Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Dec 1919, p. 7

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3 .'.. anston. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 ~N Classified Advertisements = Bo... per line for first i sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. nsertion. Each succeeding in~ Copy must be in by 5 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano; also child's bicycle; reasonable if taken at once; will accept Liberty bonds. Phone Win. 698-R. T38-2tp FOR SALE--USED ELECTRIC WASH- ing machine; good condition: Phone Win. 44. TG39-1te FOR SALE--ROUND DINING ROOM table, good as. new; . bought at Scholle's, a year ago for $150; sell for $95, including 5 chairs. Von Colditz; can be seen at Schlies- ke furniture store, 563 Lincoln ave, Winnetka. 4 LTG5-1te FOR SALE--GAS! RANGE, DETROIT Jewel; SIX BURNERS; this range has ben used but is im unusually good condition; $25 gash. Phone Win. 27. oY i LTG5-1te FOR SALE--OAK EXPANSION DINING: table and four -chairs;" 9x12 Wilton rug; fumed oak davenport, upholster- ed in Spanish leather; all in good condition; also very fine leaded glass dining room dome; old brass: four: light combination gds and electrie fixtures. Inquire< at .1Q19 - Ashland avenue, Wilmette: Phofte Wil.' 582. Horan LT5-1te FOR SALE--USED!PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos, $65 Large assortment; easy Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Ev- amston. rege woes TrQ4l ton FOR SALE--USED' SEWING MACH- ines, all makes, 25:00 up: guaranteed. Come to our store and see our new Singer. We have no door, to. door agents. Patterson? Bros. 82%; Davis street, Evanston. ENG 49 te Tamla a ¥ up.|, payments. | SITUATION WANTED WANTED--CARE OF FURNACES AND work by day or hour. Phone Win. 1549, = 3 T38-4tc PRESENT EMPLOYER WANTS SIT- uation for white couple; competent, trustworthy; no laundry work; $100 per month. Address Winnetka Talk 126 T39-1te AMERICAN RED CROSS : AS: A LR RR RR RR RR LAER RR 1] ERRY CHRISTM Fair and Honorable The ambition of this Battery Ser- vice institution has always been to deal fairly and honorably with all with whom we come in contact---di- rectly or indirectly. : We will never unwittingly handicap ourselves by incessant and vicious at- tacks on those with whom we are in competition. : HEALTH AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR LOST AND FOUND LOST--BULL DOG; WHITE BREAST; tail cut and ears standing straight; finder kindly return to owner at 550 Provident avenue, or phone Win. 189 and receive liberal reward. LTG5-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--GROCERY CLERK; EXP; steady employment; good wages. A. -S.. Van iDeusen, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG5-1te THEY'LL HAVE TO KILL THIS COP TO STOP HIM Deputy, Sheriff | Frank Schaefer Doesn't Let Dislocated Sheulder ~ Blade Stop Him' % CRC \ Députy: Sheriff Frank Schaefer, former north shore motorcycle policeman, racing through. -Niles Wednesday night on his motorcycle a L ; 'in pursuit of a speeder, struck: airut.| and was pitched into a snowbank.,He ¢merged with a dislocated 1éft' shoul- FOR SALE--AUTOS CADILLAC TYPE 57, SEVEN PASSENGER, RUDGE Whitworth quick' change wire wheels. New tires. i Tire cover. Tire! chains. Johnson logk. #H4briel Shub- bers. Engine mechanically perfect. Paint good condition. Will demons, strate. Price $2,650.% Flrone Wii. "543 Mr. Cooley, 742 Elder Lane. T38-2tc) FOR SALE--CADILLAC VICTORIA, 8 eyvl.; type 57; late model; paint as good as new: Goodyear cord tires; 1 extra; excellent condition; tery and seat covers like new; this car has low mileage and can hardly be told from a new one. Will sell at a big reduction. Phone Win. 571. T39-1te FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER; 1917 model; newly painted; in first class condition; at a bargain. Call Mr. Trego, Winnatiza 165; LTG5-1te FOR SALE--1920 FORD. SEDAN; WIRE wheels; spare tire and other access- sories. Address Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Illinois A-T. LTG4-4te FOR SALE--FORD TOURING ' CAR; new winter top: wheel lock: new tires: a bargain for cash. Address Lake Shore News, Wilmette, TI, A-S8. LTG4-4te FOR SALE--1918 MAXWELL OPEN car. 1917 Dodge car: new tires. 1918 Oakland Sedan completely overhaul- ed and painted. The mechanical con- dition of the above cars is guaran- teed. C. M. McDonald, 519 Davis street. Phone Evanston 307, Wilmette 377, Winnetka 1173. LTG5-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--CHEAP: CHICKEN COOF and run-way. Phone Win. 1261. T39-1te FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS BOOK AT both Winnetka Drug stores and Miss O'Brien's Hat Shop. T39-1te FOR SALE--SPEEDING SLEIGH, TWO seated; excellent condition; $25. Call Win. 519-W. T39-1te FOR RENT--FLATS FOR RENT--3 ROOM garage; for months. 1308. FLAT OVER Phone Win. T39-1tc 6 FOR RENT--HOUSE i . FOR RENT---COMFORTABLE 7 ROOM Winnetka home; near transportation; December 15 to July 1; $75 rent will include phone, electric light, gas and heat. Owner to retain small room for own use: wonderful opportunity for right people; give your phone A-501. T39-1te number. Address Weekly Talk HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL FOR AFTERNOONS to be with two children 5 and 6 yrs. old. Phone Win. 1534. T39-1te WANTED--A NURSEMAID; WHITE; highest wages; ref. required. 615 Lincoln avenue. Phone Wins 1425. T39-1tc WANTED--SOMEONE TO DO AT home small washing eaeh week P. O, Pox 166, Winnetka. T39-1tc WANTED--EXP. COOK; EXCELLENT position; wages $18.00. Phone Win. 58. T39-1te WANTED--GOOD LAUNDRESS TO take work home: family washing. Phone Win. 638-W. T39-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENL. housework: 3 in family: no laundry; best wages. hone Win. 320. T39-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENL:. OFFICE work. Winnetka Motor Co. Phone Win. 165. LTG5H-1te WANTED BUV--HOUSEHOLD GOODS re Ba WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD TO clothes and shoes. J. Golinskv, 1705 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1150. "He has his name on his wagon." LT44-tfe WANUVED 10 BUY OR SELL--HOUSE- hold goods; any description; also buy old clothes: best prices. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Telephone uphols- |- der. He stepped into the Niles garage and a mechanic snapped the arm back into place, hand wk a "Fust"tHen another automobile shot by a forty miles an hour, Schaefer. jumped. on his- motorcycle and gave "| chase. The driver put on more speed was | when the, command 'to 'hilt given, but Schaefer succeeded in getting in front of the car.and flour- ished: his revolver. The .. automobile' swerved' into a farmyard. As Schaefer went hack he heard a feminine voice shriekme "Help! Police I" . ok "I'm coming!" yelled Schaefer. "Are you a policeman?" asked R. D. Leffingwell of Des Plaines, an ad- vertising man and owner of the car. "I thought you were a robber when We admit-----and cheerfully---that there are other good batteries---but the un- 'usual service and satisfaction that Exide Batteries are rendering sev- ~ eral hundred North Shore folks tends to 'substantiate our belief that we are 'handling the "Best Battery Known to ~~ = Science." k + Fred W. Otto, Pres. I Will Pay Six-Months' or a Year's- Rent: in-Advance Evanston "Exide" Battery Service, = | or 1007 Davis St. for a 'seven or ..eight-room " "house 'from : " ~ Evansto MAY FIRST. (LOOK FOR 1% Phone 100 retoritly irl THIS SIGN [EX Hl : Wilmette or a. ! 3 Prouty Court c= Winnetka. 7 A vd hy : : Phone 1387 4 I 7 Address 700 Republic : « wepub Our Slogan : Building, Chicago. "Service that makes friends and holds them," has a definite meaning to every molorist along the North Shore. Phorie Harrison 673 g A A AA A A A FA LR LR LR LF FFARR FF FH FS 5 5 4 5 5 SF RFS SR SH RRR 1 SA. OXOrL OO EXO IO0 IOI O10 0 Hi OI O EO ESET O EXO Evanston 103 or 5512. LT50-tfe MISCELLANEOUS ' NOTICE---WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS ' at full value in payment on" pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis striéet, Ev- LTG41-tfe i you pulled your gun!" 1 Ld He showed Schaefer where he had hid his watch and diamond ring in the car. Schaefer served a summons, /} Lr anyway. ° BANNING OBNOXIOUS NOISES |2 1 Operatic singing in German. has 1} LIG > E E( | RIC been prohibited in New York. Local ° i I patriots are declaring exultantly that eating German will be next to g0.-- { . 248 London Punch. : ! ASSURED PROFITS fab Boledo. ° oo the age of sixty-one, one of ) 1] America's most notorious swindlers 1 i 1 : applies' for admission to the poor-1 @ Fast d R | house. Now, if he'd turned his|H | an oomy falans JO any Drhteaing things : Toe rear seat is instantly adjustable to seat three. | BUY 4 CHRISTMAS SEALS The two front seats are comfortable yet fold entirely | | away when not needed. : ° Shree Ss a beg po 5 i Come in and see the convenience of this seating arrange- i | i ment. Fquipped with electric brake and quick exchange ° ° battery. [ o What'sBoneDry g 1} --What's Not? 1] ° Not every storage bat- $ '4 5 tery that is called "bone tag! dry" is really shipped and : ARNE stored in bone-dry Q PY | condition. a 4 Some have solution put oO | in at the factory, and ai) © poured out again before | © shipment. th 9 Some ere shipped wih | plates dry, and insulation | | fi These batteries are not | ba bone-dry. i a re) Come in 2nd '0 4 frm IH lard Thre sr. . $ Fra. i : : = insu ee : = = : bone- sh pm n i SS earl TE CA co ip ga 00, : storag> of automab.le start- | © t . ing, lighting and ignition bi North Shore Sales Room : e batteries. 7) . | : EVANSTON | FASHION AUTO STATION Inc BATTERY | : . 24 : ' STATION ] Al} dea oN | Benson Ave. and Clark St. " EVA 6 Avenue d : SE Phone : fi Telephones: 'Evanston 1047-1048 '.*. i: Reger 0 Evanston 4445 ] : gt EO Ie od x oy SR : . , AEC | CER flared I... © YOU GET YOUR SERVICE AEE Re i : pe 1 (Demonstrations cheerfully given without cost or obligation) i OEE ------===I0r0Q 100 --10 II 0 FI OI O ES TI STI OE O Eee 0 = 0 ©

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