WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 1920 ( 8 Days MONDAY Nov. 22nd TUESDAY Nov. 30th INCLUSIVE WE TX | e A= SLASHED BUY NOW! Blankets Wool Nap, Double-Bed Size, $7.5 Value at . . $4.95 Cotton Blankets, Double-Bed Size, in gray and tan, and in assorted bor- der colors, $4.00 Value at . $2.75 on our part, but they carry a big sacrifice on the part of the jobber and manu- facturer. We have been fortunate in securing a large quantity of mer- chandise which we can sell at much lessthanthe wholesale price of 30 days ago. The jobbers want to sell, and we know that you will wanttobuyat priceswe are quoting. Yours for better merchandise at lower prices. R. H. Schell. Many articles in our store has been marked down to practically pre-war prices. These reductions do not alone represent a sacrifice Women's Silk Blouses Variety of colors, some hand-embroid- ered, Values up to $18.00 33'[;% off Women's Flannelette Gowns, $2.00 and $2.50 value ............ $1.59 Women's Flannelette Gowns, $3.00 and $3.50 value ........... $2.39 Women's All-Over Aprons, percales and ginghams, 1-3 off Fancy Percales, 36 inch width, yard... a 29¢c Our entire stock of 27 and 36 inch outing flannel or flannelettes re- ducedtoyard ............... 29¢ Tablecloth, 64 in. mercerized cotton, damask, 7 inch colored border, vard a an $1.49 36 inch Natural color linen crash for fancy work, $2.00 value, yd. $1.49 Women's and Children's Two-piece Fleece-lined Underwear, at pre- war prices, garment 50c and 35c Women's Black Lisle and Merceriz- ed Cotton Hose, specially priced ab: sm Arar, 69c Knitting Yarn, in 4 oz. hanks, black navy, khaki, red, white and cream, Rank a rae 69c An assortment of stock-worn small skeinyarmn,2for............. 25¢ Fillet Lace curtaining, 29 in., by the yard, values up to 40c, yard . . .21c 36 inch Curtain nets, values up to 150 ab i rr ra TES 35¢ 36 inch Curtain. Swisses, in dots and Women's | Artificial Silk and Thread Silk Hose Values up to $2.00 Per Pair . $1.00 36 inch Terry cloth in stripes and all- over patterns, all colors, $1.50 valueat ......... Tibi as $1.15 Paris Garters, double and single erip, DRIF ... i. Sere 39¢ Men's flannelette pajamas and shirts $3.00, $3.25 and $3.50 value . $2.49 Men's heavy cotton, fleece-lined underwear, ecru color, shirts and All shoes, men's, women's, boy's, girl's, children's at 159, discount Men's Chambray work shirts with collar, two pockets, $2.00 value a cir $1.39 Men's Heavy Blue, Denim Overalls, regular $3.00 value ........ $2.25 Men's Unionalls, in khaki and Blue Denim, $6.00 value ........ $3.95 Men's Heavy Wool Half Hose, black sizes 10 to 12, pair .......... 48¢c Men's Canvas Work Gloves, pr. 15¢ Men's Canvas Gloves, Leather Palms, knit wrist and gauntlet DAIF a nia, eins 39¢ Boys' Blouses, $2.00 value ....$1.29 Boys' Knee Pants, sizes 8 to 18 Blue Wool Serge, lined through- out, $3.50 value ......... $2.49 Corduroy ................. $2.29 Wool, in fancy mixtures, stripes, tweeds and novelty patterns Bl rs $2.59 Boys' Mackinaws, all wool, 30 oz., sizes 8 to 18 years, values up to g $1880 at ......0. 0 $10.00 Boys' stockings, extra heavy ribbed, Ironclad Brand, 61%, to 10, 75c¢ value, all sizes, pair .......... 55¢ Swansdown Lamb's Wool Batting, 3 pound sheet, size 81x90 at . $4.50 Wool-Processed Cotton Batting, 2 pound sheet, size 72x84 at . .$1.69 checks, values up to 60c at . ...39c drawers, garment ............ 95¢ | Children's Knit Underwaists . ..49c All charge vee | RH. Schell & Co. | [zis & 4 @ Elm Street Private Exchange ~ Winnetka 900 ing this sale are due and payable Dec. 10th Department Store Merchandise