WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1919 IED ADS BE ee FN 3c? 3 1 ¢ AR ] t Cr Ca a bo Rates for 'classified advertising in' THE LAKE SHORE NEWS k WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS. 3 : 10e per line first insertion in any paper. 8cper line for eachsucceeding insertion } 16e per line first insertion in any two ! papers. 7 1-2c¢ per line for each suc- 1 eeeding insertion. 20c per line first } insertion in three papers. 10c per line i for each succeeding insertion. Mini- mum charge on one time Ad 30c. Count five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake Shore Nows must be at our office by Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday BOON. dOUSEHOLD GOODS wi i FOR SALE--USED PIANOS--OVER- i! hauled: Everett, $165; Chickering, } $225; Kimball, $215; Vose & Sons, it $85; Sweck & Co., $40; English, $50; Peck & Son, $130; Bush & Gerts, $125; Keller & Co. $145; easy payments. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG28-tfe $85 TAKES BEAUTIFUL NEW CABI- net grand phonograph, 50 in. high. Mahogany finish. Call at factory, or write for picture. Tyrolia Talking Machine Co. 528 E. Railroad Ave. Wilmette, T11. LTK25-tfc FOR SALE--USED THOR ELECTRIC washing machine; latest style; also Thor mangle. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG28-tfe FOR SALE--FIRTY SINGER SEWING machines, slightly used; less than one year old; $30, $32 and $34. Pat- terson Bros. 828 Davis street. Ev- anston. LTG2S-tfe FOR SALE--ALL KINDS OF HOUSE- hold furniture; rugs; tel-electric player and piano. 620 Cherry street, | Winnetka. T10-1te | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1977 MARMON 7-PASS. TOURING. i This car runs and looks as good as i new; must be seen to be appreciated. F. 8. JOHNSTON & CO. 514 Davis street Phone Ev. 5712 LTG28-1te USED CARS WANTED--HAVE YOU A used automobile to sell? We will buy it or sell it for you at a small commission. Bring in your car. and Jet us look at it. F. 8. Johnston & Co., 514 Davis street. Phone Evans- ton 5712. LTG28-1tc 1918: STEARNS-KNIGHT COUPE. Excellent cond. throughout; 5 good tires, slip covers, bumper and all regular equipment; will take your old car in exchange. . { F. 8. JOHNSTON & CO. 514 Davis street Phone Ev. 5712 LTG28-1tce REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE BUNGA- low, four bedrooms, three baths, sunparlor, hot water heat; three blocks from Skokie club and station. ! Phone Glencoe 540. LTG27-2tc i HN FOR RENT i FOR RENT--SPLENDID 5-ROOM t flat, with electric light, hot water, bath, etc.; rooms are large and well decorated; situated four blocks from railroad station in desirable neigh- borhood; very reasonable rent. Call i at 1501 Washington avenue Wil- | mette, or phone Wil. 969-W. : LTG28-1t COTTAGE ON improvements. TS81tfc FOR RENT--5-ROOM Ash street; modern Call Win. 452. ---------- SITUATION WANTED WANTED--GARDEN WORK BY AN experienced man. Phone Wil. 708-M. LTG26-tfc i LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc HELP WANTED WANTED--GROCERY CLERK. PRO- gressive grocery, 801 Elm street. Phone Win. 888. T10-1te WANTED--MAN OR BOY TO CUT grass once a week: job lasting about two hours. Phone Win. 723. T10-1te i WANTED--GIRL FOR STORE; GOOD i wages. Address 819 Oak street. Win- netka. T10-1te I WANTED--EXP. MAID; SWEDISH | preferred; genl. housework; family of three; no washing; good wages. T'hone Glencoe 606. TG10-1tp WANTED--WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR light mfg.; must be over 16 years; wages $11 to $13 a week; time and one-half for overtime. Apply at Toy Tinkers, 721 Custer ave. Evanston. LT28-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK LEATHER PURSE, Saturday A. M.; N. E. corner Linden and Williow streets, containing money and checks; reward. Address Winnetka Talk B-119. T10-1tp + LOST--TUESDAY MALE BLACK AND white fox terrier puppy; black ears and black eyes; clipped tail; 4 mos. old; reward. Mrs. Hall, 428 Willow street. T10-1te FOUND--A LADIES' GREEN SLIP- li over on Gage street. Phone Win. 1167. t T10-1te h LOST--PAIR OF EYE-GLASSES WITH gold pin fastener; finder please call at 1163 Asbury avenue; phone Win. 744, and receive reward. T10-1te MISCELLANEOUS | WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND olothes. Horsman, 624 Davis street. Phone 4676 Evanston. prop postal. TG34-tfe WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, AND we pay the best prices. Papers, rags, iron, bottles and all kinds of junk; also men's clothes and shoes. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue, Wil- mette. Telephone Wilmette 1150. LTG22-tfc DEALER IN SECOND-HAND FURNIT- ure and clothes. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston, telephone Evanston 108 and 5512. LTG13-17tc . L. WOOLSEY, FLORIST AND LAND- scape gardener has opened the greenhouse formerly occupied by Alexander Clifford at 917 Willow street. Will have a full line of bedding and pot plants, and can supply your 'wants in the cut flower line; landscape gardening by day, week or hour. Phone Win. 885. : * { «_ T8-2t¢ © MR. A. B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS ency has the Glencoe News at kis nds amd Is ali ea for pi) ra | CITATION, | this" 20th day of May, '1915. The: following extracts from a Pittsburgh daily bears information of the citation of Colonel William J: Crookston of the 28th Division, A. E. F.. by General Pershing. Colonel Crookstone, willbe" known to: Win-|- netka residents as one of the three brothers of Mrs. J. B. Guthrie," 730 Walden road, who served gallantly in the A. E. F. in France. Colonel Crookstone is a well known physi-| cian and was in charge of army hos-/| pitals near the front. | Colonel Crookston service with the Red Cross. He was] in charge of hospitals in| Budapest | and later went to Russia with a corps entered the | of Red Cross nurses. He was decorat- ||| ed by the King of Sweden for res-| cuing a Swedish princess from the| hands of revolutionaries in Russia. | Colonel Crookston was also for a] time on the Mexican border and in| charge of the medical work at Camp | Hancock where he established the] record of having the healthiest can-/ tonment in the United States. | The citation reads as follows: i "As Division Surgeon he displayed | marked ability of organization and] administration with the 28th division | in France. With keen judgement he | supervised the location of dressing | stations and field hospitals, and used | remarkable discretion in directing | the entire work of evacuation of a| large number of casuals. By con-| stant vigilance and unceasing effort | he provided for the health and treat- ment of the troops with whom he| served, displaying professional at- | | tainments of a high order." | Install Burglar Alarm i The Wilmette State Bank this week | #OR FIRST CLASS MAIDS AND FIRST | class positions call Winnetka Employ- ment Agency 545 Provident avenue Mrs. O. Spegel, Winnetka 1475. . T49-tfe (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Winnetka State Bank located at Winnetka. State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 12th day of May, 1919, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Loans and Discounts ....$141,915.65 2. Overdrafts ....i ee invsiai 400.29 4. Liberty Loan Bonds . 10,672.91 5. Certificates of Indebted- NESS Ls viv asieenisien 34,000.00 6. War Saving Stamps +5 1,034.00 7. Other Bonds and Stocks . 118,438.08 8. Banking House ......... Furniture and Fixtures . 700.00 9. Other Real Estate 616.63 10. Due from Banks ... 100,972.10 11.55Cash cose Get hlaidistedd wie 7,686.00 12. Exchanges, Checks and Collections ............ 7,722.51 Total Resources ........ $424,158.17 LIABILITIES 1. Capital stock paid in..... $ 25,000.00 2. Surplus fund. ............ 5,000.00 3. Undivided Profits (net) .. 3,314.06 4. TDOPOSItE iv. lS Re 385,802.46 6. Dividends unpaid ....... 4.00 7. Reserved for Taxes and Interest oJ dtu. 37.65 | 8, Contingent Fund ....... 5,000.00 Total Liabilities ....... $424,158.17 I, Henry R. Hale, Cashier of the Win- netka State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledee and belief HENRY R. HALE, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, § Bs. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of May, 1919. (Sign«d) JONAS H. MADSEN, (SEAL) Notary Public. (Official Publication.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Winnetka Trust ane Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business gn the 12th day of May, 1919, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Loans and IQiscounts ...$119,592.53 2. Overdrafts ........ Ss ee 3. U.S. Bonad8 .......cci 4, Liberty Loan Bonds ... 34,715.00 5. Certificates of Indebted- NESS "vii vnasaians 13,000.00 4. War Savings Stamps 900.09 7. Other Bonds and Stocks. 117,468.91 8. Banking House, Furnit- ure and Fixtures ..... 9,000.00 9. Other Real Estate (Sold on Contract) ce ets. 3,593.09 10. Due from Banks ....... 71,224.17 11. Cash i .v.o ivi cde eness vives 12,192.91 12. Exchanges, Checks and Collections uve idsiniee 13,936.46 13. Other Resources ...... . 14. Revenue Stamps ...¢... Total Resources ........ $395,623.16 LIABILITIES 1. Capital stock paid in.....$ 35,000.00 2. Surplus fund.... i he 2.450.00 3. Undivided Profits (net) 2,624.18 £. > Peposits ...... conic 355,648.98 Total Liabilities ....... $395,623.16 I, M. K. Meyer, President of the Win- netka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowl- -dge and belief. : M. K. MEYER, President. STATE OF ILLINOIS, } ss. COUNTY OF COOK. Subscribed 'and sworn to before mae P. W. BRADSTREET, requested and received permission from the Village Board to connect a burglar alarm system with the alarm Of "all WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECC RATING Floor Finishing a Specialty" ! RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE kinds: in large and small-cans 7 3) Motor Car Salon We are offering to the north shore public such cars as Marmon, Stearns; Cadillac, Hud- son, Buick, and Dodge's practically new, with our guarantee. Your chance to save the first depreciation; come in and see our stock or let us know what car | you are interested in. | Phone us and we will call for you. (SEAL) Notary Public. F.S.JOHNSTON& CO. 514 Davis St., Evanston Telephone 5712 the morning Have you a worn, discol- ored or dingy floor whose appearance you want to improve andstill usetheroomwithoutinter- ruption? Solve the problem with a DE OF, The Guaranteed eV Homestead Floor Paint It will dry over night and ? give the floor a hard, glossy surface that will look well and wear well at a small cost. The next time you refinish your kitchen floor, use Homestead Floor Paint. We'll guarantee that you'll be well satished with the iob. We have eight colors for you to select from. E. B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware WINNETKA, ILLINOIS PAINT DEVOE PAINT STEPHENS "That is salient which is strikingly manifest or which catches the atten- tion at once." -- Webster RESTOR R RA Mone Piow Ca. Stephens Motor Works Moke. Udine CETTE Immediate delivery Guaranteed. Your present car taken in trade at liberal allowance. Demonstration at your convenience GENERAL MOTORS of ILLINOIS INCORPORATED 1019 Davis St., Evanston. Telephones Evanston 578-579 sciously comparing it with other cars you meet, you are filled with a happy sense of pride in your possession. For the Stephens is the peer of the finest cars that tread the highway, in appearance, performance and refinements. The Stephens Salient Six Four-Passenger carries especial fascination, by virtue both of its advanced style and the many unusual novelties of its equip- ment. The top is a special semi-Victoria design, with beveled French plate glass mirrors in the sides and rear. A walnut paneled robe compartment is built into the double cowl, and a touring kit, com- plete with brushes, trench mirror, etc., is concealed in the right hand front door. The Stephens engine is a perfected over-head valve design that is a marvel of flexibility and power. lt is especially designed to burn low grade gasoline, developing full fifty-seven horse power on the poorest fuel, with rigid economy. The Stephens Salient Six invites comparison at every point. Inspection at your pleasure. A S you ride in a Stephens Salient Six, uncon- ESCO RR ECR ARR EARNER ERSERSRRRROSR ARRIETA SERENA ERARN NOT