WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 Do we PLarc goymw FrorPaIL® « Wowerin Jonoor Avocurion Tra F-- FR need for th 15 i NN MN NN ANN anit mo -- g or] i ff Big pom fo A PLAY SHOWING BUILDINGS HorAcL MANN JCHOOL Wovwerza, [LL r-- a -- LoR Tne: Manerin Bones ar LDUATIN CHLITNUT Ie a fn of Opposition Plan Known as the "Horace Mann Site." At an estimated additional cost of $75,000 to $100,000, it is proposed to jam another building onto the Horace Mann block (1) and purchase another half-block for a playground (2) to be reached by crossing two streets in the center of town. To play ball, left- fielder stands in the middle of Cherry Street. The rest of the children have room for the exciting games of marbles and tiddle-de-winks! NZ 2X DZ HE maps tell the story. On the one side--the Horace T Mann site--you get a school cramped onto a city block, surrounded by stores and with a half-block playfield that forces the children to play active games in the street. On the other side--the West Elm St. site--you have a school located on a fine 12-acre athletic field in a spot and with facilities for supervised play that will develop qualities of body, mind and character so vital to happiness and success in life. This is the big issue before you, Mr. and Mrs. Voter. Do you want your boy or your girl to develop bodily strength and the character that come only from a well- equipped athletic field? Or, do you want them to be cooped up on a "vacant lot" playground, risking their lives if they engage in real games with speeding automobiles on three sides? Do you want your children to develop a taste for God's outdoors, and its healthful, exhilerating sports? Or, would you rather they would spend their time in street-corner idling and in congregating in candy stores? Wellington remarked that "the battle of Waterloo was won on the playfields of Eton and Harrow". tis true to- day that the battles of business and social life are largely won on the playfields of childhood. Is Winnetka to fail in this great opportunity for her boys and girls? e West Elm » any stronger argument than this St. school site? PooPaILD PLAN lor Preveny Taser (+ Voovera, La Pesrescs Tes --Ker-- GROUNDS Of WEST LLM JT JeNooL 1 Pusirc Parc Pon Go fin of Wunoers § Hagar Gal Ei amd C L ~, NE oD WR > SJ Ave ha LY 1 ALE Opes Corny ~ th : b= bY { L Sf Av or hae A Cry 2%, ) . TA ag BV AL ~ CLLNDALL C 3 2 I judgment of past and present Boards of Education. Back of it stands the unanimous approval of the Village Council and the Winnetka Plan Commission. Back of it is the unanimous approval of the Executive Committee of the Parent-Teacher Association. B ACK of the West Elm St. site stands the unanimous Endorsing the 12-acre site as the best for Winnetka's needs is the verdict of leading educational authorities. Lined up behind the West Elm St. site we find the great majority of those who have stood for farsighted progress in Village affairs. If careful judgment and expert advice is to continue to have weight in Winnetka schools, surely the issue here is clear. These your friends and nieghbors whom you have chosen as your representatives present to you their plan-- and ask your support. Against this authority we find a hastily-conceived alter- native, manifestly inadequate for both present and future needs. A plan which is called "good enuogh", but which provides only two acres of playground space at an estim- ated additional cost of $75,000 to $100,000. No! Winnetka is hardly ready to turn down the judgment of men and women who have helped make Winnetka what it 1s today. : West Elm St. must win overwhelmingly when the vote is taken on May lst. If you want good schools in Winnetka, stand back of the Board of Education and vote for the West Elm St. site West Elm St. Site (The School Board Plan) On ground already owned by the Board, the erection of an absolutely modern, perfectly-lighted one-story building would leave 10 acres of play- ground space. The children would have room to play games that develop self- reliance, courage, the spirit of team- play. Here is a spot away from the noise, dirt, distraction, danger of the commercial section of town with space for expansion as Winnetka continues to grow. Fit this building (4) into the diagram above (3) and you have a picture of the wonderfully- inspiring surroundings of the New School on the spacious Elm St. site. Published by the "Committee of 500"