WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, Cobb Indorses Scout Movement . Irvin S. Cobb, in the Saturday ~ Evening Post, has the following to say regarding the boy scout move- ment. "An overwhelming majority of us agree that a finer institution for the ~ growing youth than the boy scout @#movement was never devised. How can any one consider .the proven re- sults without indorsing that view? When I was a small boy most of the things which a small boy's con- stant craving for adventure and ex- ~ citement led him to undertake were forbidden him. His restlessness found a vent, therefore, in the doing of mischievous acts, and very frequently ~ harmful and hurtful and cruel acts. The founders of the boy scout movement caught at the instinct of the boy at being something else than what he is, and at his aptitude for imitation of his elders, and at his love for pomp and show caught "all these threads up and wove them together in a fabric of sanity. They capitalized his yearning to wear a uniform and 'to march in ranks, and best of all, they showed him he could have a good time--a better time than his father at his age ever had--and yet could perform ~ manly and decent and healthful deeds while having his fun. You can't beat a scheme like that one; it is doubtful whether you can greatly improve upon it. Personally, am inclined to believe it to be the very finest and sanest idea that this century has to date produced. Incidentally, boy scoutdom is im- - planting in the boy's mind, at the very seed time of his life, the germs of discipline, the willingness to take orders and the ability to give them. It is educating him for authority and for appreciation of the needs of organization; it is drilling into him an understanding of what duty means when it is systematized, and what responsibility means when it is Attention Men! E have a very good line Ww of Summer Woolens that we"are positive will suit -- LC ---- your fancy. You |can;get the e kind of of suits you have' Talways want- ed made here by our expert tailors. We press and clean suits promptly. All 'ordersicalled for and delivered. UHH UT C. A. Johmon TAILOR NE EEEESESNE EEE EEE EE ENE RESESEB 552 RS "R. Ave. og ephone Winn 1522 controlled and directed toward a| good end. I. of U. Commencement To Be Held on June 16 Nine Hundred and Ffty Degrees Will Be Conferred by State Institution at That Time The forty-ninth annual commence. ment of the University of Illinois oc- curs on Wednesday, June 16. Ap- uroximately 950 degrees will be con- ferred by the institution at that time. Commencement week is inaugurat- ed with the baccalaureate service on Sunday, June 13. Rev. John Timothy Stone, D. D., pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church, Chicago, will conduct the devotional exercises, and the music for the occasion will be under the direction of Prof. J. L. Erb. university organist and director of the School of Music. Monday, June 14, is Class Day, the exercises occurring at 9:30 A. M. The class officers, who will preside, are: president, Raymond C. Haas, of South Bend, 1Ind.; vice president, Katherine Huff, of Champaign; sec- retary, Caroline Manspeaker, of Champaign, and treasurer, Alvin T. Anderson, of Wheaton, The salut- atory address will be delivered by Hans C. Thory of Chicago; the Hatchet Oration by John Powell of Kansas City, Mo.; the response by A. A. Arnold of Palmerton, Pa. Miss Caroline Manspeaker of Champaign ' University will read the class history, and W. G.{ deliver Rice of Aurora will the valedictory address. The annual senior ball occupies Monday night. Tuesday, June 15, is Alumni Day when re-unions of grad- uates of years gone by will be held. Receptions and band concerts bring the day to a close. \ The Commencement exercises occur at 10 o'clock the next morning, Wed- nesday, June 16. The annual address will be delivered by Robert E. Vin- son, D. D., LL. D., president of the of Texas. Dr. David Kinley, president of the University of Illinois will confer the degrees. ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED FOR CHRIST CHURCH CAMPS The schedule, for the summer Camps conducted by Christ church has been completed. Under the di- rection of the rector and the Rev. Myron Adams, Boy Scout Troop No. 2 will go into camp for two weeks, beginning July 7. This camp will be followed by one for the members of the choir, which will be in ses- sion until August 4th, in charge of Mr, John Rankl, Choirmaster, and Mr. Charles Lewis Day. The fol- lowing two weeks, from August 4th to 18th, will be given over to the New Residents of Winnetka We invite of your inspection of our supply of Hardware, Glass- ware, Garden Tools & Supplies, which is the most complete on the North Shore. E. B. Taylor & Company Two Phones Winnetka 999-998 546 W. Railroad Ave. Winnetka Girl Scouts of the Parish, who will enjoy their outing under the leader- ship of Miss Margaret Clinch, Scout- master. These Camps will be provided for on the site owned by the Parish on Herring Lake, five miles south of. Frankfort, Mich. SELL A HOUSE FOR 30c PHONE WIN 2 7 Za a a a dd Le ZT When You Need Ice Very prompt Delivery Best quality ice NETKA 788 N N N \ NN N WINN N N THE JENSEN ICE CO. O. AUGDAHL, Manager ETKA FEA EEEEE EE EEE EEEEEEEREEREER what they get. you desire. There 1s No Denying That people are willing to pay for Our three-way system enables every one to know, just what they are paying for. dition it gives you the privilege to save money if Delivery Hours: 9:30--11:30 A. M., 2:30-4:45 P. ML. LJ Ld Ll LJ] LJ LJ Ld Ld LJ + LJ LJ LJ - + -% + L 4 Ld Ld + LJ L 3 LJ LJ + - 5 LJ 3 LL 5 - - L LJ 5 o, - - oh Cy o- & Ly o* o L LS 5 LC L L Lo 5 LJ LJ LJ Ld And in ad- ogo ogo of of oo obo ole ode ode ode ode oF oF oF oe oe of obo oe be oo ob of oR ode ol ok ob odode dodo ke dod oR RoR food dob bb dd bob ob EXETER ZEEE LEE LE EE EE EE hE LEE EE Fab ™ of of of oe ob obo ook BoB Follow the Crowd Winnetka people will find that Welch's 'Ca- feteria 1s just the place they have been looking for--to get real food. You are served the very best products ob- tainable, prepared in the most appetizing way, The large variety of meats, vegetables, sal- ads, etc., will surely strike your fancy. LLL THe LE TE EE EER TT CERT SA Welch's Cafeteria 1101 Central Avenue Wilmette 0 geod ol ood ob dob BoB ok oko bol dob od oloB ob lolol dol dol Bod Reb BR RoR RR oR OR \. OXOL OEX0 Phones Winnetka 888-889 The Progressive Grocery i A. LIPS, Proprietor | Meyer Bank Bldg. ---- {os} =={ eo} . /] :] B= [ B 1 =m L] a | | | | Hm Li} | w | mu | |] 1 | | "m = and worms THOMAS 2 Prouty Annex Have your Rose and Cur- rant Bushes Sprayed Now Protect them from insects this time of the year Commercial Forestry Phones Win. 313-1294 100K which thrive IOEIO ISI OI OF J. LYNCH OLIOK --=ICEIOL JOLXOL I i] 10 = 0 F030 Emm O EI O Eom O EI O Emm O EI O Ems O BIO Are you not going to take the tip nature gives you and clothe yourself so that you will appear well and feel com- fortable? Heavy clothes at this time of the year are heating and oppressive and keep your spirits down. Come in and order a new suit, and keep your spirits up. Let us rig you out from head to foot and make you feel good, and help you male good. Our prices are always as low as good stuff can be sold. Wear our good "nifty" clothes J.H. DETHLOFF GENTS" FURNISHINGS ~OEI0 786 ELM STr WINNETKA ° | "U Phone 1077