Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 Dec 1919, p. 5

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Ii JULIET pd RITE TI R. AND MRS. WARREN PEASE, 320 Leicester road, Ken-| ilworth, announce the mariage of their daughter, Agnes] Madeleine, to Edwin Everett Sheridan of Evanston, on Saturday, November 29. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 o'clock, at the Church of the Holy Comforter. Miss Alice Free- | man of Rockford, Illinois, fiancee of Mr. Warren Pease, was maid | of honor, and the bridesmaids were the bride's twin sisters, the Misses Beatrice and Florence Pease. i Mr. A. D. Sheridan acted as best man to his son and the ushers were Messrs. Louis C. Seaverns of Lake Forest, Thomas R. Ludlam | of Detroit, Andrew E. Colson of Glen Ridge, N. Y., Malcolm Wail of Highland Park, Charles Whitney, Jr., of Evanston and Warren Pease, brother of the bride. At home cards have been issued for 128 Main street, Evanston, after January 1. M ber 11, at 2:30 o'clock at the Winnetka Woman's club on "Character Development in Relation to Willpower". Fvery- one is cordially invited. Dr. John Dewey of Columbia University has given a chapter in his beok "Schools of Tomorrow" to Mrs. Johnson's educational experiment established twelve years ago at Fairhope, Alabama. Many progressive educators are working along the same lines as Mrs. Johnson, but from no other schools, have boys and girls gone to college who have never known grades, marks and examina- tions. A o RS. MARIETTA JOHNSON will speak on Thursday, Decem- & Among the patronesses for the appearance of the Yale Glee club on December 22 at Orchestra Hall, are Mesdames James IL. Houghteling, George W. Blossom, T. Philip Swift, and Francis Peabody Butler of Winnetka. Of interest in New Trier circles is : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McChlan | the announcement of the marriage Bell and family, formerly of 964; of Miss Isabel Wright, daughter of North avenue, have returned from { Mrs. Edward P. Reuter of Wilmette, New they have been to Denton Hayes of Santa Barbara, | making their home for the past year, Cal., on Saturday morning, November | and are living at 369 Ridge avenue. | 21. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are taking] --_---- = : an extended wedding trip through Mrs. W. B. Lieber and son, Maurice | California,~and will make their home| of Canton, Ohio, were the guests for in Goleta, a suburb of Santa Bar-|a few days early this week of Mr. bara. and Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 988 Elm street. re Wen The Friday Evening club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Reach, 844 Prospect avenue on Monday evening, December 8. York, where A nice round sum for Home Mis- sions was cleared at the entertain- ment and musicale given on Wednes- day evening, at Bluff Edge, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith in, Sei Hubbard Woods. Miss Jennie John-| The North Shore Dancing club will son," who gave her recital in the hold a dancing party at the Winnet- drawing room, sang delightfully, and the little playlet entitled "Modes and Manners", presented by local talent, proved most entertaining. ka Woman's club on Saturday even- ing, December 13. imp, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bruderlin have sold their home on Willow street and will spend the winter in Los Angeles, Cal. ----f Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Adams, 873 Oak street, had as their guests on Thanks- giving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Mark: Stevens and family of Chicago, for-| merly of Winnetka. The following day. Mr. and Mrs H. 'P. Barber of. Chicaco. 4'so former residents of. this Village. were the guests at the Adams home. ee Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Post, 475 Maple avenue, have returned from a months' stay at Virginia Hot Springs. The Rosewood Avenue Circle will meet with Mrs. R. Johnson, 997 Vine street, on Tuesday, December 9 at 2 o'clock. Mr. E. E. Adams and son. A. L. Adams, returned Wednesday from a few days' hunting trip near Cham-| The winter club gave another of paign. III. Mr. Harley Cazel and, its series of dancing parties on Tues- daughter. Lenla, accompanied them, day evening at the Winnetka Wom- | and will be the week-end guests at an's club. the Adams home. ! ee fe pies Beene One of the Thursday Luncheon and The Winnetka Woman's club con- siders the matter of raising funds for the Silver Jubilee Ixtension fund at Bridge clubs will meet next week at| the home of Mrs. Charles N. Reese. | 727 Forest avenue | the January business meeting, which i, fo falls on the third Tuesday of the The TIilinois Council of the Par-| month. ent-Teacher association held open; Eee house from 2 to 6 o'clock yesterday! Ar. and Mrs. George Oldfather, afternoon, at the Jolly Tar club of 397 Linden street. and Mrs. I. C. Waukegan, to celebrate the addition | Norton. 370 Walnut street, attend- of a new wing to the club's quar-| ed the hanauent and annnal meeting ters. J of the City Missionary society held lact Tuesday evening in the Stevens building. ELT ef of [TIN] f af i Miss Adelaide Murphy, 990 Fig B& street is spendino a fortnight visit- ine in Detroit. Mich. The Misses : Catherine and Rose Murphy return- J} 2 ed Monday fram St. louis, where thev spent Thanksgiving and the week-end. Every Ford Owner Should Know service. a minor adjustment to a adjustments. M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr Phone EVANSTON 4884 complete overhaul. Exclusive Dealer Insist on Genuine Ford Parts Just what Ford service is, and why it is different from ordinary garage The Ford Dealer 1s a part of the Big Ford Family. large stock of genuine Ford parts for repairs and replacements, and he uses only genuine parts because he knows the imitation parts aren't dependable. He has a thoroughly-equipped, up-to-the-minute garage with tools that enable his Ford mechanics to efficiently and properly make any repair--{rom Now, we are Authorized Ford Dealers--a part of the great Ford Service organization which was formed chiefly to put within each community a dealer who would have more than a passing interest in Ford repairs and Drive in or phone and we'll come for your car. R. D. CUNNINGHAM 810 Church Street EVANSTON He carries a us. very formation. | street, Winnetka, Tel. INQUIRE about my work in Permanent Waving. I must say that I am a pupil of Mr. Felix Courie of Chicago, Seeboeck {in that line. best expert I have the most up-to-date apparat- All my work is guaranteed and reasonable prices. Call for in- H. Delebecque, 747 Elm Winnetka 822. --Adv. PAINTS Miss Kathleen Air will present the| Rain Patters ov i uvsndnes Dutton | students of the Winnetka branch of Kathryn Street the Columbia School of Music, in re-|Courtly Dance .............. Rogers | cital on Monday afternoon of next Hazel Cooley week at 4:30 o'clock, at the Win-!Bird's Grace .............. netka Woman's club. The following Hurdy Gurdy Man .......... Rogers program will be given: 5 Mary Marble 5 Sunflower: Diait. ii vn ies Smeltzer | Cello ooo, TBP. Hall Barbara Burlingham March .... carrereaenses Frothingham > : Elizabeth Richards Crocuses ono iil dude Smeltzer May MOTRING +o oeverrsnnnnn Rogers! Columbine' [to ui, Smeltzer Elireida Ransome wy Leila Withers Hungarian Song... 5... Esterhazy Hollyhocks ..........ivudvs Smeltzer Virginia Ingram EEmma Rummler Ghadys at "Play... lel. Mokreis First Robin shin. oiihnness Rogers Olga Mangel pe Teddy Bersbach | Cradle SONY vu iieviens Neidlinger Fireflies vo ori, aii Ellsworth'| Bernice Abrahamson Good Fairy S. fn..u. 5 Ellsworth! Morning Birds .............. Rogers Dorothy Reach ! Water-Sprites Barcarolle, Neidlinger _ Elizabeth Sanford Bogie Mans... ooo Swift Richard Younkers Noughty }Pixie ..... cc cece Brown Francis Stanton Whip-poor-will -.............. Dutton Helen Younkers To a Butterfly... 0ol.i Grenow Illaine Philipsborn Night Wind i... 0000000 Dutton Betty Horsman Fairy Tale... 000 ol rae, Dutton Helen Beli Lattle Dance a. oii voi ves vids Rogers Lois Truesdale Joke Souvenir de Wieniawski .... Hasech David Moll (Main School Student) Jean Markley Youth and Joy &.. uss hi ave Schytte Eleanor Sherman Clown Twilight ban ivr sedate Friml Susan Burlingham Gavotte oi hr a Sah vite Eleanor McEwen -- i -- Mr. and Mrs. S. Nelson have mov- ed from 422 Provident avenue to 923 Cherry street. 22 7 Ee 2 Zed Zl Ll al 2d lL ddd Lid ddl 2d cy ELECTRIC WASHING THOR wise sold on Easy Monthly Payments. We advise ordering it now. Pur- chases made early will be held for Christmas delivery. Order It Now! Winnetka Electric Shop 4 E. Railroad Ave., Winnetha Tel. 318. Paul D. Blake, Prop. -- of --- Mrs. Tohn R. Teonard of Winnetka Jas returred from a visit to her danghter Marv FElizabeth T.eon-rd. who 1s a sophomore at Welleslev. and has made the Glee club, as well as her numerals as a member of the hockey team. CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF DISTINCTION shown in -- = - Mrs. Florence S. Capron and Mrs. A. D. Capron have returned from Manchester, N. H.. and ar snending the winter in Chicago at 5332 Ken- ¥ avood avenue. GLASSWARE POTTERY SILVERWARE Decorative Novelties in i. Bronze and Wood { The Fast Willow Street Circle will meet with Mrs. Marc Newman, 519 Willow street, on Tuesday afternoon, December 9. Mrs. Sylvan Hirsch- berg will be the assisting hostess. a_i it Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin & kheimer 822 Bryant avenue, have al- tered their sername and hereafter are to be known as Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win S. Fetcher. THE CELLINI SHOP 528 -DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILLINOIS THINNED TILT Teck: THT Te] and red sole in the Shoes for the whole family. Telephone 694 2 7o INCREASE ON RUBBER GOODS AFTER JANUARY FIRST This is the verdict by wholesale dealers. are in a position to serve you in black, white women and children. Guaranteed work in shoe repairing Winnetka Shoe Store 804 ELM ST., WINNETKA We men's line and black for H. Luensman, Proprietor Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREER A Suggestion for Christmas The Gift of a PERMANENT WAVE CERTIFICATE Write for FREE Booklet PERMANENT WAVING SYSTEM C0. Felix Coune, President 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago Telephone Central 8714

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