday even- ing, May 27. Among those who will street, in honor ofthe boys' return. participate in the program are Mary Lieutenant Charles H. Poole, son Laues, Blanche Forth, Helen Hall Dorothy Bryant, Jane Cornell, Me- GREENWOOD NURSERY 284 South Greenwood Ave. i Telephone Glencoe 155 | GLENCOE ILLINOIS Promptly and Satisfactorily That is what one of our cus- tomers wrote us in regard to service recently rendered him. Could there be any more forcible words used in relation to | Build Your Own Home We have some very attractive things to offer in the way of choice vacant property. Select your lot of us and we will see that you get good value in the building you want. Our connections with reliable builders will be of value to you. If you are interested in building get in touch with us. HILL & STONE Real Estate WINNETKA 524 LINDEN ST. JUST WEST OF DEPOT TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1544 N ZZ ZZ dria iiiriaiiiiiiiiiiiairiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiis GET THE SAVING HABIT and thus insure yourself com- fort and independence. Start an account here and add to it regularly. It is the man who saves regularly who is surest of success. Don't wait till you have what you call a "respect- able" sum to begin with. While waiting you will be losing the interest your money should be earning. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK We close at 12:20 on Saturdays CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 189% \ N N N \ N SILI IPI IIIA IAAI IAA IISA IIIA IIIA IOLA IIIA, Qo 1] 0 Q-U-A.L.1-T-Y WHICH IS THE BETTER INVESTMENT? To buy one dozen eggs for 49 cents and throw away two of them or buy them for 54 cents and have them ALL TOIORSSS osx Battery Service? fool? This applies to all merchandise. A poor article bought cheap is wasteful economy but a good article bought at the right price is GOOD economy. of Mrs. C. Clarence Poole, of Ev-{dora Bright, Mary Lowell, Eleanor anston, formerly of Winnetka, has Kenyon, Audrey Bauer, Margaret received his honorable discharge Rennett, Ruth Bower, Evelyn from the army. He was commission-| Humphrey, Pauline Pettibone, Ethel ed at the second officers': training Flentye, Marion Osten of Winnet- Our facilities are unsurpass- ed in Chicago or elsewhere 101 0------JomIor--------o0=a°" camp at Fort Sheridan and sailed for France in December, 1917. Poole was attached to the 58th coast artillery and was an instructor in the artillery school until the regiment was order- ed to the front. His battery was in action until November 11. Lieutenant Poole and his wife re- side in Winnetka. Another son of Mrs. Poole, Clar- ence F., has also received his dis- charge from the quartermaster's de- partment. He will remain perma- nently in Washington, D. C. ---- J. Allen Haines, formerly vice- president and active: head of the Chicago Morris Plan bank has be- come associated with Everts Wrenn, general agent of the State Mutual Life Assurance company of Worces- ter, where, in view of Mr. Haines' seventeen years experience in cor- poration finance, he will specialize in group insurance and the uses of life insurance in connection with corporation and trust settlements. -- The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet Monday, May 26, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Snyder, 440 Elder lane, at 2:30 o'clock. Sar IE Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hirsch 'and family have moved from 410 Cedar street tu 1009 Vine street. ses ka, Ruth Kasten and Ruth Watt of Kenilworth. Miss Laura Flentye will augment the program with three vocal solos. i Captain Leon C. Hill arrived this week from California to join Mrs. Hill, who returned from the west last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Owsley of Win- netka. Captain and Mrs. Hill will be with Mr. and Mrs. Owsley the greater part of the summer. 2 HN Mrs. J. C. Ward of 112 Green Bay road, Hubbard Woods, will leave May 29, to spend the summer at her cottage in Culver, Indiana. ee if Mr. W. W. Quimby has taken the Neville house on East Willow street. Mrs. Neville is spending the summer in Evanston. E. B. Taylor & Co. Phones 998-999 'HARDWARE AND PAINTS The Best is Always the Cheap- for any class of work which we undertake. Repairs, Re- charging and Replacements are all in our line. It is our thought that we can and will render you service--PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORY. 100K EVANSTON "EXIDE" BATTERY SERVICE | (Incorporated) 1007 Davis' St. Tel. 1049 EVANSTON LOOK FOR THIS SIG 1010 I0IOK OUR SYSTEM ENABLES US TO SELL THE VERY BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. OUR THREE WAY PLAN ENABLES US TO DO THIS LET US QUOTE YOU SOME PRICES SPECIAL Uneeda Biscuits, 3 packages for iLL ge Se Sn 8 CO DIS OR A RE er SNE Ri ap 1c American Family Soap, 5 bars for .................. 29c Cream of Wheat, package ......................., 25¢ Toilet paper, tissue, 3 rolls for ... ................ 25¢ The Progressive Grocery 801 Elm St., Meyer Bank Bldg., Winnetka Tel. 888-889 : | est. That's Why We Carry the Mrs. Cuthbért C.' Adams 6f<199 Lins ooo ooo Best - ! den avenue, has returned from. al 0 ahd ar : es 3 Ted Tt Asprieevisit-an WASH o |] 4) WINNETKA, ILLINOIS 0 o 0 Em 0 11 0 Emm O 1 O Em] O ES O Ey olach - : --