Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Jun 1920, p. 5

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Classified Adveriisenents | ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in-~ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by EE HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE HAVE ! A FEW PERMANENT POSITIONS TO OFFER YOUNG WOMEN _ IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO CALL AND TALK WITH OUR CHIEF OPERATOR ~ ABOUT THE RECENT INCREASES IN SALARLES THAT YOU MAY KNOW WHAT YOU MAY EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, WILMETTE, WINNETKA, GLENCOE. ; LTG33-tfc -- WANTED--GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT housework; willing to go to northern Michigan for summer; good ref. re- quired; hese of wages. Phone Win. 284. LTG32-tfe WANTED GOOD MAID FOR GEN'L. housework; small family; good wages; no laundry. Phone Kenilwerth 1292 or call 422 Cumnor Road, Ken- ilworth. T15-1te WANTED--FROM JULY 1ST TO OCT. 1ST, AN INTELLIGENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. PHONE 'WINNETKA 343. MRS., NAT H. BLATCHFORD, JR. T15-1te WANTED--NURSE OR HIGH SCHOOL gitl; care of infant and to assist in second floor work; good wages. 1155 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Tel Win. 1383. TG15-1te WANTED--GENERAL HOUSEWORK girl; small family; no washing; no heavy cleaning; good wages; ref. re- quired. Phone Win. 1272. T14-tfc WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; no laundry; $16 per week, 529 Cedar street, Win- netka. T15-1tc WANTED--TWO0 GIRLS FOR CAFE- teria, 81% hrs. work; good pay; also woman to do baking. Wilmette Cafeteria. LTG33-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; no laundry; nice home; good wages; ref. required. 730 Linden ave- nue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2334. LTG33-1tp WANTED--A MAID FOR SECOND Forks 3 adults; protestant preferred. Phone Win. T15-1tp SITUATION WANTED-- FEMALE __ CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES permanent position os seamstress in private family. Phone Win. 621. T15-1tc SI'CUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging, floor re- finishing; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple avenue ~ Evanston. LT21-tfc SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR and gardener; have best of refer- ences. Address Lake Shore News, L-40. LTG33-1tp LANDSCAPE AND GARDENER WORK done by hour or contract. Tel. Win. 549-M. T11-5tp WANTED--ROOMS WANTED--ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board for family of five for the latter part of September or all - September; would consider furnished house. Phone Win. 1158. T15-1tc WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED OR unfurnished, 8 or 9 room house, at least 2 baths, for long lease; occu- nancy October 1 or sooner. Phone Win. 356. T15- 2te YOUNG LADY WISHES ROOM TAND board, and in return will care for children in afternoon (occupied morning and eyenmsk Address Win- netka Talk D-5 Pl15-1te WANTED TO ET . HOUSE WANTED TO RENT---SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfurnish- ed: occupancy September or .October. Phone Win. 913. -T15-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS; TO be moved or wrecked. Address Win- netka Talk, B-94, or telephone Win. 851. T15- -1tp FOR RENT---ROOMS FOR RENT--THRERE (3) ROOMS ON Glenview road, Gross Point; one mile HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT, SOLD and exchanged, water-heater, ice- boxes, $8 and up. Gas stoves $10 and up. Parlor set, library table, rugs, Cabinet sanitary cot, couches, spinning wheel, bed, mahogany dresser and chiffonier, mirrored, rocker, baby buggy, show-cases, counters and lawnmowers. 808 Oak street. Tel. Winnetka 1212. T15-1te MACH- TOR SALBE_USED SEWING ines; Domestic, .$5.00; Singer, $8.00; 'Wheeler and Wilson, $12.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, $18.00; Standard, shop worn, $35.00; White cabinet, shop worn, $45.00. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis Street, Evanston. LTG29-tfe FOR ISALE--CHIFFONIER, $15; STEEL cot and mattress, $15; coal laundry stove, $2.60; mahogany drop leaf table, $25; upholstered chair, $15; small wicker table, $6; Simon's brass bed, $10; 2 cords fire-place wood, $25; oak kitchen table, $5; brass antique andirons, $15. Phone Win. 1496. LT33-1tp 'MUST SELL MODERN LIVING ROOM, dining room and bed room suites; lamps, rugs, library table, victrola and records; brass bed, dresser; used only few months; will sell separately. 1421 Carmen avenue, Chicago. Arg- yle station. Phone Sunnyside 7812. LTG30=4tc FOR SALE--DOUBLE SANITARY couch with mattress; single cot, ivory bedroom suite; Oriental rug (zurick 6x9); lady's tan Hixson suit. Call any morning before ten o'clock. 1040 Pine street. Phone Win. 752. ; T15-1tp FOR SALE HUNTERS COT, BRASS bed, copper boiler, oriental rug, 11-3x 8 ft. circassian walnut 'bed, dresser, rocker and chair; four pair Arabian lace curtains, 21 yds.x4 ft. Phone Glencoe 506. LTG33-1te FOR SALE--COMPLETE train set with 3 inch track, $7.00; wireless spark coils, $3.75; Meccano reversible motor, $3.00; coaster, $3.00. Phone Win. 1496. LT33-1tp FOR SALE--HANDSOME PONY, FOR children from 10 to 14 years; also cart, harness and saddle. Call Wil. 840-W. LTG33-1tp FOR SALE--LIVING POOM TABLE, 2 chairs; Stickney furniture; in excel- lent condition. 576 Arbor Vitae road. Phone Win. 1161. T15-1te FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, OAK book-case, dining room table, side board, gas range, old desk, chair. Phone Win. 58. T12-tf FOR SALE--ONE LEATHER ARM chair and solid oak library table. Phone Win. 1173. T15-1tp FOR SALE --ICE-BOX; GOOD CONDI- tion; capacity 100 pounds. 734 Lin- coln avenue, Winnetka. T15-1te KOR SALE--SMALL GAS STOVE; EX- cellent condition. 892 Spruce street. Phone Win. 555-R. T15-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SIX MEN'S SUITS, ONE ladies' Seal Plush Coat, long Crav- anette gent"s overcoat. Phone Win- netka 232. . T13-tfc ELECTRIC | ROYAL CORD RECORD Frank McComb of Stafford, Kansas. Comb, Three years on United States Royal Cord tires is a record reported by "During this time," sals Mr. Mc- "l have made two trips to Colorado 'Springs, going up Pike's Peak and taking in all the 'mounts : drives around there and Denver. then went to Cheyenne and back it | the Lincoln Highway through Neb- | raska. Last fall I drove to San Francisco, going out by way of the Santa Fe trail, and returning over the Borderland trail. "The road as a whole was very! rough and rocky." "A business man's jury" lis a body of shoppers that decide which firm : has the best copy writer. 1125 LETTE A Real Estate, Loans and Insurance William Aitken "BUILDER OF MODERN HOMES" Telephones: Res. Winnetka 76 Office Winnetka 764 1065 Gage Street Hubbard Woods 0 hs SG Attractive North Shore Homes = = = EE = z i -- - = E = oe = = E = = = = wn = = | = 3 (SEE NEWS ITEM) Gorgeous Parade in Waukegan, Saturday, July 3, 2 P. M. FOR SALE CAR, FOR small child, 2nd hand lawnmower, horse on wheels and small gas stove. Phone Win. 685 or call at 788 Lin- coln avenue. T15-1te FOR SALE--WHITE LEGHORNS, cockerels, 10 weeks old, for your next year's breeding pen, from hens with record of over 230 eggs per year. Phone Win. 334 and Win. 746. TG15-tfe BATHTUE Phone Win. 127 FOR SALE--=TFORCELAIN lavatory and toilet. First class condition. T15- itp FOR SALT 3CREENED IN SAND house; in good condition. Phone Win. 1173. T15-1tn WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANRBOUS WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD goods and clothing; highest prices paid. Phone Evanston 103 or 5512. LTG31-8te WE PAY THIGHRST PRICES FOR cast-off clothing. Phone Win. 232. T13-tfe BOY OFT. pT = 1tp WANTED --RICVCLE __ Phone Win. 270. : FOR SALE-- AUTOS. 0S FOR SALRE- "FORD TRUCK: IN GOOD condition. Inquire at 1027 Spruce Phone Win. 832. street. T15-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--ONE PAIR OF TORSH®TIT FOR rimmed glasses with case; at or around N. W. denot 76-17-20); fiinder please call Win. 697-W. T15-1te LOST--THURSDAY ON RIDGE AVE. black wool sweater. Address Mrs. Frank Fuller, North Shore Country __Day_School, , Winnetka. T15- 1te TOST--GOLD MESH BAG AND GOLD and blue enamel vanity inside: bhnth marked K. C. 8.; liberal reward. Tel. Win. 456. i T15-1tc LOST--MINK NECKPIECE; REWARD. __Call Win. 36. T15-1te The more you please a customer, the more likely they 'are to talk about you. - The more you displease a customer, the more surely they will talk about you. Don't look down on the press or "he smallest customer if you expect them to look you up. The first English old testament was France. of the Douai, version issued at west of Nor thwestern Depot; $15.00. Call "Wil. 715-W. LT33-tfe FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM TOR 1 LADY emploved; ref. req. Address Lake .Shore News, Wilmette, B-63. ' ; TG15-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM; NEAR transportation: suitable for ~entlno- man. Phone Win. 1609. T15-2te FOR RENT FOR RENT IN BANK BUILDING STORE ; OFFICES Ayres Boal 1029 Peoples Gas Bldg. ' = T14-3te FOR RENT HOUSEHOL GOODS \PTANOS FOR RENT FOR THE re st DO YOU NEED MONEY? Weslend money on second mor:- gages and purchase building con- | . Reasonable rates. Prompt | 'Address Evanston News-Index. mer; $4 and £8, a month and cart- y "Winx 850 T14 te % | etn Box-A 762 Given by THE LAKE COUNTY | GION | Saturday, Foss Park, North Chicago Sunday, Monday Some of the biggest foun ert, tions in the country have been secured to make the carnival the largest affair of its kind ever offered in this part of the countr

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