2 Activities of North Shore Clubs =. by Ruth Risley x =FIHE Young Woman's Auxiliary cordially extends an invita- tion to all members of the Wilmette Woman's club and other interested friends, to he present at an open meeting Monday I evening, November 22, at 8 o'clock. The speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Frank Jerome, well known Social worker of Chicago, whose subject will be "The Park Ridge School for Girls". Some of the Park Ridge alumnae will also be present. Mrs. Jerome is of national repute, being very prominent in the educational world, and several years president of the Chicago Woman's club. Tt will 'be considered a very great privilege to meet with her, and it is hoped a large number will take advantage of this opportunity. On Wednesday, November 17, the Wilmette Woman's club will hold a luncheon preceding the regular club meeting. Mrs. A. Starr Best of Evanston, will be the speaker of the afternoon, her subject being "Pilgrim Pageant Celebration". There will also be reports from various of the departments. The hostesses for tht day will be Mesdames John A. Tawse, Harvey A. Bush, Ralph T. Huff and C. E. Douglas . "The North Division of the Wom- The East Willow Street Circle met an's Missionary Union will meet| with Mrs. Harry I. Orwig on Tues- Thursday, November 18, at the Bow-| day. The sewing, which was in manville church, Lincoln and Berwyn | charge of Mrs. Guy Windes, was avenues. The program will be inter | done for infant welfare. The pro- the Art and Literature committee, and will consist of a paper by Mrs. Norman Harrower on "Modern French Poets". A group of French songs will follow. An innovation is to be introduced at the North Shore hotel Saturday afternoon, November 20, when a tea dance will be given under the direc- tion of Miss Mildred Brandham Peirce and H. M, Peirce, Jr. Herk Mintz' orchestra will furnish the music and dancing will be from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock. At a few dangerous crossings in London, notably in the financial and business districts, subway passages are constructed for pedestrians, but the people will not take the time to use them. Dr. Miller, Osteopath, specialist in stomach and nervous disorders, North Shore Hotel. Phone Evanston 6424. LTG40-tfc esting as it will consist of impromptu talks from representatives of many churches, and of an address given by the Rev, C. W. Burton. The ladies are requested to carry box lunches and will be served with coffee by the women of the Bowmanville church. Further information may be had by calling Mrs. D. M. Gallie, telephone Wilmette 956-R. "Great Men of the Pilgrim Move- ment" was the subject discussed by Dr. Frank Gunsaulus at the Wom- an's Library club meeting in Glencoe, gram consisted of a most interesting account of a trip to Europe and two months spent in travel there by Mrs. Immerwahr, who, with her husband and two sons, spent the past summer abroad. A delightful vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. Windes, and letters were read from absent members. Mrs. Immerwahr invites the Circle to meet with her in December. The next regular meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club will be held on Thursday, November 18, at 2:30 Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Harvey | o'clock. The progam is in charge of Brewer, violinist, augmented the pro- gram with a group of selections. On Thursday, November 18, the club will meet for luncheon at the Art Insti- tute, where the American Art Exhi- bition is going on. Mrs. Royal Munger, formerly Miss Mia Stan- ton, will be the lecturer on this oc- casion. There will also be several addresses by artists at the luncheon. This Christmas Trade at THE HOUSE OF IRCHBER DIAMONDS The annual meeting of the Asso- FOUNDED 1867 ciate Alumnae of Northwestern uni- versity will be held at Harris hall, homecoming day, Saturday, Novem- ber 13, at 10:30 o'clock. The business session will be devoted to annual re- ports, election of officers, and re- ports of special committees which will include many important recom- Watches, Jewelry, Silverw re 104 N. State Street, Chicago | Door North of Washington St., Opp. Field's 53 years honest merchandising is your guarantee Purchases Can be Made by Mai Catalog on Request H: Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Saturday November 13 ETHEL CLAYTON in "Crooked Streets" Evenings and$ Personal Jewelry and Fur Floater Insurance ---- Your JEWELRY and FURS can be i | against any and all risks (excluding wear and tear) in all locations. W¥ A Jewelry Floater policy covers your j y against any hazard, whether THEFT , HOLDUP, FIRE, DISAPPEARANCE, BREAKAGE; in fact, against any and all risks (excluding wear and tear) wherever you may be. The Company is liable for your loss if you leave a ring on a train or a fur in the theatre. This is the broadest puliey ever written and costs very little. We shall be glad to give further information without obligation on your part. Phone WABASH 340; or write Critchell, Miller, Whitney & Barbour {1535 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO, ILL. NEXT WEEK FOUR DAYS Commencing Monday, Nov. 15th Cecil B. DeMille's PRODUCTION "Something to Think About" A picture that peers deeply into human hearts and unfolds a wonderful drama made from the joys and sorrows of or- dinary life. Strikingly different in theme from anything De Mille has done in the past, but, like his previous splendid suc- cesses, sumptuously produced and directed with the genius of a master, An inspiring enter- tainment treat! With a Great Cast Including Gloria Swanson Eliott Dexter Theodore Roberts Monte Blue mendations calling for specific ac- tion. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock. President and Mrs. Walter Dill Scott will be the honored guests and President Scott will speak. ronch{ho wi id R.BEAUDRY Here WHar OF OUR CAFE FoSar VERYTHING A HERE 15 VERY, Personal Attention given each Customer. P Velvet Frocks Specialist in High Grade Attire for Gentlewomen An Unusual Showing of Frocks, Suits and Coats of exceptional charm awails your inspection. 8th Floor 15 East Washington St., Chicago Venetian Bldg. Special $55.00 and UP A Business Man's Reason for using WE specialize in superiority. Our patrons are superior, because they know our specialty. Our chefs are experienced. You will find well cooked food that will appeal to your jaded appetite. Lunch . Dine today the Cafeteria way competent physical director. AHIR Welch's Cafeteria 1101 Central Avenue railroad and theatre reservations made. and your laundry, etc. References required. Don't delay--be a charter member. . T. Stenus, 123 W. Madison Street In the heart of the loop. will be a pleasure. EXPERT valet service for less than $1.00 a week. IMAGINE IT! You busy business men. You spend that much now weekly to have your clothes pressed. Here, you can and they will always be hand pressed and in the best of shape, so that you won't havetorush home for that change of clothes when that unexpected dinner or theatre engagement pops up. Besi that, you can have as many shoe shines as you want, and have free access to the shower baths and a well planned gymnasium where you can keep physically fit under the careful supervision of a Expert barbers and skilled manicurists are always at your service. There is positively no tipping or gratitudes of any kind. A place to meet your friends and customers, and receive your mail. You can have your hetel, Writing and consultation rooms. Fire and dust-proof wardrobe for individual private lockers We are moving into new and larger quarters, and will increase our charter membership to 15860, THE NATIONAL CLUB Louis Doussang, President & Gen. Manager (0) irector of Gymnasium ADVERTISING BUILDING co CHICAGO, ILL. Phones § Central 7554 eep your extra suits P. H. Kavanagh, Secretary & Treasurer Wilmette, Ill. Gentlemen: -- Service Club. ~ ILL OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE! T he National Club--123 W. Madison St., Chicago, Il. Please send me, without any obligation, full particulars regardinglyour Business Men's DE EE Er IE SALE OF ~- SAMPLE AND DISPLAY Washers, Cleaners, Etc. at 1104-1106 Davis street. Sale starts SATURDAY MORNING. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, electric sew- ing machines, electric irons, floor lamps, men's read- ing lamps and boudoir lamps. These are floor samples and things that have been in window on display--must be sold to make romn for Xmas goods. This is your opportunity--come early. Some of the sale prices are about one-half the reg- ular price. Also a few used washers and cleaners priced so low you can't afford to miss it. SAMPLES 1 Easy Vacuum Washer. ..... BTR Se ... $140 2 $160 Daylight Vacuum Washers, each. ...... 140 1 $160 Eden Washer.......v vs. ovivvirsr.s 138 2 $175 Getz Washers, each... ...2v....i+...:. 138 1 Laundry Queen ..... hie vie ante sg ive 3B 1 Alco, new style....... i iPeta seve Bbouiatineg 168 42-inch Home Ironer ..................:.:. 40.08 42-inch Horton Ironer, cheap. Several other makes at same reductions. USED WASHERS Used Easy Vacuum Washer (copper).......... $as Used Federal Washer ............... La iva Gl Used Apex Copper Washer.......... tie sow vie OO Used Judd Copper Washer....... in r.vesi.v 78 White rotary display sewing machines; regular price $80, this sale $57.50, CLEANERS 1 Electric Sweeper Vac..... Tol pln aes... 948.50 1 Electric Sweeper Vac............1: 10:1» $0.00 2 Ohio Tuecs, each........... wih cave. R100 2 Ohio Tuecs, each........... FIRE 4 Frantz Premiers, each. .........$15.00 and 20.08 Electric irons as low as $2.50. ~FA DARBY ELECTRA SHOP 1104-6 Davis St. Evanston