Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Dec 1919, p. 5

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\ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 re. 8 SPECIAL MEETING of the Winnetka Woman's club will be held at the clubhouse next Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of discussi treaty. At the meeting yesterday a communication from the a fortnight ago at the Men's club limited time for the discussion of . that a special meeting should be called. IRE LC EEL Le LR ER LEE EEE RC EEC CER ECE ERLE ce rem Ts LL Jocial Happenings " Winnetka. Hubbaed Woods. JILL in ng the ratification of the peace meeting. As there was only a this vital subject, it was decided MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK H. SCOTT of Sheridan road M have issued invitations for a tea-dance to be given at Indian Hill, club on Monday afternoon, December 22, in honor of that evening at the clubhouse for their daughter, Miss Emily Scott. oS W Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Leonard, and Miss Leonard, have issued cards for an "at home" on New Year's Day, between the hours of four and seven-thirty o'clock, at "Wildacre". o v Mrs. J. Edwin Bradstreet has given at the Winnetka Woman's club on Monday afternoon, December 15, from four to six o'clock, to meet her daughter-in-law, their daughter, Isabel Scott, and for a dancing party to be given | Mrs. Endicott Bradstreet. She will be assisted by Mrs. P. Went- ||j issued cards for a reception to be worth Bradstreet, and Mrs. Howard Hoyt, Jr. ; M. P. LOUEN Sales and Office Mgr. vv Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown was de- layed on the Touraine on account of the lack of coal. The French liner which was to have sailed on Monday, did not sail until Thursday. The book, "The House of the Good Neigh- bor", by Esther Lovejoy, which is for sale at.both drug stores and at Miss O'Brien's Hat Shop. is being sold for the benefit of Dr. Brown's Serbian Relief work. MacMillan. the pub- lisher, says of it, "The Experiences narrated in "The House of the Good Neighbor" are as old as Eve, but as new as the Dawn of Day. They are every-hour occurrences in everv part of the world but such a description as this has never been written of before." This volume received its name from a social center in France. on the outskirts of Paris, where Dr. Loveioy lived during the winter of 1917-18. Chapter Eighteen, called "Five Women in a Camionette", men- tions the dispensaries which were under the supervision of our Dr. Brown. fe -- A great deal of enthusiasm and in-: terest is being manifested in the I. E. club which has recently been formed at Community House under the direction of Mrs. William McKin- ney. I. E. stands for International Events, and the object of the trgan- ization is for the discussion under Mrs. McKinney's leadership, of the important questions of the day. Many housewives are so busy these days with the cares of a home and family, that it is practically impossible for them to keep as thoroughly posted on vital matters as they wish. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 7, at three o'clock, and an invitation is extended to every woman in the Village. peer en "Chicago Commons", on Wednes- day. at the meeting of the Woman's society of the Congregational church, o proved to be one of exceeding in- terest. Miss Leah Taylor, principal, of the Commons, and Miss Evans. who is in charge of the Girl's club, were the principal speakers of the afternoon. Others on the program were Mrs. Cassetari, an Italian wom- an, who told in her own way, what the Commons means to the foreign women, and Miss LaRocca and Miss Hawkins, who rendered some music-| al selections. tf -- The meeting of they MacDowell Musical club was held at the home of Mrs. C. B. Ewart, 382 Ridge ave- nue. on the afternoon of December 8. The subject of the program was "Classical Music" and Mrs. Ascheim read an excellent paper on "The Classical in Music". Following is the program: My Heart Ever Faithful ...... Bach The Rose Complained ........Franz' Death and the Maiden ...... Schubert Mrs. John W. Hansel; Mrs. Dwight 'C. Orcutt at the piano. New World Symphony ...... Dvorak (First and Second Movements). Mrs. Benjamin J. Kellum and Mrs. Percival Hunter. Duets-- : Passnee Bird's Farewell ....Hildach Andalusian Song ........ Paul Puget Mrs. Asa B. Cooley and Miss Kath- erine Greene. Was in the Lovely Month of May.. I EE TRY Schuman In the Garden ....... a... Schuman My Sweet 'Répose ......... Schubert Mrs. Hansel with Mrs. Orcutt at "the piano. Carmivali coool buaas ie Schuman Mrs. H. M. Anning 4 The Woman's Christian Temper- PHONE EVANSTON 4884 ance Union met with Mrs. Edith Pearson in Wilmette on Monday af- ternoon. Reports of the County and State conventions were given by Mrs. Will the Coal Shortage | have an effect upon the temperature of your home? If so, is nor this condition due purely to negligence on the part of the owner of the home? People living north of the Mason and Dixon line know they must burn coal from November to April, and only the very, very poor need buy in the "'from-hand-to-mouth' style. Every spring and lasting "most all summer the 'Shortage of Ford Cars" ruffles the temper of those who neglect placing their order until Men's club was read requesting that the Woman's club adopt the they need the car. This shortage 1s just as positive as the frst day of resolution for the ratification of the peace treaty, that was accepted spring, and for your protection is that you place your order now. Take it at your convenience or cancel if you wish; we'll thank you for both. You take na chance; you protect your interests. Cars sold on 12 months' time. R. D. CUNN NGHAM EXCLUSIVE DEALER rad All I ask 810 Church Street EVANSTON Johnathan C. Drake and Mrs. S. Hamm. It was voted to send a]tations for a Christmas party to be Christmas gift to the little French! given at their home, 435 Elm street, orphan, Anna Le Coye, who has been|on Tuesday evening, December 23, in adopted by the Union. A committee] honor of Miss Josephine Landon, and of members volunteered to assist on| Mr. Brownell Bradstreet. Winnetka Day in the rooms of the ? pi Chicago Business Woman's council. The Triangle club will give a danc- =k ing party at the Winnetka Woman's The regular Christmas party of the | club next Tuesday evening. Congregational Church Bible school f= will be given on Wednesday evening,| The North Shore Dancing club will | December 17, 4 o'clock. There will be| give another of their series of dances a Christmas play and carols in the|on Wednesday evening of next week gymnasium, for all of the school. In}at the Winnetka Woman's club. accordance with their custom for ge many years, the children will bring; pg. Jessie C. Forrester of Ocean gifts for the children of Chicago| park, Cal, is the guest of her daugh- Commons. Because of the growth of ter Mrs. Fred F. Cain of 1229 Scott the school, admission will be by avenue, Hubbard Woods. 1 ticket. Bee fn | A Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell, 1274 North 2 Sysiness meeting Rhd pIogram of avenue, have returned from a brief the Winnetka Woman's club will be| {Gt at Hot Springs, Va. held next Tuesday afternoon in the a departmental room at 2 o'clock. The Mr and Mrs. Arthor: G- Cable and cuhiect under discussion will be the! .hjidren have closed their home on Work of the Y. W. C. A". and the Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, and speaker will be Mrs. Mary Post. The are spending several weeks with Civics committee conference will Mrs. Arthur Ryerson in Chicago. nresent the following interesting sub- ha es lara Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emory Al- 2 dg nay we or Wi a Wh bright of Hubbard Woods are spend- vote br jiliesyomen of mnetka at! i o the winter in southern California. a "ty ? . = Sigetians! ; A renninatl Their three sons, who returned in the : ne step 1n an Americanization| .,;mmer from France, will remain in program. Se iaak : 3. Report on Mr. Herbert A. Mil- Chicago. ler's lecture, "Paradoxes of Amer- ization. re 4, Community kitchen. 5. Community Laundry. 8 | DO STOP IN TO SEE MY 6. Mother's helpers. : ULTRA-FASHIONABLE | PE The West Elm street circle met at | EVENING AND AFTERNOON | the home of Mrs. Frank Plowman, on | Linden street, on Tuesday afternoon. | Plans for the annual Christmas din- | GOWNS ner for the Amarose family were dis-' cussed, Christmas stories read and And Ready-to-Wear Street Dresses | carols sung, led by Mrs. Robert Wal-} Y also have for your approval some poe: Bad | | very "chic" TRICOTINE Dresses A class in the study of Parliament- || and JERSEY WAISTS. ary law under the direction of Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, will be opened; at the Winnetka Woman's club on' . Monday afternoon, January $5, at 3:30 | o'clock. Anyone wishing to join this] class is requested to get in touch with || Mrs Alfred G. Freeman. ---- Mr. and Mrs. P. Wentworth Brad !] "1 street, and Mr. and Mrs, N. Landon {i 1310 Stevens Building, Hoyt, 435 Elm street, has issued invi- | Chicago : Men's Neckwear ........ 75¢ to $1.50 Holiday Mafflevs .. 0 iawn $1.00 t0$3.50 Suggestions Women's Bath Slippers .......... 50c Men's Cuff Links, tie clasps and stick ||, ping Sa 25¢ to $1.50 Men's Fancy Handkerchiefs ...... 25¢ Boys' High Cut Shoes ..$5.00 to $7.00 EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING H. M. BUTLER "Shoes For All The Family" oh Tel Wilmette 596 TED 1213 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette r---- OE © EESTI OI © Q CHRISTMAS : SUGGESTIONS Book Ends Lustre Glass Newcomb Pottery W all Plaques iSilverware Jewelry Greeting Cards ) J THE CELLINI SHOP: 528 -DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILLINOIS | D [) =r OTTO FEET OE 0 IEEE 0 TO EE a LB zr] i or ALWAYS AMPLE CURRENCY available at this bank for "the convenience of our depositors, for cashing checks, discounting notes, taking care of drafts, bills of exchange, credit letters, etc. This bank aims to render a real service to the business \ community, whether depositors \ here or not. That we regard X as the function of a business bank. WINNETKA TRUST Formerly and SAVINGS BANK "AME hited 180d We close at 12:30 on Saturdays CAPITAL $35,000.00 En Mn OE OE Ol OO. vot he A010 IO ERORS JOO EE oO EI QO mmm

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