Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Sep 1919, p. 8

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BF, La San py oc mmr WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919 Classified Ads ! Rates. for classified advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS r---- amg sei 10c per line first insertion ir any paper. pe per line for each succeeding inser- tion. 1bc per line first insertion in env two papers. 7 1-2c¢ per line for cach stcceeding Insertion. 20e¢ per line first insertion in three papers. 10c er line for each succeeding insertion. inimum charge on one time Ad 30c. Couat five average words to a line. Advertisements for the Lake Shore News must be at our effice hy Wednes- day noon; for the Winnetka Weekly Taik and Glencoe News by Thursday noon. FOR SALE FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianes, 365 up. Large assortment; easy payments. Patterson Bros, $28 Davis street. Ev- AnaTon, TTCIT-iT2 FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE,. WELL built chicken house, worth $75 but will sell for $20. Can-be seen rear 107% Spruce street. Charles Van Deursen. 524 Hawthorne Lane, Win- netka, Il _T28-1te HOUSPHOLD GOOBS _ FOR SALE--ENTIRE CONTENTS OF a well furnished 6-room house in- cluding Royal Bengal rugs, floor 5 xr LOST--BY DONALD McPHERSON, | ; ; Mothers io Wateh', i bl oor ir a PHONE WINNETKA T28-1te Feeding of Pupils| ™¢ LOST--ON SHERIDAN ROAD, A PAIR 999 T . of shell rim glasses with chain; re- North shore mothers will know ward. Address Mrs. Frank Fuller. what their children are eating at the | Phone Win. 6. Shoal P2Sslie North Shore Country.Day school. $10 REWARD--INFORMATION LEAD- | hoa pi Many parents who are planning to ing to recovery of Plack 2nd yhite | for Hardware, Paints, ; send their little folks to the new Mar ight FB, '0: ; educational institution have express- Final g.500e Mma Winnet- Oils, Tools and Cutlery ed anxiety over the plan of feeding | _ka. TG28-1te thie ichildren at the. school: Its tol = = LG tae TT ri mi | ne. allay any fears in that regard that MISCELLANEOUS Headmaster Perry Dunlap Smith an- NoTICY WE TAKE LIBERTY RONDS nounces that a mothers' committee | at full value in payment on pianos E B TAYLOR& CO H d Ph 999 : talking machines, washing machines, has already been appointed by the TN In machines. . . oy araware. one trustees to assist in this department.| Patterson Bros. $28 Davis street, Ev- : Under the direction of Mrs. Edward | _ anston. 3 gore TAO ste K. Clark, chairman, a parent will be | WE BUY Aly Sine oF JUNE, OLB at the school daily to see what is on ; alot iT; Forest avenue. Telephone Wilmette the bill of fare. 1130. "He has his name on his BECAUSE THE FIRE recently destroyed my place Miss Lila White, expert dietician, | _ Wagon. g LT44-tfc : of business at 805 Elm St is to be in complete charge of the | WANTED--A GOOD VIOLIN. CALL = usiness a £3 4 1 Toda a Glencoe 634. LTG45-3te : school lunchroom. Under her expert | dieneoe Bb cor HATE 1 1 am now located at 24 Prouty Annex, where I am prepared supervision the food is to be scien- er hon omork, tree trinuming and 3 ; [ tifically prepared insuring only the expert gardener. 804 Elm street. | to give the same commendable brand of service as before. nrost wholesome food for the child-| Phone Winnetka 694. _ T26-dtc | 2 : ren ir INTERESTED IN SMALL CLA SS | rr rE EE CT EE TH EH TT THT TE HE Tories ni . a C3 2 two hours each morning with visit- Equipment of the Country Day ing kindergartner in S. W. ond of | p ® school kitchen will entail the expend- tow, please eoWimMuTieate with Mrs. iture of approximately $1,700, accord- igosa 5 Wiitnen, Sill Bopjerher | al' in nee 9 oe epairer hom Ir. Smit t is ye 5 0th a Rdgartown, Mass, thereafter | a ing to Mr. Smith. It is to be the| Jiggy Toad, Winnetka. T23-3te | < ) most up to date "layout" available, | : with modern steam table and latest| == TTT 24 PROUT Y ANNEX ranges. Advance regi 5 iaiions at the schools ations at tii€ SCHool | 1 5( yeu tried the Delicious 75¢; lamp, ,reed porch set, f ed k din- ine =zét, 4 poster hed ,cabinet sewing machine, a ite enamel gas stove, Th i | nt 1 C t 191% Washineton | otte. Phone Wil. 1817. T.T46-1te 1 CHINA AND leathe chai 2 m ov12 fT 1 f ug, 9x single ess; 1 dress- ble to match Winnetks: | k i T28-1tn OAK DESK, FOR | SAIL Kindle da , two rockers, stool standa chair, upholstered im 1 leather, mahogany book- brary table, kitchen cabi- 1139 Oakley avenue, Hubbard T28-1te FOR SALE--WHITE ENAMEL BED and springs, Bird's eve maple dresser | and chiffonier, mahogany library table, two rockers, four-burner oil] stove, oak book-case. 1357 Asbury avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. , 1327. T28-1te | FOR SALE--LARGE SIZED MARSH- all Field and Co. "Kiddie Xoop"; good condition; $10. Phone Win. 680. gl T28-1te FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE- held furniture at 859 Burr avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 935. = Sr Sar : T28-1te 'WANTED--COMBINATION COAT AND gas stove. Phone Win. 512-W. We Cay T28-1tc FOR SALE--SEVERAL ORIENTAL rugs and twelve valuable Limoges plates. Kenilworth Inn. T28-1tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUE ITALIAN WAL- nut hall seat and mahogany tea _ table. Phone Win. 883. T28-1te FOR SATE REASONABLE PRICE, gas stove; good condition. Phone Win. 129. T28-1tc FOR SALE--ONE SOFA. ONE LIB- rary table, porch rugs. Call Saturday or Monday. 735 Greenwood: avenue, Glencoe. TG28-1te ATTOVNOBIVLES FOR SALE A FEW SAMPLES OF BARGAINS: Double drive Detroit Electric; model 66; like new; forward drive Detroit Electric, model 45: rear drive Detroit Electric; new batteries, paint and tires; double drive Rauch and Lang; perfect condition; Woods Electric, owner leaving town; must sell at once; also in perfect condition. Ad- dress Morris, Benson avenue and Clark street, Evanston, Phone Ev. __1048. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--DETROIT ELECTRIC car; pneumatic tires. Phone Winnet- ka 526. 596 Arbor Vitae road. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE----ONE 1919 FIVE-PASS. Buick touring car; beer run 1000 miles; can be seen any time at Sten- man's garage, 724 Elm street. Win- netka. Phone Win. 841, LTG46-1tc WANTED--USED © BICYCLE FOR A little girl 9 years old. Phone Win. 037. T28-1te 4 _________ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--6 ROOM HOUSE; ALL improvements. 684 Railroad avenue, Winnetka; seeing is buying. geo te Jn Taas-1tp WANTED 70 BUY--A MODERN house in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods 'with at least 2. baths and a sleeping porch. Price no over $25,000. Phone Win. 143. T28-1te WANTED TO BUY WANTED--BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM furniture. writing desk for house to be furnished October 1st. Phone Win. 1184." oa TG26 -tfe WANTEDTO BUY-USED HOTWATER boiler. N. G. Brosted, 199 Linden ave- nue, Glegcoe. T28-1te WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--EIGHT or nine room house for cash; no hur- rv for possession, Winnetka pre- ferred. Reply with complete details . from owner direct. Talk 434 TE 24 T28-1te WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR High school girl in exchange for services. Phon Win. 648. T28-1te WANTED TO RENT--3 OR 4 FURN. or unfurnished rooms for housekeep- ing by refined and reliable people, for October or November 1. Address Talk A-90. T28-1tp YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM AND board for himself and 3 1-2 year old girl. Address Talk A-97. T28-1tp WANTED TO RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS with bath preferably in vicinity of Willow street and Elm street sta- tion, Phone Win. 1499 or address Weekly Talk A-T0. T28-1te FOR RENT FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM; SUITABLE for married couple or two men; 1 block west of Indian Hill station. Phone Win. 182. T28-1te y bed, | 1 1 ' ~ inners Serv from 5:00 | this week pa 150 in namber and "Hote Dinners serve rom 5:00 'y > : a Yon ad h 50) to 7 M. at the Giagham Tea Shop, rd 1 ; it was the linit "31 110 sh avenue, near Monroe 11 pupils would be "hed and street. We also serve a BOe Supper and A La Carte Luncheon from 11:00 to alas LE Bal Mm AAP 1 1 Cc i Y P. M. Everything Heme Cooked. .¥ « if A; NEw £ By Al 1 a c 5 , MH. Brooks and Mabel! I. Kennedy. Bite) Wl SRE Bale RAH 8 Ca¥ enrollment plan A 5. CIAO. 8 TA SSR, | Raturs from Trout Lake hae 2k Enda |B io Re n from Trout Lakc | Are = hE Bf SEAT oan the Yookom! M I 00( {osmer Fy ama 7 Ns | Hy i On The {00K OUT 1d whter Margaret [ Ash |- fear &% 8 Pe OB L451) ro] "ath | long {a It want 1s 1 \ 1 ret 01 A | He acid . vad bs _ =m Cl ValiL < treet. re « y = LX Village this | a8 gy £1 BS ui | om | 458 5 week from Trout Lake, Wisconsin. [Of all kinds in large and small cans| 906 LINDEN AVENUE Fjeliman Bros. husBiRD WOODS NE ETKA 1384-83 re EY AT EER | WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING | A Note of Thanks | Floor Finishing a Specialty hg | ' CTE RY We wish to thank our neighbors | RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE and friends for the kindness and| FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE sympathy shown us during our re-| cent bereavement. | Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pearson. ~~ eropngE WAREHOUSE [| Mrs. Frederick T. West, of Chi- | cago, is spending a few days in Win- | entka with her daughter, Mrs. Don- | Qur Idea of Service As illustrated on first page ald MacPherson. GE LEY Wil I I : . a 5s ni EY TS s to give our customers the best Quality it is possible to get Enter U. of I. poston an dongs we feel |} and make delivery in a satisfactory manner. Max Engelhart, 383 Park avenue, Sure Joma Br Tp Do Glencoe, and Martin Jans of 585 population without any storage Provident avenue, Winnetka, left ak Js sib snare WINNETKA MARKE A TOR the. north shore this week to enter Re Inctallment olan. Sy I A pita Li he Cntvseiliy of Deu BRE chad gl had nv: 734 Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 920--921 i FE stock issue. L IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE TaN ) TNITUATION WANTED _ NY KIND OF MASON WORK. TEL. N J FELLOWS AN aon 1307; at home after 5 . 4 P. M. HL F R S ~XTBEN AND LAWN WORKS Iv. places taken care of] summer or 2 REGISTERED ( ) A 1 : year around. J. H. Walsh, 37 J i. OPTIciAN North Shore Property Miss Axelson. 926 Ash street. Phone Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted Win. 1570. pnd Lerss Duplicated i ITED TO CARE FOR F ; WAN Sor h and Winnetka. Daniel Frise: Révalred From Evanston to Glencoe. . | Vacant " Ywioved Thomas, Kenilworth 1215. T28-5te HELP WANTED ANTED--TO 5 3 Phone Room 3 J5--TO LIVE ON THE PLACE, : : A oe ai for general work Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. ; about house and garden; write stat- | § i i d lary desired. ri Mic hig Me SSW cokly Talk. nx, XP. REAL ESTATE OPERATORS WANTED--GROCERY CLERK, EXP, steady position, A. S. Van Deusen, 3 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG46-1te WINNETKA WILMETTE ARTED_YOUNG MAN TO "TAKE 524 LINDEN STREET . 404 LINDEN AVENUE we of rie and put up orders. A. Tel. Winnetka 1544 Tel. Wilmette 1644 § Van Deusen, grocer, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG46-1tc NTRD--GIRL FOR ~~ BAKERY WN As: Dleasant surroundings; week- WILMETTE 74 oN 9 ; half holiday. Wilson Bakery, 1162 mete avenue, Wilmette, TIL Mon. and Tues., Sept. 29 and 30 a pq lie) Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 WANTED--JANITOR; $100 PER | Matinee, Tuesday, 3:30 | Y ; 8S. M. Goble, Winnetka | Font, Apply S. 3 PPI Wiras-1te SSELL | WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR: W M. RI J ol cooking and taking care of first | floor. Apply Mrs. F. A. Potter, 10390 | SERS t Four" i ; ; Phar Lanc, ITubbard oo etre hg Six Fou) Fou NEWS Beginning Saturday, September 27, WANTED--YOUNG LADY OF IN- EXTRA ool. COMEDY And Ending Friday, October 3 telligence, initiative; office an ype- . Trina; $15 por ionih. Address, | Wed. and Thurs, Oct. 1 and 2 price $2.50, special for $2.25; 3 Ib. size, regular $1:50 $1 35 giving experience, Box 82, Rint Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 5 Ib. Crock Richelieu Strawberry or Raspberry Jam regular WANTED--COOK AND SECOND MAID { ALL-STAR CAST Strawberry, Raspberry ond Peach Preserves hfe) povnd for ..25¢ Four in fantiv, Phone Win '308 in 1 Ib. Jr Suawiery or Raszberry Jam, Genesee brand, regular Beige ee di ge 2 éé ° ? of 99 asc, for A. 35 WANTEP--FiRaT CLASS LATND. Choosing A Wife Kellogg's and Armour's Corn Flakes, package 12¢c; 3 for ress. Phone Win. 803. T28-1te = h St ; 0 si ar' ii = 3 Quaker Oats, 3 lb. size, regular price 35c; for 30c; small size .... WANTED--WOMAN FOR __ HOUSE- From. the Novel . 4 work, from 4 P. M. tp 8 P. M. daily, . ¥ " Poast Toasties, package except Sunday. Phone Win. £48 The Elder Miss Blossom Puffed, Wheat package ATR Ea la LR a : ' u coffee, poun WANTED--G00K AND ~wAITREsS. || EXTRA, Hano2 LLOYD'S U ede Bait patkage Mrs. A. Younkers, Winnetka 683. Shredded Wheat package Sal Jase EXTRA ...i. athe TRAVEL Fuhr Family hig VY WANTED--REFINED, EXP. NURSE me ] Ps for children. Phone Winneths Fri. and Sat., October 3 and 4 Jeans Fed for oid = 3 y . e 5 y WINES oon wasny on 1] Evepinge GO), S120 aug S30 Goodluck Margarine, pound ...... 8 : Phone Win, 5%. T23:1tp tines, Satdycdy, » Arcardia String and Wax Beans, regular price 20c per can, WANTED--JANITOR FOR WINNET- ial 2 for Ja use ka Congregational _chureb. i Mu DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Specia © Foble. phone in. 154. -1te GLI . . " 3 J] : DRESSMAKER HELPER WANTED AT in "His Majesty the American Call and Inquire About, Our Special Line Of Fresh Fruits and once. 859 Elm street, Winnetka. Tel. EXTRA ....00: PATHE NEWS Vegetables Winnetka 1325. __ LTG46-1tc LOST AND FOUND sri oro po | comme |} The Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery Lr any God" SALVATORE DI FRANCESCO, Proprietor child's purse containing savings. Tel ijl IJ gs. Tell Anita Stewart in "The King- 901 LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS Bo a dom of Dreams" : LOST--ABOUT 4 WEEKS AGO LONG . . . 3 blue serge cape, lined in blue silk Alice Joyce in "The Third Telephone, Winnetka 400 with Stevens label. Reward. Finder Degree phone Win. 1058. T28-1te,

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