WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1920 HOW WILL WINNETKA VOTE ON SATURDAY Both Factions in School Site Contro- versy Appear Winners As Result of Poll this Week - What will be the popular decision at the Referendum on the Winnetka School site question? That is the question every Winnetkan is ponder- ing today as voting time draws close at hand, Many polls have been taken in various parts of the village with the natural conflicting results. A poll taken by a representative of the Weekly Talk indicated nothing more nor less than a close fight. Polls in all sections are, quite obviously slightly prejudiced in one direction of the other. 800 Names on List Indication of a closely contested battle at the polls is given by the splendid campaign organizations formulated by the opposing factions. The "Committee of 500" has grown rapidly and its long, announced list of Supporters may be accepted as indicative of considerable strength behind the School Board position. On Tuesday there appeared a list of ap- proximately 800 residents lined up in support of the West Elm street site. Asked whether this list represented the total strength of the advocates of the School Board plan George Wolf, chairman of the executive com- mittee, replied, "By no means. This list simply indicates those who have so far pleged their active support and who are at work. There are hundreds more who have been called upon by our workers who, while ex- pressing sympathy with the Board plan, feel they can not give enough time to the campaign to justify the placing of their names on the active committee." Association Strong . While there has been no pub!' list of the supporters of the Winnet- ka School association, Horace Mann site plan the organization has been equally active and has presented a ost of arguments bearing upon preference for the Horace Mann site plan. The work of the School asso- ciation has been felt in every section of the village and practically every home has been canvassed and provid. ed with literature in sufficient quan- tity to warrant close attention and careful consideration. The excellent campaign work of the association is expected to result in a heavy vote in favor of the so-called "Centralized" site. IN AGAIN, OUT AGAIN,-- THAT OLD BANK WINDOW For the second time within a month the west window of the Win- netka State Bank was demolished by a high wind late last week, Brand new plate glass had replac- ed the ugly boards in the window aperture when but a few days ago, a high wind again demolished the glass. It was said the delay in replacing the window following the first crash was due to failure to place the responsibility of replacement. Neither lesee nor lessor, it was pointed out, were desirous of proceeding with the business of restoring the broken pane. It is promised, hovever, that the boards now gracing the "hole in the wall" will be replaced by a nice new pane of glass, "pronto". CAMP FIRE GIRLS AND SCOUTS IN MEETING Winnetka Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts will hold a joint meeting at Community House Wednesday, Mav 12. Motion pictures of the Boy Scout ambulance in operation by Scouts. scenes of camp life and an exhibition of Camp Fire Girl work will provide the entertainment. The meeting is to be a henefit for the summer camp at Hamlin Take. Michioan. where the boys and girls of Community Honse eniov several weeks' vacation each summer. NEW GARACES Garaee buildine in Winnetka is in the midst of a hoom. accordine to renorts at Village offices where scores of nermits are caid +n have heen icsmed for construction of nrivate honsing nlaces far automo. hilee, A few af the hnilders are Y.. Pani 240 ATalnt Streets: TA Vachner. 339 Tinden street: PW Rradstreat. 475 Cedar ctrest: T. R Pitte R33 Cherrv street: F. Towrv ER Nak ctraet: Nonny Toroancan. Q7R Cherry street: William (Mineen 3% Winnetka avenne; V. M. Welsh 791 Foxdale avenue. REBUILD ORGAN The orosn at the Winnetka Con- oeregational church has durine the last three weeks heen given a thor- ough re-bnilding. Tt is exnected that it will be in use again Sunday morn- ing. Communication I have felt for some time that the School Board has been too patient with the opposition. The question is not which site we want at all, it is which type of edu- cation we want. This question must he determined solely by what is best for the children. No man should vote tomorrow to relieve his feel- ings, to exnress his resentment or to "get back" at any individual or group. The four fundamental considera- tions, T think, are as follows: First: Tt can be said fairlv that the Winnetka Board of Education, after long impartial deliberation recom- mended the Elm Street plan not only of its own conviction but on the advice of a number of well known educators. There is no denying that. The alternative was an opposition before it was a plan. They began with a passionate attack on the de- partmental idea. sniffed to an at- tack upon the playground idea, and in its final form now appears as a charge that the Elm Street site is inaccessible to one part of the vil- lage. There is no Horace Mann plan even yet in any definite form. Every argument for the nebulaous Horace Mann plan is merely an obiection to the Elm Street plan, walking back- wards. Second: Tn deciding which of two groups is the most reliable the best test is their conduct. The School Board has been per- fectly frank, with the public. It has immediately and publicly corrected its few misstatements. It must be obvious (see Sundav's letter from the "Committee of 500") that the opposi- tion publicly trembles on the edge of untruth, in which it was indignantly related how the malignant school officials, are plotting to keep the children outdoors "from 15 to 30 minutes a day". Such arguments are exceedingly clever, but after all we can't be expected to build the Horace ann school as a monument to the cleverness of the opposition. Third: It is safer to follow the judgment of experts like Chadsey and Judd than to go directly against it. Any man who has a valuable horse or dog to train would he guided by the advice of one who had trained them by thousands. Tt is no easier to train a child than it is a doo. In so far as T know not a single individual consulted who even nre- tends to have made a studv of the l:roader education of children has failed to speak against the Horace Mann site. and the only type of edu- cation which can be delivered on that site. Fourth: As an active solicitor, T am nersenally convinced that the money for the Elm street school will be forthcoming. There is very good reason to believe it will not for the Horace Mann plan. A referendum cannot he depended upon to make those who are willing to contribute to one type of education contribute to another type. Busses, drainage and "economic loss" involved in the time that chil- dren exercise, are minor points. To talk of "movies" until after we have decided what is best for the children is an insult to parents. (Signed) Sebastian Hinton. COLLEGE LEADER SPEAKS AT MEN'S CLUB MEETING -- A representative audience of the Winnetka Men's club was present on Wednesday night at the Community House to hear an address on Black- burn College of Carlinville, Il. The speaker was William M. Hudson, president of the institution. Frank F. Fowle, president of the Men's club presided at the meeting. President Hudson told of the interest that was being manifested throughout the state in "the college with a big heart." This college is for the express pur- pose of affording higher education to young men and women who would be financially unable to obtain a college education elsewhere. CONCERT A concert is to be given Wednes- day evening, May 9, at 8 o'clock at Community House under the auspic- es of the British-American Social club. Artists include Prof. Dewar's group of international dancers under direction of Miss Minnie Dalgleish ; Miss Wilcox of Take Forest: T. Kerr of Evanston: Miss Tessie Clark, Chi- cago; Miss Hall, Winnetka: Mr. Mec- Farlane, Fvanston: Mr. Glover, Win- netka: Mr. Radcliffe, Winnetka: Master John MasFadzean. Winnetka. Accomnanist will be W. H. Scott. ACM, SEEK MURDER CI.LEWS HERE Chief of Police W. M. Peterson and Chicaro "Homicide sauad" operatives were busy this week in search of clews in connection with the murder recentlv of Paul Kans- trop, chauffeur for William Sherman Hayes. 645 Sheridan road. Kanstrop was murdered in Chicago and it was thought information leading to iden- tification of the perpetrator of the crime might be had in the village. STOLEN TIRE A Kelley-Springfield tire and rim were stolen from the car of F. A. Lachner. 339 Linden avenue, while parked in front of 1621 Judson ave- nue, late last week. The tire is val- ued at $110. LETTER FOR THREE (Continued from Page 1) Villace Council" to determine what is and what is not a development of the Village Plan. but on the contrarv must emphatically assert that it is the prerogative of the neople to de- termine a question of this kind. The Roard of Education, the <o- called Committee of 500. and Mr T.aird Bell have repeatedly stated that the Village Corneil had apnroved the building of the nronosed new school on the WEST EILM STREET SITE. and it was because of these statements. that inquiry was made of Mr. Miller for the exact facts. and Mr. Miller has confirmed the state- ment which was made by me. -- "that the Village Council, as such, has not taken sides with reference to the location of the proposed new school. and has nct approved either site," when he said in his letter: "It has been the policy of the pre- sent Village Council, and of myself as its President, to treat the cues- tion of the location of the new school as outside of the scope of our official functions." In spite of my statement that the Village Council "has not taken sides with reference to the location of the purposed new school and HAS NOT APPROVED EITHER SITE" the Executive Committee of the "Com- mittee of 500," under date of April 24th say: "The opposition has repeatedly represented that the Village Council approved of the Horace Mann plan," and say that this is untrue and has been flatly denied by Mr. Miller. : Comment upon such an inconsis- tent, erroneous and purposely mis- leading statement of the so-called "Executive Committee" is unneces- sary, and I feel sure that you gentle- men were not parties to, nor had any knowledge of this statement. I only mention it because of the fact that Mr. Miller is quoted, in his capacity as President of the Village Council. as having denied something which had not been said. Mr. Bell and Mr. Miller also com- ment upon Mr. Bell's being quoted as having stated that the Horace Mann site was the ideal location, if adequate playgrounds could be fur- nished. ey Mr. Bell suggests that this is "a little touch of humor," Mr. Miller in replying to this quotation says: "TI regard (it) as an unfair misin- terpretation of his position." The "Executive Committee" also suggests that this was "intended as a joke" If a joke, it was a peculiar statement to make at a public meet- ing where he was endeavoring to secure support for the erection of a new school upon the West Elm Street site. Mr. Bell had the con- fidence of the people of the Village and his statement was taken by the people, who heard him, as being serious. It had to do with the ex- penditure of half a million dollars. If we are not to take Mr. Bell's state- ments as serious when he discusses a matter of this kind, what amount of money must be involved before the "humor" and "joke" be eliminated from his statements? With all the numerous articles which were published, by you gentle- men and by others, there is no denial of the fact that the present Horace Mann school is to be left at its pre- sent location, and this statement is confirmed in Mr. Post's letter. Mr. Miller. as President of the Village Council, does take occasion to pre- sent a reason which he says is "con- clusive to my mind," why the new school should not be located on the Horace Mann site, and the reason is that he does not believe we ought to have a large grade school in a location which is already in the im- mediate vicinity of many stores, and which is bound in the ultimate de- velopment of the Village to be adja- cent to the business district. If Mr. Miller approves of the Vil- Jage Plan to leave the present Horace Mann school at its present site, then he believes in leaving our smaller children. from the kindergarten up to the sixth grade, subjected to this improper influence, but does desire to protect the seventh and eighth grade bovs, (who have been subjected to this influence from the kindergar- ten up to the sixth grade) from this influence. Since reading Mr. Miller's letter T have made some investiga- tion with reference to this obnoxious situation. and confess that T have been unable to find any stores in the Village of Winnetka which would in any way contaminate our children. If Mr. Miller knows of any improper place, it is within his power, as Pre- sident of the Village, to see that it is regulated. 1 should be very glad indeed to have you read over the statement ap- pearing under my name in the "Talk of April 17th, or, in fact, any other article which appears in my name, and if you find any incorrect state- ments, as Mr. Miller suggests, I will be the first person to make a correc- tion. However, after a careful read- ing of your letters and of the state- ments criticized, I am unable to find any statement of mine which is in- correct, Respectively, FRANK D. FULTON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, FIRE, Theft, Collison, Property Damage, You cannot afford to operate a car without it. I can give you a rate so you can afford it. C. T. Northrop, 556 Center st. Win- netka. TGT--1te PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small eans WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE Which is a Greater Savings 27 A few pennies on poor Meat or good health on Quality Meat. 22 Our prices on excellent cuts are low and in some cases lower than they should be Peters' Market 734 Elm St., Winnetka main | "North Shore Electric Washing Machines' Electric Vacuum Cleaners JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting and Repairing Electric Supplies and Appliances Electric Ironing Machines 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 920-1 Electric Shop Tel. Winnetka 44 5 BARGAINS IN GROCERIES FOR WEEK OF MAY 3rd TO MAY 10th CANNED AND BOTTLED GOODS Lard, Ib. .........c..0.inn oni, MISCELLANEOUS : - Pompeian Olive Oil, pt. 95¢; qt. ........ $1.85 Sgro Ep na haa Sue Ty 18c oweba Plums, Wsten isa diynpstnn rs ea Vk Bley ut bigs 24c Purity Cross Welsh Rarebit .............. See rambled: Bran: i. ......... 000 cee» ' : eta 25¢ Honey in Glass i... coves evivovamonssinrnbois ele yy rg 60c Old Manse Syrup, small 45¢c; large ....... ; 73a Cy Pu Se ailo 8 SE Malad rs io innsss bikes # } da 60 Large Jar Fruit ne rg % > a 2 Large Jar White Cherries ................ 85¢c a > . COS 20c Large Jar Apricots ............cccevinnenns 85¢c rg a Ib. # ; dar 60c Large Can Bcneless Sardines ............ 60c utch Ja Sr Ce g Ben Klein's Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Birch Beer, National Bieaslt Prodats on i Sarsasparilla, dozen .... .x.. cr evonvet $1.65 Chess Drsdwe ER Jie Orna LJoOONEe .....:ccssssssssssssssss Pye Movie Sugano riers si Social Tea ........0v0evicsssvnnvsvsrsnsses 17¢ Fig Newtons ......\c cust anconcecnvsncnses 17¢ CHEESE Vanilla Wafers -.....cocortisvsscrsenseisee 17¢ Pineapple Cheese rr: Sins fe ans insshon) $150 MENOHIRYS oss eres 22s vsts cinsmusisnasnss 17¢ Pimento Cheese .........cci rer one dails 20c TokoRer. ok 17c Liederkranz Cheese ......... 00 0: ccomn rn 25 RTE eT eae Te i ...15¢ CUZ carve ses ssnsvnsrnn sss vrs vt tsvidesisioetyns Nippy Cheese, pkg: ......0.ccncivm ores GR i snes PTT kaa 3 Elkhorn American Cheese ................ 45¢ Animal Crackers .... FRESH VEGETABLES AT THE LOWEST PRICES 35¢ Dixie Bacon, 1b: ........ccinnnrsaiss vhs ast Shoulder Lamb Stew, db. ....... 50. coven n 38¢c : oc de 'Sausage, Ib. ..:.rcveninais vaseniss JE ES BO Bias ei 28c Home Ma De stiles bo puna "e's 280 Frankforts, Ib, csv. crestor irsacrssonnsncnm 25¢ C. A. FORBERG Dealer in Fancy Groceries, Meats and Hardware 1055 Gage St., Hubbard Woods Telephones 78 and 79