WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1920 ---. rman Classified Advertisements News, Winnetka Weekly Talk for first insertion. Each succ ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore Copy must be in by and Glencoe News, 20c per line eeding insertion, 10c per line. HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO WORK in Dental office; must be neat and capable of meeting public; ex- perience not essential. Apply Room . 2, Bank Bldg. 545 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, 2 to 3 P. M. Sunday. Dr. Ji D. W. Poff. TG3-1tc "- WANTED--A CAPABLE, RELIABLE " laundifess for one or one and a half days a week, Permanent position, 799 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, Tel Winnetka 807 T3-1tc 'WANTED--YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN » living in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods to care for walking child afternoons. Tel. Winnetka 95 = T3-1te WANTED--MAID; WHITE; GENERAL housework; no laundry work; high- est wages; references. 615 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. Phone 1425. T3-1tc WANTED--AT ONCE; EXP. DRESS- " 'maker; also apprentice; steady po- sitions. 859 Elm street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1325, LTG21-4tc WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO care for walking child two hours each day from 9 to 11 a. m. Call Winn, 941. T3-1tc WANTED--A MAID TO DO WORK OF second girl; Irish Catholic preferred; near Catholic church. Phone Win. 1082. - LTG21-2tc WANTED--COOK AND SECOND maid; four in family. 213 Linden street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 608. LTG21-2tc WANTED--W AITRESS; GOOD wages; steady. North Shore Cafe, 631 W. Railroad avenue, Wilmette. LTG20-tfc WANTED--NURSE MAID; WHITE; $15 per week; references. 615 Lin- coln avenue, Winnetka. Phone 1425 - oh T3-1tc WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO CLERK in drug store. Adams Pharmacy: -2tp SITUATION WANTED---FEMALE Te --------------i----t ---- i ee is WANTED--DRESSMAKER WANTS A few more family engagements in north shore suburbs. Address Lake Shore News, 0-31. LTG21-1tp ---- XD SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced sick nurse and also by laun- dress. Phone Evanston 5020. LTG16-tfc FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT-- FURN. ROOM WITH board. 913 Oak street. Phone Win. 323. + T3-1te WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--TWO OR THREE ROOMS, with or near board for couple with ten year old daughter for summer or longer. Man alone at present; will occupy at once. J. H.: Darrah, 1130 Insurance Exchange, Chicago, Ill. LTG19-3tc WANTED--ONE OR TWO ROOMS; furnished or unfurnished with or without board for two; near Indian Hill Golf Club. Address F-19, Win- netka Talk. T3-1tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR one woman; private family; in Win- netka. Phone Win. 749. T3-1tc WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR couple and 5-year old daughter. Tel. Win. 1188. T3-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR ' SALE--MAHOGANY DAVEN- port, mahogany parlor chair, desk, oak dining room table, 7 leather seat chairs, side board, china cabinet, re- liable gas range, kitchen table and utensils, rotary ash sifter and large can, porch willow swing, table, chairs, dishes, fruit jars, wheel- barrow, garden tools, white enamel iron bed, etc. Phone 356. 286 Ridge avenue. T3-1tp MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL VIC- trola and records; modern parlor suite; dining room and bed room furniture; lamp; library table; rugs, etc.; cheap; practically new. 1335 Elmdale avenue, first apartment, near Broadway and Thorndale street Chicago. Sunnyside 4806. i LTG21-1te FOR SALE-- DAVENPORT, 1 WING chair, 1 mahogany chair, 1 music cabinet, 1 rocker, 1 book case, 1 bed and springs, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 lamp, lrefrigerator, porch furniture, and pillows. N. F. Moore, 564 Prov- ident avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. __550-R. _T3-1tc FOR SALE--LINOLEUM, MAHOGANY table, davenport, desk, chair, china cabinet, leather chairs, lamp, dining porch set, ivory dresser, dressing table, chair, sewing machine. Phone Win. 1188. Birch. T3-1te COOKING AND SEWING A SPECIAL- ty. Phone Glencoe 284. North Shore Employment Bureau, Glencoe, Ill. TG2-3tp WASHING OF LADIES' FANCY clothes and table linnen exclusively. Phone Glencoe 284. TG2-3tp 5 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--YOUNG MEN, 16 TO 18 vears of age, to start in as mess- engers in office of a large advertising agency. This is a splendid oppor- tunity for bright, ambitious boys; rapid advancement is assured. Apply by letter only, giving age, education, references and experience, if any. C. B. Hill, 10th floor, 223 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. TG3-1tc WANTED--YOUNG MAN, 16 TO 21, TO learn auto painting. Winnetka Motor Co., 562 Lincoln avenue, Win- netka. LTG21-1te WANTED--AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN to sell 5 popular cars; one acquainted on north shore preferred. Winnetka Motor Co. Tel. Win. 165. LTG21-1te WANTED--BOY TO DELIVER AND clerk in drug store. Adams' Phar- macy. T2-2tp WANTED--GARDENER. PHONE EV- enings. Mr. Miller, Winnetka 929. T3-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--FAINTING, DECORATING, calecimining, paper hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Co. Phone Evanston 6988, 2003 Maple avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfc SITUATION WANTED BY EXPER. gardener and poultry man; private or assistant on larger estate. Ad- dress 094, Winnetka Talk. TG2-tfc WANTED--WINDOW SCREENS TO repair, paint and put up. Call Win. 126. T3-1tc FOR SALE--FUMED OAK DINING room set; kitchen table and utensils, ice box, carpenters tools, business platform scale, garbage and ash cans and sifter. Phone Win. 429. T 3-1tc FOR SALE--AT BARGAIN IF TAKEN at once; 3-door book case, small mahogany table, three-quarters white enamelled bed, mattress and springs. Phone Win. 967. T3-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF entire 4-room home; slightly dam- aged by tornado; must sell imme- diately; leaving town. 1244 Hill street, Wilmette. TG3-1tp FOR SALE--REFRIGERT A TOR; white enamel lining; comparatively new, 8S. L. Parr, 127 Bertling Lane. Phone Win. 411. T3-1tc FOR SALE--GAS RANGE"RELIABLE"" porcelain back side and doors. oven 14x18x21 slightly used, $49. 829 Ash street. Phone Win. 1307. TG3-1tc FOR SALE--ONE 8x10 ORIENTAL rug, one 4x7 Oriental rug; two white children's cribs. Call T. M. Brooks. Phone Win. 206. T3-1tc FOR SALE--JEWETT REFRIGERAT- or; good condition; ice capacity 100 pounds. P. O. Box 15, Kenilworth. Phone Ken. 976-W. pry ot 2 ct IDBwItD FOR SALE--LARGE REFRIGERATOR $10. 524 Provident avenue. Phone 'Win. ' 382. T3-1tc FOR SALE--FINE ENGLISH BABY cab and household articles. Phone Win. 894. T3-1te FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS STOVE and jce box. 402 Willow street. Tel. Win. 1402. Lan oo Is-1te FOR SALE--GREY GONDOLA BABY carriage. Phone Win. 675-R. T3-1tc FOR SALE--ICE BOX AND GOOD gas stove. Phone Win. S10 Ws 3 -1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--MARRIED couple (col.) man chauffeur and houseman, wife exp. cook and maid; Ref. E. Roberts, 434 Adams street. Phone Glencoe 532. LTG21-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--TWO APT. WINNETKA home; all modern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 635-R. - LTG16-tfc FOR SALE--NEW MODERN RES- idence. 1068 Ash street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1055. TG3-1tec WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE FOP summer; four or five months; pos- session May or June; about 7 rooms; 2 adults; residents of Chicago, ac- customed to taking care of fine household equipment; highest ref.; willing to rent unfurnished per- manently. Address No. L-9, Winnet- ka Talk. TG2-4tp WANTED--6 ROOM HOUSE OR 5 , room apartment, furnished or un- A= #¥urnished for 6 months or longer by 'XW reliable married couple. Excellent references. Phone Wil. $40-W WANTED TO RENT N ANY shore town, d« : four bedroom modern house. Con cate Major Henry 8S. W north Linden avenue, Hig WANTED--COTTAGE TO RENT FOR June, July and August; must have bath, gas stove and sleeping porch. State price and eonveniences. Ad- aress K-7, Winnetka Talk. T3-1te WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE;. 3 bedrooms and eping porch; in vicinity Oagley, Yspury and Scott avenues, i" n T3-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SADDLE HORSE, "K®N- tucky Beauty", one of the highest bred animals in Kentucky; sired by "Guided by Love", five vears old; won first prize in the walk trot canter, class 1, Columbus. Ohio, and second nrize in same class in Louiswille; horse can be seen at Richardson's stables, Winnetka. Horse, saddle, bridle and blanket equipment $800. Phone owner Winnetka 234. LTG21-1tc FOR SALE--BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, for hatching--from the first prize hen at the Coliseum show, Chi- cago 1920. A few settings to spare at $10; other pens at $2 per setting; satisfaction guaranteed. John Aitken, Hubbard Woods, Ill. Phone 76. LTG18-4tce FOR SALE--WHITE ORPINGTONS cockerels $5; laying pullets $3.50; R. I. Red eggs from 200 egg strain $3 per setting of 13. Phone Glencoe 316-M. LTG20-2tp FOR SALE--A CREAM-COLORXD Lloyd reed baby carriage; good con- dition. $25. Fhone Wil. §40-W. LTG21-5te +'OR SALE--COCKERELS, STANDARD bred White Rocks. Charles F. El Phone Win. 68, TG2 FOR SALE--SMITH MOTOR WHEEL; good condition. Phone Win. 537. T3-1tp LOST AND FOUND FOUND--X ; owner please ELACK ANGORA CAT; Win. F telephone 3UNCH OF KEYS and Fig streets Monday on evening. Gage avenue. Phone TG-1te 'Win. 283. WA NTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SMALL REFRIG- erator; good condition; capacity 75 pounds. Phone 1334. TG3-1te HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- hold goods of all kinds; we also take old clothes. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Evanston 103. Night phone Evanston 5512. LTG17-8tc HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture and household articles Morris Crost, 1006 Emerson street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12tc IWANTED--REED STROLLER; IN good condition; for child 20 months old. Phone Win. 782, TG3-1te GYPSIES IN TOWN The Spring migration of bands of roving Gypsies was signalized this week in the township by the arrival Wednesday of a band of roamers in Glencoe. The men remained on the outskirts of the village, pitching a camp on the edge of Skokie valley while the women of the party made a canvass of the stores on Park ave- nue, followed closely by the police, who, from previous experiences, have decided to supervise their actions as much as possible. The band passed Wilmette and Winnetka without stopping and made ther camp for the night near Glencoe. The police of the township are on their guard for more members of the tribe. . SPRING VACATION Students of New Trier Township High school and pupils of the Public schools in all north shore Villages are enjoying their annual spring va- cation this week. THELIER CASE MONDAY The hearing of complaints of Thomas Johnson, Oak avenue, against Mr. and Mrs. Stensil Thelier of 459 Jackson avenue, Glencoe, will be heard Monday morning by Justice of the Peace C. T. Northrop. John- son complained that he was attack- ed by the Glencoe people and se- cured warrants for their arrest Wed- nesday night. A preliminary hearing was held Wednesday night by Justice Northrop and the case set for Monday. ph WOODPILE BURNS Fire starting in a woodpile in the yard of M. L. Greeley at 655 Maple avenue, on Tuesday assumed the pro- portions of a real blaze and the fire department was called to extinguish the flames. neous hot water heat. and sleeping porches. bo 401 Linden Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 93 Two Beautiful New Homes Located Sheridan Road and Forest Ave., Wilmette. brick, vapor heat, siver fixtures, canvassed walls. Garage. One block from lake. five blocks from Ivory finished French doors. Beautiful Homes. HILL & WHEELER TWO OFFICES 8 rooms Instanta- Attached sun, breaefast See Them 743 Elm Street, Winnetka Telephone Winnetka 142 « WINNETKA dd Ad LLY NG 16 PROUTY ANNEX NULLLLLLLL ILLIA LLILLL SS ILLL ISI SSSLLIS SLI LILLL SIL SILL SILLS LS SILOS L SLL ILLS LL LLL SS LLIS LL LLL SL LESS LLL SLL LLLL SILL LESS LLS LLL SL LIL LLS LIL LSS SL SSSA LL ISILL SL SLL SSIES SLES LI ESAS SAI I1 SITY Masonry---Concrete--Carpentry Remodeling W. F. Peterson Company Building Contractors Re ZR 220) 127 N. Dearborn Street Telephones Winnetka 72 Randolph 5526 1171111111 III SILI III Pn CHICAGO PITIIIIIIIII IIIS II FILIP IIIS FI IIIS ISLIP SIPS ILI I 1/1177 JI be Higher coal situation. Sqm We advise our customers to Buy Coal Now. We believe that prices will We know that a shortage will prevail unless the car supply improves. We want you to take advan- tage of our analysis of the mmm I ----------" Winnetka Coal-Lumber Phone 734 Company Phone 735 EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Manager 5 iw J----