Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Sep 1919, p. 3

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: ER WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919 TERT MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET OF THE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS AUGUST 31st, 1919 ASSETS. Cash-- Current Year Last Year General. aiid nts de 4,623.27 $ 1,368.12 ElGctrict coh, tn i ly Saini sanite win 19,952.63 38,714.73 Water ........ CL a 4,811.65 1,859.73 Electric Depreciation *408.02 266.72 Special Assessment ....... 82,170.74 53,401.66 Petty Cash Fund.:....... 1,200.00 1,200.00 Watel Deprecialion (siuih avs di viene duties in donee nn 9,880.84 5,000.00 Total Cash oy, iv viitiesssinissivinnevaimis sve ssseeeecs $112,984.57 $107,810.96 Accounts Receivable-- 3 Lh RR rr TT Ra Special Assessment Rolls ........... $0540.04 Tax Certificates ... Liiicwm vivian 6537.71 COUNLY COLICCLOT ,ivuivic sin sieieivis sie veivnin Ady Due from Electricity Consumers .... '5.436.68 Due from Water Consumers ........ "344.69 Due from Sundry Persons .......... 6.624 40 Total Accounts Receivable ........ a $467,819.88 inventory of Coal at Plant ....c.vevn 2 3 ; 5 $ 8,310.67 Bond Investment--Electric Fund Bond Investment Total Current Assets « IJABILITIES. Special As Special De Current St General Elect nent Bonds Sits w. ved ae, $136,616.29 )2 32 $626,470.90 ATION 7,738.36 $ . 6,650.95 Total Current Liabilities. .......... REET sENERAL FUND--MONTHL Bal. in Fund at Begin ADD INcome for M feof Month. J. A 8 Total: .. DEDUCT Ex nditures-- Public Affair: 1,150.61 3,140.58 General Oflice Ex se 136.89 150.00 HealtheDepartment oe advicieds Sie Lin, 1,205.94 1,114.52 PUD WOTrRS vie. ir fe Vitis vs cevnin vine ins sai aid 2,871.51 3,807.93 Bolice Donartment iv... cds i sai ee earn en 1,082.88 Ire TDEPATLMIENIE cites ve vir ne serene nant ae 180.88 Total Expenditures .........ccoieeuneivnnnnns $ 7133.2 $ 9,476.79 Balance in Fund at Close of Month $ 22,953.68 ELECTRIC FUND--MONTHLY OPERATION | scientific promotional effort. i ' | housing, = sanitation, water supply. | lighting streets, boulevards, parks, j social centers, and other necessities | i for rapidly growing 'and congested | centers--the requirement for scien- | tific planning, expertly directed is imminent. Hardly a dozen big cit- ies have made any real progress in planning, because they have failed to realize the fundamental value of This book should be of the greatest utility to city planners, because it tells the story of success attained along these | lines, that are interesting to the gen- eral public as well. The enthusiasm of the successful worker and the breezy journalistic style of the writer make his propaganda pleasant | and informing. The natural tragic heritage will not be the saddling of! the generations. to come with the burden of paying for the war, but, | as a noted economist has declared, with the burden of disease, of shattered man, and other vast econ- omic losses. "What of the city--the home of the majority of our/citizens? | The book bristles with new and in- ! | teresting facts concerning Chicago | that give it an artistic place in the, | sun, not only commercially but edu- cationally. In the matter of publica- tions it stands second to none and pre org te 1 t mn NUsic al 1 1c \ { 1ull 1 28 of - 1 - re ie Cll 70, h he £: + 4 -1 'yr 1 1 O1 tl steel 'stryciygre, and ine | first sl and it. i 1 ; | | of un ic intere $1 h the eld museum 16 t wrble structure on earth le is charry with adjectives, but a flock of interest Tacts 10 i 2'the story. of the ity of} WC l il worth d re- | membering. TTT 1] Beat Out the Others. The world generally gives its admie | ration, not to the man who does what | nobody else ever attempts to do, but] to the man who does best what multi- | tudes do well.--Macaulay. | 3 e grains of ndruff mean OS Ygood-by to Hair Dandruff literally smothers the life out of the hair roots and 'eventually brings baldness. 1 ~~ Wildroot is guaranteed to clean up dandruff and remove it--but it does more; it cleanses, softens and * loosens the scalp and stimulates the hair to normal, healthy growth. Wildroot Liquid Shampoo or Wildroot Shampoo Joan, used in connection with Wildroot Hair Tonic, will hasten the treatment. A A Ty 1 In) = THE GUARANTEED HAIR For sale here under a money-back guarantee 1 ADAMS' PHARMACY : Bal. in Fund at Beginning of Month... ............ $ 58,022.36 $ 52,297.62 ADD Income for Month .......coc0ee, 0... 6.605.68 6.935.61 Total se ene 64,718.04 $ 58,583.23 DEDUCT EXPENDITURES-- eam eReratiON seeds vnrrssnve resus, 0 on $3,957.20 $ 2,596.97 Blectricity Generation .....osssenees, 00a. 1,060.05 283.31 Pistribution ...c cc icvivesrvvascesne 465.67 433.41 Consumption .........c0c0vvevveense 67.50 44.07 Commercial ..........iceitevcennens 75.75 58.68 General Expenses 575.23 413.91 Total Operating 5,501.40 $ 3,830.35 Merchandise Purchased . " Construction and Betterments .................. 2,073.46 168.73 Transfers to Other Funds eit Total IXPenAItUres «iva coin sevive vais ns sunt sis $ 7,674.86 $ 3,999.08 Balance in Fund at Close of Month................ $ 57,143.18 $ 54,584.15 ELECTRIC PRODUCTION AND COST . H. Furnished Consumers for 3 en Ce RE eh 40,067 22,781 . W. H. Furnished Consumers for . Th RE i 9,455 5,688 K. W. H. Furnished Water Depart- ; ment fOr POWET ......eeesvrnnnnasnasoscnssnnnns 48,821 47,298 K. W. H. Furnished Village for Street Lights cic vrsevaisvessronans a Eh ity 6,987 6,464 K. W. H. Used at Station .......c000v re uiinnn.. 1,730 1,795 < Total Consumption .e.csrrevsnes ere ye 107,060 94,026 K. W. H. Lost in Distribution .......c ve vevennn, 10,967 15,490 Total Generation ..... canes Ces rrr enna 108,027 109,516 Operating Expenditures per XR. W. H. generated* teers retteittiiiiiiiia.., .0430 .0331 Depreciation per K. H. W. generated.............. 0052 .0055 Loss in Distribution per K. W. H. gen- : erated ......cecceiiiiennnen A CRS .0051 .0064 Total Cost per K. W. H. sold ................ .0533 .0450 *After deducting credit of $425.15 for steam used for pumping. WATER FUND--MONTHLY OPERATION Bal. in Fund at Beginning of Month .............. $ 7,640.32 $ 4,743.23 ADD Income: for Month. ..civoves divs cnn nnsinidenn 47.10 39.44 NE A LN $ 7,687.42 $ 4,782.67 DEDUCT Expenditures-- : Pumping EXpense ........cccovesnerernenainan, $ 1,959.36 $ 2,707.64 DISITIDULION sieve ivoie ss nu sie win ois svn viniwnin ode 270.37 443.15 CoOMMErCIR): iiss ven vudmrvassirive x wvisy tise 83 1.21 General EXpenses .......cevssvrvnsnssrviviene, 307.26 264.80 otal Operating cui: or: devansnns vores y, 5,537.82 $ 3,416.80 Transferred to Sinking Fund ......... Interest on Time Warrants .......... Total Operatihg and Fixed Charges: :---....... $2,637.82 $. 3,416.80 Construction and Betterments ........: cx: vu. 102.40 $3.52 'Transferfo Other Funds. '............\. Total Expenditures: c...ocudesvnsvvi, niu idens $ 2,640.22 $ 3,500.32 Balance in Fund at Close of Month ..............$ 5,047.20 $ 1,282.35 WATER PUMPED AND COST Winnetka Consumption (in 1000 gal.) Glencoe Consumption (in 1000 gal)............ 18,570 16,369 Gross Point Consumption (in 1000 gal.) Fire Serv. Consumption (in 1000 gal.) Total, Consumption: ..... J daese's on aT Loss In Distribution .... cae. irae Pe, Total Water Pumped «.... conv corsivcras sing 57,437 48,608 FRoperating Expenditures (per 1000 gals. DUMDPEA). srl cri crass re . 2 Depreciation (per 1000 gals.) pumped. 044 0708 Ioss in Distribution (per 1000 gals.) . PUIIDEASE, ie teh ssi taids Hares « wa wae d ai 2 in a Aah es .0037 .0042 Total Cost (per 1000 gals.) sold.............. .0479 .0745 FUEL CONSUMED ' 1918---451 tons of coal at $5.14 per ton............ 2,318 1919--445 tons of coal at $4.51 per ton............ BL $2,006.95 *These figures are "in the red." hensive sclution for this situation is Solves Problems of ! : a. presented in the new book, "What of Growth of Big Cities | City?" by Walter D. Moody, managing director of the Chicago The rambling growth of large Plan association, the best known ex- cities, now growing larger in aston- | Pert in this line in the country. When ishing fashion, has become a serious it is understood that upwards of 250 | problem that must be scientifically | cities in this country are groping, solved. The latest and most compre- | after plans to meet immediate needs, 615 Davis St., Evansien = Malinees 2 and 6 Evenings 7 & 11 Friday September 26 Joseph Medill Patterson Editor Chicago Tribune, presents ¢"/. little Brother of the Rich" A picturization of the novel and stage success of the same name Saturday September 27 "A Grain of Dust" Another Judge Brown Story, "Shift the Gear, Freck" COMING ATTRACTIONS NAZIMOVA in "THE BRAT" MARY PICKFORD in "The Hoodlum' Rex Beach's Great Story "The Girl From Outside" Maurice Tourneur's "WOMAN" Eugene O'Brien in 'Sealed Hearts' Olive Thomas in "The Glorious Lady" ! \ i Adéed Feature | a El The Cemetery Beautiful 'ED amidst nature's own beauty, man has created a beautiful park ceme- tery. The sunken gardens, the winding paths, and the imposing chapel makes this spot a vision of beauty. It is indeed a fit- ting final resting place for our beloved ones. MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY and ANNEX @ross Point Road and Harrison Si., V5 Mile West of Evanston We want you to visit this cemetery. You will find it interesting and attractive. You should reserve for yourself a family lot--all lots in Memorial Park are sold with full perpetual care guaranteed. Suitable easy payments--no interest. Don't miss this opportunity. YOU ARE INVITED to call or write to the main office, 703 Mar wuette Bldg. and make appointment to have one of our representa- tives call for you in an automobile to take you to and from the cemetery. No obligation. Investigate NOW! " . ~~ $ Central Cemetery Company 703 Marquette Building, Dept. (361 g i Chicago Our penpetual eare funds are on deposit wit Brust Pepartment of the Central Tru: Used Pianos We offer these exceptional pianos--desirable in every way. These instruments may be purchased at savings from one-third to one-half. Many have been put through our repair factory and entirely refinished. AI} worn parts have been re- placed and each piano bears our guarantee. STEINWAY, upright, ebonized case, high polish, plain case, rich tone. STEINWAY, boudoir upright, ebonized case, pol- ished or dull finish, splendid tone; a gem for a fastidious buyer. WASHBURN, walnut case, just refinished, like new, good playing condition. CONSERVATORY upright, refinished, case, full size, fine condition. RICHMOND, mahogany upright, beautiful dark red case, fine condition. : WILLARD, upright, mahogany, dark, rich red, like new. HALLET & DAVIS, upright, dark walnut, re- built and refinished, beautiful instrument. PACKARD, upright, dark mahogany, full size, excellent condition. STARR, upright, walnut, large size, A-1 condition, a splendid instrument. SHONINGER, upright, large size, art case, dark mahogany, entirely rebuilt and refinished, splendid bargain. BEHNING, upright, mahogany, refinished and re- built, like new. STEINWAY, style plain, dark red rosewood, high polish, large size, dainty design. STEINWAY, upright, dark red rosewood, nolich or full finish, parlor size, tore rich. ebony Monthly Payments Everything Known in Music Lyon & Healy Wabash Ave. at Jackson Phone Wabash 7900 : Complimentary Concerts, daily, from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Lyon & Healy Hall, Ground Floor 164 N. MICHIGAN BLVD., CHICAGO "SCOTT JORDAN, Pres and Treas. CADY M. JORDAN, Vice-Pres. and Sec ESTABLISHED 1854 y C. H. JORDAN & CO., Funeral Directors Chapel at Each Establishment Complete Line of Funeral Furnishings 612 Davis St., Evanston Phone Randolph 1346-1347 Phone Hyde Park 132 WILMOT WHITAKER, Assistant Sec'y Phone Evanston 449 1522 E. 53rd STREET. HYDE PARK

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