» WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1920 Classified Advertisements Rasa per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore sertion, 5c per line. News, Winnetka Weekly Talk for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by and Glencoe News, 20c per line ---- J MEN MUST EARN $350 A MONTH TO ATTRACT THESE KANSAS CO-EDS Lawrence, Kan.--Men must be earning a comfortable income before they can marry Kansas University women, if the answers to question- naires sent to 500 co-eds, can be de- pended on. The average income demanded is $350 to $450 a month. Some of the freshmen women de- clined to fall for anything less than $5,000 a year, but the older ones were less exacting in their demands. The men also received a question- naire, asking their choice of qualities in a mate, and one hundred answers emphasized the importance of com- panionship in wife. The men gave the ideal age for a woman at marriage at twenty, and seemed to think the husband ought to be able to earn around $300 a month. ; The men placed little emphasis on the cooking abilities of their pros- pective spouses. Mohammed's first wife was the widow of two husbands and was forty years old when she married Mohammed, who was then twenty- five. The speed of the minute particles emanated by radium has been esti- mated at 125,000 miles a second. GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY = HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE OR RENT--HOMES WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL | FOR SALE OR RENT--IN HUBBARD housework; plain cooking; own Woods until May 1, 6-room frame room and bath; wages $70 a month. Apply Mrs. E. J. Schager, 900 Forest avenue, Wilmette. LTG4-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HGUSE- work; must be good cook; family of four; no washing; best wages. Tel. Wil. 1555. 519 Laurel avenue, Wil- mette. LTG1i-1te WANTED--LAUNDRESS FOR 2 DAYS a week; washing" machine and mangle; ref. necessary. Phone Win. 986. TG38-1te WANTED--A CAPABLE, RELIABLE girl as second maid. Mrs. J. R Leonard, 861 Bryant avenue. Phone Win. 121, T38-1tc WANTED--SOMEONE TO KNIT three pairs of children's gloves; good workmanship. Phone Win. 913. - -- - T38-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Phone Win, 372. T38-1te WANTED--WAITRESS; GOOD WAGES Phone Win. 356. T38-1tc house; fine lot, 50 or 100 feet by 200 feet; inexpensive remodeling will make fine home with 50 feet, $6,750; with 100 feet, $8,250; rental, $45. Phone Win. 1300. LTG3-2tc FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--IDEAL LOCATION FOR building contractor, jobber, plumber supplies, storage; yard 100 feet front- age; on business street, Hubbard Woods district; two large buildings, barn and garage; bargain. Frank A. Reid, 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1300. T38-1tc MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--PRICE GUARANTEE ANY factory reduction in prices up to March 1st, 1921, we will remit back to our customers on the purchase of a piano, talking machine, washing machine, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner etc. Buy now. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. : LTG48-tfc WANTED--AN EXP. COOK. PHONE Win. 1037. T38-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--BUTCHER;' STEADY PO- sition; good wages; one half day a week off. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 514. LTG4-1tc SITUATION WANTED--BY EXPER. | houseman; reliable and competent; can wait on table; best of references. Address Winnetka Talk, A-68. T38-1tp » WANTED--WORK BY RELIABLE man, experienced in gardening and housework; also handy with carp- enter's tools. Phone Win. 1549. T38-tfc WANTED--MAN FOR ODD JOBS around house; steady; two days a week. 747 Sheridan road. Phone Win. 1353. TG38-1te NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS as first payment on pianos, talking machines, sewing machines, washing machines and vacuum cleaners. Come in before you buy. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG1-4tc FOR SALE--AMERICAN RADIATOR company hot water boiler; 750 cu. ft. radiation capacity; excellent condi- tion; selling on account of installing larger boiler. Call 1312 Asbury ave- __nue, Hubbard Woods. T38-1tc FOR SALE--SEAL AND ERMINE cape coat and muff; price $30; green fur trimmed suit, $10.00. Phone Win. 1349, T38-1tp --------eee-------- WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WHITE CROSS GINGER ALE. ROOT Reer, Orange and Lemon: Cherry Rlnssoms delivered to vour home in cases. Fred J. Lapp. 178% Prairie avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2463. LTG42-tfc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE A GRADUATE NURSE WILL TAKE elderly people requiring more or less care in her own home; refined sur- rounding; references. A-1. Phone Glencoe 650. LT49-tfe FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP; DIN- ing chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads and amethyst necklace, infants em- broidered caps, old paintings. Open Wednesday and Saturday from three to five. Community House, Winnet- ka, IIL T33-tf FOR SALE--GUSTAVE STICKNEY furniture; silk velvet portieres, Clark jewel cabinet, gas range, elec- tric sewing machine, rugs, curtains, wringers, kitchen utensils. Phone Win. 1349. T38-1tp FOR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-2tfe FOR SALE--LIBRARY TABLE AND chairs; double bed and springs, and victrola. Call after 1 P. M, Phone Win. 1046. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--PLAYER PIANO; IN good condition; Weber make; for im- mediate sale $350. Phone Win. 88. T38-1tc WANTED--A BASSINETTE ON wheels; a tricycle, a baby carriage with large wheels, a victrola; all in good condition. Phone Win. 261. : T38-1tp HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. LTG39-tfe WANTED TO BUY--NURSERY FURN- iture, book shelves, etc. Phone Win. 1651, or call 419 Maple avenue. T38-1tc WANTED--SINGER SEWING MACH- ine. Phone Win. 850. LTG51-tfe LOST AND FOUND LOST--ON FRIDAY, NOV. 12, ON Chicago and Northwestern train Chinese silver tea pot, left in smok- ing car, train leaving Chicago at 8:05 P. M. Reward if returned to J. M. Hancock, 848 North avenue, Win- netka. Phone Win. 94. TG38-3te _ Oil from sharks is used for light- ing purposes in some parts of the West Indies. ( Situation Wanted FOR SALE--RARE ANTIQUE MA- hogany dresser. H. A. Lindwall, 508 Linden street, Winnetka. T38-3tc FOR SALE--HEATING STOVE. 857 Michigan avenue. Phone Wil. 1672. LTG4-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED room with private family, one and a half blocks from transportation. Ad- dress P. O. Box 1, Winnetka. LTG3-2tc IN PRIVATE FOR RENT--ROOM family; convenient to all transpor- tation. Phone Wil. 2098. LT4-1te FOR RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS. PHONE Win. 1015. T38-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO LEASE--MODERN 7- room residence, stucco or brick in suburb north of Evanston. Address Lake Shore News, B-17. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA, A COM- fortable home-like modern Dutch Colonial home, overlooking golf grounds; only $15,500; inquire 877 Elm street or phone Win. 1689. LTG4-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED TO BUY--SMALL HOUSE IN Winnetka; good east side location; will consider remodeling proposition; want best price for cash. Address Winnetka Talk, M-61. T38-4tp Ls FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER, DEMO rims, wheel lock; good condition, = $300. A real bargain in a used touring car; completely overhauled; $260. Eg A. R. Glendening, 810 Church street, Phone Evanston 6949. LTG4-1tc FORD TOURING CAR; JUST OVER- hauled; in excellent condition; Demo rims, starter and other extras; $275. E. P. Mollohan, 810 Church street. Phone Evanston 4884. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN; STARTER, Demo rims, lock; other extras; in A-1 condition. Bargain $475.00. E. P. Mollohan, 810 Church street. Phone Evanston 4884. LTG4-1te FOR SALE--MILBURN ELECTRIC, late model; bargain for quick sale. Phone Evanston 1479. LTG4-1te Seamstress (white) $6.00 per day. Call MISS NAPP, Randolph 6061 OETA £ IE WO or three large family washings could be done at a discount of price if called for at certain time. Phone Kenilworth 222 TT TTT ES IF ALL TEETH ARE LOST WEAR A Sanitary Metal Plate EXPERT MECHANICAL DENTISTS We are thoroughly experienced in supplying teeth on metal plates. Gold, Silver, Aluminum, '"Watts" Metal Cast Gold Plates, Gold Lined Plates Our X-Ray will locate your hidden tooth troubles Meta} Plate. A GOOD CONDUCTOR OF A NON-CONDUCTOR Set of Teeth--Save Half. . ...... $5 to $25 $10 GoldCrown.................54t0 $ 7 Bridgework, per Tooth... ...... $6 to $10 Carfare allowed to parties living within 40 miles of city. Boston Dental Parlors 135 S. State St., Chicago ~ ESTABLISHED 1909 WINNETKA STATE BANK Send home a Christmas present to your friends abroad in the form of a draft. We draw drafts direct at present rates on all points except Russia. RESOURCES OVER $600,000.00 CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney DIRECTORS HENRY P. CROWELL, President Quaker Oats Company Interest credited from December Ist on all Savings Deposits received up to December 6th Open Saturday Evening 7 to 8 o'clock Come in this Saturday evening and start that account VICTOR ELTING, Attorney LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, President B. Kuppenheimer Company JOHN R. LEONARD, Bridge & Leonard, Commission Merchants WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING, Capitalist HENRY R. HALE, Cashier 22207000 722% for Christmas footwear. you will need. The Spirit of Christmas has found its expression through gifts in many ways. We submit to you one of the practical ways, that of Shoes for Occasions! This is the season of the year when we need many kinds of foot- wear. We are able to supply you with the kinds of shoes that SUGGESTIONS Warm comfortable Slippers for those cold wintry mornings. A complete stock of Rubbers and Overshoes for protection in bad weather. Durable and serviceable shoes for every day wear. Dress shoes for parties and formal occasions. Iz, Dizi zi Z 7 i ob de aL ae Ta dh di 2/0 2 2 7% Come to us-- We can help you with all of your problems in Foot Wear W000 0000722 7 805 Elm Street NA LOMDAHL'S OOT SHOP Phone Winnetka 1108 222% % 7777 # WINNETKA 2