Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Sep 1919, p. 9

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: oem = WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919 : rr 9 ---y rs T pax vr s--. : PJ oa : = . Risiniees Cheerful fonstanty, and to be help- | NOVEMBER ELEVENTH Take Lesson from Hen 2 Opens Dentist Office THE PUBLIC HEALTH ThE he till bail oiy Sheth: 42% MAY BE A HOLIDAY | The hen that lays an egg a day is w-- obithe ma a-gold mine for her owner. Take a| Dr. George Ambuehl has opened a . . - N Br This list is cttached to a Movement Ts hdd 3 lessonifrom the hen! Lay up-for your dental parlor. at Fourth street and Harriet Fulmer R. N. arr or aE Th oe Webel J otute OI. Maseschisetto t My future by investing regularly in War | Linden avenue, in the office formerly and kept in the child's home where iat] a Sees tomake is Savidgs Stamps, occupied by Dr. Swartz. 3 . i ; the child and its parents together mistice Day," November 11, a. legal : : - The Health of its Citizens is The! check off daily the chores he has holiday. Governor Coolidge has Greatest Asset of a Community |done. notified the American legion that he Bb = Please encourage the children i: will take the matter up with the ex- 4 i AE : your home. ecutive council. . 2 2 i ; Disability, sickness, and death i: . Wet U b 1 ! costs the United States one hundred > : mbprelilas million dollirs annually, and the sad- World's Skating Record a ------p | T= green cord that connects your telephone to the bell box is an essential part of tele- phone equipment. ness and SOLrow, and physical pain A skater in Stockholm, Sweden 'has are not included in the total. established a world's record by traveling 10 miles in 31 minutes 7 1-2 Has your township a Public Health | seconds, according to Popular Mech- nurse? If not, you will find such an |anics magazine. investment the best and most far- are reaching of any you could make. Not a Chance in the World. She ought to be recognized in every | "A good husband ought to tell his community, on the same plane as! wife all his faults," is the advice given your school teachers. Her services| husbands of more or less doubtful y are just as valuable. Here are a few | giatyg b Milw i of the things she does to help the Ta Miiwaukes authority on [rr (ATER RAR LALLY -SIWEPA a T here are many ways in which this cord can be so injured as to interrupt the service. Almost all forms of moisture are conductors of electricity, and a wet umbrel'a with its folds touch- - ing this telephone cord will short rich man's child and the poor man's domesticity. But the average husband TE circuit the wires and cut off service. ehild: will have to be very, very quick about Recently, after a: heavy rain, : it or the average wife will tell him ZZ i ninety-six telephones were 3 ic i : Z 0, UBS S r put out 5 Tauaig tie oblls In the ser | est Pomnmtoguin (0. Ped Mla S§ of order by wet umbrellas coming P : § SS. HOTWATER BOTTLE | mmm SUSBER © S in contact with the cord. A care- UBBER GLOVES OT WATER BOTTLE RupbeR cvs lessly handled glass of water, an overflowing ink-well, rain from an open window, the careless mopping of office floors,--any one of th_se may cut ff your telephone service. 2. Prevents and relieves tubercu- -- « losis. Daily Thought. . 3. Helps to prevent poverty. Life is not made out of money, and 4. Does the follow-up work 'of | friendship, and talents, and patronage, hospitals and dispensaries. and family influences, and good 5. Saves lives of mothers and new-| chances, and good positions, and good born babies h € sd . ' ealth, and good nature; it i g 6. Saves lives of industrial work- i ¢ goo nature; it is made out of faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, CRE TI) OND § ETRE . - fC iid --- Wh Our Assortment of Rubber Goods is the Please protect the tele- phone cord, and all interior wiring and telephone equip- = al patien lliness and brotherly kind 7. Prevents contagious diseases ce, godliness and brotherly kind- ment, from moisture. among iten. : ness and love.--Inninger. Largest and Best IStire 8 Does emergency service in ser- | 4 in ious enidemics. = - CHICAGO TELEPHONE Modern Health Crusaders Chicago . COMP On October 1 will begin the biggest Pivahais. Your: RobberiN = ANY drive ever started in Cook county in ron ve poy ogessitiee the war against illmess and dirt. The ee: 1'ielr Wear Rural Public Health nurses of Cook - county aided and sponsored by the FH H Country Life directors, will start to W.H.Salishury& Go. organize "The - Modern Health i" ed 1865 Crusaders." in every school in Cook 308 W. Madison $irget, ONICAGO county, upon invitation of the school Phone Franklin 5744 trustees or the teacher. - There are eleven chores which z THE RUBBER STORE must be done a sufficient number of Th J EERE GPRD | ENGR times during the two weeks to re- e ob of ceive a mark of 75 per cent which en- . titles the bov or girl to the title of Insulation page, and five weeks--squire, five ordi ; + weeks for knight, and five weeks for rdinasy insulation knight banneret. nearly always gives way The following are the chores, and before the plates do, and 3 it is easy to see that when a child the battery has to be rein- ® ® @® ' has done these chores daily over a sulated. @ period of fifteen weeks, his health Willard Threaded Rub- habits have become pretty well es- ber Insulation protects the tablished. h + piates from the very be- | ls Tdinsgad my hands before eac ginning of the battery's : ! 2.1 washed not only my face but SS Tres fos ox B « my sas on ex and I cleaned my} having the battery reinsu- 3. 1 tried to keep fingers, pencils lated, and everything which might be un- « Drop in, and we'll tell 1 clean out of my mouth and nose. you about some of the long- 4. 1 drank a glass of water be- life records that Threaded 4 ® ® fore each meal, and before going to Rubber Insulation has ; i . ; bed, and drank no tea, coffee -nor made possible. ; ; ; ; : other injurious drinks Jouay. ot Ba ; 5 . i : 5. I brushed my teeth thoroughly ToT ee jg | & } ' . in the morning and evening today. Evanston Battery Station gn VAI 5a) ; ; , 6. I took ten wor more slow deep - 1648-1650 Maple Avenue di {CR SE i J breaths of fresh air today. Corner Chareh Street J oii, 'x7 ; i 7. 1 played outdoors, or with win: | § ~~ Phone Evanston 4445 - ; VIA THE : dows open more than thirty minutes drt a Paden de i! : . habia i ; today. '* BUTT Be CL ge -- 2 : : : ~ : 8. "1 was ifi bed nine hours or'more RES 4 5 ' 3 J) ¥ last night, sand kept my window open. NE in, 1 Eo 5 bi 2 9. 1 tried to sit uprstraight, te eat... . ee LY A 8 . a P 8° ? : slowly, and to. attend to toilet andi" A BIR. AAR DOI RR LD Ne : each 'need of my body: at its-regular b ] Sg s Fansite iF 24 10. 1 tried today tokeep neat and | = ck fpisiies on vv s Use the North-Shore line on your trips to Waukegan; Kenosha, Racine or tied de EER fens phe} Milwaukee. It is"the speedy, safe and economical way. Modernly egjuipped,. FEEESENEEEEEESEEEEEREEEANEA fast, limited trains take you there quickly.: You reach the heart of Milwau-' u eh hs kee in plenty of"time for a full day's activi 'and get i if an : 0 ull day's activity and get back to Winnetka in. = SOME YEARS AGO ELBERT =| TE ean rR | | : : -] : : " HUBBARD WROTE oi Northbound limited trains leave Winnetka at 6:29 A. M. and every hour n ot : b d E theréafter until 11:29 P. M. On Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays . . As the yours or fy hg n every 30 minutes. The running time from Winnetka to Kenosha is 57 min- merease SAD mentgity' an » utes--to Racine 1 hour 11 minutes--to Milwaukee 1 hour 56 minutes. [|] spirituality, I am sure that Wm " we will demand fewer things - DINING CARS--Leave Winnetka at 8:29 u and better things, mi A. M, 1229 P. M. and 529 P. M. u 1t is not quanity that counts-- u & Leave Milwaukee at 7:45 A. M. 11:45 It is quality." : Bi A. M. and 5:45 P. M. |_| : : B . = Perhaps Fra Elbertus had "Exide" Batteries & 3 @ in mind---*"Exide" Batteries are better Batt- | Express Service » eries--you'll require fewer of them---they L | ) « . . . . : 2 : . ry " P Nau- - serve satisfactorily and for a long period of . pe Hii one why each fo between Evanston and Wau . This : < nnetwa ever irty minutes. . = time---so how true it is that "Quality counts" = egan, leave yvaanotw y Y | | | . '«é E id » B tt . al For further information apply to the Las. vanston xide attery = I¥ | . : . , Service 1 = | ORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD i L | ® i n " ® 1007 Davis Street 3 Prouty Court mn Chicago Office Milwaukee Office : " EVANSTON WINNETKA © 66 West Adams Street : 187 Second Street " i Ld Phone Central 8280 Phone Grand 1136 ] B ; y | ® Our inspection service, regardless of what make of B ® = battery you are now using. will better its perform- - : ance---and it's on a basis of---'no charge to you--- 8 ' : 3 n asure to us."

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