4 A LECTURE || CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Charles I. Ohrenstein, C.5.B Mr. Charles I. Ohrenstein, C. S. B. of Syracuse, New York, member of the Board of Lectureship of The ~ Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass., delivered a lecture on Christian Science Thursday evening, June 3rd, under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette, Ill, in the Church edifice, Central Avenue and Tenth Street. ? The lecturer was introduced by Mr. George M. Spangler. A synopsis of the lecture follows: The greatest English writer, Shakespeare, said, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." For ages this has been recognized, and one of the Hebrew proverbs is to the effect that ~ as one thinks, so is he. One Mind Or Principle If we turn to the textbook of our inspired religions, the Bible, we find its first teaching to be that in the very beginning God made all that was made, and that all that He made was not only good, but very good. If we take this teaching together with what has been said, it would certainly "mean that, everything bec- ing ths product of thinking, every- thing good must be the product of ~ God's thinking, and what is called Gnd must be and is that whi~h alone is able to think, --Mind--with ever y- ~ thing that is good due to His, Mind's, thinking. : In Christian Science, then, we have one Mind, one Principle or cause of all that made all, and of necessity 'Mind, or intelligence, made all good ; for to have made aught otherwise, this great and only cduse would not have been Mind, or intelligence. But here it may be asked, Do pre- valent theories--theology, the natur- al sciences--teach this? And if not, are these conclusions warranted? Frankly, it must be said that, as yet, ~ they do not. Tt should be noted, "however, that Christian Science has already caused marked changes in 'the thought of mankind, in the teach- ings of theology and the sciences. In fairness to the more advanced theologians of our day and to the most advanced natural scientists, it must be said that their teachings no longer oppose those of Christian ~ Science as they formerly did. The National Kindergarten "and Elementary College ~ FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 13, '20 This College is one of the largest ~ Kindergarten - Primary Trainin g Schools in the 'country--Established 1886. ~~ Combine professional training with a broad cultural education. Work and Play in Congenial Col- lege Atmosphere. COLLEGE ACCREDITED Two and Three Year courses lead- ing to Diplomas. No entrance examination required 3 New Trier High School Graduates Excellent transportation facilities --124 blocks from S. S. Elevated and Surface Lines, For illustrated catalog and full infor- he mation address ox 44, 2944 Michigan Boul, Chicago more advanced theologians no longer teach that God is corporeal, nor do some of the most advanced natural scientists any longer teach some un- created, hypothetical "Urstoff," pro- tyle, or atom to be the ultimate of all. They recognize that in the ul- timate everything must and does re- solve itself not "into a dew," but into states of consciousness; that the ul- timate of everything must be thought stuff, not matter-stuff, in order to be capable of translation into thought; that everything must have its be- ginning in intelligence in order to be intelligible. To deny that consciousness, or Mind, was in the beginning would be to deny a source for the intelligence which we express, the intelligence which everything in nature manifests. But granted that the unity of Mind, or Principle, and so of cause, is still denied, are we to bid revela- tion, reason, demonstration, halt un- the thousands who have been restoy- ed by the simple truth that has been stated,--the truth that God is the only Principle, or Mind-- and in proof of it they need but paraphrase the statement of the man healed of blindness by the Master: Why, herein is a marvelous thing, that ye say ve know not whether this be Christianity, whether this be Science. and yet, whereas we were carnally minded, sorrowful, suspicious, fearful, discouraged, unfortunate, degraded, sick, now we are spiritually minded, happy, trustful, confident, encouraged. uplifted, successful, well. Mere co- incidences these, as the legalized so, how many coincidences does it take to establish the operation of a law or a scientific fact? For there are thousands of just such coin- cidences, and I stand here as the re- sult of one of them. Mrs. Eddy No woman's life is so well known a century of it was spent under the closest public scrutiny. Who of us here could stand to have his every act from earliest infancy bared to the public gaze, as was done in the case of this noble woman? But with the white light of truth shining on its every page, her life stands as an example of devotion, of purity, of toil, of sacrifice, and of love. Miss Dorothy Yonkers entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon in honor or her house guest, Miss Alice Bolling, at her home, 911 Sheridan road. Mr. Automobile Owner Is your car fully covered by Fire, Theft, Liability, Property Damage and Col- lision Insurance? If not it should be. V. E. CARLSON Writes ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 188 Forest St. Phone Winnetka, Ill. Winnetka 486 OTE OE O E----10I00 i BOND BROS. & CO. contractors Oo 624 Davis St. Tel. Ev. 944 ! Q -- O EVANSTON, ILL. Also : gents for the Judd Washing Machine and [4] Simplex Ironing Machine [I Soro IOEIOL imi 1055 Gage Street When you trade here you receive in ad- dition to courteous attention, Groceries and Meats that are the best obtainable. At prices that are very reasonable. C. A. FOBERG DEALER IN Fancy Groceries, Meats and Hardware Hubbard Woods EE Tr A, til the schools approve them? Go to!" schools would have us believe? If 4 as is that of Mary Baker Eddy. Half i Billie Burke in Major and Mrs. BILLIE BURKE MOVIE Movies at Community House Fri- day evening, June 18, will feature Misleading Widow". Friday evening, June 25 will witness the last movie of the season at Community House. shows will be resumed in the fall. "The Stanley Wash- burne will be the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith. - CHURCH ON NEW TIME tl {church at 11 o'clock, will be held ac- The services at Christ church to-| cording to the new time schedul morrow morning, Holy Communion | provided for by the Chicago City. in the chapel at 7:30 o'clock and | Council this week. The rector will Morning Prayer and sermon in the | preach at the 11 o'clock service. The 0YBURR 615 Davis St., Evanston 3 MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Saturday Rolin Comedy June 12 A Comedy Drama : "Miracle of Money" An All-Star Cast Universal Screen Events NEXT WEEK Mon. and Tues., June 14 and 15 OLIVE THOMAS in "THE FLAPPER" Wednesday Elaine Hammerstein in '"Whispers" June 16 Boke ode bode ob obo ode ol BoB oR BoB Bod od ob Bod ok dod Bode ode Bode dob oboe oe oe oboe ooo of oe of oB of oo ook oe Thurs. and Fri., June 17 and 18 Wanda Hawley in "MISS HOBBS" Saturday OWEN MOORE in "A Desperate Hero' June 19 1135 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette Bobo leo Bed Bk oo BoB dd dd ooo od ooo oo ol ooo ooo oo We are now in position to make IMMEDI- ATE delivery on 1900 Cataract Washing Machines. Before buying a machine allow us to place one in your home on Free Trial. There is no machine made that can com- pete with the Cataract for washing clean, quick and without injury to clothing. No cylinder to lift, no frail parts to break or wear out. Try one in your laundry at our expense ~YOU BE THE JUDGE SIMPLEX IRONERS-- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Lake Shore Electric Co. VANCE F. FOSTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting, Fixtures, Supplies and Appliances * Phone Wilmette 2494 J CELL LLL ELLIE LTTE YY oBogok ode dood Bock dood od oeod dood od ook dod od de odode Be ode ood Be of oe of oF of of obs oe of os op ddd A Ld EE LALIT EET ETT TTY I EE EE APS Phone 78 and 79 == EZ 7 7 2 2 22a 7777 7, Deposit all you receive in the bank and pay all your bills by check. When your monthly statement is sent you and your cancelled checks returned, you know exactly what you have done with your money. There is no question about the date or amount paid; for the check shows very plainly in hdack and transaction. IF OUR METHOD PLEASES YOU, TELL IT TO OTHERS IF NOT, TELL US white the complete Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank Wizz 222222 Us Do Your Bookkeeping Why worry about it yourself? Let us worry. 7 7% 7 J " % 72222 Y ie vs: & There's a Reason - Why you should buy your Coal and Lumber require- ments of us. We invite your inspection of our Pro-slate Garages, which have just arrived at our plant. HUBBARD WOODS LUMBER & COAL CO. [C1 w. Railroad Ave., Near Scott Ave. =] Phone Winnetka 452