ACK REALTY BOARD anston Real Estate Board Prom- jses Fullest Co-operation To North Shore Real Estate & Board JOULD WORK FOR ALL North Shore Realtors Offer Active Support Te Bring 1921 _Real Estate Meet To Evanston Real estate men, affiliated with and representative of the recently organ- North Shore Real Estate board, nded a session of the Evanston Real Estate board Monday evening and received assurance of the hearty co-operation and support of the Ev- anston organization, now one of the largest real estate boards in Illinois. At the Monday evening session ton board promised * 'co-operation to e fullest extent" to the new body on the north shore. Mr. Work, Harper Payne and Dwight S. Bobb of the Evanston board attended a recent meeting of the north shore organization upon invitation and out- lined some of the aims and possibil- ities of such an organization on the north shore. State Objects These objects and aims may be summed up briefly as follows: ~~ To establish and standardize the business of real estate brokerage, so that it shall obtain and hold the con- fidence and respect of both owners and purchasers. ~ To maintain the dignity and re- sponsibility of its members as a duty to the public; to institute rules for niform commissions, customs and practices so far as may be reason- able; to cultivate good fellowship ih among its members in their business of buying, selling, renting, and loan- ing money on real estate. To provide an organization of ef- fort for adequate and economic civic development; to procure just and even taxation; to promote such a system of law and administration as shall protect the citizens, en- courage industry and attract the de- sirable population to which condi- 'tions on the north shore entitle the residents. To especially guard and advance the interests of real estate owner- ship and leaseholds, and to devise, advocate and support legislation cal- culated to improve the villages. "The North Shore Real Estate board | promised its active support in bring- | mette to Glencoe. The following officers have been elected: President, C. T. Northrop of Winnetka; vice president, C.- E. Wheeler of Hill and Wheeler; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. E. R. Stone of Hill and Stone. Telephone Company to Enlarge Evanston Plant Superintendent Henry B. Gates An- nounces $40,000 Addition To Ev- anston Building Application for a building permit to erect an addition to their present building at 1520 Chicago avenue, Ev- anston, at an approximate cost of $40,000 has been made to the build- ing department of the city of Evans- ton by the Chicago Telephone Com- pany. The addition will be in the form of a second story construction of their present two-story building and will be used to house the additional equipment necessary to handle the ever increasing business of this dist- rict. "We are up to the limit that we can handle with our present equip- ment already," said Henry B. Gates this week, "and we have to expand. We will have additional switchboards and equipment in the new addition which will enable us better to handle our business." Mr. Gates, Superintendent of the Evanston district, resides at 1014 Lake avenue. He is also president of the New Trier Commercial asso- ciation and formerly president of the Village of Wilmette. includes real estate agents from Wil- | : ~ William S. Hay, 645 Sheridan road, is the owner of a private garage under construction on his property || at an estimated cost of $12,000. Alter- | ations on the residence are in pro- BUILD $12,000 GARAGE gress and will cost about $15,000. SELLS PROPERTY on Scott avenue to Walter More house of Chicago. The of E. P. Maynard and company oO Hubbard Woods. BUILDS HOME HERE on Newhall, valued at $15,000. BOY SCOUTS RESTING resume again in the fall. . BUILDS ON VINE STREET on Vine street, Hubbard Woods. C. D. Allen has sold his property deal was made through Captain F. J. Franklin The north Shore Construction com- pany of Wilmette is building a home Garland avenue for Horace G. Winnetka Boy Scout activities have | been discontinued for the summer to | Mr. Claude Ellis is building a home 'Phone 2491 np WILMETTE AVENUE af Carl E. Sierury @n. Futerior Berorators and Furnishers SUGGESTIONS, DRAWINGS, ESTIMATES :: : CHEERFULLY SUBMITTED :: : f In our Store we carry a full line of WALL PAPER and PAINTS for Home use. | | Homes for Sale pppenns If you have property for sale anywhere on the North Shore, list it with A. R. EDDINGTON 1157 WilmettejAve. Tel. Wil. €40 Opposite Village Theatre locality . é heat, garage. Snap - . East, Price. PAINTS Of all kinds in large and small cans WALL PAPERS PAINTING & DECORATING | Floor Finishing a Specialty RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE Pe | A BOND BROS. & CO. contracToRS 624 Davis St. Tel. Ev. 944 4 EVANSTON, ILL. Also zgents for the Judd ¢ Washing Machine and ing to Evanston in 1921 the state | Simplex Ironing ,Machine convention of real estate boards. > The North Shore Real Estate board 8 OOK I0EIOE 10 -- IOEIOL: =IOEIOI 100K IOEIOK Are go you going i. i, snl A SE of them. TS E------r away from home. dressed for any occasion. Wear our good Phone 1077 Clothes soil quickly when you travel. Have ENOUGH Besides, you meet strangers when you go away from home, and they first judge you by the way you look. No man can afford not to dress well--either at or Come in and let us dress you, and you will be well Our prices are as low as can be put on good stuff. "Nifty" clothes. J.H. DETHLOFF GENTS' FURNISHINGS . 785 ELM ST., WII Zz IOIOE ARE 7 & TIOLROEI OK ¥ i ND Na NLTKA OLE else we have. HILL ano WHEELER Wilmette Office Winnetka Office 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St. Phones 93 &364 Phones 142 & 422 WINNETKA OFFICE: 524 Linden Street Telephone WIN. 1544 from Wilmette to Glencoe WINNETKA: Up-to-date 6-room shingle home, owner must leave city, will sacrifice for quick sale, 2 glazed porches, hot water heat, garage, good HUBBARD WOODS: . Aliactive stucco residence on beautiful street, large wood lot, 8 good rooms, 2 baths, lavatory and toilet Ist floor, hot water GLENCOE: Well consiructed, almost new red brick, 6 light rooms, 3 glazed Borches, large grounds, Our list of Homes 1s as tomplite as is possible "under existing conditions. Let us know your require- ments and we will be glad to submit you what HILL &STONE| $10,500 $20,000 $17,500 WILMETTE OFFICE 404 Linden Avenue Telephone WIL. 1644 LTT HOMES for Particular People 6-room Frame, re-decor- ated $ 8,000 8-room Frame, goed condition . 5-room, new Bungalow, modem. . $15,000 7-room Brick, 2 car Gar- age. $20,500 1 1-room Stucco, fine location. . $22,500 8-room, new, near com- pletion . . $25,000 8-room Brick, near Lake $27,000 $10,000 Za alddd lad dll ad ddd dd dd ddd bl bldddllilbdlldldl bill lid ddl ddd lll lid lll Lill Liddle? REAL BARGAINS Artistic stucco, Z large rooms, . garage, splendid value A 7 TT A Fler tills, 405 LINDEN AVENUE 77 tion, wocded lot 65x180. Fine shrubs, perennials, Attractive 7-room stucco, in splendid location, well planned, fine porches. Reduced from $14,000.;Make Offer. Beautiful 8-room home, newly decorated and unusu- ally attractive, large wooded lot, garage. M. E. Barker & Co. | W777 777777 ddd dll lll dd dd ddl d dd bbb bbl bbb bid bilil lll blll Lilie: choice east sec- $12,500 $16,500 End of "L" Phone Wil. 484 WILMETTE, ILL. ADVERTISE IN | | YOUR LOCAL PAPER ES Attractive North Shore Homes HHH A Real Estate, Loans and Insurance i iil il dif i iH A William Aitken "BUILDER OF MODERN HOMES" Telephones: Res. Winnetka 76 Office Winnetka 764 1" i pm ARES mn 1065 Gage Street Hubbard Woods rH mm if A