WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 pt pot =} memento Lo Busses would be necessary if new school is built on West Elm Street site. : The Wayne Works, manufacturers of the busses which the School Board proposes to purchase, submitted a lead- ing school board executive as reference. This man was interviewed and stated that the Wayne bus, which was on a Ford Chassis and termed the heavy duty type, was not strong enough to do the work and was not satisfactory. They were using two busses to carry high school children and putting twenty-two children in each bus. When asked about cost of maintenance he stated it was very expensive. Dr. Bruner, Board of Education, Chicago, who is in char ge of 16 busses carrying crippled children stated stand- ard equipment to be absolutely essential for safe and efficient school busses. His cost figures follow: ¥Rentalper Dus per day... cov ivi vin nrinennen $28.50 "0 4 ELT Se ea a i eld $5700.00 Attendant DRS Per ABY . Coo irr vus slisvnin fa Ronse ss Zan 4.50 200adavs. 3... "o-oy > eis. sqile vie + % Pe 900.00 Fach bus yearly cost ............. $6600.00 Mr. O. C. Cotton, publisher of "Traffic News" says, "Standard equipment is absolutely necessary for safe school busses." He submitted the following cost figures: Passengerstobecarried per bus. .B. 02 KB... .. 0s. vsrasrecnrssideci Bh, cesinass 30 Cost of standard School bus$5000/00--3 busses ...... LJ 1 ui. . fa Elid ai idk... $25,000.00 "Cost of operation if well cared for and including chauffeur, repairs, garage, depreciation and insurance, minimum S12. 20 per day... oo a EE A et es i al $4562.50 Number busses ......... 5 Yearly cost... i... 08. $22,312.50 "The expense of operation will increase the second year and the following year depending entirely upon the treat- ment of the truck the preceding year." The White Company, Cleveland, Ohio states: "Standard equipment necessary for safety in school bus service" Cost of their standard equipped school bus, $6,000---5 DUsses . ©... 0.00 vr iiiiiiderveaeenns $30,000 Cost of operation if well taken care of, minimum-- Whehin use oie $15 per day 200 days uli itd A cates $3,000 Whennotinuse ........00 woh... a fe Da YT RS Re a 1,485 $4,485.00 number of busses 3 Yeorlv-cost ....... 0... $22,425.00 These authoritative figures show the prohibitive original cost and extravagant maintainance cost you would have to pay each year for the busses necessary if new school is built on West Elm Street site. The Enlarged Horace Mann site which is centrally located would not require busses. Drainage According to published statements issued by the School Board relative drainage in which they re- ferred to Windes and Marsh, it would first be imperative to bring the west 1000 feet of the West Elm Street site to the high water level of the East 500 feet of the site. Itis further stated 18 inches of "fill" would be required to do this. Therefore, just mental arithmetic shows that 1000 feet by 400 feet by 18 inches would mean 600,000 cubic feet of "fill" required which is 22,000 cubic yards or a minimum of 10,000 wagon loads. 'The School Board calmly says this "fill' is available in the village, but where it is they have not stated, nor does anyone know. Do they mean rubbish? Figure cost of hauling and "filling" at $2.00 a cubic yard which is an ultra conservative figure and the appalling sum of $40,000 stares one in the face. This is not all for the frank admittance by the School Board that tiling would also be necessary adds at a most nominal cost of 50c per lineal foot an additional expenditure of $7,000. The con- nections to the storm sewer; if available, would add at least another $2,000. This makes a minimum total of $49,000 expense which the people of Winnetka have to pay before the site would be available for the uses planned by the School Board. The enlarged Horace Mann Site does not repuire drainage. Paving SIDEWALKS, SEWERS, ETC. are admitted by the School Board as necessary if the new school is erected on the West Elm Street site. The total cost of such improvements would, according to village ordinance, be shared by the property owners in the vicinity and the Board of Education. This means that if the school is built on the West Elm Street site those property owners must accept an assessment of at least $35,000. This is equal to the amount chargeable against the West Elm Street site according to figures published in the Winnetka Talk as coming from the Board of Edu- cation. In verifying, their estimate was found to be approximately correct according to 1919 costs. The cost, however, based on 1920 prices would naturally be considerably higher. The enlarged Horace Mann site does not require paving, sidewalks, sewers, etc. aT ht per 4 EEO EEE OE 0 Ea 0 EI OE O EO EE O I OE O EI O | 2] [ O Q | | Q | [ Q | Q | Q | 0 0 Endl Lenssemesnmmnal € Tomo =e ta} sib) <cci te | Lil | pili Be Ves a) celica} onan fe] i R40) = Re] = lle] = fe] = fe) wc fa) =i] | i 1