assfe Advertisements ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5¢ per line, Minimum 3 lines. + Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore 'News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 192 per "line. 'Copy must be in by = Ee or apartment. WANTED TO RENT Call or write 551 Lin- coln street, Winnetka. T18-1tc FOR RENT FOR RENT--8 ROOM HOUSE; 3 baths; $75.00 Phone State 7664 or address Winnetka Talk J-19. / T18-1tp WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms or small house, 5 or 6 rooms, from August: 1 to Sept. 15; Wilmette to Lake Bluff. Address J-32, Tnake Shore News, Wilmette. LTG36-3tc WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS 12 -- HELP WANTED--FEMALE PERMANENT POSITIONS TO OFFER YOUNG" WOMEN IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO CALL AND TALK WITH OUR CHIEF OPERATOR + ABOUT THE | RECENT. INCREASES - IN 'SALARIES : APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, WILMETTE, WINNETKA, GLENCOD, LTG33- tfc "WANTED--MAID, WHITE, EXPER, for general housework; small house in Hubbard Woods, own room and bath; laundress employed two' days; must, be good cook and fond of children; wages $18 to $20. Address Weekly Talk, A-35. TG18-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WOMAN TO care for two children, five and nine, and do upstairs work; good wages; ref. required. Fhone Win. 685. T18-1te WANTED--NURSE FOR 2 CHILDREN, 6 and 3 years, do upstairs work; wages $15.00. Phone Win. 239. Mrs. J. Husband, 861 Blackthorne Road. T18-1tc WAN TEENA FO GEN'L. Hut work; no washing; good wages. 267 Ridge avenue. Phone Win. T18-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with housework and take care of young children. Fhone Wil. 1003. LTG36-1te WANTED--G OOD SEAMSTR ESS; light upstairs work; best wages. Tel. Win: 58. LTG36-1te WANTED--WOMAN, GENWL, work; no washing or cooking. 'Win. 1665. LTG36- HELP WANTED--MALE I= SHOE work; good pay; opportunity for 'W..: Norton, Lake Gross Point. WANTED--MAN TO den by the day. Phone Win. 1: new shop; high grade man. F. and Ridge avenues, LTG86-1tc IK IN Pine WOE ¥ 1004 street. Sm 210. SITUATION WANTED--I FAMILY MENDING and satisfactorily Se wing teacher; TIEMALE QUICKLY experienced ¢ little folks charge of and made happy; invalids, cared for by hour Address Winnetka Talk, A- DONE by also p es 6 LADIES AND CHILDREN fine hand-work a spe ty. A-115, Lake Shore News. Address MISS EVA HAHN, TRAINED NURSE; "available for cases. 1612 Forest ave- nue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2041. LTG36-4tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calecimining, paper hanging, floor re- finishing; all work guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT, SOLD . and exchanged: waterheater, ice- boxes, $8 and up; gas stoves, $10 and up; parlor set, library table, rugs, cabinet, sanitary cot, couches, spin- ning wheel, bed, mahogany dresser and chiffonier, mirrored, rockers, baby buggy, show cases, counters and lawnmowers. 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. T18-1tc FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACH- ines; Domestic, $5.00; Singer, $8.00; Wheeler and Wilson, $12.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, $18.00; Standard, shop worn, ; White cabinet, shop 'worn, A Patterson Bros., 828 Davis Street, Evanston. LTG29-tfe FOR SALE LOT OF FINE MAHOGANY furniture at real low prices; also 12- inch General Electric Oscillating fan, and 3 large cement garden vas- es with pedestals; for appointment inspection phone Win. 736. Address 480 Sheridan road, Winnetka, III. T18-1tc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS: LYON & Healy, $60; Stark, $75; Twitchel, $125; Smith Bros. $165; Cable, $200! Howard, $145; Cable 88-note player, $265. Patterson © Bros.,, 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG35-tfe ~ FOR SALE--3 PIECE BEDROOM SET with hair mattress; dining table, chairs and side-board; gas range, music cabinet. Ridge avenue, Gross Point, 5 doors north of Wilmette avenue, _ LTG36- 1tp FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; ALMOST new; perfect condition; backs and pan; lighter; $70.00 value; or quick sale, $30. d ka Weekly Talk J-25. FOR SALEZATTIC GIFT SHOP, OAK "hook-case, ning: room table, side board .- old desk, chair. Phone T12-tf WANTED--FURNISHED ROOM FOR two or unfurnished 5 or 6 room house or flat; best of references. 886 Pine street. Call Win. 549-M, T18-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR "SAL © FUMED OAK BED .davenport, i upholstered leather, $25. : Phone: Kenil, 1987. T18-1tc DETROIT: JEWEL GAS. STOVE FOR ~sale;<in good condition; cheap, Fhone WAHL CT65-M. LT36-1tp FOR _SALIL--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AIRDALE PUP- pies by Intetnational Champion Tintern Tip-Top pedigree reg- istered. Kenilworth, Ill, Ridge avenue, third house south of Kenilworth avenue. Phone Wil. + 941-W.., Loe 1/PG36-1tc FOR SALE--THREM AIRDALE PUP- pies; all breeds. dogs boarded. = += Phon ae: 789, Harry Hurst. : LTG36-2tc For» FOR SATE TARGE PONY FOR CHIL- dren gentle and sound; Phone. Win. 3605." SALE -LRAGHORN and hens; good driver. 1TG36-1te also' furniture. North ; { avenue, B. Ode= Hubbard. T182tp HOUSE- | Phone | Ite! EPAIR MAN ON HIGH GRADE | excellent | T18- 1tp | S SEWING, | | 1 LTG35-3tp | porcelain | or SATE--AUTOS ALE. FRANKLIN TOURIN ear; .in fe ihaner original paint; also in "fine sh "avenue. Phone iN 158. LTG36-2tc pow SALE--1918 CHEVROLET, 490 model; <car in good condition; may be seen at Wilmette Beach. Apply to Beachmaster.. - « FOR' SALE HCP OTITE, : new batteries; .5 good tires; private party. Call Wil. 2386. LTG36-1te FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR . SALE--WONDERFUL OPPOR- tunity; 275 feet on the Lake with - riparian rights; brick residence and garage; now occupied by owner; easily - remodelled, grounds extend 430 feet to Lake. Forty Five thousand secures this genuine bar- gain. Adjoining lake frontage of 400 feet can be purchased for $140 per foot. List your property with us. E. P. Maynard & Co Hubbard Woods _ CHEAD; T18-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--SMALI, HOUSE in Hubbard Woods, Winnetka or Wilmette. Address Lake Shore News G-81. LTG36-11c WANTED TO RENT----SMALL MODERN house or flat, centrally located about Sept. 1. Address Winnetka Talk, A- 54. T18-1tp WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfurnish- ed; occupancy September or October. Phone Win. 913. T16-tfe NOTICE--WE TAKE IN TRADE ALL makes of used vacuum cleaners on the Hoover. Try the Hoover before vou buy a new vacuum cleaner. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG35-tfe HIGH PRICES FAID FOR JUNK-- Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron, and all kinds of junk. Max Weim- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734. < LT35-tfc WANTED TO BUY--H OUSEHOLD goods and clothing; highest prices paid. Phone Evanston 103 or 5512. ; LTG31-8te MISCELLANEOUS TOOL SHOP--ALL GENERAL REPAIR work saws filed." A. Vickery, 2 Prouty Annex. Phone Win. 126. : : T17-2tp LOST AND FOUND CHICKENS |. LOST--PAIR - OF NOSE GLASSES IN case on West Ash street Saturday night; finder please phone Win. 1104. + T18-1tp SMALL HOUSE | LO streets; H. Dethloff, reward. 756 Pim Prouty Voyagers Hit Shoals; Try, Try, Etc. Carlton Prouty and Son Richard Navigate in "Water Gypsy" Up Fox River Spurred on by their failure of last year, Carlton Prouty and his ten year old son Richard last week made a second attempt to reach the head- water of the Fox river by boat. = The start was made at the summer home, three miles 86 McHenry, Illinois. Last ¥ voyagers, using a light row! sail, reached a point ten mil of Burlington, Wis., where prevented further progress. year, in the "Water Gypsy", a ing duck-boat especially Tin and equipped to navigate shoal water, the Proutys succeeded in reaching Rochester, Wis., a distance of distance of sixty miles from the starting . point. Here. the river shoaled to an average depth of five inches, and the gypsy, lacking wheels, was forced to turn her nose home- It may, ward. . The trip lasted: six days and [mo the party camped | at nigh river bank. Another attempt will be d year, during the crest of the fore high water, to reach the source of the Fox river, at Pewaukee Lake, Wisconsin, This point is forty mile: beyond 'the turning point of this year's trip. WINNETKA NEWS AGENCY Thomas H. Bailey, formerly man- ager of the Evanston News Com- pany, has purchased the McKay News Agency in Winnetka, it was reported this week. The news company will have headquarters in Duncan's Con- fectionery at 808 West Elm street: The company will be designated the Winnetka News Agency. FIRM CHANGES NAME Announcement was made this week of the change of the name of the automobile sales firm Winnetka Car The Braun Sales, to Braun Brothers. J bothers are owners of both the Win- netka Tire Shop and the former Car Sales business. PAYING AUTO CLAIMS The Continental Auto. = Insurance association of Springfield is making a record reputation for paying claims on automobiles insured with them. are recognizing the fact and are keep- ing Judge Clark T. Northrop busy writ- ing applications. Don't delay to call and let the Judge explain it to you. save time, trouble and loss of money. --Adv. T18-1te 1124 Greenleaf.|. LTG36-1tc 1tc | 13. D. Toloff will give his "ENTIRE TIME to his Evanston studio Phone Evanston 2178 order that he may do full jus- tice to his patrons on the North Shore, J. D. Toloff has liquidated his studio in the Fine Arts Build- ing in-Chicago, and will hence- forth devote all of his time and attention to the personal direc- tion of his studio here. Mr. Toloff welcomes this oppor- tunity of being of greater service to his friends. J. D. TOLOFF 1623 ORRINGTON AVE. % announces their An Early Attendance is Advisable OSTILLER'S PACKER & EN Semi-Annual Sale Now in Progress Material reductions made on every low shoe mn the store including the famous E.dwin Clapp shoes Open Tuesday Thursday Saturday Evenings Hind | North Shere Hotel Ede. Phone Evanston 6757 ==) 529 Davis Street People ;