2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920 older children but are not giving the same thought to the needed enlarge- ment of present Horace Mann play- ground. By the way, the present playgrounds are under water and about as useful as my back yard to the children. Peculiar, they talk so much about playground facilities and in actual fact pay so little attention to the drainage of the Horace Mann grounds, which could be done by cleaning out catch basins. The same applies to Greeley vacant ground around the building. Neither do they seem to think it necessary to enlarge the playground around these schools, which is just as essential for lower grades as the 7th and 8th grades. "Running Wild" Everything seems to be running wild on the playground for the 7th and 8th grades and the only value the lower grades are going to get in the proposed scheme of the School Board is a little more room in the present building--a very little of that. too, for the Board speaks of such an increase in lower grades based on facts of last few years and 'Eat-a Lots' Figure in Winnetka Scout 'Trial' Mock Trial Before Judge Charles M. Thomson At Community House Proves Interesting If you happen to be a Boy Scout "«" Li : | and can find someone to "frame" this by George Eisendrath. The jury was proposition it will be comparatively , composed fense and the jury must positively be composed of Boy Scouts. Holden Anderson, local Scout, went through that experience last Thursday at Community House. Of course, it was a mock affair. Judge Thomson presided. Attorney's for the state were Scouts Fred Roe and Sidney Spiegel. Scout Luther Adams was counsel for the defense, assisted entirely of Winnetka easy to come by some "Fat a lots" Scouts. The "trial" was open to the candies at the Winnetka Pharmacy, gratis. Go at it somewhat like this. Have someone select some candy and place same in your pocket. The candy must not be paid for. The next step is to get caught by the druggist just as your generous friend slips out of the door. Your arrest follows. When time comes for trial you select Judge Charles M. Thomson, to sit in judgment at Community House. Boy Scouts must comprise attorneys for both state and de- greater boom in building of residenc-{ ---- es all along the north shore and par- ETT TT public and terminated only after two hours of heated cross examination and attorney's arguments. came back with a not guilty verdict, charging a "frame-up." Of course all but the "trial" didn't really hap- pen. LIZ 2777 2770 7 7 ZZ E27 i Lill Good LZ: The jury | OTOL Ome OE OI OX 0 Protect Your Home! ticularly Winnetka. When the whole plan of raising money by popular subscription was presented I was indifferent, believing the School Board had naturally given the matter plenty of thought, and were sure of the wisdom of build- ing 7th and 8th grade facilities a mile away from the logical location. I find in talking to friends that they too have given the matter but casu- al thought figuring the Board knew more about it and though they] = couldn't see the location, they were | = willing to help in getting proper school facilities for Winnetka chil- dren. I heard that someone has advanced an argument to the effect that the Horace Mann site is too close to the business center. The School Board seems to think it good enough | to continue for lower grades and| £ certainly as an argument to build 7th and 8th grade facilities at the most inconvenient location it 1s rather inconsistent. I am convinced at this writing that there has been an error in judgment by the Board and their plan is not based on much else than an argu-|= ment for more playground for en E and 8th grade children. I want,| = therefore, to give my efforts toward what is a better plan for Winnetka as a whole for all grades, both as to inside and outside facilities. I cer- tainly feel also the auditorium could be used more generally in a central location and be more than an ac- commodation for just 7th and 8th grades. I came to this conclusion after listening to the arguments pro and con and feel sure that my change in support, based on closer interest in the matter, is but what will be found a growing sentiment. 1f the information can be spread so that the merit of one plan can be compared with the other, 1 am sure the wisdom of the Horace Mann site. when enlarged as proposed, by the School association, will be quick- ly endorsed. Earle S. Barber. TTT Shoes Keep the Doctor Away Our Paints, Oils, Putty, and Rubberset Brushes with alittle elbow grease WILL DO IT. J. F. ECKART CO. Hardware 7777777777777 77d dizzzzrrzzzzirzizziiiziiiii 7777777777772 777 2 ad ZZ ddd Ld ddd Our line of Spring Foot- wear 1s complete OXFORDS PUMPS SLIPPERS Good Shoes are nec- essary to combat the Spring Rains Winnetka Shoe Store H. Luensman, Prop. 804 Elm St. Phone Winn. 694 ETT TT TT We charge a very simple fee To cure defects you cannot see. your car is all wrong from TT. idea of tinkering with Our the start, Mr. Man. responsible repair service is satisfactory. We know a car from its heart to its overcoat. If your auto has some slight simple ailment let us attend to it at once before it develops into a serious illness. We're the doctors. C. M. McDONALD Tel. 224. 914 Davis St., Evanston Phone Winnetka 844 736 Elm St. Le OE Oe O EI O ETI OI OKO ULL LLL LLL LL LLL LLL LULL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL 7 ZT 77 777 ZZ 72 2777777777777 77 EI ee OE Cm OE OX OX © ICES ONO OES Ome OE 0 ere VE QO eed 2, a rar Tra a 772 777 a aA ArT 2 2 A ZL ddd dd dda LITT LLL LLL LLL E27 2 dd 2 ddd CATARACT WASHING MACHINE Eureka Vacuum Cleaners MONEY TO LOAN WINNETKA REAL ESTATE Wanted: Good Mortgages, First or Second, on Improved Property in this vicinity. P. W. BRADSTREET Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Read The Want Ads On Page 7 Et rt---- If there were better machines made, we would be selling them Lake Shore Electric Co. LENSES DUPLICATED Frames repaired 50c. Best Filled Bows, each 35c to 60c Screw Fitted in Eye Glasses 10c Spiral Springs with Screw, complete 25¢ G. ETTINGHAUSEN EXPERT Al roprietor Watch and Clock Repairing RENTING LOANS INSURANCE Elec : ; ihe g i : ; 554 Railroad Ave. Telephone 989 Telephone 162 Winnetka, Illinois ectrical Contracting WINNETKA, ILL. Fixtures, Supplies and Appliances 1135 Greenleaf Ave, Wilmette Phones: Ev. 5718, Wil. 2494 O00 000 Winnetka State Bank Elm Street at Lincoln Avenue LET US ESTIMATE YOUR WIRING AND ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Lin irririirrrirririrrizzziziiziaziiiédddddddd dll lll ld bli Liiizid dizi arr 777 27777777777, 7777777 777777777 27777 7777zazirrrrrrzzzzzzzzzizzzzZ LASSI SILI SS SILL SSIS LLL L SSIS SSSI SSS SALSA SSS SSS SLA ASSIS SSIS 277772 iar 77777777rriiiiiiii 777i irizizriiiiiiiiiiiiiziziiziiiiiizzzizizizziiizzi All Third Ioans Bonds to be exchanged for Permanent Bonds must be in our hands before April 15th. After this date they will be exchanged at the Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK By opening a checking account through which to remit for the Family Budget items. Or a savings account for yourself or your y S > : children. Smoke North Shore Cigars For Sale by All Leading Dealers in Wilmette, Kenilworth and Winnetka Made by HERMANDEZ ORTA CO. | WILMETTE, ILL. I A We aim to give you the highest grade of cigars at prices you have been paying for inferior stock. Our many years of experience guarantees you that our goods are made right and such as you will en- joy---"TRUE {HAVANA GENTLEMEN." No matter how many accounts you have we cannot fail to af- ford you many conveniences of Service. 000 In == [