A WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 | Classified Advertisements ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by HELP WANTED--FEMALE -- -- -- INCREASED BUSINESS AND EN- LARGED DEPARTMENTS DE- MAND THAT WE ENGAGE TEN OR FIFTEEN MORE SALESWOMEN. THERE ARE OPENINGS IN THE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging; all work guaranteed. Chster Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2003 Maple avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfc Pc Ahh Bemis SE i eet SITUATION WANTED--BY GARDEN- FOR SALE--10 VACUUM CLEANERS taken in trade on our Hoover; $5.00 to $15.00. Also used mangle, 42-inch, $75.00; used Thor, $50.00. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG22-tfc FOR SALE--LIVING ROOM SUITE; large mahogany davenport; two chairs, upholstered in velour; first class condition; bargain. Upright grand piano. Phone Win. 176. LT24-1tc FOR SALE--HANDSOME DINING room set of 10 pieces; Early English brown mahogany; price $7560.00; worth $1500.00. 246 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1568. LTG24-1tp WISH TO SELL A NEW HOME ELEC- tric sewing machine purchased last August; may be used either with or without motor. Phone Win, jose. -1te FOR SALE FOUR SMALL BEDROOM HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, YARD GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND JEW- ELRY SECTIONS. AMBITIOUS GIRLS AND WOMEN DESIRING A CHANGE OF POSITION WILL FIND OURS A CONGENIAL STORE TO WORK IN, WITH SPLENDID- OPPORTUNITIES OF ADVANCEMENT. APPLY IN PERSON AT LORD'S FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON. : LTG22-4tc WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL _rOR general housework in Winnetka home; good wages; new clean house with new furnishings; private room and bath, on second floor; maid's dining room; family of 4 with ¢om- petent nurse for children; bonus end of year. Call Midway 3634; reverse phone charges. T6-1tc WANTED--A GOOD PLAIN COOK where second maid and nurse are employed; $15; ref. required; three blocks from "L". Seng, 401 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1395. LTG24-1tc WANTED--GIRL GOR GEN'LL HOUSE- work in Winnetka; $15; no washing; 2 adults; 1 child, two and one-half years old; small house; good home. 808 Prospect avenue. Phone Win. 582. Reverse charges. Té6-1tc WANTED--MAID WHO CAN DO waitress work for North Shore Golf Club, Kenilworth; $50 per month; room and board. Call at Clubhouse or phone Wil. 71. LTG24-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework on first floor; no laundry; wages $15. Phone Win. 239. Mrs. J. Husband, 1061 Blackthorn Road. T6-1te WANTED--COMFPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; family of three; no washing; good wages. 411 Lake avenue. Phone Wil. 1131. LTG24-1tc WANTED --AT ONCE; BXP. DRESS- maker; also apprentice; steady po- sitions. 859 Klm street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1325. LTG22-4tc WANTED--LAUNDRESS, MONDAY and Tuesday each week; steady work. W. P. Seng, 410 Lake avenue, Wil- mette. LTG24-1tc WANTED--GENERAL MAID; GOOD cook; $15; first floor; no laundry; no cleaning. R. Hamill .Phone Win. 447. TG6-2tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; four in family; no washing; $15 a week. Phone Wil. 697. TG6-1tc WANTED--EXP. LAUNDRESS; §4.00 per day and carfare. Address 783 Foxdale road or telephone Win. 1133. Té6-1tc WANTED--EXP. COOK AND SECOND girl or white married couple. Phone Mrs. Wilder, Winnetka 82. T6-1tc HELP WANTED--COOK AND SECOND maid; four in' family. Phone Win- netka 608. LTG23-2tc WANTED--NEAT YOUNG HIGH school girl an hour or two daily. Phone Win. 244. TG6-1tc WANTED--COOK AND SECOND MAID | small family; $15 and $14. Phone Win. 680. Té6-1te WANTED--LAUNDRESS TO TAKE washing home. Phone Win. 244. TG6-1te WANTED--A RELIABLE WAITRESS; two months. Phone Win. 39. T6-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED_EXP. HOUSEMAN; REF. required. Phone and reverse call Highland Park 1159. IL. Rosenwald. LTG24-1tc GARDEN HELP WANTED, PERMAN- ent position; good pay. Apply R. Reinhold, 189 Harbor street. Phone Glencoe 325-J. TG6-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE AND FE- MALE HELP WANTED--MAN AND WIFE as cook and house-man in family of four. Phone Win. 608.. 213 Linden street, Winnetka. LTG23-2te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating south shore of Delavan lake, Wis. 4 acres of ground with 200 feet lake frontage; 7 room house, modern with furnace; 6 room lodge with two baths and space for two cars; ice house, barns, chicken house for 500 chickens; young bearing fruit orch- ard; price $20,000. Address r-93 lake Shore News. LIG22-6tc FOR SALE WINNETKA TO GLENCOE 6 room Brick, tile roof ...... $12,500 6 room BLUCEO caverta ersn+v.30,200 8 room StuCCO ..............$1¥,000 10 room frame, 11% acres. .,..$25,000 Frank A. Reid, 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. TG6-2tc FOR SALE--TWO APT. WINNETKA home; all moédern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 633-R. LTG16-tfc FOR SALE--8 ROOM HOUSE; POS- session immediately; see owner. 932 Oak street, Winnetka. TG6-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--SIX ROOM HOUSE OR 5 room apartment, furnished or un- rugs; three nursery screens; small er; 1 or 2 days a week; 70 cents per telephone table, vacuum carpet hour. Address Winnetka Talk, B-10. sweeper. Phone Win. 206. T6-1tp LT24-1tc I) FOR SALE--GAS STOVE; HIGH OVEN FOR Ay HOUSES good condition; oak book-case; FOR SALE--SUMMER HOME ON Youth's bicycle; lawn mower; al- most new; ash sifter; garden tools. Phone Win. 662-W T6-1tc FOR SALE--FORD TOWN CAR; IN good condition; suitable for taxi. Ask for chauffeur, 1130 Laurel ave- _ nue, Hubbard Woods. T6-1te FOR SALE--SOLID FUMED OAK dining room table, 54-inch top; 6 chairs, leather seats; used 6 mo. Tel. Win. 910. T6-1tc FOR SALE--A MAHOGANY SPINET desk, chairs and sewing machine. Servu Shop, 743 Elm street, Win- netka. TG6-1tp FOR SALE--A WHITE BNAMBEL breakfast table and 6 chairs; steel couch; small writing desk. Phone Win. 712. T6-1tc FOR SALE--FUMED OAK DINING room set, business platform scale and ice-box. Phone Win. 429. on TG5-2tc FOR SALE--AT REASONABLE PRICE, one Eden washing machine; good condition. Phone Win, 44. Té-1tc SALE--PIANO-PLAYER AND FOR furnished, for 6 months or longer by music; 2 beds and springs. Phone reliable married couple. Excellent Win. 177. T6-1tc references. Phone Wil. 840-W. I LTG21-5tc | WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT---HOUSES FOR RENT--SIX ROOM MODERN house. Address Weekly Talk B-24. T6-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 at 902 Ash street, Winnetka. T6-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS. 2727 Isabella street. LTG23-2tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD MAN AND WIFE LIVING IN WIN- netka wish room and board; ref. Tel. Win. 697-J. T6-1tp WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOM; FOR TWO BUSINESS MEN; NOT MORE THAN THREE BLOCKS FROM ELM STREET STATION. PHONE WINNETKA 388, T6-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED PIANOS; OVER- hauled; guaranteed; taken in trade on our New Piano: 'Wheelock, $90. Schubert, $135. Storey & Clark, $95. Hale & Co., $85. Cheney & Co., $85. Emerson, $150. Kimball, $200. Russell, $150. 88 Cable note player with rolls, $275. HIGHEST PRICES PA(D FOR HOUSE- hold goods of all kinds; we also take old clothes. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Evanston 103. Night phone Evanston 5512. LTG17-8te HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture and household artic- + les. Morris Crost, 1006 Emerson street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12te WANTED--SMALL GAS RANGE; IN good condition. Address Winnetka Talk 0-49. T5-2tc WANTED TO BUY--2 SECOND HAND steamer trunks. Phone Win. 961. Té-1te WANTED--CHILD"S SECOND HAND go-cart or stroller. Phone Win. 666-J. T6-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value on pianos, talking machines, sewing machines, washing machines and vaccuum cleaners. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston LTG22-tfc FOR SALE--FORD STEEL BODY delivery truck; in excellent mechan- ical condition. This truck has just been turned out of our rebuilding shops. For further particulars phone Winnetka 165. LTG24-1tc FOR SALE--A CREAM - COLORED Lloyd reed baby carriage; good con- dition. $25. Phone Wil. 840-W. LTG21-5te FOR SALE--MOTORCYCLE; TWIN Indian, 1915; $75. Phone Glencoe __155. G6-2tp FOR SALE--THE TEA ROOM, 551 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. any bed, from the F. F. V. of Vir- ginia, worth $500; can be bought for less; elegant solid mahogany dining table with eight leaves, 8 chairs, and 2 host and hostess chairs and 4 Ot- toman's for table; solid mahogany china cabinet and other articles for sale at 709 Washington street, Ev- anston, this week only. Phone Mrs. William Stahl, Evanston Hotel, Ev- anston 5000. LTG24-1tc FOR SALE--KITCHEN GAS RANGE, $50; iron bed with springs, $2.00; oak library table, $12.00; baby iron bed with mattress, $5.00; sanitary couch and pad, $4.00; walnut dresser, $10.00; walnut three-quarters bed, $4,00. 140 Bertling Lane, Indian Hill. Phone Win. 1320. T6-1tc FOR SALE--SMALL BOOK CASE; table; dining room set; 10 large pan- els of porch screen; pair of single window awnings. Call 331 Linden St.; mornings. Phone Win. 96. Buell. TG6-1tp FOR IMMEDIATE CASH SALE AT A bargain--combination box seat and hat rack; large mirror; fine ma- hogany, made to order by superior cabinet maker. Phone 179. T6-1tc FOR SALE--ONE GOLDEN OAK DIN- 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard REAL ESTATE Co. Phone Evanston 6988. 2003 ing room set. Phone Win. 1486. Maple avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfe T6-1te HOUSES WANTED FRANK A. REID A Member Chicago Real Estate Board WINNETKA HUBBARD WOODS GLENCOE Woods Tel. Winnetea 1300 Easy payments. LTG22-4tp Patterson Bros. FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY; GOOD 828 Davis street, Evanston. condition. Phone Win. 737. LTG22-tfc T6-1t FOR SALE--LARGE 4-POST MAHOG- FOR SALE--AIREDALE PUPS. TEL. Glencoe 799. LTG24-1tc FOR SALE--AUTO FRANKLIN SEDAN Series 9, very fine condition; will sell cheap or trade for smaller car. Phone Evanston 6800. Mr. Hoffmeyer. -- TG6-1tc LOST AND FOUND T.OST--ABOUT APRIL 9 AN OLD- fashioned cameo pin; reward if re- turned to 1628 Ridge avenue, Ev- anston. Phone Evanston 4659. T6-1te ACCEPTS HIGH ASSIGNMENT Henry Meyers, celebrated citizen of Shermerville and leader among the "younger set", has accepted an as- signment as correspondent for the Cook County Herald to "cover" the social as well as all other news of interest in the Forest Preserve district of Northfield township. Meyers was formerly Athletic editor of The Lake Shore News and is also honorary member of the well known Washingtonian Home. DECORATION DAY DANCE The first big open affair to be given by the Winnetka Post since its formation will be on Friday be- fore Decoration Day. The Winnet- ka Woman's club will be used and the orchestra which plays for In- dian Hill Country club has been en= gaged. -~-HOMES--- 9 room Stucco --604 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Very beautiful interior--3 baths--Hot Water Heat. See our Winnetka office for particulars. For Rent--10 room home in best part of Wilmette 100 ft. corner lot. $200 per month 401 Linden Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 93 HILL & WHEELER 743 Elm St., Winnetka Telephone Winnetka 142 and enjoyment. Stearns-Knight The Ultimate Car Combines to a rare degree, those qualities which spell satisfaction The quietness, smoothness and power of this famous motor can- not be conveyed in words. ride in the car is convincing. A 510 Davis Street 5 Passenger Touring $2730.00 3 Passenger Roadster 2730.00 4 Passenger Militaire 2755.00 7 Passenger Touring 2965.00 4 Passenger Coupe - 7 Passenger Sedan - Above prices include 5 cord tires, war tax and freight Scales Motors Company Phone Evanston 6636 3730.00 4040.00 Evanston 8 fab = > oe oa} = = a Ww a © x oO Co ® HE relation between a bank and T its depositors is different from that between other lines of busi- ness and their customers. And a bank can be useful to its clients be- yond the mere depositing, paying and lending money. A bank stands in confidential relation to its depo- sitors. It has opportunities to help them and it has opportunities tc take advantage of them. It becomes fam- iliar with their financial transactions. It knows what deals they are plan- ing and making. Not only their mon- ey, but their business secrets are in its hands for safekeeping. Further, the bank is the support behind a man, upon which he cam call for help when he needs it. It is like the reserve troops which a general keeps to use when he gets in a pinch. Your bank, to be really useful to you, should have a strict sense of hcnor. It should be absolutely safe. It should be big and strong enough to furnish help when it is called for. Where can you find such a bank? EE --_--