4 [ soca Happenings The opening meeting of the Tenth District, Federation of Woman's club, held in Kenilworth on Thurs- day proved to be most interesting and worthwhile. The morning ses- sion was given over to three minute reports from the various depart- ments and to addresses made by Mrs. T. B. Stanwood, who was State pres- ident twenty years ago. Mrs. F. J. MacNish, chairman of Civics, Illinois Federation, and Mrs. Maude H. Lieber, state chairman of Education. The main address of the afternoon was that of Mr. Robert D. Klees, 'director of the Union League Foun- dation for Boys' clubs, his subject being "Boys' Clubs as an Investment for Good Citizenship," a delightful group of songs was rendered by Mrs. J. A. Smale of Kenilworth. ERY Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Miss Erdie Bateman to George Charles Loveless of Wheaton, Ill, which was solemn- ized on Monday afternoon, Novem- ber 8, at the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeptha L. Bate- man in Deerfield, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Loveless will be at home after Jan- uary, at 430 N. Waller avenue, Chi- cago. Mrs. Loveless is a graduate of New Trier High school, and has many friends along the north shore. effin Mrs. T. C. Northrop of 1144 North avenue was hostess to the Mission- ary Society of the North Shore Methodist church on Tuesday after- noon o fthis week. An address on "Labrador and the Life of the Es- kimo," was given by Professor Bailey, instructor in sociology at Northwestern ° University. There were twenty-five members in attend- ance at this enjoyable meeting. me tne The next regular meeting of the Winnetka Woman's Club will be held Thursday afternoon, November 18, at 2:30. The program is in charge of the art and literature committee, and will consist of a paper by Mrs. Norman Harrower on "Modern French Poets." A group of French songs will follow. ERE a, On Saturday last Mrs. Charles Van Deursen and her son, Hardin, of 524 Hawthorn lane, entertained at a kitchen shower for Miss Elizabeth Casey, whose engagement to Paul H. Royer of Abilene, Kansas, was re- cently announced. Ten boys, mem- bers of the eighth grade class at Horace Mann school, were present. ernie Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Chicker- ing of 770 Rosewood avenue, enter tained at a dancing party last even- ing at the Winnetka Woman's club in honor of their son and daughter, Charles and Sarah Chickering. One hundred and six guests were in at- tendance. Ra Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Butler have given up their apartment in town and will, in the future, while they are in this part of the country, make' their home at their residence, 945 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. : ptt hi Mrs. Wm. Noble, Mrs. G. C. Van Der Goot and Mrs. Myron T' Har- shaw will be hostesses at the meet- ing of the Oak Street Circle to be held next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harshaw, 1096 Oak street. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 13, 1920 a --_~ a-- The members of the Missionary committee of the Woman's society of the Congregational church were entertained at a business luncheon at the home of Mrs. Douglas Smith, on Thursday of last week. ---- Mrs. James Keddie, 1004 Pine street, has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Nathan Champlin, of Bellfort, Long Island, N. Y. Mrs Keddie en- tertained a few friends on Friday afternoon to meet Mrs. Champlin." i va Dr. Albert H. Wales, who was seriously injured in an automobile accident a fortnight ago, and who has been ill at the Evanston hospital since then, was able to return to his home on Ridge avenue, late this week. Ri iy Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, state chairman of the Education depart- ment of the Illinois Federation, was one of the speakers on the program at the Rogers Park Woman's club meeting on Tuesday afternoon. RIESE Miss Alice Neilson of 1721 West Garfield boulevard, Chicago, is spend- ing the week-end as the guest of Miss Doris Turvey of Hubbard Woods. Fos There will be a meeting of the society next Wednesday at Com- Work committee of the Woman's munity House. Mrs. Frederick Dick- inson will read "Smoke and Steel". ---- The Rosewood Avenue Circle met at the home of Mrs. C. J. Knapp on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Burton French of Glencoe 'assisted the hos- tess. J Mrs. Harry Edmonds of 670 Black- thorne road, who is spending several days in Washington, D. C, will re-|. turn about the middle of next week. -- Mr. and Mrs. Vlegels of Hubbard Woods are remodeling their home at 95 Linden avenue, Glencoe, and expect to move in early next May. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Levernie of Shermerville have moved to 429 Linden street. = N t) £ American Beauty' Electric Iron--The Best Iron Made We have been selling this iron foryears. Weliketosell it because it gives such won- derful service; every one we sell makes another friend. NORTH SHORE ELECTRICSHOP John C. Welter, Prop. 554 Railroad Ave. = WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 44 Gitar] JEWELRY for MEN TIER hia init necessitate that Blank Onyx. The narrow limits of good taste present the utmost in refinement. Dress Sets consisting of Cuff Links, Studs and Waistcoat But- tons in interesting combinations of White, Mother of Pearl and Hipp & Coburn Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths 915 Marshall Field Annex Bldg. : LUHTHTTTT each article re- OR Mrs. Francis P. Butler of 777 Bryant avenue, is in the Evanston hospital recovering from an oper tion for appendicitis. fe . Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Felt of 777 Fox- dale avenue, are in Cincinnati, Ohio, and are expected to return home next week. ws ford A meeting of the West Elm street circle was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Horsman, 978 Elm street. RT A meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league was held Thursday afternoon at the Winnetka Woman's club. nies fie The Tuesday Evening Bowling club will give a dancing party this even- ing at the Woman's clubhouse. CIRCLE MEETING The East Elm street circle will meet Tuesday morning with Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, Elm street and Sher- idan road. OME folks expect too much of their stomachs. Give your's a square deal. Let it discover that you're buying your groceries of us and it will rejoice exceed- ingly. We shall appreciate your visit. Walch next week's Paper for Big THANKSGIVING WEEK SALE PHONE FORIT ! WINNETKA ROSALIND IVAN TO READ PLAYS FOR DRAMA LEAGUE North Shore members of the Drama League will be interested in the announcement of a reading to be given Thursday, November 18, by Rosalind Ivan, the distinguished ac- tress, under the auspices of the Chi- cago Centre. Miss Ivan is the author of several plays, and the translator of some notable works from the continental drama. Her translation of "Nju," by Ossip Djmov, has been played with great success in New York. It is another of her translations that she will read, the title of which is "The Brothers Karamazoy." It was written by Jacques Copeau, from the novel by Dostoievski. The reading is at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and is open to members of the Drama league and their guests. HORACE MANN FOOTBALL TEAM LOSE 12-6 TUSSLE Horace Mann school and the In- dian Hill gridiron teams battled on Thursday afternoon at the North ee -------- Shore Country Day school field to a 12-6 victory for the group from the private school. It was a thriller throughout and kept the numerous "kid" rooters in 'hot water" continually, Decan and Stixrud, each with a touchdown to his credit, starred for the Indian Hill eleven while Levora, who scored the losers' lone marker, shared honors with Stover for the Horace Mann ag- gregation. N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired Phone Winnetka 85 Room 3 Prouty Bldg [ORI 0 EEE 0 MIO CEE OLRO hs c AOEX Community House Motion Pictures este) <= to] u 0) | OO EE OO I OI OI OI O A SLOW MOTION How the Big Games were thrown. FRIDAY, November 19th, 1920 Marguerite Clark "ALL OF A SUDDEN PEGEY" | ALSO SPE CL AL "The BASEBALL SCANDAL" HOO eee OE O OEIOES PICTURE showing 20K ils 0} ccm Go cia Qo cist --10EJXO0 omIoRY 28 WE HAVE SOLD OUR GARAGE BUSINESS ONLY AND WILL CON- TINUE OUR ENTIRE SALES AND SERVICE DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: S. M. MORRIS The MILBURN Fashion Auto Station (INC.) SALE Sand SERVICE Now temporarily located at-- 905 University Place EVANSTON Phone EVANSTON 5975 "Formerly the Shop of the Fashion Auto Garage Service on Light Electric A Service Manager: R. M. WALSH Aaa,