WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1921 7 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AUTOS | ally perfect; will sell at a sacrifice. Some 32,500 disabled ex-soldiers of TOR SALE. POMERANIAN DOG | FOR SALE --AUTOMOBILES_NEW,| Coll Evanston 579, Mr. Feeley, tc|the United States army are now CLASSIFIED ADS male; 1 year old. Phone Win. 620-R. used, abused; all makes; all prices. ; LrGs.1te| Roy Vogel. Phone Lake Forest 617. | FOR SALE--FRANKLIN TOURING; | studying in 2,200 institutions, ranging FOR SALE--ONE_ SPEEDING SLEIGH LTGT7-6tc 3A Shassis oe body) Sxeeliont td from Harvard down to high schools cheap. Phone Win. 1467. T42-1tc | FOR SALE--OLDSMOBILE 1920, 4-| over; tires good; $500 cash down and and business colleges, at the expense WANTED--FEMALE HELP WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS passenger coupe; run 5000 miles; balance of $575 time payments.|of the federal government. like 1 ; physi ic- WANTED --A GIRL, FOR GENBRAL| WANTED TO BUY--USED OFFICE lire new; physically snd mechanic Breese. Phone Win. 249. T42-1te housework; three adults; good desk. Phone Win. 1184. T42-1tc wages; no washin g. Phone Wil. iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiier 1707. LTGS8-1te LOST AND FOUND Ph TT A NU one 2491 1215 WILMETTE AVENUE WANTED _MAID FOR GENERAL | $20 REWARD FOR RETURN OF OR WILLIA housework; family of two. 1018 information leading to recovery of . Tenth street. Phone Wil. 931-J. Airdale lost December 11, in Win- Carl £. Sterner Go. Interior Decorators and Furnishers TTT CTH TT SUGGESTIONS, DRAWINGS, ESTIMATES «+ :: CHEERFULLY SUBMI1TED : :: In our Store v= carry a full line of WALL PAPER and PAINTS for Home use. LTGS-1te netka; male, name "Sandy," tips of TAN both ears off. N. W. Harris, 594 WANTED--A HOUSEMAID; GOOD wages; small family; no laundry Spruce street, Wiinnetka. Phone Win. work. Phone Wil. 2349. LT8-1te| 1693. LTGS-1te Stanley Steam Car Station Repairs--Adjustments--New Parts New and Used Cars FOR SALE The simplest car to drive and understand. HUBBARD WOODS Tel. Winn. 956 R777 777777777 rrrrriiiiriiiuiiiddiiiii, For Quick Sale Two Pedigree Russian Wolf Hounds :: Thoroughbred N' Male and Female Phone Monroe 6925 N77 7777777777 aad ZZ, SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE A GRADUATE NURSE WILL TAKE elderly people requiring more or less care in her own home; refined sur- roundings; references. A-1. Phone Glencoe 650. LT49-tfc COOK PARTIES SUNDAY DINNER; all kinds of day work. Phone Evans- ton 6689. TG42-1tp ° DRESSMAKER WANTS FAMILY EN- gagements; best of references. Ad- dress Winnetka Weekly Talk, H-8. T42-1tp Eas I A BIG SALE WANTED -- WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening and ZN HI SSLLLSSSSSLLSSSLSLSSLILTS 7777777 rrrzarzzdirziziiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid A TR BL Td Tay Serge, Tricotine and : New Records = Cita Silk Dresses FOR SALE--~HOUSEHOLD GOODS Co NOW d il | e FOR SALE_ATTIC GIFT SHOP, DIN- me in and avail yourselves ing chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads of this exceptional sale 4 - ? and amethyst necklace, infants em- AT THE mm FS Margie broidered caps, old paintings. Open . i Wed d d Saturd f th Re Communty House, Winner: Unique Style Shop ka, 111. T33-tf | ||| 1126 2 Avenue, WILMETTE { Whispering FOR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, TABLES. Phone Wilmette 2403 a : chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, i > cases, beds, sewing machine. We 7 Japanese Sandman buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-2tfc Avalon HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING * bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 ou going to anston 103. note TRASs tte te d? Do you FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN -- USED . en washing machine; in perfect | condition. Phone Win. 44, Trs-1t0 contemp aterepairs? FOR RENT--ROOMS For materials--see "FOR RENT --TWO WARM FUR- EDWARD HINES nished rooms with bath and kitchen- || ette, near transportation; also gar- ~ age. Phone Win. 519-W. T42-1tc LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Sweet Woman Cuban Moon Phone Ev. 654 PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. EVANSTON FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--SIX-ROOM FLAT, 1730 Walnut avenue. Phone Wil. 1665. LTGS8-1tp hhh 2 \ \ \ \ FOUNTAIN \ OFFICE SUPPLIES \ \ TYPEWRITERS . SQUARE . © STATIONERY \ N SPORTING GOODS | EVANSTON . EEL V0 777777 7 7 uum 700 77777777 7 nisi 722% Get Ready Now For Your 1921 Office Needs | Let Us Equip Your Office With-- SPECIAL PRICES | BLANK BOOKS LOOSE LEAF GOODS For Typewriter Papers TYPEWRITER PAPER FILING DEVICES ENVELOPES 1,000 reams of our No. 500 paper, in all sizes from 6 to 12-- a good second sheet, riguiar $1.50 cy [98 also Jook-in envelopes value, while it lasts, at I ALL R77 mii hE HEE 1921 DATE BOOKS --all sizes--leather and cloth covers 1921 DESK PADS and CALENDARS | 500 reams of 16-Ib. light bond, $1 75 worth $2.25 per ream, reduced to Desks, Typewriter Tables and all other Office Furniture TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES 400 reams of 20-1b. Erie bond, $2. 00 TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES worth $2.75 per ream, reduced to We buy, sell, rent and repair all makes of typewriters CAN BE FILLED HERE $2.75 per ream, reduced to OO i i. ff, _ _ __ EE EEE EVERY NEED OF YOUR OFFICE All our No. 400 paper, worth $2. 00 | 222 yy