WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1919 ST ER ai eR eT ERT -- SOCIETY By Ruth Risley HE Infant Welfare society of Chicago will benefit from the proceeds of two sub- scription dances which will be given next month at the tennis court of Mr. and Mrs. William Gold Hibbard, 840 Willow street, Winnetka. The first of the sum- mer dances will be held next Thursday evening, and the second on Friday, July 18. Those in charge have made provisions, in case of rain, for the dances to be given at the Winnetka Woman's club, Maple and Oak: streets. Checks should be made payable to Miss Elizabeth C. Scott, Hub- bard Woods. The patronesses for the affairs are Mrs. William 3. Hibbard, Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mrs. T. E. Donnelly, Mrs. John Ott, Mrs. James W. Prindi- ville, Mrs. James R. Baker, and Mrs. Edward A. Russell. ---- . Bridge is to be the popular sum- mer diversion with most of the parties for charity. The afternoon 30, Mrs. Phelps B.|t9 of Monday, June igs party at the | York, took place yesterday afternoon | at 5 o'clock at the Congregational t will give a ) : Hove of Er father, Mr. Benjamin Allen, on Sheridan road, for the benefit of the Passavant hospital fund. The tables sre $10 each. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden, 725 Pine street, are entertaining at a dinner dance on Saturday evening of this week at Indian Hill club for their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Boyden. Boyden was . formerly Miss Chase. --fp-- The formal announcement of the engagement of Miss Emily Elizabeth Mrs. | the following officers Polly | for the ensuing year: president, Mrs. [ Tames C. H. BRIGGS, Sales Mgr. E A EE ---- Ford Electric Starter | and LIGHTING SYSTEM : EXCLUSIVE IS NOW STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON "FORD TOURING CARS" Imitations of Ford cars will hereafter be difficult to sell as Ford open cars with Ford's starter are sold on three weeks delivery PRICE DELIVERED EVANSTON IS - - - - Please don't delay your order and then expect special preference while others wait ORDER YOURS TODAY $645.00 TAKE DELIVERY AT YOUR CONVENIENCE R. D. CUNNINGHAM Popa Or "02 . DEALER = SHRED ; 810 CHURCH STREET. EVANSTON a Phone EVANSTON 4884 = il The wedding of Miss Caroline Bigelow Mills, daughter of Mrs. Luther Laflin Mills, 569 Cherry street, to Alexander Couper Profit of New church, the Reverend J. Austin Rich- ards reading the service, in the pres- ence of the families of the bride and bridegroom and a few friends. After November 1 Mr. and Mrs. Prodfit will be at home in New York City. _--Lp. At the annual meeting of the East Willow Street Circle held last weszk, were elected A. Morley; secrztary and treasurer, Mrs. William G. Forrest; Chairman of Work committee, Mrs. Charles Pitkin; Flower committee, Prest to John Quick Magie was made | Mrs. L. C. Norton. The Circle voted last Saturday at a luncheon given the yarents of the bride-elect, Mr. and Fig Francis Prest of 76 Foxdale | avenue, at the Blackstone hotel. Magie is the ) Frank Ogden Magie of ®ormerly of Winnetka. Mrs. David S. Lasier, 721 Lincoln | avenue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth, to Mr. James W. Harris, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs: J. W. Harris of 738 Lincoln avenue. The wedding will take place this fall. --f-- In these June days, with vibrant with romance, one of the largest and most fashionable wed- dings of the summer was celebrated Wednesday in the Fourth Presby- terian church, Chicago, where Miss Margaret Pullman, daughter of Mrs. William C. Pullman and niece of the late George M. Pullman, became the bride of John Harmon McIlvaine, son of Mr. and Mrs William D. McIlvaine. The rose point lace that embellish- ed the white satin wedding dress and the tulle veil had served the same purpose at the nuptial service of the bride's mother. The coronet of lace holding the veil in place bore a half wrzath of orange blossoms at the back. The court train, chiffon-lined, was em- broidered in orange blossoms. Lilies and white orchids made 'up the bridal bouquet. The bride's at- tendants wera frocked alike, in cream lace, wearing brown tulle hats trim- med with tiny French blue flowers. The maid of honor, Miss Isabel Wat- kins, cousin of the bride, wore a hat of cream lace to match her lace "gown. The bridesmaids were the Misses Dorothy Derby, Helen Hoyne, Florence Lowden, daughter of the Governor, and Mrs. T. Philip Swift. ---- tf -- Mrs. Joseph Clarke, who has spent a year with her daughter, Mrs. Mele- ney, of Oak street, sailed for Eng- land on June 5. Aftér a visit of a few weeks with relatives in England and Scotland, Mrs. Clarke will sail for the Congo: region in Africa, and then proceed up the river a distance of 700 miles to the Mission station, which has been the scene of labor of both hersz1f and Mr. Clarke for the past 40 years. Mr. Clarke left last September to resume his work and has been at the station for several months. I OS. * Miss Katherine Blossom, who will be married tomorrow to William Sutherland Bacon, and her bridal at- tendants were entertained at lunch- eon yesterday by Mrs. Charles Mc- Alpin Pyle, formerly Elizabeth Ad- sit, at Onwentsia. The luncheon was followed by a shower for Miss Blos- som at the residence of Miss Helen Hoyne in Highland Park. Last even- ing Miss Louisz Thorne was hostess at a dinner party for Miss Blossom and Mr. Bacon, and today Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt will give a luncheon for the bride-to-be. This evening Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom of Hubbard Woods will give the bridal dinner at the Blackstone. > Miss Kate Dwyer is spending sev- eral weeks with rzlatives in Colorado. Mr. | son of Mr. and Mrs. worth of Hubbard Woods will give a Chicago, | dinner at the Indian Hill club next the air | to hold its meetings on the second Tuesday of zach month. ELM Mr. and Mrs. George J. Farns- Saturday evening for their daughter, Miss Marion Farnsworth. After the dinner guests will attend the dance that Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyd- en are giving that evening at the club for their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Boyden. a; ioo° Mrs. little daughter, Henrietta, who have Icen living "with Mrs. Wardwell's parents, the Frank Ogden left last Wednesday for the east to meet her husband, who arrived from overseas, where he has been in the service. ee fe Mrs. H. A. Greene of Washington, D. C, will arrive in Winnetka about August 15, to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rud- olph, 851 Spruce street. Mrs. Greene was Miss Genevieve Rudolph before her marriage. fp Mrs. Henry Cooper of Chicago, will | arrive in Winnetka early in July to snend the coming two months as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frederick Greeley. ------ Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer and her mother, Mrs. Jessie Fugate, 759 Burr avenue, Hubbard Woods, are spend- | ing the summer in Palisades Park, Michigan. Chester Alan Wardwz1l and Magie's, Miss Constance Harrison, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Stone Harrison of Ev- anston, was married on Saturday at the residence of her mother, 810 Forest avenue, to Bruce Wilcox Thay- er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Williard H. Thayer of 522 Central avenue. The Reverend Arthur F. Holt of Boston, a cousin of the bride, officiated. Miss Marion Holmes of Madison, Wis, was the maid of honor, and the ribbon stretchers were Marion Thay- er and Miss Helen Dickinson of Wil- mette. Williard C. Thayer served best man for his brother. The bride- groom returned in March from over- seas, where he shad served eighteen months as a captain in the | chemical warfare service. Both are graduates of Northwest- ern University, Miss Harrison being a member of the Alpha Phi sorority while Mr. Thayer belongs to the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. After a wedding trip they will make their home in Evanston. ------ A meeting of chairmen of the North | Shore committee was held at the club | room at Ravinia Park on Wednesday | afternoon. on Saturday evening of this There will be no dancing in week. : present arrangements. Miss Katharine Blossom and her | bridal attendants were entertained at luncheon on Tuesday by Mrs. W. H. Mitchell at her residence in Chi- cago. Wednesday Miss Blanche Day was hostess at a luncheon for Miss Blossom at the Blackstone. The surplus obtained from the series of dances given at the Win- netka Woman's club last winter amounting to $26.83 has been donat- ed to the Winnetka Relief and Aid society. re Wp Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Arnold of 490 Hawthorne lane, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Kathar- ine, to John W. Boring, Jr., of Austin. em Wf Miss Beulah Stirud left Wednesday Ll Ma rguerit te Beauty Parlor 701 Main Street, Evanston, Ill. Marcellin~ Shampooing Hot Oil Treatment Corsets STUDEBAKERS Phone Evanston 6861 Singeing Hair Dressing Manicuring Facials Scalp Treatment BRIDGES & GAGE | | | -- SEE -- | for i IT'S VERY SELDOM we ever have any complaint about anything we sell. But if there ever is the slightest dissatisfaction we always adjust the complaint either by an exchange or a refund of the . money. nm E. B. TAYLOR & CO., Hardware. Phone 999 A |; 2 EZ, The Park opens its season |: the | pavilion as in former years, under the | Because we sell people good things to eat--we see that they get what they want-- annoyance. VOLLMAN'S MARKET 796 Elm Street 77 LT ddd dd Lad dd ddd diedderiiaddde isiiriririzisddiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Why We Like Our Store QUE REE EEE EE EEE ETE EERE en nnn We make them feel at home--Save them time and prevent Winnetka, Illinois LLiririrrrriuiaiiaiiiaa CE I OR EEE EN OS OE OR 0 Ee OX to attend the Girl's Summer camp Abena at Belgrades Lake, Maine. | af -- |] Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hamburger, 502 Willow street, have opened their summz2r home, "Mayzone Cottage," | jat Grand Haven, Mich. a rl 2 2 2 2 id 2 2 Ll Ed Led, Cool, Refreshing Drinks for Hot Days at Our Soda Fountain HR TT TH for Bulk or Brick. We are the exclusive agents Watson's \ Crzam and Ices Velvet Ice All Flavors No. 1, Prouty Building oz 7777777 rr rrr ZT a did ddd ddd : Special --Apropine Sundae A delicious blending of the pure fresh fruit of Apricot and Pineapple. Served with Velvet Ice Cream. EE EE ETRE LE Winnetka Pharmacy Phone 33 WINNETKA (v/s TT arr Lr Za zrzrrrzzzzzzizrzzzizzzzzzzzzzzizaii a i---------- EO OO Good Bye, Mr. Booze TH EEE EE EE TE TT Now is the time to put in a supply of soft drinks, such as Grape Juice, Gin- ger Ale, Etc. 10 E10 Emme] OF O eed © Let us quote you some prices. Red Wing Grape Juice, gt. ......... uvevos 75¢ ! Chippewa Ginger Ale, dozen quarts ..... $31.95 5 Chippewa Root Beer, dozen quarts ...... 1.95 a Hydrox Ginger Ale, dozen quarts ........ 1.95 | Cliquot Club Ale, dozen .................. 2.10 Blisco Ginger Ale, dozen ................ 1.50 Manitou Charged Water, quart ............ 30c Four Deliveries Daily, 9:30 and 11:30 A. M.; 2:30 and 4:45 P. M. Our plan of selling n.erchandise lowers the cost to you. Let us explain how. (Y= ---- =) ---------- (1) -- The Progressive Grocery 801 Elm St., Meyer Bank Bldg., Winnetka Tel. 888-889 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS o a 3 oxo --OEIOES==30rE3¢Q