Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Jan 1922, p. 12

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a 12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS Rates--10c per line for each insertion, Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE its 7 REAL ATTRACTIVE BUYS Almost new b room stucco bungalow; fire place; sleeping porch; hot water heat; tile bath; good lot; only $8,000. E. Z. terms. Unusual value! 9 room stucco; steam heat; double garage; deep wooded lot 65x210; 2 baths; only $15,000; owner must sell; make offer. 6 room brick bungalow; sun and sleeping porches; 2 baths; fire place; hot water heat; garage; lot 55x150; only $16,000. Reasonable terms; owner leaving; make offer. Spacious 8 room stucco; glazed sun and sleeping porches; hot water heat; large garage; deep wooded lot; a homey home with two fire places and two baths; $18,000; reasonable terms; make offer. Unique 6 room brick bungalow, 2 baths; hot water heat; garage; 55 ft. lot; $16,000. EB. Z. terms. Owner going to California; must sell. Submit offer. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 407 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 407 6 Room stucco, 4 years old, water heat, large living room with fireplace, fine lo- cation, in perfect condition. $12,500. 9 Room stucco, lot 63x159, finest section of Wilmette, 5 bed rooms, a bargain at $15,500. New 7 Room stucco, sun porch, 4 bed rooms, extra lavatory, $19,000. 5 Room stucoo bungalow, hot water heat, 2 bed rooms, large sleeping porch, also sun porch, both glazed, convenient to "LJ, $16,000. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG11-1tc FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated dining porch, brick and stucco residence; h. w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette 1935. LTG4-tfc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE IN 'Winnetka east of tracks, 3 blocks from station; seven rooms on first and sec- ond floors; maid's quarters with bath on third floor. Handsomely furnished. Hot water heat with "No Kol" burner. Double garage, large grounds. From Feb. 1 to May 1 with possession Jan- uary 20th. Appointment by telephone; Lake View 8026. zy LTGY9-3tc "FOR RENT--FINE MODERN 7 ROOM home; sun parlor and sleeping porch; SITUATION WANTED -- BUILDING mechanic wants construction work of any kind; altering, repairing. Walt Page, 1485 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1041. TG45-1tp WANTED--PAINTING AND CALCIMIN- ing; building maintenance; repairs of all kinds. Phone Win. 456. T45-1tc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG50-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- MALE AND Pe 11 Lo RR eR SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AND wife; experienced and willing to work as couple; good references. Phone Lake Forest 750. T45-1tp WANTED BY RELIABLE (SCOTCH couple) position as caretaker, in private home. Phone Glencoe 6628. Td45-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES I'HREE BARGAINS 1920 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN JUST past the 7,000 mile mark. This car has never left the streets of Winnetka. It is in exceptionally fine condition through- out. Equipped with cord tires. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1,500. 1919 MODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNIGHT 7 passenger touring; in the very best mechanical condition; a good set of tires; this car is just out of our paint shop and is finished in beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running gears. It is honestly represented and is good for thousand of miles. Price $750.00. 1916 5 PASSENGER CASE TOURING in very good condition throughout. This car is finished in a wonderful sea grass green with black running gears. It is equipped with a good set of tires; a very economical and reliable car. Price $350.00. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. 165. LTG11-1te FOR SALE--FORD DELIVERY CAR; open grocery body; good condition; cheap. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central _ avenue, Wilmette, ~~ . LTGll-ltc FOR SALE--KING 8 TOURING CAR; tires and running condition good. Phone 'Win. 989. LTG11-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD oDs . FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD NECESS- ities; one modern Stewart gas range, side oven $25.00; Wilson & Gibbs sew- ing machine $10.00; both in first class condition. 922 North avenue. Phone Win. 809. LTI11-1tc FOR SALE--PAIR PLAIN MAHOGANY twin beds with springs and mattresses; in good condition; will sell or exchange for one double mahogany bed, springs and mattress. Phone Win. 156-R. ee 0-10 FOR SALE--NEW READING LAMP $20,00; floor lamp with silk shade $12.00; over-stuffed armchair, covered in Mo- hair, real bargain, good as new, $50.00; old oak dining table with six chairs $25.00; two fumed oak rockers $5 each; one fine coil spring, full-sized $8.00. These prices are made cheap for quick sale. 840 Foxdale avenue. Phone Win. 1699. T45-1tc Ln FOR BA RL1-BRED AIRDALE . 7 puppies, make sure burglar-proof ey, 95: ow CU aed Yash. dogs males, $25; females $10. i El. ? io - a ress aKe ore ews, irdale. "Phone Win. 552-R. T43 tfc TGA4-3te FOR RENT--APARTMENT FOR RENT--FIRST FLOOR 5 ROOM unfurnished apartment; private bath; kitchenette; screened back porch; private veranda; heat, gas, electricity. Hot water heat included. Occupancy February 1st. Wilmette Inn, 726 11th street. LTG10-tfe : "FOR _RENT--ROOMS CE FOR RENT--ONE LARGE, FURNISHED bedroom; also heated garage. 1021 1 avenue. Phone Wil. 935-W. Cone 4 LTGI11-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LTG7-tfc FOR RENT--A FURNISHED ROOM; near transportation and restaurant. 806 Elm street, Winnetka. ____Td5-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FURN- ished house or flat in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods, March 1st to May 1st; no children. Phone Highland PALE =. -1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; four in family; 3 adults, one 12 year old daughter; good place for the right party. Phone Ken- ilworth LT11-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR HOUSE- work and help with 19 month old baby; cook unnecessary; character references required. Phone Win. 105. LTG1l1-1tc WANTED--NURSE GIRL FOR AFTER- noons; wages $4 per week. Phone Wil 241. LT11-1tc "SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG woman in a north shore family doing upstairs work or other light duties and sewing. Phone Win. 207. T45-1tec WANTED--BY YOUNG WOMAN FROM 9 to 4, five days a week, housework or nursing. Address Weekly Talk C-41. TG45-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY IK. AT home, clean job furnished; reasonable price; called for and delivered. Tel Glencoe 555 for further information. ___TG44-2tc LET MISS CARLSTON DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations; reliable. Phone Win. 911 before 8 A. M. T44-tfc SITUATION WANTED--EXPERTENCED woman wishes cooking, serving or cleaning by day or hour. Phone Win. 583-R. T45-1tc WANTED--GIRT, (WHITE) FOR GEN- eral housework; small family; good wages; no laundry; experience and ref- erence required. Tel. Wil. 2349. TG45-1te WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. White. T33-tfc ~ SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man, experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LTGY-tfc CHAUFFEUR; AMERICAN (MARRIED) desires position; 20 years experience with all cars. Van Blarcom. Phone Win. 215. T45-1tp around house; furnaces taken care of day or hour. Paul Weiler. Phone Win 8332. T45-1tp J FOR SALE--MAHOGANY END DAY bed; fumed oak library table, and three rockers. Address 1376 Asbury avenue. Phone Win. 159. T45-1tc FOR SALE--$90.00 HOOSIER WHITE enamel kitchen cabinet; latest design; perfect order; for $50.00. Telephone Glencoe 899. TG45-1te ALE--FUMED OAK DINING table, 6 chairs and buffet $35.00; fumed oak library table. Wil. 1383. L11-1tp FOR SALE--IRON BED AND SPRING; gas fixtures, rotary ash sifter. Phone Win. 729. Sa T45-1tp FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE LIVING room table; $20. Call Win. 685. L45-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACHINES White $15.00; Rotary White $22.00; Domestic $8.00; New Home $15.00; Singer $18.00; Singer $22.00; Singer $25.00; Standard $18.00; Wilcox and Gibbs $18.00; Wilcox and Gibbs $25.00; Electric sewing machines portable, $38.00 to $50.00. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evans- ton 654. _LTG10-3te SALE ON USED TALKING MACHINES, taken in trade on our Brunswick, Edison and Sonora machines. We al- ways have good bargains on talking machines. We carry most all the good makes. Easy payments. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evans- ton 6564. LTG10-tfe FOR SALE USED PIANOS. OVER- hauled. Decker $90.00; Cable $110.00; Smith and Sons $125.00; Doll and Son $130.00; Wellington $175.00; Bauer $195.00. Come in and see our new Cable-Nelson pianos. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evans- ton 654. LTG10-3te FOR SALE--MILK-FED POULTRY, dry picked. CIOBBE «ins iv shins + adinls vin sive Skisiond 1b. 30c Roasting Chicken"... ...c deve. on 1b. 35c BroHers =... Neues sr dios vada 1b. 50c Apply 7538 N. Clark street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 6890. LT11-1tp USED WASHING MACHINES, rebuild. Molo $55.00; Thor $65.00; Thor $75.00; Thor $80.00; Thor $45.00; Eden $70.00; Judd $60.00. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evans- ton 654. LTG10-3tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. LTG1-tfc FOR SALE--LIVING ROOM AND BED room furniture, beds, library table, piano bench, music cabinet, floor lamp, small mahongany table, table lamp, ete., etc. 821 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. LT11-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY BILLIARD table with library top; first class con- dition. Phone Wil. 266. 811 Ashland avenue, LTG10-1te FOR SALE--GENTLEMAN'S FUR-LIN- ed overcoat; fine condition; reasonable for cash. Phone Winnetka 320. LTG11-1te FOR SALE -- WHITE SHINGLED wooden dog house; absolutely new; $5.00. 922 North avenue. Phone Win. 809. LT11-1te FOR SALE--FRANZ-PREMIER ELEC- tric cleaner with all attachments; per- fect condition. Phone Wil. 471. LTG11-1te FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE; WHITE ! able price. and gray; reed; good condition; reason- FOR SALE--SIMMONS BRASS BED; complete (double); large size tubing; very reasonable. Phone Win. 599-J. T45-1te FOR SALE--PIANO; $150. PHONE WIN. 652-7. LTG11-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--A SMALL electric or lamp; carpenter bench. INCUBATOR; good condition; also Phone Win. 1334. LTG11-1tp -- 4, furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emmerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG19-tfc MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION OWNERS OF OIL. BURNING "HEATING PLANTS, We have a nmber of steel tanks, suitable for storage and supply of oil-burning heating plants in 1000-2000 and 3000 gal. sizes. These tanks are complete with fittings for installation. We will in- stall same at a minimum cost; a large tank will simplify your fuel problems and enable you to buy in larger quan- tities which means a saving in the price of fuel. If several parties inter- ested could arranged for purchase and installation at the same time they woul effect a considerable saving in the cost of installation. Continental Tank Works 105 Monroe Street Chicago, Ill. Phone Dearborn 1388 Mr. Nichols. LTG10-3te UPHOLSTERING, LACE SHADES, draperies, slip covers. Formerly with Mandel Bros. 1922 Maple avenue, Ev- anston. Phone Evanston 3352-W. JAMES B. MACFARLANE Interior Decorator LTGY-4tc By PW. BRADSTREET. HE possession of a desir- able building lot always encourages the building And it makes it Talk home owning of a home. possible. with us and we'll show you how. gp 5 PW. BRADSTREET | HEADQUARTERSTIWANNETKA REAL ESTATE | ny anil ILLINOIS PHONE WINNETKA 162 2 LOST AND FOUND Li --_-- RIER name Buster; finder please phone Win. 545-J. (Reward). T45-1tc LOST--BETWEE 'N HUBBARD WOODS and Winnetka, Roman Gold Pin, set with green Mosaic. Phone Win. 514-R. T45-1tc JUNK DEALERS NOTICE 30 CENTS, 50 CENTS, 3 pound. Tel. Win, 1351. N THE T45-3tp INJURES FOOT ON TRAIN Jack Higbee, 810 Lake avenue, Wil- mette, student at New Trier High school, was painfully injured Friday night of last week when his foot was caught under the iron "leaves," cover- ing the coupling between two cars on a Chicago and Northwestern train. Higbee was accompanying the New Trier basketball team to Waukegan when the accident occurred. He was taken to the Waukegan hospital where it was discovered the injury was only a flesh wound. SCHOOL MUSIC PROGRAM Students and faculty of New Trier High school enjoyed one of the month- ly programs of music at Assembly last Friday. Miss Moschel and Mr. Snyder, members of the faculty, pre- sented several vocal numbers. The programs are arranged by Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, director of music at the school. PREACHES HERE SUNDAY Dr. Benjamin 8. Winchester, a former Winnetka pastor, will preach the sermon at the Winnetka Con- gregational church Sunday morning, January 22. MICKIE SAYS THERE © ALWANS BIZNESS FER, TH' MAN WHO GOES AFTER IT INTELLIGENTLY BY USING OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS 1155 WILMETTE AVE. we "Profit by Our Service" PHONE WILMETTE 214 |_eecrric| DANNEMARK'S SHOP HOOVER - and - A Eden - North Shore Agents for bso-Clean- A. The New Improved VACUUM WASHER WASHERS Conover SIMPLEX RONE Myasepelie Dishwashers "Wire SWEEPER-VAC /"THE BEST IRONER" TEIN = Factory Service: It Pays to Buy In Wilmette Phone Win. 174; Sunday. | Te5-Rel NEW FORD PRIGES Effective Monday, January 16th. Chassis ...$285.00 with starter and demo. rims $380.00 Runabout . 319.00 with starter and demo. rims 414.00 Touring .. Coupelet $580.00 Sedan $645.00 348.00 with starter and demo. rims 443.00 All F. O. B. Detroit. War tax not included Open and Closed F ord Cars on Display at 'R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer With Facilities to Render Real Service Phone Evanston 4884 Sorc CAR THE 4 SLVR) 810 Church Street EVANSTON Sa

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