r WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1919 DORRIS AUTOMOBILE ROUSES ENTHUSIASM OF AUTO FANS HERE The Dorris automobile, which is being presented to the north shore public, by the General Motors of TIlli- nois, is proving one of the sensations of the season. A Dorris is on display in the sales- rooms in Davis street, Evanston, and is usually the center of interest for a group of motor car enthusiasts. There is only a limited number of Dorris cars, according to Ffank Beck of the General Motors, and the way the north shore people are buying up these few indicates there may be danger of a greater shortage later on. The ideal of thz creators of the Dorris is indicated by their slogan, "built up to a standard, not down to a price. "The Dorris Motor Car company of St. Louis," said' Beck, "this year entered upon its fourteenth year of motor car production with a clean record for it has never had a season when its product was not a complete success. The Dorris fundamentals of valyve-in-head motor, unit power plant and multiple disc clutch have been copied by nearly every motor car manufacturer--evidence that Dor- ris engineering has been correct from the very beginning. "The greatest contributing factor to the success of the Dorris is the perfected valve-in-head motor. Built today fundamentally the same as in the first Dorris motor, yet refined through experiencz and advanced en- gineering to its present state of effi- ciency, it proves a power plant un- excelled for economy of operation and maintenance, unlimited continu- ous service and owner satisfaction. The limited output of the Dorris 'factory has made possible the un- usual care and precision in selection of materials. machine shop and as- sembling efficiency and the highest type of engineering and attention to | detail in the entire process of con- | struction. Each Dorris automobile has an amount of hand work and in-| dividual effort put into the construc- tion which proves a valuable invest- | ment after a Dorris automobile has | gone into tha owner's service." | HUPMOCBILE FAVORED IN DESERT CAMPAIGN Norman Pozterson of Bridges and Gage has received a letter from his brother, Lieutenant Harold Peterson, with the British forces in Baluchis- tan, which tells of the performances of the Hupmobile. Almost univers- ally, hz writes, British officers use the | Hupmobile. The dependability of the car is their main reason for choosing it, he says. Tt is extremely difficult | to. get new automobile parts there | and for this reason a car which will stand up under the hard usage of campaigning must bz chosen. Econ- | omy of gasoline is also an important factor, for gasoline costs $4.15 a gallon there. Lieutenant Peterson writes an in- teresting account of his experiences in motoring across the deserts. In England, where there have been no automobiles manufactured singe 1915, Hupmobiles of the years 1914 and 1915 are selling for $5,000 apiece. HISTORY OF 131ST REGIMENT ON PRESS The history of the 131st infantry-- Colonel Joseph Sanborn's regiment-- which was on active duty at the front for many months, will go to press about the last of July, The book will contain accounts of all the doings of the regiment from beginning to end and will also have a large number of pictures and maps. It is being sold by subscription only and this price is considerably less than the cost of publication. You practiced patriotic thrift dur-| ing the war. Are you going to prac- tice personal thrift in peace times? Thrift requires determination, but it pays dividends. WASHING MACHINES Alig | SIMPLEX IRONERS VACUUM CLEANERS OHIO, HOOVER, SWEEPER VACUUM Demonstrations in slore every day Easy Vacuum Washer with Gas Burner Easy Payments Phone for demonstration ~FA DARBY. IL Fea SHOP | 1104- 1106 Davis St Evauston, Illinois Phone Evanston 2230 Our Obligation to the Motorists of the North Shore The Exide Service Station Franchise is the most valuable and the most sought for in the automobile world today. Exide Service Stations are hand-picked--picked by the oldest and largest manufacturers of storage bat- teries in the world--the Electric Storage Battery Co.--picked 'for their ability to intelligently and courteously meet the battery needs of motor car owners. Exide Service is considerably more than the mere sticking of a hydrometer syringe in the solution. Exide Service is based on the big broad principle of "solving the customer's individual battery prob- lems"--and above all at FAIR LIST PRICES, which is an Exide hobby. We are proud indeed that we were selected to rep- resent this nation-wide battery service in Evanston and vicinity and to assume the obligations it entails. It is our sincere ambition to be always worthy of the trust that is reposed in us by the company. Exide Service knows no exceptions--it is freely given regardless of what make battery you are now using. "There's an Exide Battery for YOUR car." Evanston "Exide" Battery Service INCORFORATED Authorized Exid: Sa"es and Service Station Look for Th's Sign Co 1007 DAVIS ST. wl, "gxi0 SERVICE ¢ EVANSTON It's the sizn of better battery service aad fair prices The hull J J50 Built Up to a Sr] Not Down to a Price Wh The 6-80 DORRIS The body lines are beautiful, as a words, "De Luxe Body Building." critical inspection of the above cut One buys a high-grade car because will disclose. When you look at the | he has the "Pride of Possession." The Dorris 6-80 you appreciate to the | Dorris 6-80 is high grade in every fullest extent the meaning of the | particular. : 3° perfect 1s the Dorris car mechanically, so beautiful designed and so well con- structed, that the whole story is expressed in the Company's slogan: "Built Up to a Standard, Not Down to a Price." The Doms Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor has been proved by fourteen years of service. The Dorris Company builds only one passenger chassis, and that with the same six- -cylinder motor used for four years, with the refinements which adherence to cor- rect fundamentals permits. A 1919 improvement is the de- tachable cylinder head, which eliminates valve cages and permits greater water space In the cylinder head. The Dorris "Super-heater" on the intake manifold assures greater gasoline mileage. The Dorris Seven-Bearing Crank Shaft and Seven-Bearing Cam Shalt entitle the Dorris to the title of "The Full-Bearing Motor." Full-bearing means sweet- ness of operation and long life. Dry Multiple Disc Clutch --this construction is so successful that no further mention is necessary. Unit Power Plant. Used first by the Dorris in 1905, and so universally copied that no BELLY doubt can assail it. For the first time the Dorris Company is using on the 6-80 the long, underslung semi-elliptic rear side spring, so wonderfully proportioned in design that the riding qualities are superb. The 6-80 Doris is so beautifully proportioned, of such pleasing attractiveness and charm, that it 1s surely the Motor Car Classic of 1919. The output of the 1919 6-80 car is limited. Those who decide quickly will be the fortunate possessors The General Motors of Illinois Headquarters and Service Station, 1019 Davis St., Evanston Phone Ev. 578