. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920 9 Hoover Discusses High Cost of Sugar (Copy of telegram sent by Mr. Herbert Hoover to Senator Capper of Kansas, in answer to his telegram asking Mr. Hoover the cause and remedy for the present sugar short- age. Hon. Arthur Capper, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. I am in receipt of your telegram of May 6 asking for information on the sugar situation, its cause and remedy. The present sugar position is due simply' to bad business administra- tio. Last September the admin- istratien could have bought the Cuban sugar crop at six and one-half cents per pound for raw sugar. This would have given twelve cent sugar to our consumers, together with our domestic production, would have furnished in excess to our demands. As the result of the failure to act in this matter, we are participating in the world shortage of sugar due to decreased European production, and we are subject to unparalleled specu- lation and profiteering. The use of sugar is an absolute essential in our households and the present situation discriminates terribly against the poor. The increase in price is im- posing an additional tax on our people of about fifty dollars per annum, since on the eight billion pounds of sugar we consume per an- num, the present price will cost our consumers over a billion dollars more than last year. As at least one-half of our sugar must come from foreign sources, our merchants are bidding against Eu- ropean governments for its pur- chase. The profiteering is interna- tional. The situation is as much dis- liked by the vast majority of our manufacturers 'and distributors as by the public, for they do not like even to be accused of profiteering. This situation cannot be remedied by the Attorney General's conception that forces of this character can be handled by putting a few people in jail. ; Something could be done to remedy matters if our government even now entered into negotiations with the large European governments, to stop bidding against each other and to se- cure our fair share of the available supplies. Agside from inflation of price, an undue share will otherwise go to Europe because their purchases are still being carried on under the direction of their governments, and our merchants have not the re- sources to compete with such organ- ization for forwarding supplies and NOW IS THE TIE --10 BUY-- PRICES WILL BE HIGHER Some unusual bargains. 7 room shingle, tile bath and lavatory, large sun room; tile floor, sleeping porch, garage. Newly painted and decorated. Immediate pos- session. $16,500.00. 6 room bungalow style, ex- cellent location, stucco con- struction, hot water heat, good lot, immediate posses- sion. $6,750.00. 7 room Old English style, new, corner lot Sheridan Road, two baths, four bed rooms, built in garage, finest of decorations, immediate possession. $27,000.00. HILL & WHEELER Homes for Particular People Two Offices 401 Linden Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wil. 93 743 Linden St., Winnetka Telephone Win. 142 thus our fair share is seriously jeopardized. It may be too late to accomplish this. The second thing that could be done to break this gigantic bubble of speculation would be to reduce con- sumption through immediate ration- ing of the non-essential consumers. Over one-third of our sugar is used by the candy, sweet drinks, and other manufacturers of non-essentials. During the war, these trades patrioit- ically co-operated in public interest in such reduction and themselves found substitutes for their sweeten- ing materials for the maintenance of their trade. They would no doubt co-operate again, It is no use crying over spilt milk, but simply to show that these measures are feasible, I need only to recount that they were carried out for two years by the food administra- tion and equalization board, of which I was chairman until last July. The impending situation was anticipated by the board and myself last July. The continuation of control and in- surance of our supplies through the purchase of the Cuban crop, as in the PHONE WILMETTE 2403 SUMMER BLOUSES---- Beautiful Organdy Blouses. fancy Voile Blouses. Regular price, $5.50 This Week Only $4.75 UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B- SOPLAN Bargains in Manager 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE diana Fr rrr Q decorated, fine lot SLL LLLLLLLLLLLSLLLLSLLL SLL LLL LL SL LLL LASS LL LS SSIS SLL LLL LSS SS SLL S SLL LASS LSTA SASSI SSSI SSSI SIS SA SSSI A 405 LINDEN AVENUE The Best Buys Today Cozy 5-room bungalow, splendid finish and well New Colonial stucco home, 7 large rooms, nicely finished and decorated; water heat; fine lot, $13,000 Near new 7-room stucco in choice east location. extra well built, sun and sleeping porches, garage, large wooded lot, for quick sale, Splendid stucco home near Lake, 9 large rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat, garage, lot 80x200, . $21,500 SOME EXTRA BARGAINS IN CHOICE LOTS M. E. Barker & Co. LLLLLLLLL ILLS LLL LSI SSSI ILIA SIS SIA IIIS, (lll VILLI L177 12111 III IIA III III IIA IIIT II 727717 llliilliiiiliiiiiilid . $7,250 15,500 End of "L" Phos Wil. 484 WILMETTE, ILL. lllididiiidisiiiiiiidiidiididiidididdid dddidddlidd Lldddlllldldddld dll lll dll ll ad id dd dd dd dd 7 two previous years, was recommend- ed. When this proposal failed, the board recommended the alternative and less efficient methods outlined above. If it were put in action even now, it would frighten speculators out of this market and would quickly moderate the price.--Herbert Hoover. REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE mr SR -- mp -- SE o--=0=0--=0r=I0r 0 fr Moths Dust Theft summer months. them. furs should be treated. Harry A. Safeguard Your Furs From--- In the fall you will get your furs back full of the life, luster and sparkling newness of the first day you wore As Furriers of years of ex- perience, we know how fine i (] Fire Store them in my splendid fur storage vault during the I | OQ Furrier Ropinski Near Main Street Evanston Shviian A u-------------- Phone Roun: 916 Chicago Avenue Established]1908 o OOO 101010 OY O=IO MORGAN'S Big One-Week's Sale of Groceries Sale Begins Friday, May 21, and Ends Thursday, May 27 BUTTER Finest Creamery. best we can buy. The very Per pound 62c¢ EGG STRICTLY FRESH. guaranteed. Per Dozen ....... Every one 49¢ Pillsbury's Flour, this sale only, 15 bbl., 98-1b. sack . ... American F amily Soap, 10 bars for New Texas Onions, 3 pounds for $8.25 Sweet Valencia Oranges, full of juice, per dozen ......... 0 Lk Ceara 59c Fancy Carolina Rice, 2 pounds ........... 39¢ Swift's Pride Soap, 10 bars ......... ...459¢ Santa Clara Prunes, 2 pounds ........... 55¢ Imported Smyrna Layer Figs, 1b. ........ 39¢ Special Sweet Early June Peas, can . ... .. 19¢ Filberts, Almonds and Brazil Nuts, per 1b. 29¢ bottles 25¢, dozen PURE LARD, Ib. .... Takoma Biscuit, 3 packages FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN Sunbeam Pure Food Mayonnaise, bottle . .35¢ Buck Beer, the preferred cereal beverage, 2 ER vn. 3145 Sunshine Crispy Crackers, $1 size tin box 85¢ Meat Department RIB OR LOIN PORK CHOPS, Ib. PRIME NATIVE SIRLOIN STEAK, Ib. 48¢ En ig 35¢ C. H. Morgan Grocery Co. OPEN ALL DAY High Quality Meats of all kinds in our Meat WEDNESDAY Fish, Oysters and Fowl in Season Dept. 1 614-616 Davis St., Evanston Phones Wil. 190. Fine line of high quality Bakery Goods in our Temptation Bakery. Cakes Baked to Order Ev. 2751 wi