8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1920 INDIANS TUMBLE YANKS IN THEIR FIRST DEFEAT Eight-run Rally in Seventh Stanza Proves Undoing of Dehmlow who Deserts Mcund in Favor of Rickardson, Relief Hurler features baseball One There were two pleasing Wednesday's indoor nes at Community House. v.as the new bat, with a cork grip, vhich enabled several players to ciout the ball with more than usual fervor and the other was the upset- ting cf the leading Yankees by Indians. The first game ended with the 17-9 with the Pirates at th of it. The Tigers were their less victims. Pete Lucchesi mound duties for the Buccaneer was clouted for a cluster of nine in the first inning. The Pirates were held safely in the first inning, but in the second began the merciless butchering of the Jun- galeers. Two runs were scored in the second stanza, one in the third, a quartet in the fourth and the fiftl spasm brought a collection of e ight more. The sixth and last stanza brought another brace of counters and the sixth game of the to oat score help began s and runs league the | e long end | t was over. Pete Lucchesi batted 1,000 with the new bat. The second game proved the more interesting one of the two. 'The Yanks were whipped 16-13 in a tussle wherein the lead changed hands sev- eral times. The league pace makers were con- fident of winning the struggle as only six Indians began the game. The count at the end of the first inning was 4-3 in their favor and they added ners with a double to right but was forced out at third by Ilg after Nash Cazel had walked to the initial sta- tion. Both Nash and Ilg counted on errors as also did Runnfelt who had received a generous offering in the shape of a free ticket from Rich. The figure eight (8) graced the run column when the smoke of the attack had subsided. The Yanks madé a desperate effort to tie the score in their half but were | FOR SALE North Shore Property Vacant and Improved From Evanston to Glencoe two more in the next inning: Their | O01ly able to count twice which was opponents scored three markers in |Only one third of the quota Necessery | i the third however with the help of [tO ! defeat the happy Redskins. HILL & STONE [lg and Ray Cazel who had come on |, = 'azel's hurling arm was work the scene the previous inning. bet ~ than usual as was also his | Fach side counted once in the | P <. H zarnered a couple | REAI ESTATE OPERATORS fourth and the Redskins tied the re plate. Runnfeldt was also Ci 3 8 » ' | score in the fifth bu t held that po- £ brace of passes in five -~ | sition only a small time as the Yanks' | 2 € with four hits to WINNETKA WHMETTE 1 | bombardment in the sixth netted|Dis cre 524 LINDEN STREET 404 LINDEN AVENUE m a trio of markers. s ing: Tel. Winnetka 1544 Tel. Wilmette 1644 The indians woke up in the seventh | WwW Y. Pet] inning however when they were told | Riana a one 1 833 | - it. wasito be their«last chance. i: Pirates .. ... viru 3 3 00] Nash Cazel walked and came home. | Indians 5. oo Gh erst 2 4 | on nie Ilg's clout... Ray Cazel PERE 2 4 | Subscribe for Y our Local Paper had abdicated meanwhile so Runn- feldt supplied the popular demand with a double to left. Blasius drove him home with a single and then rode home himself on Eckhart's single. DAYS OF OUR Moore advanced Fritz with another ONLY A FEW M i one-sack bingle and then Mert Rich- | B ardwoa took possession of the 8 :} anks' hurling department. The first | § : batter facing him scored both run- | EASTER IS ONLY AFEW WEEKS AWAY | Do ja { ot dela y your Remodeling, Refining and Repa til the last week and and cleaner's capacity and haps disappointment. = D ry Cleaning, Pressing, iring un- ~nTrYRArsl wu crgwa you r tailor suffer per- nis Phone Winnetka 150 NOW IS THE TIME Just say 1-FIVE- DYE HOUSE (Inc.) B. Nazarian Bros., Winnetka please. There st is attended to 4 Carlton Bldg. Winnetka, Ill. The Acid Test The Repeat is the Acid Test! That re (77? 5 Dae SS 33. te, Hn FT . TY ys a ok RN 00 S59) A 0, 0 THEGIANT THAT) | LIVES INA BOX EVANSTON "EXIDE"" BATTERY SERVICE, INC. 1007 Davis Street Evanston Phone Evansten 1049 3 Prouty Court, Phone Vinnetka 1387 Sr ETT A reservation now for your 'Exide' battery will eliminate the possibility of not being able to secure one later. In a majority of instances "EXIDES" repeated by actual comparison--many of these people owned two or three cars equipped with other makes of batteries. "EXIDE" will always stand at the head of the class when the process of elimin- ation by comparison is carried out. Our files of satisfied users are open to you--and they're mighty interesting. Winnetka LOOK FO R | During the year just closed 209 users of "EXIDE" Batteries in Evanston and vicinity REPEATED. is--Purchased their second or third "EXIDE"-- were fully satisfied that no other bat- tery would give them the freedom from trouble that "EXIDE" did. Why--Because they THIS SIGN & n F LESS PAR'; AT INAL CLEARANCE SALE SHOES for the WHOLE FAMILY THAN WHOLESALE COST TODAY SPECIAL SALE For Week of Saturday, Feb. 28, to Friday, March 5 | FOR BAKING-- | Wesson Oil PINT . . QUART Lard, 1b. Rumford Baking Powder, pound can . MISCELLANEOUS-- Richelieu Imported Olive ( Heinz Imported Olive Oil, pint Huyler's Family Chocolate, Golden Eagle Currants, pki 3 Sun Maid Raisins, pkg. Richelieu Boneless Codfisl Dates, 1b. Safety Matches, 5 pack g California Layer Figs, 2 fo Croix Brand Maple Syr St Richelieu. Ceresota or Gc 2415 1b. sack. coo. Give. | CEREALS-- Quaker Oats, 3% 1b. pkg. Armour's Oats, 2 for 25¢; : Corn Flakes. Kellogg's or Ai Puffed Wheat, 14c; 2 for ...] Puffed Rice, pkg. ..covvvnnnn Grape Nuts, pkg. Richelieu White Food, pkg. Ralston Wheat FLOURS-- Swansdown Pancake Aunt Jemima Pancake Richelieu Pancake Quaker Pancake : Graham Flour, 5 1bs. Ouaker Cracke d Wheat 23c; Corn Meal Quaker Yellow Corn Meal . Old Fashioned Scotch Branc Flour, CANNED GOODS-- Trojan Sugar Corn, regular price 25c; 3 cans for 55C; QOZEM sacar: «cc v cera $2.10 y Antonini. Olive Chili pint... .. .....un ve anne 50c California State «Brand Asparagus, quality 1 SAUAns guaranteed, CRM ove s «seo nneninn un .29¢ 40c¢c COOKING Kippered Herring, can ...5 sono s soous ti 30c " Richelieu Salmon, flat, 1 1b can 45¢; 15 1b. 16¢ CRI FOF. iii ieiadnsssn sn Laws sok ale ios deinsia 28¢ Sr Rg Richelieu Salmon; tall can... 0 vv. on... 4c Rem 25¢ Monsoon Tuna Fish, 15 1b. can ............30c Patsy Muscat Grapes, No. 1 can for ...... 20c y obs 3 lg. 21 Pure Granulated Cane pound American for large Gold Dust, Ouaker Oats, regular Family Soap, pkg. 15 Specials for We Sug size 11 5 Sri ger SA Mr Rice, pound .......... ... Uneeda Biscuits, pkg. .... Richelieu Catsup, small bott Hubbard 901 LINDI