S-------------- -------------- a ed lassified Advertisements | SR per line for first insertion. sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Each succeeding in~ Copy must be in by Th HELP WANTED--FEMALE PERMANENT POSITIONS TO OFFER YOUNG WOMEN IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO CALL AND TALK WITH OUR CHIEF OPERATOR ABOUT THE RECENT INCREASES IN SALARLES THAT YOU MAY KNOW WHAT YOU MAY EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, WILMETTE, WINNETKA, GLENCOE. -- -- LTG33-tfc WANTED--GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT housework; willing to go to northern Michigan for summer; good ref. re- quired; best of wages. Phone Win. 284. . LTG32-tfc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL OR ELDER- ly woman to help in family of three; no washing. Phone Win. 1080. LTG35-1tc SEAMSTRESS WANTED--A GOOD light up-stairs work; best wages. Phone Win. 58. T17-1te WANTED--WOMAN FOR GENERAL "housework; no cooking or washing. Phone Win. 1665. T17-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE . LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SEWING, | fine hand-work a specialty. Address A-115, Lake Shore News. LTG35-3tp WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE ' L SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENC- ed chauffeur and wife, capable of do- ing second work, desire permanent position; best of references furished. Address L-38, Lake Shore News, Wil- mette. LTG35-1tp ------------------r eee re ---- --_-- SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calecimining, paper hanging, floor re= finishing; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple avenue Evanston. LT21-tfe WANTED--UNKFURNISHED ROOMS LADY, EMPLOYED, WANTS ONE OR two furnished or unfurnished rooms, plain. Address A-102, Lake Shore News. LT35-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--THREE (3) ROOMS ON Glenview road, Gross Point; one mile west of Northwestern Depot; $15.00. Call Wil. 715-W. LT33-tfe FOR RENT--FURN, ROOM IN PRIV. family; one block from transporta- tion and cafsteria. Fhone 440 227 SITUATION FOR RENT--STUDIO , OR DOCTORS office in Brown building. See A. R. Eddington, 1157 Wilmette avenue. "Phone Wil. 640. LTG35-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. TEL. Wil. 983-R. LTG35-1te FOR RENT---HOUSK FOR RENT--MONTH OF AUGUST, 5 room furnished roomy bungalow, large screemed-in porch, garage and garden. Phone Win. 657-J or apply 899 Oak street. Ti6-2tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENTPT--SMALL HOUSE, Sept. 1; renters will visit at Winnet- ka 461. July 10 and 11. T17-1te WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfurnish- ed; occupancy September or October. Phone Win. 913. T16-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--EXCELLENT VALUE, house, recently built, good location, large airy rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Only $10,000. Bargain, east side; lake; charming 'house: beautiful grounds, wonderful porches, ideal home, garage. Only $50,000. List your vacant and houses for sale with us. E. P. Maynard & Co. Hubbard Woods, TIL T17-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACH- ines; Domestic, $5.00; Singer, $8.00; Wheeler and Wilson, $12.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, $18.00; Standard, shop "worn, $35.00; White cabinet. shop worn, $45.00. Patterson Bros, Evanston. E--USED PIANOS: , $60; Stark, $75; ~Twitchel, Smith Bros. $165; Cable, $200; ard, $145; Cable 88-note player, Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTGE35-tfe FOR SALE--QOm DINING ROOM pjain flecPric fxtuppsRyvhite | YAP p Y ; I5) A 828 Davis Street, LTG29-tfe LYON & D YN 2 } aI. | 7 Ze Lae Err 7 LZ: 7 al Zr r rrr arizrrrrzriiiiiiiiiiiy FOR SALT --PRALL-BEARING WRING- er, tub bench, vacuum plunger. Tel. Win. 198. T17-1tc FOR SALE--COAL HOT, WATER heater; excellent condition. Phone 'Win. 517-W. TG17-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS BARGAIN--BICYCLE WITH MOTOR wheel; in perfect condition; $115. Tel. © Glencoe 516, or call at Glencoe, 795 Grove street. LTG35-1te FOR SALE--WHITE LEGHORNS, cockerels, 12 weeks old, for your next year's breeding pen, from hens with record of over 230 eggs per vear. Phone Win. 334 and Win. 746. TG15-tfe FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, OAK book-case, dining room table, side board, gas range, old desk, chair, Phone Win. 58. T12-tf FOR SALE--AIRDALE PUPS; MALES. Phone Glencoe 799. LTG35-tfe FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE AT INDIAN Hill. Phone Win. 1404. T17-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 1920, 5-pass touring Monroe; run only 2500 miles; $1100. Here is a chance to get a practically new car at less than the ordinary price of used cars. McGauran Bros. 806 Oak street, Winnetka. Telephone Win. 188. FOR SALE--FRANKLIN TOURING car; in fine shape; original paint; also in fine shape. 1124 Greenleaf avenue. Phone Wil. 158. TLTG35-1tc FOR SALE--LOZIER TOURING CAR; good condition; new top and paint; good tires; can be seen at 735 Sher- idan road, Winnetka. TG17-1tp FOR SALE--OVERLAND CAR; RE- cently overhauled; perfect condition; by owner. Phone Wil. 983-R. LTG35-1te MISCELLANEOUS LTG35-1te TOOL, SHOP--ALL GENERAL REPAIR | work; saws filed. A. Vickery, 2 Prouty Annex. Phone Win. 126. Tijw WANTED TO BUY---MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--WE TAKE IN TRADE ALL makes of used vacuum cleaners on the Hoover. Try the Hoover before you buy a new vacuum _ cleaner. Easy payments. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG35-tfe HIGH PRICES FAID FOR JUNK-- Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron, and all kinds of junk. Max Weim- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734. LT35-tfc' WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD| goods and clothing; pe highest prices paid. Phone Evanston 103 or 5512. LTG31-8te WANTED--BICYCLE FOR BOY OF seven. Phone Win. 270. T17-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST----GENLEMAN'S WATCH NEAR Indian Hill station or Wilson avenue. Initials E. S. W. 471° E. Hill road. Phone Win. 1377. Reward. T17-1te TRUCK PNEUMATICS ' DO NOT PUNCTURE One phase of the use of pneumatic truck tires which has worried the truck owner to no small degree is the possibility of punctures. "Regarding punctures", says W. V. Logan, manager of the pneumatic truck tire department of the United States Tire company, "our records show that an owner need not have a moment's worry about them. I have records of trucks operated in practic- ally every class of business, showing that pneumatic truck tires have been in service anywhere from one year to two and one-half years, and dur- ing the entire time have never been off the rims. "The rural free delivery division of the United States Post*Office depart- ment operates a fleet of trucks on pneumatics that is probably larger han any other in the country. They have had so few punctures that they no longer believe it necessary to carry spares. "As for mileage, I find in our rec- 7 A La a 2) ai Ze, LOST! _-- Velvet Hand Bag containing Diamond Solitary Ring, Diamond Wedding Ringand Coral Ring, between Highland Park and Chicago, on Green Bay Read. Re- ward Finder. Please return to Robert Morris Marshfield Ave. e R.P. 9622 ; + lords reports on set after set of tires |] which have rendered better than 20,- 000 miles. We have records through the United States in practically every class of service of from 10,000 to 50,000 miles, and those of 40,000 to 50,000 were in extremely hard serv- ice. "The United States Nobby Cord pneumatic is especially adapted for rough or muddy roads where good traction is essential." WIRELESS OPERATORS PLAN BIG SHIP STRIKE London.--Marine wireless opera- tors have handed an ultimatum to the Marconi company anouficing that they will call a sea-wide strike un-| less their wage claims filed in Sep-: tember, 1919, are met. In their declaration the operators apologize to passengers for depriv- ing them of safety in the event of a strike. U. S. CHANGES NAME OF FORT SHERIDAN HOSPITAL The Fort Sheridan hospital, known as the United States Army General hospital No. 28, will in the future be called the Lovell General hospital. An order changing the name of the hos- pital was received this week. The hospital is named in honor of Surgeon Gen. Joseph Lovell, who was commander of the medical corps of the United States army from 1818 to NEW uh JuneRecords | Repairing on All Machines EASY PAYMENTS PATTERSON BROS. Phone Wilmette 526--Evanston 654. 828 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Open Saturday Evenings Only, During June, July and August 1836. Fi SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR LOCAL PAPER J. D. Toloff will give his ENTIRE TIME to his Evanston studio J. D. TOLOFF Phone Evanston 2178 N order that he may do full jus- tice to his patrons on the North Shore, J. D. Toloff has liquidated his studio in the Fine Arts Build- ing in Chicago, and will hence- forth devote all of his time and attention to the personal direc- tion of his studio here. Mr. Toloff welcomes this oppor- tunity of being of greater service to his friends. 1623 ORRINGTON AVE. he Wonderful Story of the Sedan Extraordinary Stamina and Comfort Result From Triplex Springs THROUGH DESERT HEAT, mountain cold, and the rough broken waste of the western dry plains, an Overland Sedan piloted the trans - continental army truck train--all the way with a perfect score. It es- tablished an extraordinary reputation for comfort on all roads in all weather. The Overland Sedan is the ideal economical all year car to buy now. h Touring, 1067; Roadster, $1067; Coupe, $1630; Sedan, $1680 Cars delivered to your door at these prices alf Block North of Depot ; a .,.