LSS LISS SAAS SAA PIV Ld ALIAS SII 1S HHL SSIS SIS SSH IA Village Hall Notes | CARE OF WATER METERS . It has been the experiencg of the Water department of the Village that considerable unnecessary ex- pense to residents is caused every year during cold weather by their failure to properly protect the water meter installed in the basement. Rule No. 2 of 'the Water and Light Department carries the following provision: * "No person taking water .from the waterworks of" the Village shall per- mit his service pipe or fixture con- ected therewith to Ke "out of good repair or unprotected from frost. He also must provide ample protection against damage tog the meter from any cause whatever ahd maintain its location convenient and accessible for inspection and removal." Water meters are damaged from two causes; namely, frost and hot | water. There is little dan by frost in stalled in basethents, as .ordinarily fhe hosemant temperature . seldom a s cs on . > . . . tls, slow freezing. The principal 4 ger lies in the possibility of a Bis a3 i al : ¥ ement ii being blown open ring a heavy 'storm and allowing ger from damage jthe meter to freeze before it is dis. covered. Householders should there- fore see that all basement windows are properly secured before the ad- vent of extremely cold weather. Damage from hot water. is caused by boiling water' being forced back through the meter, against the: press- mre in the mains, as a result of over- 'heated water heaters, connected to 'the heating plant of the building. Hot Water damages the rubber composi- tion disc of the meter and also the celluloid dials, and necessitates ex- pensive repairs. No entirely satisfactory method of protecting the meter against this situation has been devised, although there are a number of combinations of check valves and relief valves on the market which are fairly reliable but rather expensive to install. : Careful eperation of the heating plant, during extremely cold weather will obviate the 'necessity of the , consumer paying for repairs to me- ters damaged by hot water. The trouble always occurs when the furnace is being forced to adequately heat the house on days when t temperature is very low. er in the tank is raised to boiling temperature, the movement of the steam and hot water back through the water service pipe causes a very audible pounding noise which is easily noticed. As soon as this oc- the curs, water should be drawn from the! hot water faucet so that cold water may be admitted to reduce the tem={to perature. A little attention paid to | arrived. Although the weather con- the case of. meters jn-| When the | this matter on very cold days may result in a considerabie saving to the householder. . These mieters are called to the at- tention of our residents at this time! in order that they may not be held liable for unnecessary expense un- der Rule 26, particularly at this time when the need of economizing in every way is of paramount import- ance. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT During the past four. years, through the courtesy of the Winnetka Weekly T4lk, +he monthly balance sheet of the Village has been published with- out charge, for the information of citizens who are interested in follow-| i the financial progress of the] 1wunicipality. The publishers now| | feel that they can no longer afford | to contribute the space which this] tatement requires each month, and! sequently in case it is continued, | the Village will necessarily pay the] | usual advertising rates. 4 it is desired to continue the publi-| | cation of the monthly balance sheet, | | possibly in a condensed form, in case, there is shown a sufficient interest on | the part of citizens to have it con-| tinued. The Village Manager there- | fore requests that all persons inter-| ested in having the balance sheet; published each month indicate by | mail or telephone to that effect. FIRE ALARMS G. M. Houren, Chief of the Fire Department, requests that persons turning in fire alarms by telephoning | Winnetka O should state the street, | name and number where the call originated, instead of merely giving their name. This precaution will greatly decrease the possibility of mistakes occurring in answering the fire calls. iMPROVEMENTS AT HILL STATION A sketch showing a suggested plan for improving the environment of the Indian Hill station was submitted 'othe Council for iaformal consider- ation at the meeting on December 2. This plan provides for a small tri- angular park opposite the station, and contemplates the widening of] | Winnetka avenue. It is understood | | that the plan has met the approval] | of a considerable number of proper- | tv owners in the neighborhood, and {it is hoped that enough interest will he shown to carry this or some simi- | lar plan into execution. INDIAN | SOUTH EAST PAVEMENTS | The Village Engineer reports that | | the last section of concrete was laid | iin the South Fast paving improve- | ment on Tuesday, November 24. The Jeontrastors, The Marquette Con- | struction company of Chicago, de- cerves great praise for their success in pushing this improvement through completion before cold weather RRR WRYD rrr a CHE EE EE ATH TTR TH EE Ice S and Perfectio nna nnnnun ap HTP HHH RRRRRLRRRLLRRVRVLRRRRRER $ 5 RRRRRRRLRRRRRNRRR Facts Are What Count! Snow Shovels are the Main Sellers now Cutlery and Tools J. F. Eckart Co. Hardware, Paints, Glass, Kitchen Utensils Telephone Winnetka 844 736 Elm Street ATRIA ELT LAIR SIAN HE Fn SA 3) TE CE ER TH TL Sleds kates n Oil Heaters will be on exhibition from next week on TT TTT TO FRET EETPTOE ERG THT ditions during the past summer have been almost ideal for paving work, the contractors have met with numer- ous obstacles and difficulties, such as labor shortages and strikes, em- bargoes on material, delay in ship- ment of construction equipment, etc. The contractors have requested the Board of Local Improvements for a short extension of time in which to complete the grading of the park- ways, and to clean up the work. It is hoped that mild weather condi- tions will prevail during the next two weeks enabling them to finish up the job completely. i It is proposed, if a total subscription of $375.00 can be "3! well known string quartet of J -- ing a most interesting series music. N. Landon Musical Opportunity raised, to have the Shostac Quartet--a very excellent and i for several seasons--give three concerts in Winnetka. These concerts would be in January, February and March. The quality and high class of these performances is assured. The best of the old and modern schools in chamber It is hoped that one hundred people in Winnetka may be sufficiently interested to subscribe an average of $3.75 each--some more and some less-- depending upon circum- stances. 'This subscription will admit all adult members of the subscriber's family to every concert. Will you please send your name and amount of sub- scription before December 15th to any one of the following, Franklin Rudolph, Winnetka. Edward Yeomans, Hubbard Woods. Chicago, which has been giv- of concerts at the City Club Hoyt, Winnetka. ram) a a $ Make it Easy to Iron Ironing an Apron on the SIMPLEX Ironer Step in and see our special demonstration of the Spex roNER SEH ERE Sth RONER:IZ 7 Demonstration in Your Home Terms if Desired North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 44 Large Xmas Display The Farmers Bank Account With both labor and capital falsely branding the food producer as the high-cost-of-living profiteer, our farm- ers must fight together under strong leaders if they are to continue to get a living wage for their labor. In our own county this bank will always stand for your prosperity. Nationally--internationally--the strong voice that is speaking for the American farmer today is Tre COUNTRY GENTLEMAN 5¢ the copy everywhere Capital $25,000.00 Winnetka tans State Bank The farmer is not a profiteer. He has earned hisbank account, his credit rating, his home com- forts, by saving the world from starvation. But the world is moving fast, and to keep in weekly touch with farm condi- tions everywhere--to hold what he has won--the farmer should regularly read THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. The information you will get in the next 52 big issues may make or save for you $100.00 to add to your savings. If you have an account with us, you can instruct us to charge it $1.00 for your year's subscrip- tion. If you keep your surplus cash under the old mattress send us $1.00 for THE COUNTRY GEN- TLEMAN. Or, better still, comein and get acquainted--today. Winnetka State Bank Gentlemen: (1) Because you know me, enter my name for THE COUNTRY GEN- TLEMAN for one year and charge the cost, $1.00, to me. or (2) Here'smydollar. Iwant THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Send ittome. © i RT TOC f Henry R. Hale, , Cashier Ma rT ERE TE Winnetka, 111. (My Name). __ John R. Leonard, President Phone Winnetka 10 -------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- p-- (My Address) (State) (City) fs