Sr a nr 10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919 ; Tuberculosis Work and the Annual Red Cross Christmas Seal Campaign Tuberculosis is more deadly than war. This statement, backed by figures which show that while 67,882 Am- ericans were killed in the conflict in Furope, 200,000 Americans perished of tuberculosis at home in the same period of time, emphasizes the task the United States is facing in its ef- fort to wipe out the White Plague, a scourge that is both curable and preventable. One thousand organizations throughout the country are affiliat- ed with the National Tuberculosis association in the warfare on tuber- culosis. Cook county through the great work of the Chicago Tubercu- losis Institute, occupies the proud po- sition as the leader in the campaign against the plague. In no other part of the United States has there been sa determined a fight made, nor so many results accomplished, as in Cook County. Tt is estimated that there are 1,- 000,000 cases of tuberculosis in the country today, and that at least 150,- 000 of these will resuit in death with- in the next twelve months. Cook county right now has some 60,000 cases that should receive attention. To do so, of course, requires funds. The chief weapon in the fight against the plague in Cook county are the Traveling Health Clinic, the nursing service and educational ex- hibit. The Health Clinic which has become famous all over the country, accompanied by a physician and a nurse, travels a regular route through forty towns and villages of the coun- ty. The importance of the little seat was well demonstrated during the influenza epidemic. Additional nurs- es were needed and the county had no funds to provide them. So the Institute employed ten nurses for this special work, paying for them with money derived from the sale of the Christmas seals. There was such a demand for this nursing serv- ice that after the epidemic it was: continued; in fact, it was enlarged. Sixteen towns arranged with the In- stitute to employ full-time nurses, each town paying fifty per cent of the expense and the Institute bearing the other fifty per cent out of pro- ceeds from the seals. The money for Cook county's splendid campaign against tubercu- losis comes from the sale of the fam- THE PUBLIC HEALTH Harriet Fulmer R. N. By Supervisor, Rural Cook County Public Health Division. -- All questions relating to health and home sanitation will be answer- ed in this column each week. -- All co-operating Public Health Nursing committees in Cook county are entitled to use the following form for constitution and by-laws. This form may be changed to suit local conditions. Name: This committee shall be known as the Public Health Nursing Committee. Organization: Tt shall consist of not less than ten members, repre- senting the various interests of the community. school. church, business, clubs and fraternal organizations. Purpose : To promote Public Health | Nursing servicer and interpret its value to the community. Officers: The committee shall elect its own officers, namely: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treas- urer, who shall perform the duties usually delegated to such officers. Meetings: Meetings shall be held regularly once a month, time and place to be decided by the majority. Order of Business: Reports of the nurses work and other business of the organization shall be discussed; special meetings may be called when necessary. COUNTRY LIFE CONFERENCE Everyone interested in Town and Country problems is urged to attend the Country Life Conference at the Ia Salle hotel beginning Saturday, November 8. Those . interested in health problems are especially in- vited. Ancients Used Window Glass. From the evidence contained in the ruins of ancient temples of Greece and Rome it seems certain that win- dows as a vehicle for the admission of light and air into the interior of a hall or room were in use as long as 500 B. C. Not Much. The Romans' Thanksgiving was ded- we1ted to Ceres, goddess of the harvest. It "was a day of worship and rustic sg t=. Times haven't changed much! -- a York Telegram, ' ous Red Cross Christmas Seal at a penny each. Under the leadership of Mr. James FE. Phillips, campaign director for Cook county, the work of recruiting workers to handle the seals is going forward rapidly and the indications are that many of the best known men and women of the county will de- vote a large part of their time to the good work during the period of the campaign. Continued leadership in the tuberculosis war is the object of those responsible for the sale in Cook county, and the success of the seal sale will depend largely upon the volunteers who undertake the work in the booths. The Red Cross Christmas Seal is the only method of financing the work in Cook county, as it is through- out the United States. Eight and a half million dollars, derived from the sale of these seals during the past eleven years, have been instrumental 'in providing approximately $100,00,- 1000 worth of institutions used in fight- ing the White Plague all over the nation. The annual upkeep and maintenance of these institutions ex- ceeds $20,000,000. There is a hospital in nearly every state, and in some there are between ten and thirty. Cook county has an institution with a capacity of 700. Funds derived from the seals have not heen used actually in building hospitals, but these funds have made possible educational campaigns prov- ing the necessity of such hospitals. Only two years ago, as a result of a great campaign of education, 31 counties in Illinois voted to tax themselves to erect hospitals. "That Cook county is recognized as setting the pace for the entire coun- try in both the educational work and the actual treatment of tuberculosis is a matter of considerable pride to the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute," said Campaign Director Phillips. "We hope that the people of the county generally will realize that in order to continue our great work we must dispose of an unusual number of seals this year. "We have a total of twenty nurses working now. This service, with the Traveling Health Clinic and educa- tional work, is dependent upon the sale of the Christmas seals. We feel confident that the people of Cook county will support this work by buy- ing the little seals without stint dur- ing the sale period, from December 1to 10" Not a Chance in the World. "A good husband ought to tell his wife all his faults," is the advice given husbands of more or less doubtful status by a Milwaukee authority on domesticity. But the average husband will have to be very, very quick about it or the average wife will tell him 'irst.--Pennsylvania Grit. Hatch Silkworms in New Way. An improvement in the manner of hatching silkworms has been perféct- ed by Japanese growers. lgg cards are immersed in diluted hydrochloric acid for five to ten hours just before they are hatched. In a fortnight or 12 days after the immersion the eggs are perfectly hatched, and worms that are stronger and more healthy than those hatched in any other way may be seen coming out of the shells. SUBSCRIBE NOW ZEn. AGAINST S Mud AND WET OUR and BOOTS are the Best Protection WW carry the largest e and most varied seme ss line in the west. Try Us and See W. i. Salisbury & Go. 308 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO Setwean Franklin snd Market Streets Phone Franklin 8744 R #us RUBBER STORE Ll eeu TESST TT TT NEW CONSTRUCTION FIRM ESTABLISHED IN WILMETTE Ud A Ld Ld ad dd Rd EL 2 ddd LL dd Rd Ld dd dd Rd hdd Ld ddd Ltd NORTH SHORE RUBBER CO. NOT INCORPORATED | North Shore Construction and Real Estate Improvement Co. Suc- ceeds Gathercoal Company The North Shore Construction and | Real Estate Improvement Co., has established headquarters in Wil-|R mette to succeed the F. H. Gather- R coal Co. at 1511 Highland avenue. | The new contracting firm is prepared to assume construction contracts all [& along the north shore. |S F. H. Gathercoal, head of the F. § H. Gathercoal Co., continues as one ® of the active heads of the new con- cern. Associated with him will be Christy Brown, also of Wilmette. G SS Both men are well known in all HE a. north shore towns. The Gathercoal ° was established on the north shore ; in 1916 and has been one of the most progressive contracting concerns in this vicinity. Mr. Gathercoal has long been an active member of the New Trier Commercial association, holding the office of vice president in the organization. Auto Tires and Tubes Repaired PHONE EVANSTON 2037 1620 MAPLE AVE. EVANSTON, ILL. J. O. HAYES, Proprietor Service Daily Thought. and Every day, as it rises out of eternity, keeps putting to each of us this ques- tion afresh: What will you do before this day has sunk into eternity and nothingness again ?--F. W. Robertson. Unvarying Quality THE S 2 yY New York Gift Shop || % offers to the ladies of the North Shore the most complete and well-selected lines of Christmas Gifts in the loop. Handbags Necklaces Nosegays Lockets Bar-Pins Lace Colla:s Hipp & Coburn Co. Hand Embroidered and Colored Linen Handkerchiefs 1226 STEVENS BUILDING 17 North State St., Chicago Servels. Gold and Jil. verware 915 Marshall Field Annex Bldg. J A THE BLUE PARROT GIFT SHOP 1551 Sherman Ave., Evanston Gifts for Children and Grownups NS : | | absolutely lengthen the life of your clothes. Phone Evanston 6622 AT OUR EXPENSE for Free Demonstration The APEX Electric Washer AND II The APEX Ironing Machine An Apex Washer will pay for itself, and show more hand- | some profits than any other investment. It will save your strength and health, time, soap, loss in use of gas, and will The Apex is the origina! oscillating style machine, the correct principle. No rubbing or boiling of clothes necessary. The Apex is built here in Chicago and built right. It is well known in the trade that the Apex is the longest lived ma- chine made. No cylinder to lift. The tub is heavy copper, tin lined. Clothes washed faster in the Apex than any other and with no wear on the clothes. T'he swinging wringer is very handy, and the fact that all wringing is done by power makes wash day easy. Phone for free demonstration in your own home. No obligation. Our easy payment plans are especially inter- esting. In buying the Apex you are buying the best wearing and most practically machine on the market. C. E. SUNDBERG, Distributor Also Eureka, Hoover and Sweeper Vacuum-Sucticn Cleaners 1608 MAPLE AVE., Near Davis St, EVANSTON Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Th APEX The Original Oscillating Type Washer -- =