|B WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 {l __.- EE -- Classified Alverfisemcts I Ri per line for first i sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore. News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. nsertion. Each succeeding in- Copy must be in by ry HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL TO WORK AT SODA fountain in Chicago until September; school girl preferred. Call Win. 542-J "after 7 P. LTG37-1tp WANTED--NURSE OR MIDDLE AGED woman assist care of two children; good home and wages. Phone Win. 1199. LTG37-1te WANTED---MAID FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; no washing; good wages. 267 Ridge avenue. Phone Win. 1652. a T19-1te "WANTED--CAPABLE GIRL FOR housework; small house; go home nights. Phone Win. 976. LTG27-1tc WANTED--A GIRL FOR GENERAL 'housework; ref.; good wages. Reply Winnetka Weekly Talk, M-36. : T19-1tc WANTED--A GOOD COOK; REFER- ences required; best wages. Reply Winnetka Talk, 'K-21. T19-1te M. FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM; private family; excellent home; con- genial surroundings; gentleman pre- ferred. Phone Win. 1015. T19-1te "WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms or small house, 5 or 6 rooms, from August 1 to Sept. 15; Wilmette to Lake Bluff. Address J-32, Lake Shore News, Wilmette. LTG36-3tc WANTED TO RENT--IN NORTH WIL- mette, Kenilworth or South Winnet- ka, a three or four room cottage or apartment, about Sept. 1. Address F. L. S, 2418 Hartzel street. YOUNG WOMAN, EMPLOYED, WANTS one or two housekeeping rooms or "privileges; furnished or unfurnished. Address Lake Shore News, G-12. LT37-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE NORA B. NELSON, PUBLIC STENOG- rapher, room 9, offices Prouty Bldg. , Office hours 9 A.M. to 5 'P. M.. Tel Win. 7.; .T19- ite MISS BVA HAHN, TRAINED NURSE; 'available for cases.- 1612 Forest 'ave nue, Wilmette. © Phone Wil. 2041. : : : LTG36-4tp LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SEWING, . fine hand-work a specialty. Address A-115, Lake Shore News. LTG35-3tp HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNK-- Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron, - and all kinds 'of junk. Max Weim- man, Ridge avenue, near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point * "Phone. WANTED 5 UY- goods and clothi prices paid. Phone Eyangto 5512... good breed. Phone Win. 1692. SITUATION WANTED--MALE , FOR SALE~~AUTOS WANTED PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining,. -paper hanging, floor: r finishing; all work guaranteed. Chester.- Decorating Company: Phone: Evanston 6988, 2000 Map iy avenue, Evanston. LT21-tfc SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG MAN working way: through school desires work about house five or six hours a day; honest; willing; capable. Phone Winnetka 799. or 1099. - DR. K. A. LEE, TRAINED NURSE. Tel. Waukegan 1002. Box 24. Row 2. or 'call, at' W. Washington street, Waukegan; '11. CU LTG37-1te --_----------eee FOR SALE--~HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED SEWING. MACH-| ines; Domestic, $5.00; Singer, $8.00; Wheeler and Wilson, $12.00; Wilcox and . Gibbs, $18.00; Standard, shop worn, $35.00; White cabinet, shop worn, $45.00. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis Street, LTG29-tfc Evanston. . FOR SALE--2 IRON BEDS, CHAIRS, porch swing, 2 kitchen tables, kit- chen cabinet, dishes, utensils, yard furniture, fire screen, andirons, poker, 2 grass rugs, Wilton rug, floor lamp. Mrs. George Illges, 841 Foxdale ave- nue. Phone Win. 1490. T19-1tc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS: LYON & Healy, $60; Stark, $75; Twitchel, $125; Smith Bros. $165; Cable, $200; Howard, $145; Cable 88-note player $265. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG35-tfc FOR SALE ATTIC GIFT SHOP, OAK| You buy a new vacuum cleaner. book-case, dining room table, side| Easy payments. Patterson Bros. 828 board, gas range, old desk, chair. Davis street, Evanston. LTG35-tfe Phone Win. 58. T12-tf| WANTED TO LOAN $3,000 ON NORTH FOR SALE--JOHN CHURCH CO. HAR- vard player piano; like new; 75 rec- ords; ice box, and window shades. 1525 Spencer avenue. Phone Wil. 1951. LTG37-1tp LTPG37-1tp Fr FOR SALBE_1920 GAKLAND SEDAN; . latest model; driven only 1700 miles: nickle or "7 extra cord tite, Weed chains, + Blatbd, ~hummper; will sacrifice $1,750; néw ~~ price, $2,225; cash or terms or.:will* trade. Phone Win. 1199. LTG37-1te FOR SALE--FRANKLIN TOURING, +$1,200; Rauch and Lang 5-passenger electric, $1,050; Chevrolet, $400. Betaan Rubber Co. 332 Linden ave- nue, Wilmette, . Phone Wil. 553. ¢ WANTED TO ee ATA A DOG; i T16-1t0" Gold Star HeroHonored | For Bravery Under Fire Homer Everett Wilson Decorated by American Field Service; Parents Get Medal Extraordinary distinction is ac- corded a Wilmette war hero in the announcement this week of the re- ceipt of a medal from the American Field Service by the parents of Homer Everett Wilson who died January 13, 1918, seven months after his return from the battlefields of France. The decoration is in recog- nition of exceptional bravery under fire. Wilson and companions in the French Camion service stayed by their ammunition trains under heavy German artillery fire. Wilson joined the French army as camion driver in 1917 after he had volunteered and was. rejected from the American army because of eye trouble. When the camion service -- came under direction of the American Field Servide he was again rejected. and joined the 'American Red Cross in Paris as driver of a staff officer's car. ix months later he returned to Wilmette on leave. Soon after his return he became critically ill as the result of the strenuous demands of the service. At the time of his death he had completed preparations to join the French artillery service. The medal was received by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, 729 Greenwood avenue. WILL GIVE PICNIC The Evanston Crescents, formerly the Bulla Bulla club, are extending invitations to everyone to attend their big picnic and dance at the United States Forest Preserve at Riverside on Sunday afternoon. The dancing will begin at 3 o'clock and terminate at 9 o'clock. Everything 'will be free. The program is in charge of "Baumy"' who is well known on the north shore through his connections with many popular dances at Jones' hall. BOY SCOUT SHOWS HE ; CAN BE A REAL COPPER Magnus Martin, boy scout, played the role of gallant the other day when he recovered a purse from a group of caddies at the Indian Hill Golf club who had filched the pocket- book from Mrs. John -Pappajohn, when she was taking luncheon at the Indian Hill Inn. The boys started across a field os ward the golf course when Mrs. Pappajohn discovered the theft. Young Martin, who was in the place, overheard the woman's plight and started out after the miscreants. He . succeeded in wresting the empty purse from them after considerable struggle. Later the caddy-master at the club extracted the money from the youngsters who admitted their well planned "robbery". "F think every boy should become a Scout," was Mrs. Pappajohn's com- ment on the heroic efforts of young Martin. Self Service Zone INCORPORATED LTG37-1tc FOR SATE --WMITBORN LIGHT ELEC- tric; latest model 1919; A-1 condition; looks and runs like new; a bargain "for 'a fine car. Phone mornings Edgewater 2090. LTG37-1te FOR SALE--FRANKLIN TOURING car; in fine shape; original paint; also in fine shape. 1124 Greenleaf avenue. Phone 'Wil. 158. LTG36-2tc MISCELLANEOUS VULCANIZING TAUGHT FREE TO an industrious, healthy, honest rec- ommended hustler with a little money who will open a Tire Repairs Shop in Winnetka. Equipment furnished by manufacturer on the Pay-as-you- earn-plan. Splendid opportunity for a big paying, growing business of your own. Write to-day WILLEY VULCANIZING CO., 335 W. Main, Battle Creek, Mich. T19-1tp NOTICE--WE TAKE IN TRADE ALL makes of used vacuum cleaners on the Hoover. Try the Hoover before Shore property; first mortgage pre- ferred. Phone Wil. 1302. LTG37-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--MONDAY, BOSTON BULL TER- FOR SALE _RBFRIGERATOR; _100| rier. one white eye, one black; lbs. ice capacity; brass double bed; answers to name "Jack"; finder gas range, ect. 372 Elder lane, Win- please telephone Evanston 1921; re- netka. Phone Win. 926. TG19-1te ward, LTG37-1tp FOR SALE BOHN SYPHON REFRIG- | LOST--BABIES GOLD BRACELET erator; takes 125 pounds ice; good last Friday. Phone Win. 995. Re- condition; $40. Phone Glencoe 52. \ __ward. T19-1te LTG37-1te | Posh Y VELOCIPEDE; OWNER FOR SALE_DINING ROOM SET, B BD | can ave by describing same. Phone room set and other household | Win. 1425. T19-1te Call Wilmette 319. LTG37- furniture. 2te NEW TAILORS IN TOWN FOR SALE--ONE Ladies' bicycle; Phone Win, 1699. GAS STOVE T19-1t; ONE both in good shape. A high grade tailoring establish- > | ment has been opened at 344 Linden FOR SALE---MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE_THREE AIRDALE pies; all breeds of dogs Phone Glencoe 799. Harry Hurst. TPUP- boarded. avenue by Papageorge brothers who have years of experience in the busi- ness to their credit. They are occupy- ing the offices formerly occupied by LTG36-2te FOR SALE--LADIES FLUM COLORED Phone Win. TG19-1te broadcloth suit, size 38. 1272. P. Klipp. FOR SALE LARGE PONY FOR CHIL- dren; gentle and sound; good driver. TG19-1tc Phone Win, 605. GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES DESIRE TO RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE; in either Kenilworth or Winnetka. Phone east of C. & N. W. tracks, ilmette, Possession Wilmette 2288. October 1, 1920. ed; occupancy September or October. LT37-tfc WANTED TO RENT_SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfurnish- Wanted FOVNIAIN SQVARE- EVANSTON Each Square a Guide Post to fig corr tard Basement House Furnishings Section i Children's Dresses --that's the special sale play. Empire style; Sizes 2 to 6 years, 98c. 98c narily they would be $1.50. lawn dresses, slightly soiled from dis- lace trimmed. price--ordi- White Children's Dresses White dresses in neat little slip-over styles--smartly trimmed with blue or pink. Sizes are 2 to 6 years. Usually these dresses sell at 85c--for this spe- cial sale they are but 49c. 49c assortment at just $1.89. Included in this lot are values up as high as $4.95. They are most unusual. A sample line and finely made. or Heatherbloom. Choose from this Worer's $1.89 omens $5.95 Sateen for $5.95. Sample line of changeable silk and jersey top petticoats; pleated flounces. 'Formerly values from $8.50 to $12.95 neatly ruffled or All. popular shades. Huck Towels for this quality. inches ; have hemmed end sides. 29c each--which is a very attractive price They are They are of unusually heavy, #1 Women's 18 by 38 s and selvage tan, They are Women's Skirts silk poplin dress skirts, in purple, gathered skirts, nade in a deep yoke, $3.69 black, old rose or gray. smartly trimmed with but-- Many charming styles in fashioned of white voile, pink or blue; turn back Phone Win. 913. T16-tfc WANTED--5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE OR flat, unfurnished, for two; best of references. 886 Pine street. Phone Win. 549-M. T19-2tc : FOR RENT--ROOMS Party to handle Auto- FOR RENT--FURNISHED FRONT room, in private residence, hot water and all modern conveniences; break- fast if desired. Phone Wil 2114, ; : prairie || Heater to keep car FOR RENT--FURNISHED, TWO rooms, kitchenette and private bath $10 per week; adults only. Wil. 1257. Phone LTG37-1tp mobile Radiator from freezing in Winter. Guaranteed sales and $100 Reward for return of Diamond Soli- taire Ring; 6-sided setting. Lost on July 4th. No ques- tions asked. 529 Sunset Road WINNET > Phone Winnetka 1070. profit by the manufac- "turer. The exclusive agency given for Winnetka. Address: R. 63, Win- netka Weekly Talk. madras or butcher linen firm quality for this R9c each price. tons. Sizes 25 to 30. Just $3.69. Women's 1 49 Women's $ 2 9 8 Waists . Dresses Yéue these waists, satin striped in natural, or Peter Pan These light color voile dresses are slightly soiled--or they would be sold at the regular price of $3.95. styles with sash or straight skirt. gandie collar and cuffs. Tunic Or- Sizes 36, 38 Women's slightly ton trimmed. Sizes 36, 38 soiled dresses voile, in shades of blue, yellow or:green, . . with neat white collars and cuffs; ular $7.95 yalues for $4.95. collars; round necks. All sizes. and 44. of i 5 { | | Gon $408 || "am $339 Dresses . Skirts . Je OI but- Reg- lin. and 46. styles. A sample line of skirts--finely made of white gabardine, pique or cotton pop- In a good variety of pleasing Sizes 25 to 36-inch waistband. Up to $8.49 values for $3.39: ® 4 paying Wilmette patrons will call Wilmette 600 and avoid 'Daily delivery a toll hrges.