WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1920 RR LLL LE ER PETTY T LCR TR LT ITR ITIL | [EE rie sll ye bel Social Happenings 3 fi , in . if Winnetka.s Hubbard Woods. il hy by Ruth Risley =. uff] ei = [iminlly 1 Rane a TO lil Ih 1 v IL " Onl 9 rrr Zr HE Attic Gift Shop, located in Community House, is send- ing out an especial appeal for furniture, clothing, hats, silver, jewelry, books, pictures, china and what-nots. Are you sure that you have looked over your attic thoroughly for articles for this shop and its worthy work? The proceeds which come from 'the sale of your articles and mine, are being devoted to the Serbian Relief work, which Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown. our own Winnetka representative is doing right over there among the Serbians. The need for help is great, and surely each one of us can do our little bit by contributing an article or two to the Shop. Stand by Winnetka's representative. & v A program of Romantic Music will be given next Thursday afternoon at the regular meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club. Mrs. Arthur Frazier will give a talk on the Music of Schubert, Schu- mann, Chopin and Brahms, and a group of their compositions will be given by Mrs. Elizabeth Layman Anning, pianist; Mrs. Guy S. Bailey, soprano, and Mr. Raymon Girvin, violinist. Mrs. Douglas Smith and Mrs. Lawrence Doty will play the accompaniment. py - vv Mr. and Mrs. John Eager Lloyd, of Hubbard Woods, announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Eager Lloyd, to Theodore S. Cox, son of William H. Cox, 577 Oak street. | has been set for April 10. The wedding date &-- 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hobart, 660 Prospect avenue, announce the engagement of their cousin, Miss. Alice Moseley, to Emory H. Wilder, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilder of Evanston. nA The regular meeting of the Mac- Dowell Musical club was held Mon- day. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Smith, 310 Fairview avenue. The subject *of the afternoon was "Modern Italian Composers." The following program was given: Paper--Mrs. Charles Byron. Lola's Treg from Cavalleria Rusti- CANA hd Ett v1 Mascagni Ava Maria, from Othello ....., Verdi Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme.. EE ARR 4 va Puccini Vissi 4' arte from Tosca ...... Puccini Mrs. Warner Robinson, accompanied by Mrs. Clifford Ewart. April Breezes'. 5.0. ....... Floridia Romancear iow ia larva Martucci ECan fr he aa males Nadis Mrs. Robert Smith. Study... SSAA Treshorn Album Teal... cece. iiss Liebling Crescendo iui vvveiaeerrers PerLasson Mrs. Roland Whitman Mr. Ratcliffe, the assisting guest, accompanied by Mrs. Dwight C. Or- cutt, sang, Whisper and 1 Shall Hear ........... ah SB aed Piccolomini For All Eternity i........ Mascheroni Prologue from Paglicci...... Cavallo Ry The committee, consisting of Mrs. Stanley Clague, Mrs. Frank Greene, Mrs. John Dickinson and Mrs. E. S. Rogers, in charge of the Bridge party held at the Winnetka Woman's club, January 29, in behalf of the Chicago Woman's club cottage at Park Ridge, desires to thank the patronesses, and all those who helped to make it so successful, both financially and so- cially. Those who participated will be glad to know that the cottage will gain very substantially by the pro- ceeds, despite the unfortunate con- dition which prevailed at that time. About 170 people were in attendance, and over $300 was cleared. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hibbard. 840 Willow street, returned yester- day from an eastern trip. Mrs. Hib- bard went east as a Chicago delegate to the opening of the national drive for the Brya 1.0 cadewment {unl The Misses! by : feline fowligne rn noes imligiis ithe, in Chicago, and Miss Margaret Has- kell of Evanston, the other Chicago delegates, already have returned. FT George R. Leslie, 577 Oak street, left Thursday evening to spend the coming two months in California. His sister, Mrs. J. B. Alton will close the home, and will spend several weeks with friends in Oak Park, Miss Jean Alton will reside at the Evanston hotel. ll ?n The East Willow Street Circle met with Mrs. B. S. Pfeiffer on Tuesday afternoon. The next meeting will Te held at the home of Mrs. Charles Pitkin on Tuesday, March 9, an work for the Pine Mountain school will be begun. ------ Mrs. Ayres T. Boal, 789 Sheridan road, and Mrs. George B. Massey of 711 Sheridan road, left for Santa Barbara, California, yesterday, to! spend several wecks as the guests of their mother, Mrs. Lorenzo M. John- son. REG Mr. and Mrs. George E. Routh, Jr, | who recently moved here from St. | Paul, are occupying the Wiilam C. Poyden hcusze at 725 Pine stree' nntil | their new house at Indian Hill is completed. | On Thursday evening the Knights of Columbus celebrated Lincoln's Birthday with a dinner in the ball- room of the North Shore hotel, 'The speaker of the evening, Rev. H. P. Smith, of Evanston, who recently returned from Europe, chose for his subject, "America's Place Among the Nations." Rev. Father Kramer of Wilmette also took part in the pro- gram. ---- Three short plays were presented by the school of oratory of North- western University on Wednesday evening at Annie May Swift hall. The plays were, "Mannikin and Minnikin" by Alfred Kreymborg; "The Merry, Merry Cuckoo," by Jeannette Marks, and "Where But in America," by Os- car Wolf. The proceeds will go to establish a "little theater" at the uni- . versity. ---- North shore alumni of the Univers- ity of Wisconsin will be interested in the plans to raise Chicago's quota of $80,000 toward the $750,000 fund to construct a memorial building for the university at Madison. The building is to be a memorial in honor of the 5000 students, alumni and faculty of the university who were in military service during the great war. sera Womens Mrs. John Bunker will be hostess to the Study class of the Missionary society of the Congregational church at her home, 656 Lincoln avenue, on Wednesday afternoon, February 25. eB The Music committee of the Win- netka Wwoman's club wish to an- nounce that the Shoctoc quartet of Chicago will give a short concert, February 21, at Community House. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Edward Yeomans, 1240 North avenue. if The Syncopators gave a delightful dancing party on Thursday evening at the Winnetka Woman's club. The second of the series is to be given on February 26. : wr tre The Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity of Northwestrn University will enter- tain with a dancing party at the Winnetka Woman's club on Saturday evening, February 21. ----f-- The associate alumni of North- western University will meet at Har- ris Hall on the campus Monday afternoon, February 16. The Com- nock School of Oratory will be in charge of the program and the tea. es $Y cir Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Fetcher, 822 Bryant avenue. have issued invi- tations for a dancing party to be given at the Winnetka Woman's club on Monday evening, February 23. ; ihe A group of Winnetka music lovers are planning to attend the concert to be given at the Auditorium in Chicago by Tetrazzini on Sunday fternoon. ar Bc Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, mother of Mrs. E. C. Andrews, 785 Willow street, left Thursday for an extended stay in California. A Mrs. Iiowrie McClurg has sold 'her home at 1089 Spruce street, and wil! leave the middle of next month for Pasadena, Cal "tf -- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Strom of Win- netka, »re the proud parents of a baby girl To you who Their reasons: ~ M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr Phone EVANSTON 488! intricate three speed car. Has your money a value? Did it come so easy that you can waste it? Have you questioned the cash value of that car after six or eight months service? It will interest you to know that Evanston's best, most substantial, and well-to-do families now prefer and drive Ford Cars. The car is not cumbersome--is simple--easy to drive -- absolutely dependable -- economical -- always ready -- never laid up---practically no depreciation. Cars Equipped With "Ford Built-in Starter" R. D. CUNNINGHAM hesitate--and figure Exclusive Dealer Hr CAR THr A) Bela 5 Insist on Genuine Ford Parts 810 Church Street EV A NS TO N F. F. Parsons, 418 Hawthorne lane, has been called east'by the sudden death of his brother, Arthur Parsons. INOUIRE about my work in Permanent Waving. I must say that I am a pupil of Mr. Felix Coune of Chicago, best expert in that line. I have the most up-to-date apparat- us. All my work is guaranteed and very reasonable prices. Call for in- formation. H. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 3h& --Adv. PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE DON'T FORGET A : Valentine > Candy Box DUNCAN'S Confectionery Announcement We have added to our Winnetka Branch a thoroughly equipped Tailor Shop, in charge of a competent Tailor, with a full line of Tailors' Trimmings and Accessories, which places us in a position to give our patrons quick service in the Tailoring line. No job too small to command our combined attention. Suits made to your order. Prices reasonable. To serve you well, to make each sale a stepping-stone to- ward your future confidence, is our desire and constant en- deavor. How easy to remember -- Phone 1-FIVE-O ro voir oor "U™ Master Native Cleaners, Renovators and Repairers i the Oriental Rug Art. Just say I-FIVE-0 Estimates cheerfully given. PARISIAN DYE HOUSE nc. LLL LLL LLL LLL a 2 A A 22 arr rrr, 4 Carlton Building Winnetka LLL LLL LLL 277220 27 2 ZZ FZ 2 ZZ 2727 rrr rr 777077 dd Za dedi dzedzirriiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiziiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2 GRACE MERRELL : : : Teacher of Expression WILL COME TO YOUR HOME RATES; $1.00 PRIVATE LESSON. REFERENCES Address 625 S. St. John's Ave., Highland Park. Tel Highland Park 1365 McDowell School 3° 3-StateSt Oldest in City. Established 1876 Dress Cutting and Designing Quickly Taught for Busincss and Home Uses EASY TERMS AND WET OUR RUBBERS and BOOTS are the Best [.ctectisa WW carry the large-. e and most varied mmm mes line in the west. Try Us and Sec W.H. Salisbury & Co. Established 1635S 308 W. Madison Street, CHICAGC Botweon Franklin and Market Giron: Phone Franklin 8744 N. J. FELLOWS [i ¢ REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired NEE A ST TR RSET THE RAT RT Room 3 Prouty Bldg. Phone Winnetka 85 DR. F. 0. CARTER Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor's Services in Treating Your Eyes or Fitting Glasses. 22 Years on State Street Sign -- Revolving Lights Glasses as low as $4. Head- aches, nervousness, insomnia & indigestion are frequently caused by eye strain. Infla- mation, styes, Cross Eyes 3 Straightened and Tonsils ' ANN Removed. FRANKLIN O. CARTER, M. D. 120 South State St. (Second Floor) Chicago One Door North of the Fair [ Sunday 10 to 12. THE RUBBER STO t i EAE JE POR ROR IRL. ca {Going To Move? Read Page Central 837 Bl PR = IN SRG TIT TORY TYR