.. London--Many old theories regard- 'resident 16 Im spe man WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920 _- -- ---- DOCTOR DISPUTES OLD THEORIES OF 1 TUBERCULOSIS CURE ing the treatment of tuberculosis are disputed by Dr. Marcus Peterson, medical officer of the Brompton hospital, and long-time superintendent of various important senatoria. He holds that: Pine trees do not help to cure con- sumption. Great altitudes are not necessary for a consumptive patient. No special diet is required. A sea voyage or a visit to the sea- side may prove worthlesss. Emigration or a change of air is not valuable. There is no special value in a warm climate. If any climate hastened the cure of tuberculosis, Dr. Peterson says, then the climate of respective "health re- sorts" should kill all the tuberculi bacilli in the neighborhood or cure each individual immediately after in- fection. Statistics show, he says, that all alleged health resorts have a constant death rate of native resi- dents from the disease. "If T had to choose between a home for tuberculosis in Colorado, where the treatment was on the lines of 'doing a little gardening,' and a san- itarium in a London slum district, conducted by a man versed in the control of auto-intoxication and who had others necessary qualifications-- a tempermental understanding of men and women--I should not hesi- tate to prefer the latter," concludes Dr. Peterson in a book he has just finished on the subject. He said the Central Powers only succeeded in destroying as many Englishmen in one year of war as consumption destroys in every two and a half years of peace. If the motion picture makers don't want censorship they might drag a few less of their heroines through the gutter. MN PRICE OF LUXURIES IN ENGLAND SLUMP; ALL ON THE DECLINE London--Slump prices in all luxury goods have hit England. Everything from motor cars to manicure sets are skidding on the price toboggan. Six: months ago premiums of from $100 to $1000 were being paid simply for someone else's chance to buy a motor car. Today they are being offered at less than list prices. Women's finery also has struck an 'economy wave on the part of the gentler sex, and jewelry, musical in- struments, fine furniture and other expensive commodities are in the doldrums. John Bull is watching his private purse with the eye of a Scot. Extravagant govermental spend- ing, such as $250,000,000 recently in Russia without permission of the people, continues. Taxes remain high. Rents are going up. Food is not coming down. Fruits are scarce. The average Englishman is lessening his own personal expenses from sheer necessity--for the income tax man is waiting with a bucket. "We are getting back to normal prices," luxury goods merchants ex- plain. "We are waiting for still lower prices of all things we can manage to get along without," says the pub- lic. Everywhere signs of less extrava- gant expenditure by the average man is to be noted. Only four of America's chief ex- ecutives have had the privilege of riding in motor cars--McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. C. H. BRIGGS AUBURN SCRIPPS-BOOTH MAXWELL LOOK THEM OVER Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Ave., Evanston ALWAYS SOME GOOD USED CARS | Oo 1] | HUBBARD WOODS SITY When goods are scarce and prices high people are more appreciative than ever of the right kind of adver- | tising. They are seeking informatio ADVERTISING PUBLIC NECES- [AOI 0 Em ORI 0 ESI OEY O Em O EI O Emmi 0 ec RELIABILITY They want to know how to buy to the best advantage. They want to know how to fill their needs and avoid waste. They wel- come new or desirable substitutes for the things the county needs to conserve. They read the newspaper carefully. The merchant or manufacturer who does not advertise is not only miss- ing the purely selfish opportunity, but he is failing in the service he owes to his customers.--News-Dem- ocrat, Elk City, Okla. GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY --1 OC IO Q SOCIO = | The Wm. Penn | Motor Indemnity Exchange of Pittsburg, Pa. Is a reciprocal exchange of Auto o Insurance, furnishing insurance at cost to its subscribers. © All expenses are paid from con- tract fees. Deposit premiums cannot be used for any other purposes than to pay losses. If you reside on the North Shore we can save you over 509 on insurance. We also write Dealers' drive- away and demonstrator policies. We will insure your truck. ={e} {eo} =f Sms moesan----" 1030 OO EO EIC I= OI O I O10 OEIOI WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 165 OI] O IX O FIO EX 0 trip. Upon the reliability of the guidance you use depends the comfort of your motor --omoE===--=oror====x=l] Introduced a little over a year ago Mileometer, the mechanical road- guide for motorists, im- mediately demonstrated its value and establish- ed its favor with motor- ists. No books or maps to follow. It guides as you ride. EOE fe) Ld Illustrated booklet furnished free uponrequest. Write or call today MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Avenue OEX0 Getourrates. Weareresponsible. H. A. McLain, Gen. Agent Telephone Winnetka 567 A. R. Eddington, Agent for WILMETTE, ILL. OOO OI 612 Davis St., Evanston HOE ONO E1010 J 194 N. MICHIGAN BLVD. CHICAGO C. H. JORDAN & CO., Funeral Directors Chapel at Each Establishment Complete Line of Funeral Furnishings Phone Evanston 449 Phone Randolph 1346-1347 Mouthpieces telephone. broken, the sound waves are imperfectly transmitted and the service suffers. 70,455 broken telephone mouthpieces have to be re- placed yearly. material involved in replac- ing 70,455 broken mouth- pieces in the offices, homes, factories and warehouses of the city. HE mouthpiece is an important part of your When it is In Chicago approximately Think of the labor and the Careful handling of the telephone instrument avoids waste and faulty service. CHICAGO TELEPHONE = COMPANY Superior Walter Pianoforte Anita-Alvarez Instruction For the accommodation of pupils of the North Shore suburbs, Mr. and Mrs. Knupfer will accept a limited number of piano students for instruction at their residence studio-- 722 Clinton Place, Evanston Students may combine their individual instruction with the graduation courses offered at v Knupfer the Studios v School of Music and Dramatic Arts, Fine Arts Building, Chicago, and are entitled to all the privileges of this institution. yy Course of instruction covers all phases of vey pianistic development from the first rudi- ments to the highest degree of artistic proficiency. Reservations for the fall term should be made now. FOR PARTICULARS TELEPHONE EVANSTON 6504. FURS Now Showing a Complete Line of Furs for Fall and Winter Every article made in my own establishment by expert|[fur riers and every garment guaranteed Anything in the Line of Fur Wraps Made to Order Promptly LEAVE ORDERS NOW MEYER Telephone Randolph 1768 15 East Washington St., Chicago MILLER Venetian Building No Smoke, Dirt or VIA The North Shore LEAVE WINNETKA: 6:52 a. m. 7:22 a. m. 7:52 a. m. 8:22 a. m. For the Business Man Every Half Hour Thereafter: 11:52 a. m. Shoppers 12:22 p. m. 12:52 p. m. Then Every Half Hour Until: For the 3:22 Pn Theatre and 122 p. Dinner Party EY NORTH SHORE ET Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street Phone: Winnetka 963 Then every half hour until 12:52 a. m. Last train 1:52 a. m Trains Operate on Standard Time Cinders On the Electric Road Winnetka to Chicago Line ARRIVE CHICAGO 7:44 a. m. 8:14 a. m. 8:44 a. m. 9:14 a. m. 12:14 p. m. 12:44 p. m. 1:14 p. m. 1:44 p. m. BEEEREE LEE EEK For further information, apply to the Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. A Ow NR I NN ARs