WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1920 : 11 g| N Thursday, October 21, at the regular meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club, Lucille Stevenson, soprano, and Gor- don Campbell, pianist, will be heard in a joint recital. This 2c is the first of a series of musical afternoon which the club has planned, and it is very much desired that the club members will co-operate in making this event the success it ough to be. "These artists are under the management of Wendell Heighton, and are being booked extensively throughout the middle west. Miss Stevenson is a gifted pianist and is able to bring to her singing the knowledge and resources of the true artist. United with talents a broad culture and enthusiasm for all that is beautiful and the result is an art of great finesse. Very noteworthy was her sing- ing of John Alden Carpenter's "Gitanjali" Cycle at its initial per- formance with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Campbell has made three American tours with Charles W. Clark, and tours also through Great Britain and on the Continent. This is a real opportunity to hear a charming program, and it is hoped that members will invite many guests to enjoy it with them. The Entertainment committee at the North Shore Golf club announce the following events for October. On Tuesday, October 19, the Evening Bridge and Dinner will be held; Saturday, October 23, the Harvest Home Dinner will be given. mitted to dinner or dance except in Prizes will be given for the mo No one will be ad- costume (Gingham and Overalls). st unique costume. Thursday, October 28, there will be an extra party, with dinner at 7 o'clock, followed by Military Euchre. yu hd The political meeting at the Wil- mette Woman's club on Monday afternoon, proved to be of a most interesting nature. Two excellent speakers, Mrs. Mary Sykes of Mon- mouth, Ill, a Republican, and Mrs. Charles C. Reckitt of Aurora IIL, a Democrat, presented their respective views on the two candidates, Harding and Cox, for president of the United States. Mrs. Sykes spent some time on the history of tlie Republican party, and its traditions and in men- tioning the league of nations said, "We do not repudiate the league of nations but we do want to know what we are going to get." Mrs. Reckitt, on the other hand, of course is very strong for the League, and in a most convincing and effective manner, explained the good points of the Covenant.and its.many articles. Preceding Miss these speakers Davidson of the Community Service gave a most inspiring talk on "The Play Institute" which is to be held here the first week in November. Miss Davidson says that we Amer- icans do not know how to play, and that real play as a recreation is the one sure way of keeping ourselves young. The Art and Literature department of the Wilmette Woman's club gave its first program at the opening meet- ing on October 6. Mrs. Mary Jane Herring read the play "Happiness". The department has organized a drama study class which will consist of five afternoon talks on the general subject, "The Stage Today". These talks will be given by persons inter- ested in different aspects of the sub- ject which . promises both interest and variety. on alternate Monday afternoons at The class will Be held 2:30 o'clock, at the clubhouse be- ginning Monday, October 18. It will be open to all club members at a fee of $1.50;to all members outside the club at $2.50. Miss Bertha Iles who os charge of the Children's Dramatic ork at the Municipal Pier will speak on that subject next Monday. The Westmoreland Country club held its annual Harvest Home dinner dance last Saturday evening. The club was artistically decorated with autumn leaves, pumpkins and witch- es. There were many unique costumes worn by the guests. NEW TRIER 4; CARL SCHURZ 1 New Trier's undefeated soccer team annexed 'another victory Tuesday afternoon when Carl Schurz went down under a spirited attack and finally succumbed 4 to 1. New Trier is booked to play Morton on the foreign field Saturday morning. The English prayer book has re- mained virtually unchanged since 1662. Dr. Miller, Osteopath, specialist in stomach and nervous disorders. North Shore Hotel, Evanston.--Adv. LTG40-tfc H. G. BORGFELDT Photographer Removed to 1159 Wilmette Avenue, Brown Building. Opposite Village Theatre AALS LSLLS LLL SS LSS ILLS LSS S ISIS LSS IS ISS SSIS SS SSSI SSL SS Ir ziiiziiiriirediidriiiiiiriidiiiididida GAS LLLSLLSLLL LLL LSS LS SLL SSL SSS SILT ASSIS SASS LSSS LTRS This Christmas Trade at THE HOUSE OF Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry IRCHBER DIAMONDS 104 N. State Street, Chicago I Door North of Washington St., Opp. Field's FOUNDED 1867 53 years honest merchandising is your guarantee. uli iiiiiiddiidiciiiiiiiiiuiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidd LET US FURNISH A Beautiful Home for Your Car "4 2 PRIVATE GARAGES A garage that you will be proud to own. You will be well satisfied with the service it will give you. A Pro-slate garage with its beautiful combination of gray green stucco-like panels, its Indian red roof and autumn brown English timber trim will really enhance the surroundings of any home. So complete and so well planned is a Pro-slatc garage that you can order it in the morning and run your car into its new home that evening. A Pro-slate garage is an investment worth while. Its first cost is so low that it will pay for itself in a few months in the saving of rent alone. Let us show you the attractiveness and advantages of Pro-slate construction. You will have to see a Pro-slate garage to really appreciate it. See our exhibit. THREE SIZES IN STOCK IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES Phone Winnetka 452 our representative will call Hubbard Woods Lumber & Coal Co. Scott Ave. Near Railroad Ave. 7777777207277 77777727 a 2 dase Pd dz didi? 7% dd dddiddididss 22227 277 27 27 77 277 777d Lddiiiziiiduzididdds LZ, rr 277727 aiid iiiiiiiiiidiieciiisddiddissiibeiiiiiidiiiiidididiiiddidisiiiididids amr A. SIS guudidlllidblibibbdddddidd dad dl LL La ZZ ddd a7 77 7207777277777, ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL PAPER A general. 7777777777070 Touring Car Coupe - Sedan - F. 7 77777 viz 2227, LMOST anywhere you go, you soon discover that the Hup- mobile is one of the favored few among motor cars. It enjoys exceptionally high stand- / ing not only among its own owners, but with the motor car public in This friendly, favorable attitude is entirely sincere, and is the reward of a car which gives continuous evi- dence, in daily performance and unusually low upkeep, of the con- scientious care with which it is built. 31,685 $2,725 $2,800 - - - - - - - - - 0. B. Detroit LLL LLL "rr Gage Motor Sales Company Telephone Evanston 5700 Arlington Heights Sales and Service: Phone Arlington Heights 9 Prices protected until March 1st, 1921 22% 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston