Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 1 Nov 1919, p. 3

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 3 "CON CON" CANDIDATE The Senior class election was held i . . oe Wednesday, October 15, and the fol- | For Furnishings = lowing oflicers were elected: Presi- \ Wilmette Man Represents Demo- nan : ve y, G wes G 00 d 1 bi eas ADCLPH E. ROULAND IS SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS | | 7 ro dent, Jevne Haugan; vice-president, Some ideas on furnishing a home cratic Parly in Seventh District; Joy Scheidenhelm ; treasurer, Ed- were given dt Northwestern Uni- Would Fight Special Interests ped Yunkers; secretary, Marion vercity settlement in Chicago recent- ontgomery; sergeant - at - arms, : : Te MS RL Age recent: Startevan TNiDmAL Sturdy and Stylish, at substantial savings. Smart- university faculty. The suceestions The Democratic side of the Con- -------------- are very practical and could be fol stitutional Convention delegate bal- SUBSCRIBE NOW lowed hy north shore young counles lot on election day, Tuesday, Nov- nd : ember 4, will bear the name of to advan fon cod oily BR Adolph E. Rouland, 1534 Highland cupv. avenue, as representing the Seventh N J FE s ; I I . W "Costly rues are not necessary," district ° . O S : : i : Mr. Rouland has been a resident of 1 "" Mr. : ¥ side ) said Miss Skinner. "A hit or miss Wilmette for several years and is ness in juvenile footwear is a unique feature of this store. Headquarters for Buster Brown Shoes for Boys and Girls. To hen mare attrasive than en to ans Se He REGISTERED HARRY M. BUTLER " Ts ele : op | formerly was active in village affairs | Heavy furniture is undesirable for in Marcotte he aren as OPTICIAN Successor to TUCKER SHOE CO. eneral use d also m the is- : fone use and also from the artis term as president of the board of N77 ULL 1 £7 LL LLLLLL SILLS LLL LLL TLS LAL STAI II ASAI SIS ASAI a Bolen A 4usstinn of School District number Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted SHOES, HATS, FURNISHINGS die 9. He is president of the Rouland H ; as Without a din: Publishing company of Chicago. Lenses Duplicated Stores at Hignland Park 1213 WILMETTE AVENUE ine room hetter than He car vo Withs Mr. Rouland 'was born near Scott- Frames Repaired ort av other So5I o £ og house ville, Illinois, thirty-eight years ago. UL HLL LLL ALA LL LALLA LL LAA 11 FL LA A A AAA A FE Ars nt any ; 2 g Tnstead of a sideboard you can have | F1¢ was a school teacher for several Phone Room 3 | a built-in cabinet. Instead of a big, J E2Is and at one time principal of Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. the Central school at Hillsboro, Illi- nois. He has been a resident of Cook county for twelve years. He is married and has two children. As a candidate for the important Illinois Constitutional Convention chair is the only American contribu- | M- Rouland is pledged to "stand for tion to the world of furniture. the rights of the people and against She continued about draperies: | Special privilege = seeking corpora- ; "Thev should be selected with the | t1ons. . : : WINNE ; KANS! greatest of care" she explained. RL RT ® nn "Windows, which are there for light KENILWORTH ESTABLISHES : and air. should not be covered up LARGE RESIDENTIAL ZONE with hangings which keep out the sun. One may have a pretty green Kenilworth commissioners charged : which srogests the summer foliage | with the adoption of an ordinance e ev oshe cr 27 nntusin color of golden yellow. | creating 'a residential district in the . » . Subscribe for Your Local Paper clumsy dining table why not use a folding table which can be set against the wall when the meal is finished? Then the room can be used as a living room." Miss Skinner said that the rocking Sian kevnote gu mals every-| Village, have announced December thing harmonize with it. raperies 1, as the date for a public hearing on : : sg. . that have a play of colors, that 15, | the qohate i ne gle hearing on Assistant Dean of Moody Bible Institute, will be the two shades woven. together, always | worth Assembly Hall. : main speaker . are attractive." 4 According tothe description. in : i A TA EN the ordinnace the entire east side of DE YOUNG AND MILLER IN the Village with the exception of the : 3 : | : " > » small business section on Richmond J J cone met Nov i EAE At Community House TT na western railway station, and the - ) Bh, Received Two 'Highest Votes In| water tower and plant in the north : September Primaries For Dele- | east of the Village, the.entire: section Corner of Pine St. and Lincoln Ave. gate Jobs will be exclusively a residential dist- : rict. ---- ; J | On Tuesday, November 4, voters FORESTER MEETING S d E N 2 d of the north Tu will be asked to : : EA 5 un a Yenin 9 ov. : n ballot for delegates for the Illinois The Catholic Order of Foresters of ; ) ; Constitutional Convention. For the] St. Joseph's church held its monthly AT 8:00 O CLOCK consideration of north shore voters | business meeting Saturday evening are presented the names of Frederic [at the Forester hall. ; p R. De Young of Harvey, Ill, and Amos C. Miller, of Kenilworth. Two candidates are to be selected for the convention. : De Young and Miller, republican candidates, received the two highest ~ votes of any candidates in the coun- Extra ! At 7:30 o'clock THE MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE FEMALE QUAR- TETTE will entertain you with singing worth hearing fan the September grimaies ane ! announces her return from idacies o 1e tw are sup- . od ~ 2 : : : ported by the New Trier Auxiliery Eh apis pag Li This the Fifth of a series of Community committee composed of Shelby M. as sung and taught with S 3 E : ti f Singleton. Wilmette, H. O. Di monde great success undaay vening mee ings or every person Cenilworth, Sherman M. th. of ' : ; ; ag i HE W. Sie Voice Placement and diaphra- in W innetka. And the meetings are very : hag of Winns, he fl loader matic breathing a specialty much worth-while--ask those who attend- Mr. De Young was the floor leac : in the State Assembly in the fight She is eminently fitted to ed last Sunday night. for the Constitutional Converdtion ouch: Sheers. bor Oars and has had wide experience in C SIngers E pera, legislative circles. Mr. Miller has Oratorio and Fongs for years been prominent as an effi- Pupils now being registered Conducted jointly by all Protestant Churches in Winnetka cient corporation attorney. g Address 923 Oak 5t. Winnetka SUBSCRIBE NOW Telephone Winnetka 670-J GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Wl Er we. | Some Reasons WHY You Should VOTE for ADOLPH E. RCULAND for DELEGATE to the ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION from the Seventh Senatorial District WILMETTE Mon. and Tues.,, November 3, 4 Fvenings 7:20 and 9:00 Matinee, Tuesday 3:30 Mary McLaren in "Bonnie Bonnie Lassie" EXTRA .. PATHE NEWS NO. 86 EXTRA vmmvein COMEDY 1. He is HONEST and FEARLESS. He has lived in the district for the past twelve years and has many warm friends. Those who know him best are his stanchest supporters. 2. His BROAD EDUCATION and KEEN INSIGHT into POLITICAL and ECONOMICAL QUESTIONS, QUALIFY him in an unusual way for the position of DELEGATE to the ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 3. He stands whole-heartedly for such measures as the INITIATIVE and REFERENDUM. He believes in the SOVEREIGNTY of the PEOPLE. He takes the position that on all matters of PUBLIC POLICY the PEOPLE SHOULD RULE. * ' 4. One of his opponents in the election, is allied with big business. In the Republican Primary, - Wm. H. Malone, who made a fight for the SMALL, TAX PAYERS and against the LARGE TAX DODGING CORPORATIONS, publicly charged that Mr. Miller was backed by the RAILROADS, THE 3 his : PULLMAN CAR COMPANY and OTHER LARGE CORPORATIONS. Mr. Miller has made ne de- . g nial of this. Mr. Rouland has always fought for the rights of the people and will as a member of the ADOLPH F ROULAND ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, REPRESENT the PEOPLE of the DISTRICT and not : 3 WY THE SPECIAL FAVOR SEEKING CORPORATIONS. z yi LP 1534 Highland Avenue 5. There are two delegates to be elected. THE ISSUES INVOLVED ARE IN. NO WAY. PAR- Wilmette, If. TISAN. The PROBLEMS TO BE TAKEN UP AND SOLVED by the MEMBERS OF THE CON. STITUTIONAL CONVENTION HAVE NOTHING TO DO 'WITH NATIONAL POLITICS: Mr. Roul- and's candidacy affords the independent voters of the district an opportunity to defeat the purposes of the PREDATORY INTERESTS which have undertaken to elect as-one of the delegates TO THE Wed. and Thurs., November 5, 6 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 NAZIMOVA in "The Brat" EXTRA, Latest Harold Lloyd EXTRA .....ideiiiedovsen Travel . Fri. and Sat, November 7 and 8 Evenings 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30 Matinee, Saturday 3:30 "DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR Warren Kerrigan DELEGATE ° R CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION from the Seventh District a man who would do: hen bidding: ff in : TO THE Mr. Rouland's election insures the people of the district, able and fearless representation in ..the- 8 3 Y 3 : : ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. ake {PE ee he iter An i "The Joyous Liar' - Illinois Constitutional Lid ; LA To) a He a EXTRA .........PATHE NEWS EY Convention Fok > % " "From the Seventh' 3 : ; . . he ng ' Hwy Sguatoninl Distrier ; : ~ Election November 4, 1919, 7 A. ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 1919 foo di nto A Rey pdt re COMING Charlie Chiiplin in "The Fireman" Bessie Barriscale in "Kitty Kelley M. D." ke | Sm

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