Chas in WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 9 | NEWS OF INTEREST IN NORTH SHORE CLUB CIRCLES Scandinavian Music To Feature Program At Winnetka Woman's Club WO delightful artists, Mabel, Lyons, pianist, and Mrs. Orval Simpson, soprano, will present a most delightful program, by Scandinavian composers on Thursday afternoon, February 23, at the Winnetka Woman's club under the auspices of the Music committee. Miss Mabel Lyons Miss Lyons is one of the most popu- lar young pianists of Chicago, where she has been heard frequenty in re- citals and has had two appearances with orchestras. She is engaged for a recital at the Playhouse, March 12, under F. Wight Neuman's manage- ment, and has been a student of How- ard Wells for the past seven years. Mrs. Simpson, whose home is in Winnetka, and who is very active in all musical circles, is a delightful art- ist from the studio of Mary Peck Thomson, one of the leading vocal teachers in Chicago. Following is the program to be pre- sented: Ballade, Op. B24. Ju. adivvs inn Grieg " Miss Lyons Folk Songs-- O Varmeland, Thou Lovely The Bird's Song When I Was Seventeen All in the Dim Forest Suite". esi ees Ole Olesen Fanitul (Devil's Dance) Mazurka Serenade Papillons Danse Caprice Norwegienne Miss Lyons Miscellaneous Group-- The Seraglios Garden....... Sjorgren ACUI Sora a tes ...Palmgren SYlvelin ........c..0e0 ...Sinding The Dance of the Kids.......... Grieg Mrs. Simpson Cradle Song Palmgren ROCOCD 20 5 i Lit dias Palmgren TRE SON. ove isiarstns vii snus Palmgren Miss Lyons == The Ways and Means committee of the Woman's Catholic club of Wil- mette will hold a card party Monday evening, February 13, at the Wilmette Woman's club, the proceeds of which will be turned over to the school fund. Spi The Board of Directors of the New America Shop held a meeting on Mon- day afternoon in the Fine Arts build- ing, Chicago. ------ As the days become longer, and the signs of an early Spring are all about us, golf becomes one of the most popu- lar subjects of the day, and since many are interested in the activities of the Women's Western Golf association, an announcement made this week by the board of directors, of which Mrs. Hath- away Watson of Winnetka is presi- dent, will be of interest. In response to an urgent request from many players, the association re- scheduled the western championship tournament to the week of September 11-16. The board had previously set the last week in August as the time to hold the meet, but Mound City play- ers, through the aid of official weather bureau figures for the last five years, proved that the new date was more appropriate. CONGRESS TO OPPOSE DEBT BONDS FOR BONUS Washington--Confidence was ex- pressed today in the highest adminis- tration circles that Congress would not provide for the use of foreign debt bonds to raise money to pay a soldiers' bonus. President Harding was represented as being in full accord with Secretary of the Treasury Mellon who holds that it would be futile to authorize the use of such bonds to pay a bonus before the securities were actually in possession Mrs. Simpson. of this government. place at The Store »0 iddie NoQ THE STorRE For CHILDREN 1160 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE Some of the most exquisite dresses ever received have but recently arrived and are included, regardless of cost, in a re- markable mid-winter sale now taking Practically every garment is different, and could not be duplicated anywhere near the sale prices. tailed up to $40.00. of exclusive design, but also embody finest materials in serge, tricotine, jer- sey, velvet--imported and domestic-- made for all ages up to "sweet sixteen". They are nowdivided into three lots, 7 For Children. These frocks re- They are not only at the following low prices: $4.95 - $9.95 There is a girl for every dress here of- $14.95 fered. May she come and claim her own? oi -------- SP High School Girl Operates | Farm; Must Pay Income Tax Amherst, Mass.-- Income taxes are not supposed to worry high- school students, especially if they are young women. But this is not the case with Miss Elizabeth Far- ley, eighteen-year-old senior in the local high school. Miss Farley is conducting a farm so successfully that she will have to pay taxes on an income of nearly $5,000. The young woman owns farm stock valued at $10,000 and operates a milk, cream and egg route. EB ORCHESTRA HALL BURTON HOLMES 2 Courses, Exactly Alike Course A--5 FRIDAY Evenings Course B--5 SATURDAY Matinees Always Speak Directly Into the Mouthpiece Holding the lips away from the transmitter has the same effect as lengthening the telephone line as follows: Two inchesaway lengthens the line 128 miles. - Three inches away lengthens the line 174 miles. Four inches away lengthens the line 218 miles. Always speak with the lips about one inch away from the telephone transmitter and talk directly into it. Telephone users will improve their MEXICO - . . Fen 17,18 ; JAPAN - - . Feb 24, 95 own service and that of other users PHILIPPINES - - . Mch. 3, 4 by following this simple practice. aonoao AT HOME - Meh. 10, 11 AROUND the WORLD - Mch, 17, 18 SALE ris MON. FEB. 6 $6. $4. $3 Flue Mail Orders Now $5.85 | CINDERELLA SALE |$5.85 Small Sizes of SHOES : OXFORDS : SLIPPERS | Sizes up to "415° At $5.85 For quick clearance we have placed on sale about 400 pairs of Oxfords, Slippers and Shoes, in small sizes and narrow widths, at $5.85 Values up to $12.00 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Sizes up to "435° ALL OTHER SHOES, OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS AT BIG REDUCTIONS $6.35 $7.85 $9.85 SALE STARTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Cantilever Shoes not included in Sale NORTH SHORE BOOTERY 529 Davis Street, Cor. Chicago Ave. Phone Evanston 6757 Open Saturday Evenings RETR