yr be A ) dt. a = Ld [---_ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 Kenilworth Favors Annexation in Vote Women Lead in Balloting to Annex West Kenilworth; Men Oppose Proposition Kenilworth women voters Tuesday took matters into their own hands and won a decisive victory in favor of the annexation of West Kenil- worth, a proposition which had been repeatedly defeated at the polls. West Kenilworth became a part of Kenilworth by a vote of 201 to 177. The annexation proposition provid- ed a special election in conjunction with the regular village election. The total ballot cast in the special election, according to police returns, was 378. Women led on the ballot- ing with a total of 207 votes while 171 men went to the polls. The balloting on the proposition was reported as follows. For Proposition: Women 116, men 85. Against proposition women 91, men 86. As a result of the election Kenil- worth takes over more than 50 acres lying west of the Chicago and North- western right of way extending north and south from Winnetka to Wil- mette and west to Ridge avenue. At the regular village election the following officials were selected: porous 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Saturday April 24 in "The Beloved!Cheater" Universal Screen Events Judge Brown Comedy Mon. and Tues., April 26 and 27 Katherine MacDonald in "The Turning Point" Wednesday April 28 MARIE DORO "Twelve Ten" Thurs. and Fri., April 29 and 30 Mildred Harris ""The Inferior Sex" Saturday May 1 LEW CODY "The Broken Butterfly" Coming Soon Constance Talmadge "In Search of a Sinner" in CWillaid) "LG STEREO TeA0E mans IRE wheels, wood wheels and disc wheels all have their boosters, but everybody agrees on rubber tires. When everybody knows the advantages of Threaded Rubber over ordinary insula tion, the demand for it will be as universal. L LTT Evanston Battery Station 1648-5 Maple Ave. Corner Church St. EVANSTON LH TTT Village Clerk (Reelection) Frank Mason. Village Trustees: Walter D. Laun- der, J. H. Newport, Thomas I. Iove- dale (reelection). Trustees Launder ind Newport were elected to fill the expired terms of Merritt Dement and Charles T. Chandler. ROAD SURVEY Village manager Woolhiser and superintendent of public works Gib- bon this week conducted an 'inspec- ion of Winnetka streets to determine the amount of street repair work necessary this spring. It was said that portions of Center street and stretches on Pine street and North avenue were in need of immediate and extensive repair. PURITY OF MIND You can no more filter your mind into purity than you can compress it into calmness; you must keep it pure, and throw no stones into it, if you would have it quiet.--Ruskin. Horticultural Contest To Encourage More and Better Gardens Sow Barnard's Seeds and Compete at the Horticultural Exhibition to be Held at Our Store Sept. 9, 10 and 11, 1920. Over #5002 in Prizes Call or write for full information. Barnard's Seed Catalog is full of valuable hints that will help you. The W. W. Barnard Co., Seedsmen 231-233-235 W. Madison St., Chicago, lil. | LIVES INABOX | Batteries Repaired, Renewed, Rented and Recharged Him HTT Phone Evanston 1049 3 Prouty Court, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1387 There is an "Exide" Battery for YOUR Car and it will give "punch" and "pep" to your starting system. The space saving "Unit Seal" construction gives extra plate surface--hence greater capacity per unit of weight and volume. means built-in durability and power. Let us show you your "Exide" Battery and explain its special features. For battery testing, filling or expert battery advice come to us. EVANSTON "EXIDE" BATTERY SERVICE, INC. 1007 Davis Street Evanston LOOK FOR This BATTERY "id "EX {0€ SERVICE GN 7 &, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners CATARACT WASHING MACHINE 1135 Greenleaf Ave, Wilmette If there were better machines made, we would be selling them Lake Shore Electric Co. VANCE F. FOSTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting Fixtures, Supplies and Appliances Phones: Wil. 2494-Ev. 5718 R27 ziziiidzrziziziiziiiiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiis diilid dll ddddddddddd ddd l ddd ddd dll Tl Elli, NS LET US ESTIMATE YOUR WIRING AND ELECTRICAL REPAIR A A ed a Zar Zr Zr rrr. he SII S SI IIIS III 2177 FOR SALE Two Guaranteed 6 % First Mortgages on Winnetka Homes A Gilt Edge Investment $6,000.00 and $7,000.00 Mortgage--Both for 5 Years P. W. BRADSTREET Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate RENTING : Telephone 162 LOANS INSURANCE Winnetka, Illinois 4 needs. cally. in one united effort. main heads" FOR THE CHURCH'S WORK AT HOME. A score ofitems come under this head. Consider only one. Five and a half million people in the United States cannoteven read and write the English language. Whois to carry forward this vast work of Americanization if the church does not? FOR HOSPITALS AND HOMES. Every year thousandsof menand women seriously ill are turned away from Church hospitals because of lack of room. The children's homes are compelled to turn away more children than they can receive. FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Of the 450,000 American students in institutions of higher grade, one- half are in institutions founded and supported by theChurches. Many of these institutions have had nogreat endowment campaigns, but their needs are just as pressing as the needs of larger schools; and you have only to read their list'of alum- niand alumnae tomeasurethe value of their contribution to America. Each denomination has its to it in advance. When your church calls on United Financial Campaign will administer its own funds. of the budget: examine them for yourself. In the week of April 25th-May 2nd you will be given your opportunity to help. You can do it with the full satisfaction of know- ing that every dollar of your gift has its post assigned Just Where and How Is the Money to be Spent? businesslike Answer to a businesslike Question HIRTY denominations cooperating in the Inter- church World Movement have budgeted their No business could have done it more scientifi- They have united to prevent the possibility of duplica- tion or waste. At least a million dollars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual campaigns are joined Each denomination has arranged its budget under six FOR RELIGIOUS TRAINING. At least 12,000,000 children and young people under 25 years of age are en- tering American life without any religioustraining at all. Remember- ing the faith of Washington and Lincoln, do you think that America wifl continue to produce Washing- tons and Lincolns if feith dies out of the hearts of its youth? FOR THE CHURCH'S WORK ABROAD. Influenza came first from the Orient thirty years ago; nearly all plagues are Oriental plagues. So long as China has only one physician to every 400,000 people the Orient will continue to be a menace. So long as one-third of the babies of India die before their sec- ond year our own babies are not safe. A Christian doctor or teacher sent abroad is working for America as truly as though he worked at home. PREACHERS' SALARIES. The preacher is called the "forgotten man," and well he may be. Eight out of ten preachers are paid less than $20 a week! own detailed budget, and Your pastor has copies Every dollar for better America and a better world. you give--and give with your heart as well as your pocket-book. "he INTERCHURCH World Movement of North America The publication of this advertisement is made possible through the cooperation of thirty demominations.