WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1919 CHILDREN SCORE HIT IN MUSIC AND PLAYS Young People of St. Joseph's Parish Delight Audience with Evening of Entertainment Little Frances Anderson of 178 Myrtle street, Winnetka was the "hit" of the evening at the enter-| tainment given at St. Joseph's school hall Sunday evening by the young people and children of the parish. She amazed everybody by her ex- cellent piano playing and was greet- ed with prolonged applause when she played "Lilacs," accompanied by Ed- ward Bruchhauser, boy violinist. The play itself was a great success. The musical numbers furnished by | powerful, outstanding, dominant, ef- Miss Pauline DeHaye, Miss Kathryn Anderson, the Psenicka brothers, Raymond Borre and Ralph Ortegel, , were received with delight. "Gent- lemen Workers," small boys of the] primary grades, drew some hearty laughs. "The : City especially entertaining and the boys merit praise for the mannet in which they manipulated the ished. . "Just You Wait 'Til After] School" was enjoyed very much and "The Saving of Pug Halley" drew forth applause several times. A solo, featuring Arthur Borre and twenty young "coons" in "Old Black Joe, terminated an evening's enjoyment for everyone.' The program for next Sunday: 1. Musical selection x 2. "You're Welcome If You Keep Right 'Still* ...... Primary Grades 3. Musical selection ; 4. "Merry Workers"....... Primary Grades . Musical selection : . "Stars and Stripes Jubilee ...... Our Girls : . Musical selzaction . "The Step-Sisters" A Girl's Play in Three Acts . "Little Washer-Women" ......... | Fifteen Little Girls ; 10. Address by the Reverend Father and Distribution of Diplomas. WILMETTE BOWS TO NILES CENTER IN ONE-SIDED GAME; 9-4 | NO ALCON OneN Wilmette suffered its third defeat of the season Sunday at Niles Center when they lost to the Niles Center | baseball team 9 to 4. Up to the eighth inning the game was uninteresting, Niles Center lead- ing 5to 0. With one down Wilmette then scored 4 runs but in their half of the same inning Niles Center scored, sent four more mar over and Wilmette took the count. Raap pitched for Wilmette wn | W.H.Salisbury& Co. was nicked for 13 hits although he | struck out 12 batters. His support | pd . . | was poor in spots, seven errors being | § Galitz - chalked up agninst Wilmette. hurled for thé opponents and was] nicked for seven blows. He struck] out 15 local lads, his chief asset be-| the Stephens which we are pleased Band" was| Yards very light-colored and white birds plumage instruments | Where the soil of the yard is clayey, and the variety of music they furn-|pullets with feathers on the legs and those with more than four toes on each foot should be rejected. Why "Salient" Six ? "That is salient which is strikingly manifest or which catches the atten- tion at once."--Webster. "Salient" exactly defines the Steph- ens Six. It instantly conveys to the mind the many distinct and super- lative qualities of the Stephens--a car of beauty, power, idling ability, speed, acceleration, economy, com- fort and easy-riding qualities not equaled by any other car at any- where near its price class. "Salient" combines in ons short word just what is embodied in the Stephens overhead-valve engine and in addi- tion describes the Stephens car as a whole. It means prominent, supar- ficient, pre-eminent. This one word perfectly describes the qualities of to name "Stephens Salient Six." In choosing pullets for small back their too readily. should be avoided as shows dirt E FEATURE HI Bathing Caps The Atlantic City Kind NOT THE DRUG STORE VARIETY See Us If You Want a Cap That Is Different t Fr Kitchen walls should be painted so that they may be wiped with a damp cloth, making cleanliness possible without great demand on strength NT PET IT EY, GOOD USED CARS -- SEE -- BRIDGES & GAGE Tr) SCHULZE'S | Butter-Nut BREAD WHEN A ARES CAH BE MADE WE WILL MAKE IT Ef TR--_---- Expert Auto Repairing wn SEE we BRIDGES & GAGE and without the caused by cimining. We pay as' high as $25 for second hand suits. Call Evanston 1600 or drop postal to 830 Foster street. disarrangement whitewashing or cal- Sometimes a telephone user will guess at a number rather than take the trouble to hunt for the telephone directory, which may be mislaid. If his guess is wrong a useless connection is estab- lished, a third person is incon- venienced, time is lost, and the work must be done all over again. Make it a rule to keep your direc- tory near your telephone and consult it each time you make a call. . The use of handy lists of numbers frequently called is not advisable, unless such listsare corrected each time a new directory is issued. The use of the directory itself is always safer. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Established 1855 & 308 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO Between Franklin and Market Streets Phone Franklin 5744 THE RUBBER STORE Pp ------ ing % big, de®ptive om-drop which | baffled nearly everybody. The farmer lads scored one in the | third and two mor? in the fourth] adding two more in th¥ seventh. In| the eighth after Wilmette had near- | ly tied up the count, Schwartz first | batter for Niles Center struck out, ! and Galitz was out at first. Kimball | then flied to center but Estes dropped | he ball and the rally was on. Four] its and fou¥ runs followed and the] game was lost for Wilmette, A peculiar feature of the gime was | the fact that A. Braun, catching for Wilmette, made 14 putouts whilz his brother Ed, playing at first, was | credited with the remaining 10. The field was in poor condition and | players on both sides particularly the local boys, had difficulty in judg- ing ground balls. The score: Niles Center ....00120024*--9131 Wilmette ........00000004 0-- 7.1 Batteries--Raap and A. Braun: Galitz and Baumhardt. The announcement of a new third baseman to take Leis' place at the far corner was made this week. The newcomer is Joe Lenguardoro, who has played with various teams in Chicago. Lenguardoro is scheduled for the lead-off position on the batting order. Free! 5crones Free! This ticket and 35c is good for 26 Penny Pictures in 5 positions and 25additional pictures free, making 50 Pictures for 35c to you and as many of your friends as accompany vou when this ticket is presented. If you receive extra tickets, kindly distribute them among your friends. NOT OPEN SUNDAYS Not good is presented after June 30 Morris Photo Studio 829 Davis St. Opp. L Sta., Evanston AH IE? SERVICE STATION Not "Next Week" | But "Today" | | One of the very first things to do, when you get your new i car, is to come around to bat- ! tery headquarters. | I | | Drive right in. Have your battery registered and get the benefit of Willard 90-day Bat- tery Insurance. It only takes a few minutes and may mean months of added life to your battery, At the same time ask us to post you on the few simple rules of battery care that must be followad to get most service and longest life out of your { bdttery. Be sure to ask for a || copy of the booklet, "Willard || Service and You." Evanston Battery Station 1648-1650 Maple Ave., Cor Churth St. Phone Evanston 4445 BATTERIES ECHARGED EPAIRED ENTED ENEWED BRING THIS COURON FRANKLINS -- SEE -- BRIDGES & 6AGE STUDEBAKERS we SEE = | BRIDGES & GAGE IN on other days. Chicago Office Phone Central 8280 Trips for Over Independence Day The three-day holiday over the Fourth will give many folks an opportunity for their first real vacation of the season. Why not take a trip to the woods and lakes of Wisconsin or Michigan? ? Many of the ideal vacation spots of Wisconsin can be reached by electric lines from Milwaukee. Resort spots like Oconomowoc, Beayer Lake, Cedar Lake, Waukesha Beach, Okauchee Lake, Muskego Lake and Phantom Lake afford a splendid opportunity for a short vacation. At Milwaukee convenient connections can be made with passenger steamers, which afford short but direct and pleasant routes to points in Michigan. The North Shore Line makes daily connections with Pere Marquette boats to Ludington and Manistee--a short cut to Baldwin, Reed City, Clare, Saginaw, Bay City and many other Central Michigan Points. : Fast Electric Trains Teo reach Milwaukee and make connections for Wisconsin or Michigan points, travel over the North Shore Line. Limited Trains for Milwaukee leave every' 30 minutes on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays, and every hour For further information apply to the nearest Ticket Office of the 66 West Adams Street NORTH SHORE LINE Milwaukee Office 187 Second Street Phone Grand 1136 is. a Tee i nl