] | | J : | . WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1920 Classified Advertisements Boo. per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by ith HELP WANTED--FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated 'what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO, Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette or Winnetka. LT13-3te WANTED--COOK; OUR IN rr AML. Phone Winnetka 608. LTG14-2tc WANTED--MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE- work; small famil® Call Wil. 2239. TG48-1te WANTED--GOOD WAITRESS; SHORT hours; excellent wages. North Shore Cafe, 631 W. Railroad avenue, Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 34. LT14-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENL. HOUSE- work; 6-room house; 3 in family; washing sent out; $20 a week. Phone Win. 389. LTG14-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF Winnetka office; pleasant surround- ings: steady position. Phone Wil. 803 or Win. 150. LT14-1tc "WANTED--GIRL FOR GENL. HOUSE- work. 785 Willow street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 255. LTG14-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE AND FE- MALE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS-- February, March. Men, women, 18- 50 eligible. $110 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (former Civil Serv- ice Examiner), 208 Equitable Bldg. Washington, D. C. LTG14-2tp WANTED--BOY OR GIRI, 16 YEARS or over; experience preferred; ex- cellent position with good chance for promotion; good salary. Glencoe State Bank, Glencoe. Ill. LTG14-1tc hg HELP WANTED--WALE WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE Ford delivery truck. Peter's Market, 734 Elm street, Winnetka. T48-1tc WANTED--SKILLED BANJO PLAYER for Dehmlow's orchestra; dance music. Phone Win. 194. LTG14-1tc WANTED--BOY ABOUT 18, FOR clerical work in bank; an excellent opportunity for rapid promotion. Ad- dress E-3550, Lake Shore News, Wil- mette. LTG14-1tc WANTED--YOUNG MAN IN DRUG store; over 16 years old. Winnetka Fharmacy. Phone Win. 33. Ro, LTG14-1te SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper-hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Co., Phone Evanston 6988. T46-tfc WANTED---CARE OF FURNACES AND work by day or hour. Phone Win. 1549. T46-5tc SITUATION WANTED-- EXP. GAR- dener; married; skilled in all branch- es, flowers, vegetables, ete, wants steady position for entire coming season; highest references. Address Winnetka Talk C-1. T48-tfc A LOVER OF CHILDREN WILL CARE for them intelligently by the hour. Will also do light mending. Address Box 41 Ravinia, Ill. Phone Ravinia 764-M. T48q2tc SITUATION WANTED--IN DOCTOR'S office in north shore suburb by young woman of good education; experienc- ed in stenography and typing; best references. Phone Win. 1160. LTG14-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--_EDEN ELECTRIC WASH- ing machine. 948 Spruce street. Tel. SWIN. 505=J. co tnpinnd Rr iP47-2 -2tp FOR SALE--GOLDEN OAK SIDE- board; also 3-piece parlor set; good condition; cheap. Phone Win. 1575. T48-2tc SALE--BABY'S WHITE IRON bed; complete; good condition. Phone Win. 599-J. T48-1tc FOR SALE--BY PARTY; several fine antiques, mirror, brass andirons, 1ielodion, spinet, desk, small sofa and small table; no deal- FOR PRIVATE . FOR SALE--SIDE-BOARD, QUARTER- sawed oak, mirror, moving, sell. 653 Hill road. Phone Win. 642-M. T48-1tc beautiful colonial mahogany dining room suite, made by W. K. Cowan, consisting of 60-inch table, 6 Chip- room set, 54-inch table, mahogany book-case and china cabinet. Call at 391 Hawthorne Lane. Win. 602. ' es - T48-1tc FOR SALE--THREE BEST ELECTRIC Household appliances: Eden Washing * Machine, Simplex Ironer and Hoov- er Vacuum Cleaner. Easy payments; - fine' service. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG11-tfe NOTICE--BEFORE BUYING A SEW- ing machine see the New Style Sing- er and Singer Electric; all factories use the Singer; also 200 used sewing machines, $5 up. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG11-tfe BARGAIN SELL VICTROLA, velour parlor suite, dining room Suite, bed-room suite, rugs, library table, lamps, curtains, draperies, sewing machine, paintings; almost new. 1335 Elmdale avenue, Chicago, take station. near Broadway, to Thorndale Phone side 4806. LTG12-4tc FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR, GAS stove, lawn roller, lawn mower, wheel barrow, hose and garden implements. 1089 Spruce street, Tel. Win. 420. LTG14-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED--OVERSTUFFED TAPES- try chairs; in good condition. Phone Win. 599-J. T48-1tc . FOR SALE--HOMES FOR SALE-- JALOW, 20x30 and barn, 12x30, on lot 50x125. Frank Otto, Winnetka, Ill. + T48~ 1p. FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--FORD TOURING; ELEC- tric starter; electric lights; shock ab- Evanston "L" sorbers; speedometer; engine over- hauled. Mr. Packard, Evanston 4884. LTG14-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--THREIL PURE STRAIN "last April" white Orpington cocker- is, beautiful biroas, best condition. T'lu ne Win. 976 . ii. Bogurdas T33-1tp FOR SALE--AT A BARGAIN, ENTIRE fixtures of grocery store including ice box, scales, shelves, counters, 6 ice- cream chairs, 2 tables, ete. Louis Nettleman, 1537 Gregory avenue. Phone Wil. 914-7. LTG14-1tp FOR SALE--CIGAR CASE, 10 FT.; green marble base; good condition; also candy case. Winnetka Pharmacy Winnetka. LTG14-1tc ~ FOR RENT--ROOMS AND FLATS FOR RENT--ONE LARGE FURNISH- ed room; also light house-keeping rooms; in good locality. Phone Wil. 825-R. LTG14-1tp FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED ROOMS with bath. Phone Win. 519-W. C £ eS T4R-Tte FOR RENT --FIRST FLAT. CORNER Greenwood avenue and Madison street, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 343- R. T48-2tp FOR RENT--OFFICES FOR RENT--OFFICE IN PROUTY building, with water, light and gas included. Apply to Carlton Prouty, Winnetka. T47<fc ~ WANTED TO RENT--HOMES WAN or flat. Saree aA Talk A- 521. T47-2tdh LOST AND FOUND LOST---STERESOTOFIC PHOTOS OF Rocky Mountain scenes; were re- turned to wrong house last fall; please advise so that owner may call for them. Phone Win. 343. T48-1tc LOST--CRANK FOR CROW-ELK CAR; north end of Winnetka. Finder call Win. 30 or 717; reward. _ T48-1tc LOST--BOYS NEW BELT FOR BLUE Chinchilla coat; finder please phone Win. 151. T48-1tc MISCELLANEOUS Ho NOTICE--FREE OF CHARGE, WE will clean your 9x12 rug with our latest style Hoover special electric vacuum cleaner, it sweeps, beats and sneks; try it. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. Telephone Wil. 526 or Evanston 654. LTG12-tfc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR the EVANSTON NEWS-INDEX, pub- lished daily, except Sunday, may be telephoned to Wilmette 1487. LTG14-tfdh QUESTION BOX USED TO HELP IN THRIFT WEEK CAMPAIGN Mrs. Raymond S. Smith, Thrift chairman, Woman's club of Cham- align and Urbana, has evolved a plan to help Mrs. Frederick A. Dow, Thrift chairman for the State of Illi- nois, line up 60,000 club women back of the Government savings campaign for 1920. She outlined her plan in a letter to Mrs. Dow as follows: "I plan to conduct a 'Question Box. The idea is to have members bring written and signed thrift Helps' which are in use in their own homes, these to be placed in the box at each meeting of the various de- partments. These will be typed and a mimeographed copy given to each member at the regular monthly must FOR SALE--AT A BARGAIN; A tendale chairs, and buffet; in perfect condition; $375 for suite; easily_ worth $700. H. A. Lindwali, 508 Linden street. T48-1tc FOR SALE--DARK OAK DINING Sunny- ! | vantage touch, in having these signed is that it will have a more personal the contributor will receive due credit, and in case any questions are to be asked, it can be done per- sonally. These sheets then can be filed for use at home. I think it would be interesting to devote one meeting to giving testimony as to the amounts saved by following these 'helps'. said Uncle Eben, ' 9 use St to kill time." Must Make a Choice. "After a man gits an education," "he has to decide whether he's goin' to put it to work oe 0 "Say It With Flowers" Every woman loves flowers. Valentine Day, Feb. 14 Combining that pistarence with the sentiment involved in a Valentine gift you've touched a tender spot--a responsive chord. and JOHN WEILAND, Florist JOHN WEILAND, JR., Manager Wilmette Store--1161 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2128 Evanston Store--1614 Sherman Ave. Phone Evanston 502 1 LL ers. Phone Win. 1496. T48-1tc meeting of the general club. The ad- ae i 7 the copy everywhere of Money When William Payne, the banker at Bisonville, decreed that no farmer who did not raise cows as well as wheat could borrow money from him, the angry grain growers almost lynched him. But they had to do as he demanded--and today hi' county is an oasis in a blowaway desert, his de- positors and borrowers are prosperous farmers, his bank is looked upon as the agricultural father of the whole countryside. Such is The Power of Money for Good. Herbert Quick, formerly a member of the Farm Loan Board, tells the story in the February 7th issue of 'The COUNTRY It is th~ first article in a great new seri about country banks. The business of a bank--of this bank--and the prosperity of its farmer customers are closely related. That is why we stand ready at all times to give to you what ver service is in our power. Con:cuit with us about your forming plans. Let us help you in your {inancial plans. Keep John R. Leonard, President Gentlemen: (1) Because you know me, enter my name for THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN for one year and ------------------ -------- ------ ---------- -- p-- p-- -- p-- p-- po-- p-- p-- p-- p-- p-- p-- CENTLEMAN your money on deposit with us. Let us advise you what to read about farming; let us, in fact, send in your subscription for THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. For only $1.00 you can read Herbert Quick's series and all the other splendid articles that will appear in the next 52 issues of the Great National Farm Weekly. Winnetka State Bank charge the cost, $1.00, to me. (2) Here'smydollar. I want THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Send it tome. (My Name) (My Address) < (City) or Henry R. Hale Cashier Phone Winnetka 10 (State)