TE A EE [PER ST 8 a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920 COLLECT $5,886,771 IN AUTOMOBILE FEES Amount Collected in Illinois Five as Much as Received in 1916, Says Secretary Emmerson Nearly six million dollars has been collected in automobile license fees this year by Secretary of State Louis IL. Emmerson. The total to date is $5,886,771.82. In the collection of these fees Illi- nois has made a record for economy. The cost has been only 5.3 per cent of the amount collected. The aver- age cost in other states is 10 per according to reports made at the re- cent national meeting of Secretaries of state. The amount collected in automo- bile fees this year is five times as much as was collected in 1916 the year previous to the beginning of the present administration. The in- crease will aid materially in paying for the construction of the hard roads system of the state. - The growth of automobile fees since 1911, the first year fees were collected, has been phenomenal. The total for that year was $105,.344, collected from 38269 automobile owners. Since that time the amount of fees and the number of automobiles has been as follows: Year. Fees. Automo- biles. 1 I NG a $ 37571622 68,012 913... nade 507,137.77 94,646 14 AEE Berit es 703,403.70 131,140 BOIS: Lous aaa 924,905.74 180,832 1916: 0.0L. 1,236,566.35 248,529 110 ER SI i 1,588,834.69 340,292 SIONS SL. et 2,764,330.28 389,761 0100, inns 3,262,176.57 478,438 1920 (to date).... 5886,771.82 568,739 Bulla Bullas Prepare For Masquerade Dance Popular North Shore Amusement Club to Stage Fifth Annual Mas- querade January 5. Thursday evening, January 6, prom- ises to be an evening of merriment at Jones' Hall, Wilmette, when the Bulla Bulla club, of Evanston, will give their fifth annual prize masquer- ade dance. The management in charge of the affair has been very for- tunate in securing one of the largest halls on the north shore, and Jones' hall has been recently remodeled and redecorated. 'As the dance is in Wilmette it is expected that many north shore towns will be represented and many prizes will be donated to the wearers of the most comical and most orig- inal costumes. Last year many car- ried home valuable prizes. The annual affair is very popular with the young people, and for the past five years the Bulla Bulla club has held the largest masquerades ever attempted on the north shore, with success, and this event promises to be a repetition of former years. Everybody is invited to attend, and the music will be furnished by Bulla's Rubber band. Anyone may attend, whether masked or not. MUSIC AND PLAY SCORE HIT IN XMAS PROGRAM New Trier High School Entertains North Shore Residents With Holiday Program. A delightful Christmas entertain- ment was held in the New Trier High school auditorium, Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. The program opened with the cus- tomary community sing, augmented by selections by the High School Glee clubs and orchestra. The com- mnnity singing and the work of the glee clubs and orchestra were par- ticularly well done, due to the pains- taking efforts of Mrs. Cotton, di- rector of music at New Trier High school. The second part of the program was a Miracle Play, given by high school students, under the direction of Miss Stanwood, director of dra- matics. The play scored a decided hit and proved one of the most unique and impressive of the school's dramatic efforts. Get A Maid For 30c Buy Through Want Ads TheSmartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "made with your own material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 North State CHICAGO 16 North Wabash NEW TRIER HEAVIES AND LIGHTS BEAT ENGLEWOOD Lightweights Win Easily 50 to 6 While Heavy Squad is Victorious By 49 o 9 Score ; ---- _ Englewood's basketeers failed to live up to expectations, Saturday aft- ernoon, at New Trier High school, the result being two one-sided vic- tories for New Trier The north shore heavies won 49-9 while the lightweights were content with a 50 to 6 win. Al Rand played his first game of the season with the lightweights and sank 13 baskets. George Kershaw continued to star, his shooting net- ting 8 baskets and two free throws for his team. Brown and White, of the heavies, led the scoring with 6 baskets each. Varney dropped five through the ring, Wienecke 4 and Parker 3. New Trier (49). B.F.P.T. Parkes rl on. coils 3.0.00 Varney, lf Le 0 Brown iC, cv. vies fons vain 8:1:0.0 Weinecke, Ig. «vu niin a 4 000 White, 1. gL vd Radi. 6:0 1.0 Englewood (9). . B.F.P.T. Hellgren; ri... ci bavi ess 0000 Sima E. La ae i ig En) SEN | Stair ic aa 00:00 Stevens, weir ia Lili 1:0: 0-0 Kopp, 1g. ... i... iis unn 2:0:00 LIGHTWEIGHTS. New Trier (50). "EP. 1 Anderson; rf. vio oe 00:20 Rand dts... ot oiiiion. 130 1 0 Kershaw, ¢. ioe. ia. 8 2:01 BOICe, Foi vu visser vite, 130 0:0 Smith, dg, iin aia Burt, TE on. vei tnesinn i 0-000 Englewood (6). * FP. T. Davis, rf. ii ue. ¥en 00.0 0 Swain A covisvvanainiiiod 0:00 0 Pickells SC... vice: vei es ess 0 400 Yockard, ref ua. oni. is.. Burnet, Ig... 0.0.00. 0.0 0:0 Davis, rg... 0 suid 00:00 Rines HW vo oid an 6 0:10 NEW TRIER NATATORS OUT- SWIM HARRISON IN 2 MEETS New Trier's swimmers opened their 1920-21 season at the north shore natatorium, Saturday evening, by defeating Harrison in two meets. The juniors copped 33 to 19, the se- niors finishing on the big end of a 40 to 19 event. Skelton, Schmedtgen and Kerr, of New Trier, starred in the main issue, while Corbett and : Kennedy carried away honors. ' Summaries: SENIOR MEET Plunge--Won by Watkins, Harri- son; Atwood, New Trier, second; Kozik, Harrison, third. Distance, 60 feet. 60-yard back stroke--Won by Kerr, New Trier; Brockstra, Harrison, sec- ond; Skelton, New Trier, third. Time. :43 3-5. 40-yard swim--Won by Jones, New Trier; Schmedtgen, New Trier, sec- ond; Herschberger, Harrison, third. Time, :22. 100-yard breast stroke--Won by Skelton, New Trier; Hamilton, New Trier, second; Jaros, Harrison, third. Time, 1:17 2-5. 100-yard swim--Won by Hersch- berger, Harrison; Davis, New Trier, second; Bennett, New Trier, third. Time, 1:03 Fancy diving--Won by Schmedt- gen, New Trier; Fisman, Harrison, second; Davis, New Trier third. Relay -- Won by New Trier (Schmedtgen, Donaldson, Jones, Ben- nett). Time, 1:31. JUNIOR MEET. Plunge--Won by Sankstone, Harri- son; Murdock, New Trier, second; Fletcher, New Trier, third. Distance 46 feet. Fancy diving--Won by Corbett, New Trier; Newport, New Trier, sec- ond; Jones, Harrison, third. 40-yard swim--Won by Kennedy; the junior New Trier; Anderson, New Trier, second; Hayner, Harrison, third. Time, :232-5. 40-yard breast stroke--Won by Hoffman, Harrison; Bell, Harrison, second; Corbett, New Trier, third. Time, :32. TWO GAMES WITH CRANE New Trier High school basketball officials have booked a light and heavyweight basketball game with Crane Technical High school for Thursday evening, December 30, at New Trier High school. As Crane presents one of the strongest lineups boasted by Chicago high schools, it is fair to assume that two lively en- counters will take place that evening. | [LAN with us for materials, when you build or repaur. EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 - ANNOUNCE DATES FOR STATE POULTRY SHOW Elaborate Preparations for Annual Exhibit at Monmouth, Ill, Janu- ary, 4 to 8, 1921. "The Way Monmouth Does It" is emphasized in the elaborate prepara- tions that are being made by the local poultry association and the Monmouth Association of Com- VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. In the Superior Court of Cook County, . Illinois. po General Number 360762. . Notice 'is herby given to all persons interéStel that the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, having or- dered a supplemental special assess- ment to pay the estimated deficiency in the cost of the work and interest for the construction of a local improve- ment in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for which said improve- ment provided as follows, to-wit: For the construction of a storm water sewer and outlet ditch from and con- necting with the present storm water sewer in North Avenue approximately one hundred forty-six (146) feet west of the west line extended of Vernon Street, west in North Avenue, to and connecting with the present open ditch at the intersection of North Avenue with Valley Street, including the con- struction of a Portland cement con- crete end wall, a concrete combined manhole and inlet, two cast iron storm water sewer inlets, and engineering and supervision during the construction of said improvement, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, and which said ordinance was passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnetka on the sixteenth day of De- cember, A. D. 1919, and which special assessment proceeding was known as General Number 351468 in the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, the or- dinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said village, and the said village having ap- plied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for a supplemental special assessment to pay the esti- mated deficiency in the cost of the work and interest of said local im- provement, according to the benefits and a supplemental special assessment therefor having been made and re- turned to said Court, General Number 360762, the final hearing thereon will be held on the third day of January, A. D. 1921, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring, may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said supplemental special assessment in ten (10) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (59) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, December 17, A. D. 1920. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winuetka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illi- nois), to make said supple- . mental special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T40-2tc Everything to Wear for the Xmas Season Dresses, Suits, Coats and Waists ------ AT THE ee -- Unique Style Shop 1126 Central Avenue, WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2403 X{/ ITE your New Year's resolutions grocery order slip and then send it to on your this food store. Resolve that you're going to eat the best of foods. That's exactly the same as wish- ing yourself a Happy New Year. PHONE FOR IT! WINNETKA merce in charge of arrangements for the twenty-seventh annual show of the Illinois State Poultry association, to be held in that city, January 4 to 8, the armory. Monmouth is ideally situated to handle the show, as it is in the western part of the state and has every facility for entertaining its visitors in an excellent manner. From early reports it is indicated that about ten thousand persons will attend the show. Headquarters will be established in the Monmouth As- sociation of Commerce rooms, where delegates will be furnished lodgings and other information will be fur- nished. State secretary, A. D. Smith, of the Illinois State Poultry association of Quincy, Ill, urges that all entries be in his office not later than mid- night of December 26. Commenting on the exhibits Mr. Smith states, "Of every variety that has fifty specimens in the single class we will give the winner of the best display a mahog- any chest of community silverware of 26 pieces, fine enough for any table. "The entire show will be comped with the Keipper Coops. "The Warren County Poultry as- sociation will banquet free all visit- ing exhibitors on Thursday evening of the week of the show. "The Rhode Island Red club, the Buff Orpington club, the Singie Comb Minorca club, the Partridge Wyandotte club, the Columbian Wyandotte club and the Light Bra- ham club, will met there and we ex- pect to Ancona Andlusion and Brown Leghorn clubs will hold their. state meetings with tk2 state show, and in the event of the :lubs showing 100 birds, pens counting two birds, we will give the different clubs 20 per cent of the entry fee back to be used as the clubs see fit. A member of the family escaped from with family loaf of bread. Russian royal 1 the bolsheviki heirlooms, baked in a GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY Hubbard Woods Garage LA Will sell the stock from the Hubbard Woods Motor Car Co. at a discount of 25% from list prices. We also carry a full line of Tubes, Weed Chains and other Accessories. of tires purchased TELEPHONE WINNETKA 617 # 13) i 3) 3) # 3) 3) 3) ) ws & 3) # # 3) 13) 3) 1063 Gage Street HRVVRLRVRVRVVRRRRRR Merry Christmas! Hubbard Woods Tailors & Cleaners Formerly H. E. ODHNER, Tailor Expert Tailoring--Dry Cleaning iii le i ee Te Phone Winnetka 278 ST Te Te Te Te Te Te ee a Phone 2491 SIL CONSULT @arl £. Sterner On. Interior Derorators and Furnishers LUTTE BR TT TT SUGGESTIONS, DRAWINGS, ESTIMATES :: :» CHEERFULLY SUBMI1TED " LTE CE TE ET TE TL In our Store we carry a full line of WALL PAPER and PAINTS for Home use. TLLLLLLLL ELLE ELLLLLLL LLL ddd ddd edd lll lilldisbili Ll li blll ld LLL a 2277 777777 R. W. BARTELMANN CO. Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish 1215 WILMETTE AVENUE 7 i iliiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiidiid Phone Lincoln 7012-3 Z. 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves. (ar iiidiiidiririiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiddidddddidddddd ddddddddddddddddddid ddd rrr 0770 (IR Ze dade diziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis