BOY SCOUTS RESCUE COUPLE FROM LAKE 'Winnetka Scouts at Davies' Camp ~ Enact Hero Roles When Fishing, Party Is In Danger a Twenty Winnetka Boy Scotts who i returned from Davies' camp near "Ludington, Michigan, were directly instrumental in rescuing a man and ~~ woman who had been thrown into * the lake at that place when a boat from which they were fishing cap. sized. Mrs. Grace T. Smith, corbspondant for the Ludington Daily News tells the story, together with some other s facts = about activities at Davies' Camp. 4 : (By Mrs. Grace T. Smith) Sharp alarm, quickly turned to ~ merciless fun at the expense of the victims was occasioned Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs. Howlett of Chicago, guests at Pleasant Hill, were sudden- dy dumped from their boat into deep ig ater as they were engaged in fish- ing. They had thrown out their anchor 'and when Mr. Howlett attempted to ""pulliit in" he "rocked the boat" with such ' violence as to throw' himself © out oh one side'and his wife on the | + other. Neither:is a light weight and * had they not been able to swim re- sults might easily have been serious. 'But dsiit was, both were soon:.on their 'way to shore. ' The Boy Scouts, over 'at the Da- © vie§ camp had: séen the accident, " However, and with what adv enturing thrills did they rush to the rescue! In much less time :than it takes to tell it; they were -speeding to .the scene and had formed their boats -in a triangle from which they drew Mrs. Howlett out of the water and into her boat, : Doubtless both Mr. 'Howlett would have shore in safety but they appreciate C. A. Johnson TAILOR LTH EHR and Mrs. E- you have never had a suit tailor-made you have miss- ed anopportun- ity to find what an economic reached the LL LLL 2 LT TT DO UT TT 2d Pd Zaz, saving It 1s. Tailor - made suits receive individual !! attention and are fitted to you. Our woolen stock 1s complete and in- cludes a variety of textures any of 'which will suit your taste. STE We advise you to inspect these goods, and save money by the additional wens vou will get. C. A. Johnson TAILOR 552 West Railroad Ave. Phone 1522 Winnetka no less the presence of mind and real courage with which the boys assisted them. Thus what might easily have been a great tragedy was turned into something very like a movie thriller and Mr. and Mrs. 'Howlett -. mourn nothing more than | their expensive fishing outfit which went to the bottom of the lake with the overturning of the boat. There was great bustle and con- fusion "at upper. Hamlin Tuesday morning with the arrival of about 20 boys for a fortnight's encampment at the Davies camp on the north side. |: The boys came in on the morning | y | about half boat and were conveyed to Hamlin in two busses--well loaded busses they were--and then across the lake in the Barnhart launch. They were full of fun, ready to turn the slight- | "Bob, | a little," | est circumstance to nonsense. move one of your ears shouted one. "The boat's out of bal- ance." When the boat engine sulked a bit the wail went up. hemorrhage and died." arrived on the north scatered through the reception. Rev. J. W. ase the boys and girls: are Scouts. > "She had a! But the en- gine soon came to life and the boys, | side, quickly | the camp to see! what changes had been made since last year and what preparation for | Davies of Winnetka, | respon AL for this camp. Pas- tor of thé Congregational church at: Winnetka 'and interested in the many community activities there, his. spe-~ cial delight is in his association wich | Though this is a, Boy Scout camp not alk of the boys | The camp consists of | | several tents and 'cottages, | one large new tent just put up. with] including | floor, ceiled walls, screening and with six sleeping ticks for as many boys. Also a mess hall were the meals are served. An hour is given each morn- ing to lectures upon nature study and the remainder of the day to the "healthful innocent sports the place In caring for and super-{ affords. vising the camp Mr. Davies has the asssitance of his assistant parstor | and o fone of the young members of his churches Latér in the season there will be other relays of boys and finally a delegation of Campfire girls. In all this work the leader is ably assisted by Mrs. Davies who claims Near the camp is the Davies cot- tage, a commodious and comfortable summer, home, telling in all its ap- pointments of the artistic, nature- ioving trend of its owners. LENSES DUPLICATED Frames repaired 50c. Best Filled Bows, each 35¢ to 60c Screw Fitted in Eye Glasses 10c Spiral Springs with Screw, complete 25¢ G. ETTINGHAUSEN | EXPERT 'Watch and Clock Repairing 554 Railroad Ave. Telephone 989 WINNETKA, ILL. : a rr rr, ULL LLL Ley 1126 Central Avenue UNIQUE STYLE SHO SPECIAL SALE on SILK and VOILE DRESSES \ \ «B+. C OP.LAN Proprietor $30.00 Silk Values at $15.00. $12. 0 and $15.00 Voile Values at $6.50 to $8.00 WI L ME T TE R : Phone Wilmette 2403 Z, ing Suits and preciated. Paironize Your Home Town LLL Tdi T HAIL SSIS SS LSV SLI S SSIS SLITS SSIS SILLS LSS LISS SSSA SSLSS SLES SLL LS SSIS SSSI SSS SLSS SILLS LS LS SLS SLA SSS L SSL S SS SALSA SSS SSS SAA | We wish to announce that we have special prices thru the summer season. in Sport- Your Skirts. patronage will be greatly ap- Respectfully yours, PHILIP J. HOZA 3 543 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka N LLLP LTT LTT I LL HIAIIITIPN eH ET I LE ORL TORE I SC Cheap Advice you want. DVICE is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free as air. No matter what your trouble may be, just let it be known and ad- vice will come piling in. The old maid knows just how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed druggist can sell hair tonic and get away with it. But the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is the kind in the advice business, but if you are a patron of our bank and ask advice on financial matters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. WINNETKA and SAVINGS BANK We are not a volunteer TRUST o the boys as her special | i'proteges" and has won the hearts of 'all of them before they have been in camp a day. ~ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 'Kiddies You do not have to worry about the quality of the 4 'Milk you receive from us. Out supply comes from a 'radius of 7 miles from here «and 1s alsolutely es, bh addon to is we e employ the most modern and sanitary methods of preparing the milk for you. Winnetka Sanitary Dairy Co. Telept one WIN. 137 818 Oak Street pee N RAITT SUT Renewals and new Sub- scriptions to all me gazines Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman and Ladies' Home : WILLIAM A. HADLEY 913 OAK STREET - WINNETKA - PHONE WINNETKA 323 MAGAZINE AGENCY solicited. Cur specials: Journal. a au CH ET TT TT TT TH THT HHT i OE SoA REE Fr-- Is Not the Only Thing Get your Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Jar Rings, Fruit Jar Holders, Etc., at J. F. ECKART CO. PAINTS, HARDWARE ROUSEHOLD UTENSILS Phone Winnetka 844 736 Elm St. AQ (03) Himnethatiit 4. 8) EHS ===oro