Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Sep 1919, p. 5

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TS a rae m----r i "bridegroom, attended ocial Happenings] he NZeth Shore | by Ruth Risley = | HE FIRST MEETING of the Winnetka Woman's club for the coming season will be held on Thursday, October 2. The speaker for the afternoon, Miss Anna Page Scott, whose subject, "The Relations of Art to Industry" is one of great interest at this time, is an alumna of the Chicago Art Institute, a member of the Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, has studied abroad and been a teacher of art in the Mechanics Tastitute i in Rochester, New York. Miss Scott has had a varied ex- perience in this field which offers so many opportunities to men and | women now that necessity is forcing us to realize the importance of uniting beauty and utility and to develop a school of industrial design of our own. Our country has been far behind Europe in recognizing industrial design as an art, and Miss Scott will have much of interest to say on the subject that touches each of us, for on the relation of art and industry depends the beauty of our whole environment. It is hoped a large audience will greet Miss Scott and amark the opening of an interesting season. The officers and board of managers for the ensuing year in- cludes the following; president, Mrs. James F. Porter; first vice- president, Mrs. Morris L. Greeley; second vice-president, Mrs. Thomas M. Brooks; recording secretary, Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Leon H. Winne; treasurer, Mrs. Al- fred G. Freeman; executive committee, Mrs. Philip S. Post, Mrs. James Fentress, Miss Elizabeth Gemmell, Mrs. Lyman T. Walker, Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, Mrs. Harrison L. Mettler, Mrs. William A. Otis; member at large, Mrs. Marc A. Newman. ch SLAY | ne N SATURDAY afternoon, October x at 4:30 o'clock, in Christ {): church, occurs the wedding of Miss Blanche MaclL.eish Day to! Robert Leslie Ashley read the Service. matron of honor; Miss Dorothy Day, sister of the bride, maid of | honor, little Jean MaclLeish, flower girl. Mr. Philip D. Armour will | ¢ be best man, and the ushers will be Mr. Luther White, Mr. T. Philip | Swift, Mr. John Coolidge, Mr. Franklin Callahan, and Mr. Charles | Stuart. A reception will follow at the home of the bride's parents, | 454 Sheridan road. Alton. The Reverend Gerhardt will ® | HE WEDDING of Miss Grace Winifred Hamm, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. William S. Hamm to Mr. De Fores Custer of Cl 1icago, will be solemnized on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, 270 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, | Reverend Horace G. Smith and Reverend Leslie A. Fuller of Evans- || ton will read the service. Miss Hamm will have as her only attend- ant, Miss Elsa Lynk of Lockport, Illinois, and Mr. Ralph Nichols | of Chicago, will serve the bridegroom as'best man. Following a | short wedding trip the young couple will make their home at 270 | Scott avenue. ® | The. marriage .. of ~Miss- Marion .. Mrs. William. G. Hibbard, Jr., will | Keehn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cpen hor res at 840 Willow George W. Keehn of Kenilworth, to, street, Winnetka, tomorrow for a re- Reed G. Landis, son of Judge Kene- union of the overseas secretaries of saw M. Landis and Mrs. Landis,jthe Y. M. C. A.,, which will be held |; 'took place last Saturday evening atiunder the auspices of the women's! the Winnetka Congregational committer of the War Work coun | <hurch. The Reverend David Seaton! cil. All women who have served the read the service, which was followed | "Y" in France are invited to meet | by a small reception at the resida nce | the committee at luncheon betw een | f of the bride's parents. 112 and 2 o'clock. Miss Susanne Landis, sister of the ! Pe Miss Keehn as; A number of north shore young maid of honor, and Mrs. Robert War- | men and women have attended many | ner was matron of honor. The brides-, of the Bachelor and Benedict affairs maids were Miss Charlotte Parmalee.| in proswar times. Announcements Miss Agnes Pease, Miss Priscilla! were received earty this week stating Allen, Miss Marion Shattuck. Mrs. | that their custom of entertaining by John Coolidge, and Mrs. Frank Ge-|a dance to be given Thanksgiving eve xould. at a place to be announced later will judge Kenesaw M. Landis was his | be resumed this year. The parties son's best man, and the list of ush-}at which these young men have been | ers included Grant Keehn, Richard hosts in former years were discon- | 'W. Phillips, John A. Stevenson. John ed in 1916. because so many of | 'W. Ogden, Preston Kumlaer, Charles the members were in the service. The | uance i wnNovemper will be hailed with delight by those who have en- joyed them in former years, and by ob Miss the numerous debutantes who will H. Payne, Captain Paul Iaccaci, and Lieutenant Colonel W. G. Barker. er a TH of have made their bow to society by | S ; daug : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Day of that time. a Winnetka, and Robert Leslie Alton, are a group of lovely affairs. Miss Eileen Kelley of Highland Park is giving a tea this afternoon at her home for the bride-prospect- ive. Joseph Murphy, son of Mrs. Cath- | erine Murphy, 990 Fig street, has re- cently received his discharge from the navy. | The bridal party consists of Mrs. T. Philip Swift, | | School of Music will assist Miss Air, | | where he has been for the last two { opportunity of studying harmony and | noon, September 29, at 2:30 o'clock. Very receons prices. . Call for in- pi 4 i ition IL. Delchesne A is) © » ® street, W .nnetka. Tel. Winnetka 822. Four Evenings of Music When Mr. Edison speaks on electrical innovations, Marconi on wireless, or Mr. Schwab on the steel industry, every word has weight. Whenever recognized authority expresses itself, we rely upon its opinion and judgment. : When three million owners, all public uiilities and the largest corporations standardize on FORD CARS, isn't that conclusive evidence of superiority? Ford cars are scarce and deliveries must be made in accordance to 'date of order. ORDER NOW. Take your car at your convenience. Deposit refunded if you change your mind. No questions asked. R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 Church Street EY-AN ST O:N E. P. MOLLOHAN, Sales Mgr. Phone EVANSTON 4884 Mr. William G. Hill of the Columbia | &. this vear at the Winnetka studio. Mr. | Hill has just returned from France, years. While in France he had the composition from the great French composer and conductor, Monsieur | Indy at the Paris conservatory. Mrs. Joseph TEN. who has been jponding the summer at Idle Haven, North Lake, Wisconsin, will remain | there for a few weeks longer. if The Ridge avenue Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Philip Sadtler, 379 Ridge avenue, on Monday after- INQUIRE beut. my work in Permanent Wav- ve. I must say that I am a pupil of Mr. Filix Coune of Chicago, best ex- pert in that line. I have the most up-to-date apparat- us. All my York is guaranteed and JOSEF LHEVINNE 1867 -- DANCING --1919 Special at the Classes Pers 11 Con- ° . el oy Ve Evanston Woman's Club Auditorium ALVAR L. BOURNIQUE CHILDREN---JUNIORS--SENIORS North Stee ruth Slo pT Direction - MARY S. MARSHALL Chicago, The Studio ........ Oct. 16 2 / Shiobguvited ibe ahs SIRE li 1139 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Telephone Evanston 2219 Winnetka Woman's Club .... Oct. 21 Highland Park, Witten Hall.Oect. 22 Chicago, Kenwood Club ....Oect. 23 OCTOBER 17, 1919 ¢ hicago, The Parkway Hotel, Oct. 24 Chicago, Woman's Club, 1143 EK. 46th Street: ... cov odcc ana aS. Oct. 31 So rapidly is the growth of Chi- cago and environs it is impossible to know all the new amd desirable families eligible to membership in the classes, therefore references are required. Office and Studio--Chicago 24 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE (Adjoining the Blackstone) Booklet Ready October First A. HE. Bournique A. L. Bournique MABEL GARRISON "A voice like a thread of celestial light", NOVEMBER 7, 1919 JASCHA HEIFETZ "The very spirit of music" DECEMBER 11, 1919 JOSEPH LHEVINNE "A towering figure among the great pianists" SON Mrs. George Blossom of Hubbard Woods is to be host at a luncheon tomorrow at her home, followed by a matinee party. Miss Florence Folds will give a dinner the same evening at Onwentsia club, Laka Forest. f Wednesday, October 1, Mrs. Phelps | Hoyt of Winnetka will entertain at: a luncheon. That same evening Mrs. | T. Philip Swift, will give a dinner perty at her home. i Thursday evening, October 2, the'! bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Day. 'will entertain the bridal party at a dinner at the Blackstone. Friday evening, October 3, Mr. and Mri Bruce Macleish of Glencoe will give a dinner party at their resi- dence. . Lr hy Last Saturday evening. Mrs. Edgar F. Alden gave a stag dinner party at her home, 352 Linden avenue, in honor of Mr. Alden's birthday anni- versary. Covers were laid for 12 cuests, and Mr. Alden was the re- cipient of many handsome gifts. fe John Vaughn of Marquette, Wis- consin, who has been in the employ of the Village Hall for the past year, will leave next week for Detroit, Wor intormation phons Evans, 1828 Michigan, where he has accepted a position. ; MILDRED BRANDHAM PEIRCE Announces the opening of Inter- pretative. and Social! Deacing Classes in Glencoe, Winnetka and: Kenilworih, first week in October. JAIUARY 8,1920 - z MAX ROSEN E Ai] uy ETHEL LEGINSRA oo "Tils boy vieinist is uifted £ H | She is a pianist uy 1,8 4157 + with an innate poetic sense of 5] 5] tinct personality beauty" TORO! SOEIOE + (+) =a] ATTRACTIVE. ARTIC. | THE QUESTION OF SAVING LES FOR WEDDING i : GIFTS IN is a most absorbing topic in ev- GLASSWARE ery well regulated family. Ev- 0 POTTERY ° ery married couple should dis- 1] PRINTS i] cuss this question from every o STERLING SILVER [) angle and the wise ones will SHEFFIELD AND 1 see to .it. that .'an. account is DUTCH its opened with us at the earliest HEPRODUCTIONS. moment. We will' be glad to im talk it over with you, Get' '@ o started." That's the thing to do. 1} w - 3 = THE CELLINI SHOP & WINNETE A TRUST Patmerly : = RE GS BANK BANK OF M. K. MEYER EH 528 -DAVIS STREET and SAVING Established 1894 =| EVANSTON, ILLINOIS We close at 12:10 on Saturdays CAPITAL $35,000.00 4 jim O ENO EI OC EO EE O EI O EE ME O Ee | iv Ce Ai a ek AE » DS HE HE Gh Ta SL

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