= 3 ) WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920 : . a es LSC | ehildren who "wish to take 'part "in}mean that the pupil is doing fairly |under the oid. system. But sine Picture Shall Winnetka Have Its Own Motion House? Winnetka Weekly Talk, Gentlemen: May 1 add my little "say" to the arguments concerning a picture house for Winnetka as follows: Winnetka and Its Picture House Interesting indeed are the various reasons that have been set forth in an effort to show why Winnetka should not have a modern picture house, but few reasons have been given on the other side of this ques- tion. Of course in any real live com- munity where there is a progressive spirit and a genuine desire to pro- gress with the times this question would never come up for debate. Is it the desire on the part of the wealthy people who can see and hear everything they care to in Chicago, New York, Paris or London to keep Winnetka as much of a wilderness as possible so they can have a quiet place to come to once in a while tc rest? If so they are succeeding to a re- markable degree and as a result if we want our children to see an edu- cational film we must take them away from ne to see it. This we have been doing until we have reached the concluston that it would be better to move to some place that is more pro- gressive where it would be handier to gu to ihe pictures when we want to. We believe that motion pictures arc lvcational and we want our children to see those that we selec for then. We want them to go once or twice each week and we have no fear of their developing into "fans" to the detriment of their health or minds, We know of nothing more educa- tional than good piceures and naturally we select the pictures we want our children to see with the same care we do the books they read. A few fairly good pictures are to be scen in Winnetka at the Com- munity House, but the noise, yelling and cat calls of the children there drive one nearly crazy after a day's work. There is no rest or recrea- tion in going to the Community House '0 see motion pictures nor are the pictures that are shown there generally uplifting or educational. A picture house should be restful and free from the yells and cat calls of the children. The Community House is a big, splendid play-ground and all right for some things but it was not designed or intended for a picture house-and thercfore it is not a satisfactory one. : Winnetka is far behind the times. It needs an up-to-date picture house as fine as any on the . north shore and would support such a house. Petty strifes and jealousies hold back the progress of the town and make it the laughing stock of more progressive communities, When great schools and colleges, department stores, mills and fac- tories are putting auditoriums in their plants where educational films may be shown the workers it is ab- solutely ridiculous for Winnetka to stand back and debate the value of . motion pictures in educational work. I understand that men have stood ready to give Winnetka one of the finest picture houses along the north shore, but other men, less progress- ive, have opposed the movement) All T have to say to those who op- pose it is that I will put my four children up against theirs at any time or place for brains, ability and good behavior and my children see every good picture I can take them to and would see more of them if I had realized their benefit and located in a live town instead of a country village. Children on the prairies of North and South Dakota see better pictures and get better educationaladvantages that pictures give than do many of the children of Winnetka who not get away from home. Why throw a monkey wrench in the: wheels of progress? . Winnetka will come to it some day because pictures are here to stay and are getting better and more educa- tional every year. Must the little folks who live here now miss this wonderful treat? Yours may, but mine: won't. W. L. Ware. WINNETKA SCHOOL PROBLEMS -- (Continued from rage Two) schools are below standard in the speed and accuracy with which thev handle whole numbers. Until this foundation is strengthened mater- ially there is no use in their doing advanced work. When these founda- tions are strong it will be relatively quick to carry them on through the upper grade processes. Why do you allow snow-balling on the school grounds? A. We felt that it is better to give children a natural and supervised out- let for their desire to throw snow balls than to have them throw snow balls hehind the teacher's back or in unsupervised play. Stow-balling on the school playgrounds is allowed only at certain times and in certain parts of thé grounds. Only those MAISON LOUISE PERMANENT wr WAVE wz: SPECIALISTS TIT 510 STEWART BLDG. 108 N.STATE ST. CHICAGO Tel. Central 5132-6287 EL Tm 2 =, J Buy Your Victrola ar Records in Evanston ET SO and 222277 SUNT: SS (sd o NNN We have all the obtain. able records in stock. We ra deliver records ard: are "here to repair your phon- ¥ when service. he 3 | SHIRE 5 EY FHLRH Fes Z| 2 Zz 7 2 Zz A Z 7 7! 7 2 % 7 Vv 7 7 7 57 7 i 7 Z| 7. 7 nz 7 Be "Z| V4 2 tz 7 7 2 7 Z 7 + 4 7 +7 7 Z 7 07 Z 7 RNS re NR TTR Phone [4523 WRT RYH do j usally good work. the snow ball fights enter these sections 'of the playground. Here under the supervision of the play- ground director, with definite rules gnarding the children against accid- ent, the children are allowed to throw snow balls" at each other to their hearts content. 1 have vet to see the power that could restrain a natural, healthy youngster from throwing snow balls. It therefore seems better to have this relatively harmless sport carried on under supervision in places where it will not interfere with those who do not wish to take part in it than to at- tempt to prohibit it entirely. Q. What is the new system of marking reports cards, and why has it been put into operation? A. In response to a demand ex- pressed by a good many mothers tried. This plan consists in marking only those subject in which the pupil is doing unsually poor work or un- Work which is {satisfactory will receive no mark. A report card with no marks on it will at Parent-Teacher meetings, a new : plan of marking report cards is being ! 1f you will place it in our care We'll treat you and your car quite fair. using 'your car during the winter months you should see that it is kept in good con- dition. Whatever it needs from chains to a new carburetor will be installed by us at a fair-profit price. I you are going to continue RU UUHTT ITE C. M. McDONALD Lexington and National Cars Telephone 224 914 Davis Street good work in everything, that qe is {report cards are for the beneht ob in no danger of failing in any of his ithe parents not of the teachers, any subjects, but that he is not startling jold method of marking may receive any one by the brilliance of his |report caras matked as before. Such, achievement. ; 'parents should write a note io the, It is hoped that by this means the [teacher stating that they prefer fi few marks that are given will heciold method. All other parents wil morea accurate than is possibie receive report cards the new Way. -- " --s, rn RTUNITY Taking Stock, we see, comparing the present prices with ours, that thousandsof articlesin our store can be ob- tained by you at a BARGAIN. J. F. ECKART CO. Hardware, Paints, Tools, Cutlery, Glass, Kitchen Utensils : Phone Winnetka 844 736 Eim St. -- MC er Te Standard Trim Line Spats y J RE ANNI I have these in the latest and most popular shades. I also have these Extra Wide Tops which will appeal to .women who being fitted. Shoes for Women and Children 1608 CHICAGO AVENUE = EVANSTON TELEPHONE EVANSTON 973 een in stock with have trouble in . POOL so Cg ng 3a