WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 CHICAGO EDUCATORS LAUD LOCAL SCHOOLS Two Groups of Chicago Prin- cipals Examine -Methods Winnetka's public schools under the direction of Superintendent Wash- burne, are creating nation-wide inter- est because of the unique and efficient methods employed in the "Individual Instruction" system. On Wednesday of this week two groups of principals of the Chicago grammar schools visited Winnetka for the purpose of investigating and ex- amining the educational plan that is causing such widespread interest. The groups that visited Winnetka were two of the seven auxiliaries compris- ing the 350 principals in the Chicago schools, and which are selected to con- duct research work and formulate plans for more progressive teaching methods. John L. Lewis, principal of the Ray- mond school and president of one of the Chicago Principals' auxiliaries, when asked for a statement concern- ing his opinion of the Winnetka In- struction Plan, said: Praises Winnetka System "Our groups are in the habit of in- vestigating new and progressive edu- cational methods. We came to the Winnetka schools to examine the standards here, and to learn what the Winnetka Plan represents. I like the schools, like the methods. Mr. Wash- burne is doing a great work. The school is unique and there are a great many features of Mr. Washburne's sys- tem that might well be adopted, not only in Chicago schools, but in similar schools throughout the country." George A. Beers, another auxiliary leader, when interviewed by a repre- sentative of the Winnetka Talk, said: "The institutions are few that at- tract such general interest among Chi- cago school principals and demand investigation such as we are making. Winnetka shoulld be proud of her splendid school system and the re- markable educational advantages af- forded its school children." Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid McLaughlin entertained at luncheon and bridge Royal Arcanum Installs Officers For New Year Formal installation of officers was observed Monday evening of this week by the Winnetka council Royal Arcanum in a meeting at Winnetka Community House. Officers for the ensuing year, in- stalled by Deputy Grand Regent W. P. McCracken, Jr. and Grand Guard Loomis included: R. C. Melleny, regent. J. F. Eckart, Sr., vice regent. H. L. Clarke, orator. BE. A. Rummler, sitting past regent. Louis L. Knackstadt, secretary. Byron A. Nelson, treasurer. A. T. Weinstock, collector. W. J. MacFadzean, chap- lain. Fred Radmer, guard. C. R. Backkemo, warden. J. F. Eckart, Jr., secretary. x Three TURKISH Friendly VIRGINIA Gentlemen BURLEY The perfect blend of the three perfect cigarette tobaccos in one perfect cigarette one-eleven Cigarettes 0 for) 111 FIFTH AVE. W YORK CITY \... Saturday last. ES ------ { of any quantity of Marquette service. Marquette Cement. We Sell Marquette Cement Contractors and builders rely on the excep- tional quality of Marquette Cement. This exceptional quality results not only from the unusual purity of the raw materials from which the finished product is produced but also from the extreme care exercised in every detail of manufacture. An attractive color, strength and fine working qualities are conse- quently characteristic of Marquette Cement. The Marquette plant is served by five great trunk lines which make immediate shipment Remember these points and that we carry WINNETKA COAL : LUMBER prone si COMPANY Frone 7s EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Mgr. --- oN d \ a Vg 14 ~J7 a h, / = oa y Marquette, typical of a aa Trustees installed included: J. G.|30, at 8 o'clock in Winnetka Commun-| Miss Caroline de Windt, daughter Meehan; S. H. Brownell, L. B.|ity House. of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt, erman. 4 has chosen the second Saturday after- In view of the fact that there was; North Shore alumnae of Dartmouth |noon in June, the tenth, as the date no council meeting the first week in| College were entertained at a banquet | for her marriage to Albert S. Gardner, January, a special session has been an-|at the Blackstone on Monday even-|son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gard- nounced for Monday evening, January | ing. ner of New York. Telephone 844 "AT ECKARTS" "Just Hardware"--at Eckarts. It isn't our idea to be the least bit People come here, expecting to find what they want. at the price that fancy, hardware is our line and that they should pay for that article. That is what we want to sell. is what they get. Taking it all in all, we only try to give everyone what they want. If they come in for a rake we don't try to sell them a hoe, but we always have the rake. We make a living, we are entitled to that, but the price of everything that goes out of this store is a fair one, and in most every instance competes fairly with downtown prices. \ J. F. Eckart Co. HARDWARE 736 Elm St. Phone 844 Winnetka, Illinois Your poor old motor pulls and pulls. The commonest fault of the man that drives is neglect of his car. One of the most conspicuous of these neglects is not having it overhauled. Bring the old bus in -- let us take every knock out -- and make 1t run like the day you got it from the dealer. Our mechanics are expert -- our equipment such that we can handle any job. Richardson's Garage =. 724-30 ELM STREET PHONE WINNETKA 25---841 SEF TT