* following the WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919 11 7 YLIISSSS SIL < N BOY SCOUTS OF TODAY, AS FUTURE CITIZENS A FAITH RESTORATIVE So common is the sight of the _ Scout uniform, so far-reaching is the Scout service, and so deep is its im- pression on the American imagina- tion, that it is hard to think that Scouts have not always been. 'There are times when all of us despair of the future of the race, so rampant seems evil, so triumphant and arrogant seem vice and selfish- ness. We know nothing that can so swiftly restore faith for humanity as the sight of a troop of uniformed Scouts. Give the Scout movement its right- ful chance and when America's present boyhood shall become Am- erica's manhood, a bond of comrade- ship, a bond of brotherhood, shall have been forged which it will be impossible to break. "Then we shall have the brotherhood "of man, then we shall have true Am- ericanism.--Anonymous. LUMBERMEN, SCOUT DADDIES The president of the Lumbermen's Credit Bureau of Miami, Fla., came in to the Scout headquarters recently, and created quite a stir. Before he could get seated, he asserted that the lumbermen of Miami wanted to "daddy" a troop of Boy Scouts. How did they do it? Easy. First, they had a desire to do a good turn by some of the boyhood of their city. 'Second, they decided they could do it best through Scouting. Third, they started out in the lumberman's way to get things done, and in three weeks they had a scoutmaster with nine boys to start a troop. INJURED SOLDIERS GO HOME; RED CROSS THANKS SCOUTS RR -- The Boy Scouts who have so faith- fully aided their "big brothers" in United States General Hospital No. 1, in the Bronx, New York City, are happy over a letter to them from Field Director Francis P. Nash, in 'which he says: "This hospital is to close, and as the Red Cross brings its activities to an end at this post I wish to thank your organization for the splendid service you have rendered during the months of activity here. "It would have been indeed difficult, if not impossible, to handle the crowd of visitors without the assist- ance of the Boy Scouts. They have done valiant work, not only here, 'but in other parts of the country as well." : . SCOUT TROOPS iN MILL One of the most interesting letters 'that have ever come tb the National Headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America contained the applications of five troops of boys employed in cotton mills in Georgia. Southwest LaGrange is the post office center for the four com- munities where these great mills are located. There is one troop each in the Unity Cotton Mills, the Unity Spinning Mills and the Elm City Mills and two troops for the Hill- side Cotton Mills. These lads who would be scouts have a vision of the future good citizenship upon which America 'must rely. The Fuller FE. Gallaway company 'has provided an auditorium, to be ar- ranged in five separate compartments, one for each troop. About twenty of the men in the mills will give time to helping the boy scouts in their program. WHAT BOY SCOUTS DO The unsightly rains left after a big fire in Catskill, N. Y., were such an eyesore that the Boy Scouts of Troop No. 1 cleaned up the place as a "good turn" for their city. A wheel chair was bought for an invalid boy by the scout troop in Poughquag, N. Y. Americanization is attained for younger ones in our foreign popula- tion by a short-cut through the pro- gram of Scouting. In Lowell, Mass. a troop of scouts has been formed of Greek boys, and a committee of Portuguese is also organizing a troop. a. With the Government restrictions now taken off amateur radio plants, thousands of Boy Scouts will again begin trainino. Hundreds of scouts filled important places in the Gov- ernment wireless service in the war, scout moito of "Be Prepared." The Hudson Valley Federated Chambers of Commerce has approv- ed the Boy Scout movement and 'pledged its aid to making it a suc- «cess in #il the cities along the river. Tra central fire department station in Miami, Fla., is going to "daddy" "Troop No. 4 of Boy Scouts. On the troop committee are the captain, a 3 LS ASLS SSSI LS SISLS SIS LIS LISS SIS SLL LL SSA LLL SLA SLL SIS S SSS LS ASIA SPAS SILL SSS AS SS SAS SAAS SSSI SSSI SS SAS SSAA SS S74 WITH OUR BOY SCOUTS ASAI SLS LLL ISS SSA LLIS LILES SSS IL SSSI IS SILLS SSS SSS S SIS TISIS SSSI A SSS SSS SASS SSAA SSSA SS SS SSI SSA SS SALA SASSI ISS SSIS A SSS fireman, an inspector and the elec- trician, and the phone operator is the scoutmaster, The American Legion at the meet- ing of the Chapter in Westchester county, New York, approved the Boy Scout movement. John H. Glifford, "Fighting Doc" Clifford, of the Fifth Marines, is in Kingsport, Tennessee, and writes to National Boy Scout headquarters in New York City that he has establish- ed the first of a number of Boy Scout troops there. He was a scoutmaster of Tucson, Arizona, before going over on the other side, and his son has been a member of troop No. 51 of Paterson, N. J. Scout Troop No. 1 of Wakefield, Vt. took a hike from Lake Dunmare to Ethan Allen Cave by compass through the mountains. A Warrenton, Va., troop of scouts cleans up the streets of the town twice a year. The scout truck is al- ways at disposal for any charitable or helpful work. When King Albert of Belgium stop- ped at Toledo to visit Brand Whit- lock, the route from the station to the museum was lined with citizens, and thousands were banked around the buildings. Boy Scouts who re- inforced the city policemen had a hard time holding back the throngs, but they struggled manfully and made a good job of it. Governor C. J. McCarthy of Hawaii has set aside a parcel of land con- taining 64.24 acres for the use of the Boy Scouts of Kilauea Council at Hilo. After this tract is improved, the Hawaiian Scouts will have a wonderful camp site, A campaign for $38,000 in Water- bury, Conn, to provide funds for the local Boy Scout council for three years, including $10,000 for camp de- velopment, closed on time with $41,- 000 One of the extension workers lent to the French Government by the culture for canning demonstration dinavian countries. During his stay and lower houpes of the Danish legislature en the subject of exten- sion work in the United States and how the work is administered. The privilege of speaking before the Dan- ish Legislature is extended to few outsiders. Following this address, the Minister of Agriculture arranged for the American extension worker to give an address on home demon- of representative people. PROOFS OF BIGNESS To disagree with the other fellow and still remain friendly; to see the other fellow's viewpoint and still cling to your own opinion with a smile that is sincere; to travel the first 50 miles in company with a and then go to work, not willingly but anxiously, proves that you are a bigger man than the ordinary fel- low we find on the pay roll. SAFE INVESTMENT . As illustrated and described | in former copies of this paper we will soon have a fireproof warehouse in our vicinity. Warehouses never fail to pay good dividends and there is no reason why this would not be true in this territory. Kindly telephone Wilmette 32 for further particulars. To the Ladies of the North Shore THE RUTH E. THCGRUP SALON offers for your trial and approval iis superior work in MARCEL WAVING MASSAGE: SHAMPCOING HAIR DYEING MAN HAIR GOODS REDUCED 21.3 DURING NOVEMBER We also oifer at this time our "NAIL TCNIC for Brittle Nails" 1016 Stevens Bldg. 161M. Wabash Ave. 17 N. State St. CHICAGO Telephone Central 2614 / =,' Must Make a Choice. " INNER TH "After a man gits an education," . mid Uncle Even, "he has to dectds |: \K/ hen You Have Tire Trouble whether he's goin' to put it to work or id R12 to Mille Try Our Expert Repairing ; Cord and Fabric work our specialty. Tubes repaired while you wait. All work guaran-~ teed. We have a limited stock of Goodrich 30x3 1-2 Safety guaranteed 4500 milesat. . . $15.00 30x3 CgUArantee . '. + se +» $11.95 Cards on the Table RI A oes . You can't make any stor- age battery last forever -- A WILMETTE TIRE & VULCANIZING CO. You've got to keep it filled with water and test it, just vive Under New Management, D. SCHWARTZ, Prop. like a tire has to b= kept filled % with air, or it will cost you 633 RAILROAD AVE. Phone Wilmette 2429 money. Some day -- if you have an OEE TE TT LTT TT ordinary battery -- it's sure to have to be re-insulated, no matter who made it. But -- if you'll buy a Wil- lard Battery with Thread- ed Rubber Insulation, you'll get clear away from the biggest cause of battery troubles. The insulation will probably last as long as the plates. Drop in and ask us any question you can think of. We're here to give you the kind of help, service and. advice that make friends. LR CHAE TTT RHEUMATISM Nervousness Constipation Take our baths and treatment Scientific methods for reduction and developing Corrective gym work Gardner's Reducing Machine Evanston Battery Station 1645-1656 Maple Ave., Cor Church St. Phone Evanston 4445 C Willard TRADE MARK REGISTERED First class seroice--Highly skilled attendants for ladies and gentlemen ARNT THRE ROR nn Evanston Massage Parlors 609 DAVIS ST. Tel. Evanston 4163 School of Massage and Swedish Gymnastics ripe WHHL TT ETT U. S. WORK INTERESTS DANES @ United States Department of Agri- | work, spent September in the Scan- § he addressed a meeting of the upper |} stration work hefore a large audience | crowd quietly and not tell all you : know; to smile at the breakfast table | Saves Shopping Time You save the bother of transferring and conserve your energy hy traveling to Chicago on the North Shore Line. You are taken right into the heart of Chicago, around the Elevated Loop, convenient to all leading stores and office buildings. Through Trains to Chicago Every 30 Minutes Limited and express trains leave Winnetka at 4:01, 4:31, 5:31,6:01, 6:52, 7:22 A. M. and every half hour there- after until 12:52 A. M. Last train 1:52 A. M. To Milwaukee Trains leave Winnetka hourly from 6:55 A. M. 12:55 A. M,, and every 30 minutes on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and holidays. North Shore Line Chicago Office: 6° West Adams Sireet, Pl. ime: Central 8280 . Milwavl-ee Office: 187 Second Street, Phone: Grand 1136.